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Mistaken Era 37 p1

Chapter 37 p1

Xiao Xiao gave an embarrassed laugh, then asked in return, “If the demon bead inside me cannot be suppressed…will you listen to your grandmother and nail me to death?”

Wei Jie pondered this seriously, then turned to look at Xiao Xiao with certainty. “You won’t become demonic.”


Wei Jie smiled lazily. “Your heart holds no hatred, so how could you become demonic? You still haven’t answered my question.”

Seeing that changing the subject was useless, Xiao Xiao could only say helplessly, “Why did you ask that question?”

The man brushed his long, jet-black hair, letting the strands spill through his fingertips indifferently. “Didn’t you hear what the possessing demon said when it saw me? I have a half-demonic physique, making it easier for me to turn demonic. For those possessing demons, I’m the perfect host.”

Xiao Xiao knew Wei Jie spoke the truth.

In the original trajectory, not only would he turn demonic, but he would also become the paramount leader of the demonic path, slaughtering the Four Great Sects and even attempting to open the gates of the underworld, killing the entire Wei Family clan and sparking great chaos across the three realms…

He was indeed prone to going down the evil path…

Xiao Xiao knew that this was not something human power could change, for this was Wei Jie’s destined fate. Only by him successfully turning demonic could she accomplish her mission and retreat back two hundred years without a trace.

He was originally her master’s venerated ancestor mentioned in the secret text, yet he was extremely evil.

And she must not show him the slightest bit of sympathy…

However…she had been using this disciple’s money and provisions, accepting his filial piety and care. As the saying goes, “Eating from one’s mouth makes the heart soft.” After all, it was a master-disciple relationship. Even if she knew he might return to his original trajectory and meet a tragic end, as his master, she should fulfill her duty before her disciple’s demise.

After finding various excuses to help her disciple, she suddenly felt relieved. She poured Wei Jie a cup of wine and kindly comforted him, “I’m possessed by the demon bead, making it easier for you to turn demonic. Isn’t this just tit for tat? Even if this disciple can accept a poor master, how can I as the master be picky?”

Wei Jie didn’t know if he was moved by Xiao Xiao’s words or if he sensed her veiled insult, only giving her a profound smile.

After the perfunctory words, she cleared her throat and continued, “The matter with the ghost doctor tonight has given me many thoughts…”

Wei Jie took the wine and arched his brow, waiting for her next words as she rarely spoke so seriously.

Xiao Xiao carefully chose her words. “In this life, one must never forget their original intention. Take that ghost doctor – even if his original intention was to cure illnesses and save people, once obsessed, his thoughts became extreme. One step wrong leads all steps astray… So whether one is suited to turn demonic is not for the demons to decide, but for you. The world is vast, what cannot be accommodated? If you encounter troubles in the future, just go to the Northern Wastes as you wished. Perhaps seeing the great roc spread its wings will bring clarity, and no demon could ensnare you. Remember your master’s words. When faced with difficulties, do not stray from the right path. Enmity should be resolved, not created. Even the greatest grudge cannot be settled by simply meeting violence with violence…”

Wei Jie watched Xiao Xiao’s rarely serious and tense little face, then slowly brought the full wine cup to her lips with an probing tone, “Master, your words seem to imply something else. Could you speak in more detail, such as which step I might misstep and end up killing someone?”

Xiao Xiao could not speak so explicitly. She took a big gulp from the wine cup Wei Jie held, her face flushed red from the alcohol, thinking about how to subtly advise him without revealing too much.

Unexpectedly, Wei Jie continued after her, “Actually, I understand. You’ve been trying various ways to persuade and dissuade me, afraid that I’ll tarnish the Talisman Sect’s reputation in the future. After all, my blood isn’t pure, so it’s easy to invite criticism… Otherwise, why would you treat your grand-disciple Tang Youshu better than me?”

Um… well…

Although Xiao Xiao loved to deceive others, she didn’t want to deceive Wei Jie.

However, by heaven’s witness, she truly had no intention of purging her ranks today!

She was about to open her mouth, but Wei Jie gently placed a finger on her cherry lips, the corners of his thin lips curling up as he said in a deep voice, “Shh. The moonlight is beautiful tonight, and the wine is mellow enough. Why speak of such dispiriting matters? We’ve seen enough demonic monsters tonight. How about appreciating a beauty under the moonlight? That should make this fine night worthwhile.”

Xiao Xiao had thought herself accustomed to this demon’s lack of decorum, but she still blushed at his casual remark of “beauty”, and seeing his piercing gaze fixed on her, she could only twist her face and say gruffly, “Don’t appreciate me…”

However, Wei Jie only smiled, revealing his tiger-like fangs. With his robe half-open, exposing his muscular chest and abdomen, he stretched his waist languidly, lying half on the roof beams. His purple eyes sparkled as he slowly said to Xiao Xiao, “I mean, don’t let such a fine night go to waste by failing to appreciate my peerless beauty…”

This… Xiao Xiao was so angry she almost slid off the roof beams.

…If speaking of beauty, she knew she couldn’t compare to this man’s bewitching charm. But for him to call himself a beauty was simply too shameless!

Alright, it was her own kindness wasted on this mangy mutt. What did his life or death have to do with her?

Xiao Xiao was about to leave the roof beams in anger when Wei Jie pulled her back with a laugh. Seeing his angry master’s pouty face, he chuckled again. Only after finally calming her down did he slowly speak with a faint smile, turning serious, “Master, don’t be angry. I was appreciating you, that’s all.”

As if to show his sincerity, the smile faded from his face as he continued seriously, “Although I’ve wandered far and wide, the most beautiful lady I’ve ever seen is Cui Xiao Xiao of Lingshan…”

As he said this, he leaned in close to her, so close that Xiao Xiao could smell the faint wine aroma from his mouth and see her small reflection in his deep purple eyes…

In fact, those were the words she should have said. Wei Jie was the most beautiful person she had seen in her past and future two hundred years…

The famous Luoyi wine lived up to its reputation – its mellow, sweet taste was like the warm June breeze, flushing Xiao Xiao’s cheeks an even deeper red.

For a moment, she forgot what to say, only blinking her large eyes as they silently gazed at each other under the moonlight.

Intoxicated by his masculine beauty, the small wine cup slipped from her hand, rolling and clattering across the roof tiles.

At that moment, the roof seemed to be forcefully struck several times by a bamboo pole from below, making a loud thumping sound. Then Yu Ling’er’s shrill fox-like voice came from downstairs.

“Not content with the guest rooms, you had to come flirting on my roof! All that whispering and tinkling above my head, do you think you’ll let anyone sleep?!”

Yu Ling’er had intended to enjoy a good night’s sleep on the soft bedding while Xiao Xiao was away.

Little did she expect the returned couple to end up on the roof, teasing each other, angering Yu Ling’er enough to grab a bamboo pole from the outer corridor and forcefully strike the roof.

In an instant, the master and disciple’s night wine party was interrupted by a bamboo pole.

By the time Xiao Xiao returned to her room, the redness in her cheeks had finally faded.

So what if he turned demonic? From what she saw, this bastard was already possessed by lust, and if she wasn’t careful, she would have followed his wicked ways!

Relying on his femme fatale bloodline, he could bat his seductive eyes at any moment, completely shameless!

Even towards his own master, he could behave so teasingly. No wonder Yu Ling’er, a mountain spirit, couldn’t stand it and scolded him for belonging to the Passion Sect!

It’s unknown if he has seduced other village maidens in private.

Recalling the original trajectory where he eventually transformed into a serpentine form covered in scales, perhaps the heavens punished him this way for relying on his masculine charm to seduce naive young ladies.

Yu Ling’er sat back down on the cushion, snorting angrily, “You might as well just go to his room. Why bother pretending to come back here?”

Xiao Xiao glared at her. “What are you thinking? The night I stayed in his room, Wei Jie went to Tang Youshu’s room!”

Yu Ling’er rolled her eyes exaggeratedly. “Get over yourself! When you went to see the doctor, I chatted with Tang Youshu and asked him. He said he slept alone that night – Wei Jie never entered his room!”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Xiao was dumbstruck, too distracted to even respond to Yu Ling’er’s mocking words.

On that night when the enchanting singing could be heard, he hadn’t returned to his room at all? Then…where had he gone? Could it be…to see his mother?

If so, Xiao Xiao should have been glad that his life was finally back on the right track.

However, for the rest of the night, accompanied by the little fox’s snores on the floor, Xiao Xiao tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

At this moment, her con man father’s warning became a life truth.

In the past, when she couldn’t bear to deceive people on the streets, he would twist her ear and say, “You’re worried they’ll lose their money pouch and go hungry, but have you considered that you’re about to starve on the streets yourself? Sympathizing with strangers is for fools and idiots!”

Now it was the same – if she sympathized with the future demon lord, who would sympathize with her when she was punished by the heavens and torn to shreds?

With this thought, Xiao Xiao tried to think of happier things, like how this medical trip wasn’t in vain, as she had slain the ghost doctor, upheld justice, and her arm injury was mostly healed.

Without the pain of her injured arm, she could sleep soundly. Finally, around late morning, Xiao Xiao fell asleep.

Sleeping in so late violated the path of practicing inner cultivation.

However, Yu Ling’er clearly didn’t approve of her laziness. After breakfast, the little fox who had been watching chickens peck at grains and licking her lips in the inn courtyard came running upstairs.

Entering the room, Yu Ling’er woke Cui Xiao Xiao with a gossipy look on her face. “Wake up! Let me tell you, a fox seductress has come looking for Wei Jie!”

Still drowsy, Xiao Xiao simply nodded after hearing this. “Since a member of your fox tribe has come, just receive her properly.”

Yu Ling’er was almost angry enough to reveal her fox ears, rolling her eyes helplessly. “Not from Mount Tuyun in our fox tribe! A seductress from the Pleasure Quarter!”

How vexing for humans to constantly associate them foxes with that word – it was insulting enough!

These words finally made the Sect Master stick her tousled little head out from under the covers. She put on her clothes and went to the window, looking down to see an luxurious carriage stopped in front of the inn.

Xiao Xiao recognized this carriage – it was the same one the songstress who almost caused her to jump off the building had alighted from.

Recalling this, she turned to ask Yu Ling’er, “Where did the woman from that carriage go?”

Yu Ling’er was very alert. “Her maidservant came up asking about Wei Jie. I saw the woman wearing a veil, so I couldn’t see her face, but the carriage bore the sign of the Drunken Joy Pavilion – clearly an unsavory place. That woman’s demeanor was also more seductive than yours. If she finds Wei Jie, you’re bound to be overshadowed. So I told her Wei Jie was out of the city!”

Yu Ling’er had now picked up some worldly cunning and deception.

In fact, Wei Jie hadn’t left the city at all. After eating breakfast, he had gone to the market with Tang Youshu to buy braised dishes as a late breakfast for the sleeping Cui Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao didn’t understand why Yu Ling’er had misled the woman.

However, Yu Ling’er looked at Xiao Xiao as if she were an idiot. “Why ask? My mother told me to serve you, so of course I have to look out for you and prevent you from being abandoned by Wei Jie…”

It seemed Yu Ling’er had concluded that there was something improper between Xiao Xiao and Wei Jie. Now that such a seductive fox spirit had come, repaying her master’s kindness, she had to keep an eye on the man!

The fox tribe hated nothing more than men being fickle, so although Cui Xiao Xiao and Wei Jie were entangled, they had to be faithful and committed to each other until the end!

It was only then that Xiao Xiao understood the little fox’s convoluted reasoning.

She was too lazy to correct the misunderstanding between her and Wei Jie, only asking, “If that’s what you say, why hasn’t she left yet?”

Yu Ling’er shook her head. “Should I just go and drive her away?”

Xiao Xiao took a deep breath and, after simply tidying her hair, put on her robe and headed downstairs, ready to meet the mysterious woman in the carriage herself.

Clearly, the woman didn’t believe Yu Ling’er’s words and was still waiting in the carriage for Wei Jie to return.

When Xiao Xiao revealed her identity as Wei Jie’s master outside the carriage, a slender white hand parted the carriage curtain, followed by a crisp, melodious voice like a sweet spring, “You…are Master Xiao Xiao, Jielang’s teacher?”

The voice seemed to grasp her heart, controlling her breathing with its delicate, boneless hand.

Xiao Xiao silently pressed her side windpool acupoint to steady her mind, then calmly said, “I don’t know what business you have seeking Wei Jie, but may I pass on a message on your behalf?”

Through the window screen, the woman seemed to notice Xiao Xiao’s cautious pressing of her acupoints to protect her inner spirit, letting out a wistful laugh. “That technique…was it taught to you by Jielang?”

Hearing her words, Xiao Xiao became more convinced of the woman’s identity.

She restrained herself again and again, reminding herself of her con man father’s words, but in the end, she could not go against her conscience, gritting her teeth. “If you’re looking for him, he’s not here…There have been many strange people in Luoyi City lately, making it unsuitable to stay. Please leave the city for your own safety, madam.”

The woman let out another resigned, bitter laugh. “The world may be vast, but where is a suitable place to reside? Miss, you call me madam, but do you know who I am?”

Xiao Xiao probed, “Didn’t we meet at the prince’s manor last night?”

The woman fell silent for a moment, then asked, “There are too many prying ears here. Would the young lady be willing to enter the carriage so we may find a quieter place to converse in detail?”

Xiao Xiao estimated the time – Wei Jie and the others should be returning with the braised dishes soon.

Since she had already spoken up, she might as well help to the end and see if a mother-son tragedy could be averted.

So without hesitation, she entered the carriage.

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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