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Mistaken Era 28

Chapter 28

Xiao Xiao couldn’t bear to see her benefactor Tang Youshu kneeling to someone. She quickly helped him up and comforted him in a soft and gentle voice, “It’s alright. With your master here, he will definitely find a way out!”

Wei Jie was also used to Xiao Xiao’s two-faced treatment towards him and Mr. Tang. Seeing Xiao Xiao throw the task to him, he turned his handsome face and coldly looked around, not saying anything more.

He had left Qilao Mountain at the age of twelve and traveled around, having seen and experienced a lot. He had encountered situations like this ghost wall before, so he was not panicked in his heart.

Wei Jie’s broken sword had snapped, and his long whip was also left at the Wei family to tie up the corpse-eating beast.

At this time, he had no handy weapon. He simply broke off a branch from a peach tree, stripped off the side branches and green leaves, and made it into a peach wood cane. Then he said to Xiao Xiao and Tang Youshu, “You two put your hands on my shoulders and follow me.”

After saying that, Wei Jie took a handkerchief from Xiao Xiao for wiping faces. After slightly distinguishing the direction, he used it to cover his eyes and probed the way with the peach wood cane, groping forward like a blind man.

Xiao Xiao and Tang Youshu followed his instructions and placed their hands on his shoulders, walking with him.

They kept their eyes open. In places where there should be a mountain wall, Wei Jie led them to walk inside. As a result, Wei Jie was actually able to pass through the mountain, but they were blocked.

Xiao Xiao had a pair of unusual eyes, and ordinary illusion techniques couldn’t deceive her. But she was certain that there was a mountain wall in front of them. How could Wei Jie pass through it?

Wei Jie explained, “This Mount Tuyun is the place where Nüwa selected soil to create humans. At that time, she didn’t want to be disturbed by other deities, so she set up an earthen barrier. Anyone who has opened the eyes of wisdom cannot pass through. However, she didn’t want the animals in the mountain to get lost, so as long as they are birds, insects, or beasts that haven’t opened the eyes of wisdom, they are not affected. The eyes are the source of delusion. If you think you can’t pass through, you really can’t pass through. Close your eyes and follow me.”

Hearing Wei Jie’s explanation, Xiao Xiao and Tang Youshu closed their eyes. This time, they successfully passed through that “mountain wall” by following Wei Jie.

They didn’t know how long they had walked. Suddenly, there was a snapping sound. The peach wood cane in Wei Jie’s hand actually broke!

When Wei Jie took off the handkerchief and slowly opened his eyes, he found that the surroundings were dark and gloomy, seeming to have countless shadows flashing. Under the moonlight, it appeared to be full of ghostly figures.

Xiao Xiao also opened her eyes. She could see more clearly and could even see dots of light like fireflies shining in the forest.

When she looked more closely, she found that the dots of light were not fireflies, but… glowing green eyes!

At this moment, Wei Jie cupped his hands and said in a deep voice, “We didn’t mean to offend you. We are just passing by. We’ll just ask for some water to drink and then leave.”

Hearing his words, a fox slowly walked out from the darkness.

The fox’s fur was glowing white under the moonlight, even slightly shimmering like shiny satin. Its fox tail actually had two, floating high up, very elegant.

This fox was the true form of Yu Ling’er. She brought her fellow tribesmen to investigate when unusual visitors came to the mountain.

When Yu Ling’er saw the outline of their clothing from a distance, she recognized that these three intruders were the men and women who were messing around by the lake during the day.

It seemed that these men and women felt that the lake wasn’t satisfying enough, so they drilled into Mount Tu, planning to disturb the sacred land of the fox tribe.

They encountered the illusion set up by the fox tribe and got lost in the mountain. Yu Ling’er originally planned to trap them and let them suffer a bit before going down the mountain.

But to her surprise, the man in black clothes actually came up with a clever trick. He used a peach wood cane that could ward off evil, covered his eyes, and actually walked out of the illusion step by step, stumbling upon the entrance of the fox tribe in the mountain.

How could the forbidden area of the fox tribe allow people to intrude casually? So Yu Ling’er came to stop the three intruders in the name of the tribe leader.

She hadn’t seen Wei Jie’s appearance clearly before. It wasn’t until Wei Jie took off the blindfold handkerchief that she saw his enchanting features.

Both men and women in the fox tribe were extremely beautiful and charming. Yu Ling’er was used to seeing them.

But this man who suddenly intruded, apart from his handsome appearance, his light purple eyes also exuded a power that could penetrate people’s hearts. That tall and evil charm was completely different from the delicate fox tribe men, and even more different from Benefactor Qin Lingxiao’s gentle and elegant temperament.

The so-called “one glance, a thousand years” was really true.

For some reason, Yu Ling’er felt a slight ripple in her heart. But when she thought of the scene she saw during the day of this man wantonly indulging in pleasure, she instantly sobered up.

Even if this man was even more charming, he was still a person with vulgar behavior. The fox tribe didn’t fall in love easily and was the most deeply affectionate. They despised men who were promiscuous.

Thinking of this, Yu Ling’er still maintained her fox form and said to Wei Jie with a cold face, “This is not a place you can intrude. If you are sensible, leave early. Otherwise, you will die without a proper burial.”

If an ordinary person heard a fox suddenly speak, they would definitely be scared witless and flee in panic.

But Wei Jie cupped his hands with a straight face and said, “I’m sorry for coming uninvited and disturbing you. It’s just that my master is poisoned by a strange toxin and needs the spiritual spring from the sacred land of the fox tribe to suppress the poison. Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. Since you are all cultivators, you naturally want to accumulate good karma. If you can save my master’s life, I will be endlessly grateful.”

If he hadn’t explained, it would have been fine. But after saying this, Yu Ling’er’s gaze as she looked back and forth between him and Cui Xiao Xiao became even more shocked and… disgusted!

The identity of this promiscuous couple turned out to be master and disciple? Could it be that they cultivated some kind of sexual arts? Moreover, the hands of this master-disciple pair were actually shackled together… Was this to intimately be together day and night, never to part?

Thinking like this, the relationship between the two of them was really getting dirtier and more unbearable. How were they worthy of stepping on the sacred land of the fox tribe?

Thinking of this, Yu Ling’er didn’t bother to waste words with the visitors. She just swished her two tails, and her fellow tribesmen hidden in the forest immediately bared their fangs and wagged their tails, pouncing towards the invaders.

Cui Xiao Xiao originally thought that based on the relationship between Wei Jie and the fox girl from two hundred years ago, even if they were strangers this time, after some good negotiation, getting a mouthful of water to drink shouldn’t be a problem.

But to her surprise, after the talking fox saw Wei Jie’s appearance clearly, it looked at him as if seeing a toad, and without saying a word, it wanted to start a fight with its mouth.

Oh no! The fox that Wei Jie originally saved must have encountered a calamity and didn’t survive! The remaining foxes now looked at them with disfavor and naturally wanted to bite them!

However, they intruded into someone else’s forbidden area in the first place, so they were in the wrong. Being driven away was normal.

So she hurriedly called out, “If you fox immortals are unwilling, we will leave. Why be so fierce and pounce over to bite us?”

But the foxes that gradually walked out from the shadows seemed unwilling to let the invaders go easily and still bared their fangs, closing in on them.

Xiao Xiao knew that if they fought, these foxes would either die or be injured. She didn’t want to commit the sin of killing without reason, so she hurriedly waved her hand to summon water, preparing to scatter these foxes in a moment and then hurry down the mountain to escape.

Actually, those foxes had no intention of hurting people. They were just too lazy to waste words and wanted to scare away the invaders quickly. So although their mouths were very big, they were just putting on a show.

But unexpectedly, just as the foxes pounced over and Xiao Xiao swung the water snake to defend against their attack, a qi sword suddenly slashed through Xiao Xiao’s water wall and rushed straight towards Wei Jie’s face.

That qi sword came with a fierce momentum, making it impossible to avoid.

Wei Jie knew that he was connected to Xiao Xiao and couldn’t avoid it at all. If his dodging movement was too big, Xiao Xiao beside him would likely be hit as well.

In a moment of desperation, he had a flash of inspiration. He raised his hand and used the shackle on his wrist to block it.

The shackle, which was impervious to swords and spears, played its role at this critical moment. With a clang, it barely blocked the fierce attack of the qi sword.

The force of the qi sword was too great. Under the impact, Xiao Xiao and Wei Jie were both sent flying and fell to the ground.

Wei Jie landed first, using his own body as a cushion to absorb the impact for Xiao Xiao, while Xiao Xiao fell right on her disciple’s body with her butt.

Unfortunately, the place where the master sat was just three inches below the dantian. Wei Jie let out a groan in pain and bit his lip hard, tightly hugging the little girl in his arms.

Xiao Xiao heard his gasp and also knew that she might have injured him. She quickly got up, held his shoulders, and asked, “How is it? Are you alright?”

Wei Jie’s handsome face was pale. He took a deep breath and finally calmed down, but said, “You look quite thin, but your butt is quite fleshy…”


If they weren’t surrounded by a group of foxes, at another time, Cui Xiao Xiao would definitely wash this guy’s mouth properly!

Unfortunately, now was a critical moment of confrontation. They still had to maintain the hypocritical affection between master and disciple. Xiao Xiao smiled without reaching her eyes and said, “Master has been eating ‘too well’ these past few days and has gained some weight. Sorry for hurting you, my disciple…”

Bastard! He clearly knew that she had been abstaining from grains for the past few days and had lost a lot of weight. How could she have any flesh!

As for Yu Ling’er, she never expected that this master and disciple would still be able to hug each other during the confrontation, and then affectionately whisper to each other as if no one else was around.

The little fox had never seen such a thing. For a moment, she couldn’t figure out what kind of dog-like master and disciple they were from which sect. Could they really be cultivating some kind of sexual art?

At this moment, a cold male voice said, “Cui Xiao Xiao, I really didn’t expect that you would fall so low…”

It turned out that Qin Lingxiao, who was hidden in the dark, couldn’t stand watching Cui Xiao Xiao and Wei Jie hugging and cuddling, so he walked out from the dense forest.

The sneak attack qi sword just now was sent out by Qin Lingxiao.

Cui Xiao Xiao originally thought that the fox tribe had such great hostility towards them because they were intruders.

But when Qin Lingxiao appeared, she suddenly had a feeling of realization.

According to the previous trajectory, Wei Jie should have saved the fox girl and come to Mount Tuyun to drink the spiritual spring. But Qin Lingxiao, who shouldn’t be here, appeared.

Seeing that the fox tribe had no wariness towards Young Pavilion Master Qin, they clearly treated him as an honored guest!

If Wei Jie’s life trajectory had changed now, was the fox girl he was supposed to save still there?

Thinking of this, Cui Xiao Xiao suddenly shouted towards the fox group to test, “Yu Ling’er, are you alright?”

The leading two-tailed spirit fox suddenly stepped forward, walked to Qin Lingxiao’s side, and asked Cui Xiao Xiao in confusion, “How do you know my name?”

It turned out that this two-tailed fox was Yu Ling’er, who should have been saved by Wei Jie…

Seeing the fox intimately standing beside Qin Lingxiao, Xiao Xiao understood everything at once: this Qin Lingxiao was really shameless! Taking advantage of the fact that his soul had traversed earlier, he actually took Wei Jie’s fortune, replaced Wei Jie to save the fox girl, and came to Mount Tuyun to prepare to drink the spiritual spring!

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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