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Mistaken Era 30

Chapter 30

Seeing the situation stabilize, Xiao Xiao finally had a chance to speak and mediate.

“Everyone, my disciple and I came here out of desperation, just to ask for a bowl of spiritual spring water. We didn’t want to cause such a scene. As long as you let us leave the mountain, we will certainly ensure that the esteemed Fox King returns safely. We absolutely won’t harm a single hair on it.”

The fox held in Wei Jie’s hand actually spoke at this time, sounding like a middle-aged woman, “I hope you two can keep your word. Ling’er, let them go!”

The Fox King knew that the heavenly tribulation was imminent and didn’t want any complications at this time.

She had been in seclusion in her cave to avoid the heavenly tribulation. Only when her daughter gathered the tribesmen today did she realize in shock that her daughter Yu Ling’er had brought a young pavilion master of Soaring Cloud Pavilion into the mountain behind her back. Not only did she give him spiritual spring to drink, but she was also unusually intimate with him and even wanted to follow him down the mountain.

The Fox King was also furious in her heart, but with the heavenly tribulation approaching, she didn’t want to cause any trouble. She just planned to turn a blind eye for now, muddle through the heavenly tribulation first, and then slowly deal with this scoundrel who seduced her daughter.

But unexpectedly, this Qin Lingxiao was really a troublemaker. He actually incited her daughter and tribesmen to attack those two intruders.

She didn’t know what background these two intruders had. If they caused a scene on Mount Tuyun, it would definitely bring unnecessary trouble to the fox tribe that had always been in seclusion.

She was hesitating whether to stop her daughter when the two intruders recognized her and even captured her.

Wei Jie’s intimidating beast roar just now indeed proved her thought. This person really had a great background, seeming to be from the Demon Subduing Wei Family!

And the talisman that girl took out made the Fox King even more alarmed.

The Talisman Sect had declined for a thousand years, and most of the people in the world were imposters, no longer frightening.

She never thought that there would still be a spirit talisman in this world that could shock the mighty Fox King! Could it be that she was a true immortal descending from the heavens, a descendant of Jiang Shang?

These two intruders obviously calculated that she was about to face the heavenly tribulation and didn’t dare to use her true qi to reveal her true form, not even as good as an ordinary fox, so they were so fearless.

The mighty Fox King was held by someone, grabbing her neck. She had really lost all face.

The Fox King weighed the pros and cons. She couldn’t tear her face with these rascals at this time. She could only send these two away first. After she passed the tribulation, she would slowly settle the score with them!

Since the Fox King had spoken, the other tribesmen naturally obeyed. So the fog in the mountain completely retreated, finally revealing the mountain path.

Wei Jie carried the old fox, pulled Cui Xiao Xiao, and led Tang Youshu, who was carrying a bamboo basket, leisurely breaking away from the fox group, preparing to hurry down the mountain.

The Fox King had never spoken the whole time. Only when they reached the foot of the mountain did she ask, “You have all come down from Mount Tuyun. Can you keep your promise and let me go back?”

Wei Jie raised his eyebrows and didn’t let go. Instead, he looked at Cui Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao looked at the fox’s eyes staring at her, so deep and still carrying irresolvable hostility.

The fox tribe was the most vengeful. For them to hold the Fox King hostage like this, the grudge was irreconcilable.

Even if this Fox King died in this ordeal, the other fox tribesmen would probably remember them. These creatures had long lifespans. Two hundred years later, their Lingshan Talisman Sect would probably never have peace.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao apologized to the Fox King very sincerely, “I’m really sorry, Fox King. If I weren’t poisoned by yin toxin, I definitely wouldn’t dare to come and disturb you fox immortals’ cultivation. As the saying goes, we become acquainted through fighting. In the future, if the fox tribe needs any help, I will definitely go through fire and water without hesitation to repay the favor of the spiritual spring!”

These words from Xiao Xiao were also just pleasantries, only hoping that everyone would look better on the surface. If the Fox King was softhearted and no longer held a grudge against them, that would be even better.

However, that fox narrowed its eyes and said with hidden meaning, “Rest assured, our entire fox tribe will definitely not make things difficult for you today…”

Xiao Xiao was a slick person! She immediately heard the hidden meaning in the Fox King’s words. It only said “will definitely not make things difficult today,” meaning that in the future, this hatred would be endless.

It seemed that she had formed a grudge with the fox tribe.

Xiao Xiao sighed slightly and said with hidden meaning, “Alright then, let’s part ways here. I hope you, Fox King, can safely pass the tribulation and ascend early…”

Of course, these words were also beautiful pleasantries. Because Xiao Xiao remembered that this Fox King was probably going to encounter an insurmountable hurdle! But she couldn’t tell people. If she said too much, she was afraid she would also suffer heavenly punishment.

Her master’s secret manual was written in great detail, especially this part of his shared experience with his benefactor Wei Jie.

In the previous trajectory two hundred years ago, Wei Jie drank the spiritual spring on Mount Tuyun, coinciding with the Fox King’s tribulation.

Originally, the Fox King’s method of shedding its skin and using a clay fox as a fake body had been used for thousands of years and should have been safe and sound.

However, on the night of the tribulation, the fierce wind did not stop, and the fox skin on the fake body was actually blown away by the wind!

The fox tribe’s trick of deceiving the heavens was completely exposed. The heavens were enraged and brought down unprecedented thunderous fury. Tens of thousands of lightning bolts punished the entire fox tribe, striking Mount Tuyun, and actually cut off ten zhang from the mountain top.

According to reason, the Fox King could not escape the calamity. But because Wei Jie was on Mount Tuyun at that time, perhaps out of gratitude to the fox tribe for giving him the spiritual spring, he actually grabbed the fox skin blown away by the wind, put it on his body, and ran around the mountain to divert the lightning and thunder.

As a result, while running, he tripped and actually stumbled over a withered locust tree at the foot of the northern mountain.

Originally, tens of thousands of thunderbolts should have struck and killed him, but when the thunderbolts hit that withered locust tree, an ancient old sword was actually exposed under the tree roots. That sword was rusty and inserted in a withered wooden stake, but it acted like a lightning rod, attracting bolt after bolt of lightning to strike that treasure sword.

That sword actually became tougher and sharper under the strikes of thunder, and finally, it rose into the air, shedding its rust under the strikes of thunder, revealing a sword body inlaid with black obsidian.

Wei Jie was also daring. Seeing that the old sword was not afraid of heavenly punishment, he actually leaped into the air in that situation and grabbed that sword.

As a result, when seizing the sword, a bolt of lightning struck his left arm, severing it on the spot. And that sword that safely passed the heavenly tribulation became Wei Jie’s handy weapon.

Strangely, when Wei Jie’s arm was severed, the thunderous fury subsided. Wei Jie had blocked the great disaster for the fox tribe.

But this heavenly punishment implicated most of the fox tribe. The Fox King did not successfully pass the tribulation and lost the fox skin, unable to transform back into human form.

Thus, the position of the fox tribe leader was passed to Yu Ling’er, and Yu Ling’er led the remaining tribesmen to follow Wei Jie, becoming his left and right arms in his future conquests and killing sprees…

Seeing the Fox King swishing its tail and disappearing into the dense forest of the mountain, Xiao Xiao sighed slightly and then took Wei Jie and Tang Youshu down the mountain.

She knew what would happen to Mount Tuyun next, so naturally, she had to walk quickly to avoid being struck by lightning.

But at this moment, a voice that hadn’t been heard for a long time sounded in her body again, “You’re really something! You dare to change Wei Jie’s fate line like this! Do you really have a death wish?”

Xiao Xiao knew it was the Demon Bead talking. She thought the effect of the spiritual spring could at least suppress it for a while, but she didn’t expect it to speak again.

Xiao Xiao could only say to the Demon Bead in her heart, “What do you want to do? When will you be able to leave my body?”

“You think I don’t want to leave? You’re not a good host for me. When the time comes, I will naturally leave! But I don’t want to die with you, killed by heavenly lightning! You are an outsider from two hundred years later. Originally, you were just a spectator, but you had to change Wei Jie’s fate. If Wei Jie were an ordinary person, it would be fine, but he happens to be the future Demon Lord. If you change his fate, you will suffer heavenly punishment, and your soul will be annihilated!”

Xiao Xiao sneered, “Are you trying to scare me again? I changed his fate long ago. How come I haven’t seen the heavens punish me?”

The Demon Bead chuckled coldly, with a meaningful tone, “That’s because someone else bore his fate! Think carefully, since you came to this time two hundred years ago, haven’t you gone through every tribulation of Wei Jie’s? It’s because you maintained the balance, so the heavenly punishment hasn’t arrived. But Wei Jie is destined to lose an arm on Mount Tuyun. If you take Wei Jie and leave like this, you’ll probably suffer the same fate as the fox tribe! If you’re not stupid, hurry up and take me back up the mountain. Either you or Wei Jie must bear this tribulation! Don’t implicate me and get struck by lightning with you, you dead girl. Think clearly…”

The rest of the words were incoherent, but it seemed to be cursing. The Demon Bead’s accumulated strength seemed to be exhausted again and once more fell into deep sleep.

Xiao Xiao silently thought about the Demon Bead’s words and felt that it was probably just trying to scare her. Knowing that there was a heavenly tribulation on Mount Tuyun but still staying to face the tribulation would be truly not thinking clearly.

The people and events of these two hundred years ago actually had nothing to do with her. She just wanted to find the statue quickly and then return to two hundred years later.

However, the Demon Bead’s words kept circling in her ears, making her think and think.

She had something on her mind and just walked silently along the way, but as she walked, she couldn’t help but sigh with melancholy.

As a result, her sigh made Wei Jie turn his head to look at her. He tugged at the chain connecting the two of them and asked, “What’s wrong? Is your body feeling unwell again? Do you want me to carry you?”

After saying that, he actually squatted down, waiting for Xiao Xiao to climb onto his back.

Xiao Xiao was about to decline, but Wei Jie tugged at the chain, and the delicate girl was suddenly pulled onto his back. Then he stood up steadily with Xiao Xiao on his back and continued to walk forward with big strides.

He had a tall and strong physique, with arms like iron. Even carrying a girl on his back while walking, it was effortless, making the short Tang Youshu have to jog behind him.

Xiao Xiao had never been carried on someone’s back like this from a young age.

She was a posthumous child. Her father had passed away before she was born. And her adoptive father was not a loving father who would take care of children. He had raised her as a boy since she was young.

Now, climbing on a man’s back, the feeling of her chest being warmed by his heat was really making her feel extremely flustered and uncomfortable. Xiao Xiao couldn’t help but want to jump down.

But Wei Jie bounced her up again, making her obediently lie on his back. He strode quickly all the way, and in the end, he even glanced at Tang Youshu, who was falling behind, panting.

Seeing that Tang Youshu couldn’t keep up, Wei Jie had a casual smile and turned his head to ask Xiao Xiao, whose face was close to his, “So, who looks more like your father, me or that skinny chicken?”

He was too close. Xiao Xiao was slightly dazed for a moment before realizing what nonsense he was saying. As a result, the bit of gratitude that had just arisen in Xiao Xiao was instantly shattered into pieces…

This guy still remembered her words about Tang Youshu being like a loving father and actually wanted to be her father, skipping a generation!

Where was the dignity of being a master?

Xiao Xiao knocked Wei Jie’s head with a flick and then struggled to jump down from his back. She patted his solid back and said, “Did you forget the rules of the Talisman Sect? You’re punished to recite them a hundred more times!”

Actually, as the sect master, Cui Xiao Xiao didn’t quite remember what rules the Talisman Sect had.

But because the Talisman Sect was too prosperous in this era two hundred years ago, with many branches!

So Sect Master Cui made up a few rules on the spot. The first one was: respect the sect master and listen to the sect master’s words!

The grand-disciple Tang Youshu indeed kept it in mind, but this disciple Wei Jie was always flippant, without any semblance of being a disciple.

Wei Jie saw that she had great strength in patting people, looking vigorous and energetic, not like the poison was acting up, so he didn’t insist on carrying her anymore.

He definitely wouldn’t recite any sect rules. He just waved the branch he broke off from the roadside as a whip, whipping the flowers and grass by the road while humming mountain songs contentedly.

He was born devilishly handsome, with a head full of loose black hair, only a leather band tied around his forehead to fix it. His long sideburns and loose hair fluttering with his wide robe in the wind exuded an indescribable free and easy charm.

Tang Youshu finally caught up at this time, looking at his tall and handsome master walking in front with a face full of admiration.

When he heard Wei Jie loudly calling his disciple, asking if he had bought wine, Tang Youshu hurriedly handed over the wine gourd, letting his master drink while walking.

Xiao Xiao discovered that in terms of respecting the master and being filial, she still had to learn from her benefactor Tang Youshu.

He not only prepared wine but also took out a paper-wrapped packet of five-spice roasted beans, jogging all the way, holding it high for his master to enjoy with his wine at any time.

With snacks to go with the wine, Wei Jie finally realized the benefit of having a filial disciple.

Seeing his skinny chicken-like disciple being so thoughtful and filial, he did reward his disciple with something good with the help of the wine.

It was a corpse flea that had sucked Qin Lingxiao’s blood until it was full.

Tang Youshu knew this was a good thing, so he didn’t mind the disgusting appearance of the big insect and hurriedly bit open the insect’s belly and started sucking.

However, unlike the situation where Xiao Xiao and Wei Jie felt refreshed after sucking the insect’s blood, not long after Tang Youshu drank the insect’s blood, his face color suddenly changed. Beads of sweat the size of beans rolled down his forehead. Holding his stomach, he staggered into a nearby bush.

Xiao Xiao saw that her benefactor’s face didn’t look good and hurriedly wanted to follow. Wei Jie grabbed her wrist with one hand, “He’s going to poop. Do you want to go too? Are you afraid he can’t wipe his butt clean?”

Xiao Xiao stopped in her tracks somewhat embarrassedly, but after thinking for a bit

, she suddenly understood – things that came out of the underworld all carried yin energy that mortals couldn’t withstand.

Just like how the Wei Family matriarch previously used fish and shrimp from the River of Forgetfulness to test her, the corpse fleas on this corpse-eating beast also came from the underworld and had an extremely cold attribute.

Wei Jie had grown up in the Wei Family since he was young and had long adapted to such cold things. And because Xiao Xiao had the Demon Bead in her body, she also had no reaction.

But Tang Youshu was now just an ordinary person without any cultivation foundation. How could he withstand eating such cold and yin things? He would probably excrete his entire intestines in a moment.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao said anxiously, “How could you let him eat this! How can he withstand it!”

Wei Jie actually had no ill intentions and really wanted to let his filial disciple improve his cultivation.

It’s just that he didn’t expect his disciple to be so weak. Even with the spiritual spring boost in the blood, he couldn’t help him resist the cold yin energy.

It seemed that the effect of the spiritual spring hadn’t taken effect yet and was excreted out by his poop.

From this, it could be seen that letting Tang Youshu cultivate was like trying to help the shoots grow by pulling them up.

When Tang Youshu came out from behind the bush, hunched over and with a pale face, Wei Jie handed him a water flask to wash his hands, then calmly said, “Your foundation is not suitable for cultivation. If you force it, I’m afraid it will harm your body. It’s better for you to go home now and be a doctor to live a peaceful life, which is not bad either.”

After saying that, he turned around and continued walking forward.

Tang Youshu hadn’t recovered from his weakness yet, but he was already hit so hard by his master Wei Jie. He instantly teared up again and knelt on the spot, miserably calling for his master.

Xiao Xiao pulled Wei Jie, who was about to leave, and helped Tang Youshu up again, gently comforting, “Your master is not very good at judging people. How can you be as bad as he said! As the saying goes, diligence can make up for clumsiness. I believe you will definitely become a great sect master who will found a sect!”

Tang Youshu didn’t expect his grand-master to think so highly of him and couldn’t help but ask emotionally, “Really? Grand-master, do you really think I can?”

Xiao Xiao nodded affirmatively, “The Talisman Sect is originally different from other sects. It doesn’t require very high foundation qi. Once you grasp the trick, the future path of cultivation will be much smoother… I dare not say that you will definitely be able to ascend to immortality in the future, but it is certain that you can live longer than ordinary people!”

The skinny scholar was greatly encouraged when he heard this, “Grand-master! Now, I have confidence!”

But at this moment, another bucket of cold water was poured on his head, “You clearly know he is not suitable, but you still encourage him to cultivate… Does our Talisman Sect really can’t recruit disciples?”

It turned out that Wei Jie heard this part of Cui Xiao Xiao “telling fortune” to Tang Youshu and felt that she was fooling a fool to give her money all the way, so he couldn’t help but speak sarcastically.

Before he finished speaking, the sky suddenly became overcast with dark clouds. The afternoon that was still sunny instantly became as dark as night.

Hearing the rumbling thunder, Tang Youshu rummaged through his bamboo basket and said in a low voice, “Not good, my umbrella fell when we were on the mountain earlier…”

Wei Jie frowned as he looked at the rolling and intertwining lightning and thunder on Mount Tuyun in the distance, and said in a deep voice, “I’m afraid an umbrella won’t be of use either…”

Only then did they see that mass of lightning, constantly swirling above Mount Tuyun, and gathering more and more. The wind also began to swirl. The lightning in the clouds seemed like countless giant dragons writhing in midair…

Xiao Xiao had never seen such bizarre thunder and rain. She knew that the Fox King’s heavenly tribulation had arrived!

The few brief sentences in her master’s secret manual couldn’t fully present the shocking scene in front of her eyes.

Only by personally being there, standing in this vast heaven and earth, could one deeply experience the oppressive feeling of the immeasurable tribulation that could destroy heaven, earth, and all things pressing down from above.

If cultivators experienced the raging destruction of the heavenly tribulation above their heads earlier, perhaps more than half of them would feel timid and no longer dare to live and exist with the heavens, challenging the will to go against the cycle of the Dao of Heaven.

The wind was very strong. Even though they were far away from Mount Tuyun, they were almost blown off their feet by the wind.

Just as Xiao Xiao was standing in a daze with countless thoughts in her mind, the fierce wind suddenly stopped, but the dark clouds became even thicker. Looking up at that dense layer of clouds, it was as if an enraged and ferocious face appeared.

The rolling thunder in the distance seemed to be provoked, or perhaps it had accumulated enough power. It suddenly struck down towards Mount Tuyun with a thunderous boom.

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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