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Mistaken Era 40 p1

Chapter 40

Hearing Xiao Xiao’s words, Qin Lingxiao let out a cold laugh.

So this was the low-ranked sect founded by his former senior brother Tang Youshu! For the disciples to have such lack of aspiration, no wonder Tang Youshu could only die of old age in the end.

What kind of cultivation path indulged in gluttony? It could only produce ghosts!

With this thought, he ignored Cui Xiao Xiao and closed his eyes again, austerely inhaling and exhaling to refine his spiritual essence.

Seeing she could not get any response, Xiao Xiao returned to the carriage and motioned with her chin to Yu Ling’er, “Did you hear that? If you follow him to Soaring Cloud Pavilion, forget about eating chicken. You’ll only get to gulp down some water at each meal.”

Yu Ling’er was also very hungry, but she didn’t dare brazenly demand dishes like cold noodles with a spicy sauce like Xiao Xiao, lest Qin Lingxiao look down on her for lacking cultivation discipline.

Thinking this, Yu Ling’er plucked a couple of flowers and stuffed them into her mouth dejectedly.

But the petals were bitter and inedible, causing Yu Ling’er’s fox ears to emerge in anguish.

Xiao Xiao didn’t want to suffer. She turned to scan their surroundings and noticed a tree bearing bright red berries that looked edible, so she tried climbing to pick them.

Qin Lingxiao slowly opened his eyes and wordlessly watched Xiao Xiao agilely climb the tree like a nimble little monkey, her swishing ponytail exuding youthful leisure.

He inwardly scorned her again – this foolish girl had drunk his spiritual spring’s blood, supposedly reaching the Golden Core stage by now.

Unfortunately, she had chosen the wrong master, failing to properly cultivate. She was like an ignorant brute possessing physical power yet unaware of how to apply it to martial techniques.

So Cui Xiao Xiao did not even know basic lightbody techniques that ordinary disciples could employ, forced to use clumsy methods like climbing trees…

As he was thinking this, the girl suddenly slipped on a patch of damp moss, letting out a yelp as she fell from the tree.

Qin Lingxiao only coldly laughed. He stood up, intending to catch her only at the last moment before hitting the ground as a lesson.

But as he moved to catch Xiao Xiao, he noticed the precious “Defying the Heavens” sword on her back had automatically unsheathed itself. It traced an arc in mid-air before steadying horizontally beneath her.

Xiao Xiao lightly placed her toes on the sword’s body, stably suspended in the air. The slender beauty hung gracefully, her dress and long hair lightly fluttering in the wind, exuding the poised elegance of a sword immortal.

She waved her fingers to guide her qi, commanding the precious blade to slowly raise her up to pluck the ripe berries high in the tree.

Achieving such unity with the sword in a crisis, freely controlling it at will, was a realm someone of Cui Xiao Xiao’s superficial cultivation should not have mastered.

And yet…she had mastered it!

This once again filled the peerless Young Master Qin, who had never grasped this essence, with envy bordering on fury.

After plucking some berries and sharing them with Yu Ling’er, Xiao Xiao offered a few to Qin Lingxiao cordially, “Um, I’ve tasted them – they’re very sweet. Would you like some?”

The exiled immortal young master only glared coldly at her, sarcastically sneering, “With all this showing off, be careful not to break your legs!”

He turned and stormed off, knocking the berries from Xiao Xiao’s hand to the ground.

Xiao Xiao was stunned by Qin Lingxiao’s rude discourtesy, only able to glare at the arrogant youth’s back and mockingly mimic slapping his head!

Of course, under the watchful gaze of the many Soaring Cloud disciples, she could only pantomime venting her frustration before bending down to pick up the berries and wash them in the stream. After all, food was scarce and could not be wasted.

Yu Ling’er was still hungry, so she wandered around for a bit before returning with a few bird eggs, intending to roast and eat them with Xiao Xiao.

As the little fox peeled the eggs, she lamented worriedly, “It would be better if Wei Jie and Tang Youshu were here. They would never let us go hungry… I wonder what they’re doing now, and if they’ll come looking for us…”

Xiao Xiao didn’t respond, suddenly losing her appetite for the bird eggs. She walked over to sit by the stream, gazing absentmindedly into the flowing waters.

In truth, she too wanted to know what was happening in Luoyi City.

Would the person whose life trajectory had been diverted find a way to realign his destined path?

Moreover, she was even more concerned about whether the drastic changes in events would harm Wei Jie, and if he could safely extricate himself…

It seemed she had not presented herself as nonchalantly as she had in front of Yu Ling’er. Her soft-hearted flaw, repeatedly berated by her con man father, still persisted…

Her thoughts in turmoil with no one to confide in, she could only let out a light sigh towards the gurgling stream.

Although Xiao Xiao intended to delay their journey, Qin Lingxiao found their pace too slow.

Unwilling to linger longer on mundane matters, his sole desire was to bring Cui Xiao Xiao back to Soaring Cloud Pavilion as soon as possible.

To this end, he devised a solution – having several disciples remove the carriage wheels, then lifting the carriage body and using lightbody techniques to rapidly proceed forward.

As for Cui Xiao Xiao, if she felt nauseous again, she could freely vomit inside the carriage compartment. He could not have the entire group slowly trailing after her constant queasiness.

Once the carriage became an airborne palanquin, Xiao Xiao saw no need to pretend illness.

She understood Qin Lingxiao’s calculations, yet did not hope for Wei Jie and the others to come rescue her.

Wei Jie was an insightful man. Upon seeing the letter she had Tang Youshu pass to him, he would surely understand everything.

If he realized she had intentionally left him behind, his arrogance would prevent him from giving chase.

Their so-called master-disciple relationship had always been more of a joke, neither taking it too seriously.

His capabilities far exceeded anything she could teach him, so why burden himself looking after her?

For now, she still needed to settle Yu Ling’er’s situation, as it would be difficult to slip away with this deadweight in tow.

With this thought, she poked her head out to call Qin Lingxiao, “Hey, we need to go to Mount Tuyun first.”

This time, Qin Lingxiao did order them to halt. He knew Cui Xiao Xiao wanted to send Yu Ling’er back first.

Although he did not wish to delay any further, beings like Yu Ling’er of the demonic fox tribe could not remain at Soaring Cloud Pavilion.

According to Xiao Xiao, Yu Ling’er had taken a poisonous vow to never leave her side, or she would lose all her cultivation. She could only be released from this oath by returning to Mount Tuyun.

Qin Lingxiao knew that if he refused, he would inevitably face Cui Xiao Xiao’s disdainful taunts again about his hypocrisy as a cultivator of the righteous path.

Since their path would take them near Mount Tuyun anyway, a brief stop was acceptable. He finally gave a reluctant nod of approval.

However, Yu Ling’er was so upset she nearly cried, feeling Cui Xiao Xiao was too cruel to separate her from Qin Lingxiao.

Taking advantage of the disciples retreating while she washed by the stream, Xiao Xiao said seriously, “You saw how tightly Young Master Qin clings to me. With me around, he would never let you into his heart. If you help me escape, I won’t disrupt your prospects! After returning to Mount Tuyun and being released from your vow by your mother, you can follow whoever you wish.”

These words resonated with Yu Ling’er. If she could alter her oath before her mother, her heart’s true desire was to pursue Qin Lingxiao.

Seeing the little fox’s hesitation, Xiao Xiao knew she had an opening and whispered further persuasions…

As for Qin Lingxiao, upon reaching the lake at the foot of Mount Tuyun, he was greatly shaken.

Though aware of the heavenly punishment that had occurred here, he never expected the mountain to be so utterly disfigured in just a few short days, a testament to the punishment’s ferocity.

Qin Lingxiao could not help glancing at Cui Xiao Xiao, who had just stretched lazily before hopping off the carriage. She…had actually survived this catastrophic punishment unscathed…

Yu Ling’er led the way ahead, with Xiao Xiao following, but Qin Lingxiao stretched out his arm to bar her path.

“Yu Ling’er has returned home. As for how she resolves her vow with her mother, that is her business. We’re leaving for Soaring Cloud Pavilion immediately.”

Xiao Xiao hurriedly said, “But if Yu Ling’er doesn’t break her vow before separating from me, she will…”

Qin Lingxiao impatiently cut her off, “Whatever happens to her is no longer your concern! You’re not trying to make excuses to run away, are you?”

Xiao Xiao gave a slight smile, tilting her head. “With you all watching me so closely, where could I possibly run to? Oh, what’s for lunch? If we have to eat more flower petals, I’ll truly starve. There are many villages nearby – Ling’er has money, so can we eat our fill before going up the mountain? Otherwise, she may never get another chance.”

Qin Lingxiao let out a cold laugh, peering towards the smoke rising from a nearby village before looking back at Xiao Xiao’s raised face. Her large eyes were full of piteous pleading, her ruby lips pursed…

Qin Lingxiao fell silent for a moment before slowly saying, “You two rest here. I’ll go and return shortly.”

With that, he flew towards the village.

Xiao Xiao didn’t know what Qin Lingxiao intended to do, but this was precisely the opportunity she had been waiting for!

As soon as Qin Lingxiao disappeared from sight, she exchanged a covert glance with Yu Ling’er, and the two suddenly dashed up the mountain.

Over the past few days, the disciples had grown accustomed to the two girls complaining of hunger, usually foraging for wild fruits and bird eggs in the vicinity.

They paid no heed when the girls wandered to forage, never expecting them to suddenly bolt without warning today.

By the time the stunned disciples reacted and gave chase, Xiao Xiao’s figure flickered before vanishing from sight.

They raced forward a few steps, but upon leaping and landing, found themselves still in the same spot…

After fruitlessly dashing around in circles, the dazed disciples finally retreated down the mountain.

Just as the disoriented disciples emerged from the bewildering illusion, they saw the young master returning with a large food basket.

Ashamed, they knelt before him to beg forgiveness.

Upon learning the two girls had fled up the mountain, Qin Lingxiao immediately set down the food basket and flew in pursuit.

But once inside, he too found himself running in circles. Damn it! He…seemed to have entered Mount Tuyun’s bewildering “Ghost Crashing Wall” illusion.

When Qin Lingxiao had previously visited Mount Tuyun, Yu Ling’er had guided him smoothly without incident, so he had never experienced this disorienting trap.

By the time he finally escaped the illusion, Qin Lingxiao’s handsome face was flushed red with rage.

So they were “hungry”? That damned lying girl had clearly deceived him!

He angrily kicked the food basket on the ground, shattering it.

Aside from a few side dishes, it had contained a large bowl of cold noodles drenched in a spicy sauce that now splattered all over, staining Qin Lingxiao’s pristine white robe with specks.

Cui Xiao Xiao! Just you wait! See if I’ll go easy on you next time!

As for Yu Ling’er, although using the “Ghost Crashing Wall” had helped Cui Xiao Xiao shake off Qin Lingxiao and his group, she was apprehensive. “What if Young Master Qin blames me?”

Xiao Xiao felt her concern came too late, as if it were an afterthought.

However, seeing the little fox’s anxious expression, Xiao Xiao consoled her, “The fox tribe’s formations have always existed – it’s not like you deliberately set a trap for him. If he blames you, then he’s being unreasonable! You owe him a life debt, so you can repay him when you get the chance. Debts of gratitude are separate matters – he may not be a suitable spouse for you. Don’t let your heart be led astray, only to end up empty-handed!”

Yu Ling’er was unconvinced. “Why wouldn’t he be suitable? Isn’t he more reliable than your disciple Wei Jie?”

Xiao Xiao gave her a meaningful look, thinking: In the previous life, you were infatuated with that unreliable Wei Jie, even loving him to the point of death…

She couldn’t help but wonder – if the one who had accidentally saved the little fox back then had been a shriveled, wrinkly old man instead, would this fox girl have still harbored a secret crush, unwilling to marry anyone else?

If so, Xiao Xiao would truly have nothing to say except to beg for Yu Ling’er’s merciful acceptance of her knee!

Seeing Xiao Xiao’s strange gaze, Yu Ling’er sighed softly, “You fickle humans could never understand a fox’s devoted heart… Let’s go find my mother.”

Although Mount Tuyun had been devastated beyond recognition, as they traversed the fox tribe’s illusion formation, it appeared as lush green mountains and waters.

After walking a short distance, two tall fox youths suddenly emerged from the foliage to block their path.

Yu Ling’er recognized them as childhood playmates from the fox tribe.

Delighted to see her benefactors, she happily greeted them while nearly revealing her fox ears, “Asheng, Amu, how did you know I was back?”

Asheng and Amu seemed shy, exchanging glances before falling silent with blank expressions in the presence of the outsider Xiao Xiao.

Having been away from home for so long, Yu Ling’er was eager to see her mother.

When she turned to call Xiao Xiao, she noticed the latter staring fixatedly at the two fox youths.

Regardless of gender, the fox tribe were blessed with great beauty. These two young men were tall and muscular, appearing well-developed.

Yu Ling’er worried the Talisman Sect’s Master Xiao Xiao would change her sect’s name to the Passion Sect upon seeing such handsome males, unable to resist ogling them.

Thinking this, Yu Ling’er couldn’t help glaring at her before loudly saying, “Let’s go! It’s not like you’ve never seen good-looking men before!”

Xiao Xiao didn’t respond, trailing behind Yu Ling’er without moving forward.

She looked down at her own wrist, where she wore the silver ring Wei Jie had previously removed from his whip’s handle.

According to Wei Jie, the silver was mined from the yin mines at the entrance to the underworld, possessing a natural affinity for sensing ominous yin entities.

When she had approached those two fox youths earlier, the silver ring on her wrist…had trembled slightly.

Xiao Xiao knew this Wei Family enchanted demon-subduing ring would not react without reason.

Those two youths blocking their path must possess some abnormality.

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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