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Mistaken Era 41

Chapter 41

The vixen looked back at her son in disbelief before collapsing to the ground.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiao inwardly cursed and showed no more mercy, her sword slashing down to sever the whistle-blower’s hand, leaving him howling in pain and unable to blow again.

However, over a dozen fox youths on the mountain who had been inflicted with the voodoo worm were now awakened by the whistle’s howl, and the fox tribe began turning on each other in a frenzy.

Though formidable themselves, the elder foxes could not bear to strike against their own tribesmen.

Xiao Xiao plastered down a few with Spirit-Binding Talismans, but she had used up her entire stock and could not draw more in time.

Seeing the frenzied fox youths grow increasingly manic, Xiao Xiao realized that the forcibly triggered voodoo poison would likely cause the worms to penetrate their hearts, killing them…

At this critical juncture, a melodious song suddenly wafted through the woods.

The bewitching, yet extraordinarily penetrating song caused both fox and human tribes to involuntarily halt and freeze in place, regardless of whether they were inflicted.

However, the voodoo-inflicted fox youths seemed unaffected, continuing to wildly claw and slash.

But then, the piercing song seemed to shift frequency, growing increasingly shrill and high-pitched.

This keen sound appeared to penetrate into one’s heart, forcing everyone to cover their ears.

At that moment, the inflicted fox youths clutched their chests before coughing out mouthfuls of black, clotted blood. They then looked around in a daze, as if awoken from a long nightmare.

Meanwhile, those dozen-odd thugs had already been struck down by the song, bleeding from all orifices and convulsing on the ground, their meridians seemingly ruptured before dying gruesome deaths!

This shocking turn of events clearly caught the fox tribe off guard as well. After exchanging bewildered looks, they warily scanned their surroundings for the source of this deadly voice.

At that moment, the bushes along the mountain path seemed to rustle.

Turning their heads, they saw a bald, mangy fox emerge from the foliage.

Though furless, it still proudly raised its tail, the lingering dignity of the former Fox King evident.

Yu Ling’er cried out joyfully, “Mother!”

However, Xiao Xiao pulled her back, carefully studying the fox’s eyes.

Only after confirming no abnormalities indicating voodoo infliction, and that her silver ring did not react, did she allow the vixen to approach them.

This mangy fox was indeed the Fox King who had failed her tribulation, her primal essence severely depleted to the point of being unable to regain human form.

Having lost her cultivation prowess, she could no longer lead the fox tribe. According to their traditions, a new Fox King had to be selected.

Although unable to manifest her human form, the vixen had just prevented a calamity and rescued her people, regaining even more authority in the tribe’s hearts than before.

Moreover, her far-reaching connections were unmatched – not only did she have a femme fatale songstress as an old friend, but also the support of the Talisman Sect’s leader. For the time being, everyone had faith in her.

Unfortunately, knowing her own days were numbered, the old Fox King ultimately passed the position to the newly returned Yu Ling’er.

Yu Ling’er was greatly surprised by her mother’s decision. Aware of her own low cultivation and lack of cunning, how could she possibly lead the tribe?

But the sage old fox saw clearly. Although her daughter was timid and lacking in attainments, she was at least a half-disciple of Cui Xiao Xiao now.

Moreover, as a reclusive mountain-dweller, the vixen had only just learned that her old friend Si Ling had actually given birth to a son with the Wei Family – the very same Wei Jie she had previously encountered.

Thus, the old vixen went so far as to have Yu Ling’er accept Si Ling as a sworn elder sister!

With this, all worldly etiquette and proprieties were properly observed.

Now that Yu Ling’er was Wei Jie’s sworn younger sister from another father, how could an elder brother not look after his sister?

The old fox led her daughter around pledging oaths, ensuring her installment as the new Fox King with utmost diligence.

As for her daughter’s low cultivation, that was easily resolved. Since the spirit stone had attracted such covetous attention, it could no longer remain on the mountain.

The old vixen took the spirit stone and led the elders along with her daughter into a cave deep in the rear mountain.

When they emerged, Xiao Xiao was astonished to see Yu Ling’er’s appearance had matured dramatically, her features now exuding bewitching charm.

It turned out the old Fox King had used a secret technique to seal the spirit stone within Yu Ling’er’s navel, temporarily contained within the fox’s true form.

Once the threat was eliminated, they would retrieve the spirit stone and immerse it in a bountiful spring to revitalize the fox tribe.

Mount Tuyun had now drawn the attention of evil forces, so they could no longer remain.

Infused with the spirit stone’s spiritual energy, not only had Yu Ling’er’s powers greatly increased, but her outward appearance had also matured considerably.

Unfortunately, no matter how mature her looks, it could not change her innate nature. When they were alone, Yu Ling’er embraced Xiao Xiao tightly before bursting into tears.

Xiao Xiao was utterly bewildered, only able to pat her back helplessly. “What’s wrong? Didn’t the old Fox King agree to release you from your vow? You no longer have to follow me – you’ve regained your freedom, so you should be happy!”

After soaking Xiao Xiao’s shoulder with tears, Yu Ling’er finally choked out, “Happy…what happiness? I now shoulder the mission of protecting the spirit stone. My…my mother said, as long as the stone remains within me, I cannot become intimately close with any man, nor can I leave the tribe. I must always be supervised and protected by them… My beloved Young Master…when will I ever be able to be with him?”

It was only then that Xiao Xiao understood the little fox’s anguish.

With this spirit stone harbored within her, even if she found her heart’s desire, she could not approach him intimately lest she defile the sacred stone.

Yu Ling’er had effectively become a living stone vessel in fox form – better off remaining Xiao Xiao’s maidservant!

The ancient fox had devised a novel method to prevent her daughter from errantly pledging herself to a man…

However, Xiao Xiao did feel a sense of relief – at last, she could be rid of this burden and depart alone.

But to her surprise, the moment she mentioned leaving, a sea of prostrate foxes filled the ground before her.

The old Fox King said that since Mount Tuyun was no longer safe, they had effectively become homeless upon leaving.

Now, they could only follow the twice-savior of the fox tribe, the benevolent Sect Master Cui Xiao Xiao, seeking her boundless blessings and protection.

For such immense grace, the entire fox tribe, young and old, would forever engrave her name in their hearts, revering Cui Xiao Xiao as the second mother of rebirth after the Goddess Nuwa herself.

This time, their benefactor could not possibly refuse. The fox tribe, high and low, threw themselves at her feet, vowing absolute allegiance to Sect Master Cui!

Xiao Xiao knew that according to the original trajectory, it should have been Wei Jie who led the fox tribe and the spirit stone away after the heavenly punishment.

And during the upheaval in Luoyi City, it was with the fox tribe’s formidable assistance that Wei Jie managed to break free from the Four Great Sects before journeying to Ghost Ridge Cliff to establish the demonic sect, becoming the Demon Lord.

With Yu Ling’er’s devoted following and the spirit stone’s empowerment, Wei Jie’s demonic nature rapidly blossomed, giving rise to the infamous paramount Demon Lord who held sway over all…

Never could Xiao Xiao have imagined that this trajectory would wind its circuitous way back around.

These homeless fox tribesmen clung to the master of “Defying the Heavens” like stubborn leeches, refusing to be shaken off!

Did this not completely derail her plan to live in seclusion for three years?

Xiao Xiao let out a long sigh. She was well aware that the besiegement of Mount Tuyun was an event that had never occurred in the original timeline two hundred years ago.

At that time, Yu Ling’er and the others should have long since departed with Wei Jie.

However, in the later Battle of Luoyi City, it seemed the fox tribe had also suffered heavy casualties – perhaps these were the very same fox youths who had perished from the voodoo poison infliction.

Xiao Xiao now felt a sense of reverence towards “Destiny.” She realized that all things seemed to circle back around to their original, destined state in the end.

Yet what her own “destiny” entailed remained unknown.

Since all changes originated from her actions, she could not simply abandon her responsibilities. She had to properly settle the fox tribe before considering further steps.

With this thought, she finally nodded in resignation. “Alright… but I had planned to live in seclusion for a few years. If you’re willing, you can join me in finding a quiet place to retreat… Madam, you should come with me as well.”

Xiao Xiao’s final words were directed at the femme fatale Si Ling.

Prince Can’s claws had reached too far, scheming maliciously against Mount Tuyun. Si Ling’s song had now revealed her presence here, and it was unknown if Prince Can still had agents lurking below the mountain.

That Prince Can commanded many capable and extraordinary figures, surely including some who could subdue a femme fatale.

She could not simply abandon Si Ling alone. At the very least, she needed to find Wei Jie first and ensure his mother’s safety.

Upon hearing Xiao Xiao’s suggestion, Si Ling hesitated briefly before replying, “Let’s descend the mountain first and discuss further.”

Xiao Xiao had originally climbed the mountain to shake off a burden, but on her way down, she was now weighed down by an entire entourage trailing behind her.

By this time, those ill-intentioned beast hunters had already dispersed, but there was still a group stubbornly waiting at the foot of the mountain.

When Qin Lingxiao caught sight of Xiao Xiao descending, he grit his silver teeth in fury, growling, “Cui Xiao Xiao, you’ve finally deigned to come down! Seize her!”

This time, he would show no more courtesy – he would bind her with ropes all the way to Soaring Cloud Pavilion!

Unfortunately, as the graceful Soaring Cloud disciples charged forward, Xiao Xiao didn’t even move a finger before three to five fox tribesmen leapt to intercept them.

It was only then that Qin Lingxiao noticed a horde of foxes emerging from the mountain path, seemingly revering Xiao Xiao as their leader and staunchly protecting her.

Counting the two hundred years before and after, the Talisman Sect Master had finally found what it felt like to be a true sect patriarch.

With a flick of her sleeves and a toss of her long hair, she accepted a water flask from Yu Ling’er, taking a sip before calmly instructing, “Don’t go overboard – a lesson will suffice. Just don’t ruin those pretty Soaring Cloud disciples’ delicate skins.”

By the time she finished speaking, the flowing robes of the Soaring Cloud disciples had already been shredded by fox claws, leaving them flustered and disheveled like beggars.

Qin Lingxiao’s expression darkened as he turned to Yu Ling’er, asking sternly, “If you remember the debt you owe me for saving your life, then do not involve your tribesmen in this. This is a personal grievance between Cui Xiao Xiao and myself, unrelated to the fox tribe!”

Still cradling her mother, Yu Ling’er did not dare directly face Qin Lingxiao. With a crestfallen look, she parroted words Xiao Xiao had once told her, “Young Master Qin, Ling’er can never forget your lifesaving grace. I will certainly find a way to repay your kindness in the future. But for now, our entire fox tribe reveres Sect Master Cui as our leader to command as she wishes. You…would do better not to make things difficult for Xiao Xiao. The fare at Soaring Cloud Pavilion is not to her tastes…”

The newly appointed Fox King trailed off awkwardly.

Qin Lingxiao could not be bothered listening to her prattle after realizing Yu Ling’er was unreliable. He glared hatefully at Xiao Xiao. “Earlier, I heard the deadly song of a femme fatale emanating from the mountain – undoubtedly, the sin of murder has been committed. Yet you, as a member of the human tribe, consort with such demonic ilk! The righteous and evil paths cannot coexist. Do not blame our orthodox sects if we cannot tolerate your presence in the future!”

Hearing this, Xiao Xiao realized he intended to brand her as a demonic evildoer!

She immediately scoffed coldly, “You condemn without even asking about the circumstances. It’s fortunate you cultivate instead of serving as an official – if so, the resentful ghosts wronged by your executioner’s blade would be innumerable. At that point, forget about immortality – you wouldn’t even qualify for the underworld!”

Beside her, Yu Ling’er hastily recounted how Prince Can had allowed the beast hunters to scour for rare treasures everywhere, using puppet worms to sow discord among the fox tribe in an attempt to steal their sacred heirloom.

Qin Lingxiao frowned upon hearing this.

Regarding this Prince Can, in the previous two hundred years, Qin Lingxiao had only encountered him three times.

The first was when Soaring Cloud Pavilion received news of a femme fatale scheming chaos in Luoyi City, so he accompanied his father Qin He and the other three great sects to encircle and slay her.

However, Qin Lingxiao and his father arrived a step too late – by the time they reached Luoyi City, Prince Can’s birthday celebration had already been disrupted.

It was at this desecrated banquet scene that Qin Lingxiao first laid eyes on the legendary benevolent prince.

Reportedly, at the start of the banquet, Prince Can had extended warm hospitalities to the Four Great Sects, greatly shocked when they identified his palace songstress as an underworld femme fatale.

Yet out of sentiment or perhaps bewitched by her beauty, he had secretly allowed the femme fatale and her son Wei Jie to escape behind the four sects’ backs.

Thus, the four sects’ efforts were in vain. Afterward, it was the Sect Master of the Heavenly Heart Sect who pursued them to the forest by Autumn Water Pond, only to tragically meet his death at Wei Jie’s hands, bleeding from all orifices.

Upon learning the full story, Qin Lingxiao’s father Qin He berated Prince Can, condemning his foolish negligence in letting the demonic mother and son slip away, resulting in the Heavenly Heart Sect Master’s death.

Ashamed, Prince Can broke down weeping before the entire Soaring Cloud Sect, anguished as if Lao Ziren’s demise was his personal fault.

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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