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Mistaken Era 42 p2

Mistaken Era 42 P2

Xiao Xiao pointed at the surrounding streets and buildings. “The layout of these shops and residences is completely reversed from the true Luoyi City… Look at the sunset in the sky!”

Qin Lingxiao raised his head to see that the sun, which should have been setting in the west, was instead slowly descending towards the eastern mountains, eventually hanging motionless over the peaks and emanating a dull crimson glow.

This place was undoubtedly an illusion! He exchanged glances with Xiao Xiao before immediately leading everyone to swiftly retreat towards the city gates.

However, upon reaching the gate, they came face-to-face with Yu Ling’er and the others who had just entered.

Seeing her come in, Xiao Xiao urgently asked, “Why did you enter? Didn’t I tell you to wait outside the city?”

Yu Ling’er blinked her large eyes innocently. “But…earlier it was you standing at the gate, waving for me to come in. It’s fine, I left my mother and some of our tribesmen outside.”

Xiao Xiao pursed her lips before abruptly reaching out towards Yu Ling’er’s navel area.

Only after sensing the abundant spiritual energy of the harbored spirit stone did she confirm this was indeed Yu Ling’er and not an illusion.

She ought to explain their current predicament to everyone.

“Everyone, we may have stumbled into the Mirror City illusion…”

Yu Ling’er heard this and repeated doubtfully, “Mirror City?”

Xiao Xiao nodded. These past few days lying idle in the carriage, the only thing she had done was re-read her master’s secret text from beginning to end, which she had previously only skimmed through haphazardly.

Her former sect siblings had always complained that while the master loved writing long-winded daily accounts, there were barely a few pages actually pertaining to the essence of talisman cultivation.

But now Xiao Xiao was immensely grateful for her master’s rambling narratives akin to wrapped footbindings, as they had revealed many profound insights.

Her master had written that after her predecessor Wei Jie established the demonic sect at Ghost Ridge Cliff, he aimed to eradicate the Four Great Sects. However, on his way to Soaring Cloud Pavilion, he stumbled into an identical replica of the pavilion’s compound.

He became lost within for a long time, experiencing life-and-death perils before finally breaking free.

At the time, Wei Jie had explained to Tang Youshu that it was a mirror image illusion, as if the buildings or even an entire city had been reflected into existence by a bronze mirror.

But once trapped inside, one became part of the mirrored illusion, unable to distinguish truth from falsehood…

Unfortunately, with her master’s rambling writing style akin to wrapped footbindings, he only briefly glossed over such consequential adventures of the predecessor before moving on.

Now, seeing the eerie phenomena in this Luoyi City, Xiao Xiao was reminded of that passage.

However, this mirror city illusion had appeared far earlier than the timing of Wei Jie’s recorded encounter in her master’s text.

She did not know why such an illusion had manifested here so prematurel

Qin Lingxiao, also a time-traveler from two hundred years past, was clearly unaware of the mirror city as well.

Of course, this event had occurred before he became Wei Jie’s disciple, so his ignorance was understandable.

After Xiao Xiao’s brief explanation, Qin Lingxiao also noticed the abnormalities of this city – it was far too silent!

Even at dusk when shops were closing, the streets should not have been this utterly devoid of sound!

Moreover, earlier when Yu Ling’er had seen the “Xiao Xiao” at the gate beckoning her to enter, she had not heard any voice.

Perhaps as Xiao Xiao claimed, everything here was merely a reflected illusion, hence the lack of sound.

Since this was undoubtedly a trap, there was no point lingering. With this thought, Qin Lingxiao took the lead in charging back towards the city gates.

But upon reaching the wide-open gates, it was as if an invisible wall blocked their way. No matter how forcefully Qin Lingxiao struck, they could not break through or escape.

Xiao Xiao pondered aloud, “Since this is a mirror illusion, we must first locate the ‘mirror’ itself. Otherwise, we may become trapped mirror people, confined to starve here…”

As she spoke, she divided their group to search the four cardinal directions of the city for any clues to dispelling the illusory seal.

However, the Soaring Cloud disciples were displeased with Cui Xiao Xiao’s presumptuous orders, coldly remarking, “Who do you think you are, our sect leader? How dare you instruct us!”

Xiao Xiao could not be bothered arguing with the petulant youths, only looking to Qin Lingxiao as she said, “Although your Soaring Cloud disciples excel at abstaining from grains, you’ll occasionally need to subsist on flower dew. But everything in this mirror city is false – there’s not even a single leaf. If you’d rather not leave and starve to death here, then there’s no need to follow us. Suit yourselves!”

“Ai ya, Xiao Xiao, you speak the truth!”

It turned out the ever-hungry Yu Ling’er had been unable to resist sitting down at a familiar noodle stall lining the street.

But when she lifted the bowl, she could not smell or sense any heat from the noodles. And when she plucked out a marinated egg to take a bite, she let out a pained yelp as she had bitten her own tongue instead!

She walked over with a pained expression, telling Qin Lingxiao, “If we don’t leave soon, we really will starve to death here!”

Surveying the ominous, lifeless city, Qin Lingxiao finally instructed his subordinates, “For now, we’ll follow Sect Master Cui’s lead. Leaving this place is most crucial.”

Once they reached a consensus, Xiao Xiao began dividing them into groups to search the four corners of the city.

However, when she tried distributing talisman papers to the Soaring Cloud disciples, they all refused to accept them.

Without needing them to voice their disdain, their contemptuous sneers said enough – she had offended another major sect!

As the esteemed Soaring Cloud Sect, cultivating the way of sword qi, what need did they have for lowly Talisman Sect talismans to preserve their lives?

So when Qin Lingxiao slowly extended his hand to accept her talisman, Xiao Xiao had already tucked the remaining ones back into her robe.

The Young Master’s hand awkwardly hovered in the air as he shot Xiao Xiao a piercing glare devoid of warmth.

Fortunately, Yu Ling’er was perceptive enough to provide a graceful exit, quickly removing her waterskin from her waist and offering it to Qin Lingxiao’s outstretched hand.

“Young Master, I noticed you didn’t bring any water. Take this – it can also help with hunger.”

However, Qin Lingxiao showed no gratitude as he coldly tossed the waterskin back before saying to Xiao Xiao, “To prevent you from causing any mischief, I’ll join your group!”

With that, he left two capable subordinates before leading the remaining disciples to search the western and northern city borders alongside some fox tribesmen.

Afraid of the dark, Yu Ling’er felt safest sticking with Xiao Xiao, but she was also unwilling to leave Qin Lingxiao alone with her, so she joined Xiao Xiao’s group as well.

Xiao Xiao did not mind either way, but the question remained – which direction should they head?

After some thought, she retrieved a palm-sized turtle shell from her robe, a keepsake from her late master along with the secret text.

She had Yu Ling’er drop two copper coins into the shell before shaking it and carefully observing the divination pattern.

The coins pointed eastward – could this be an indication to travel east?

Yu Ling’er looked on in awe, clearly not expecting Xiao Xiao to possess such skills. She eagerly asked, “How about it, does east signify auspicious tidings?”

Xiao Xiao nodded with satisfaction. “A rare ominous omen indeed!”

Yu Ling’er’s face fell as she hurriedly said, “Then let’s not go east!”

Cui Xiao Xiao put away the turtle shell, unconvinced. “You don’t understand. This turtle shell of my master’s has never provided accurate divinations. When my sect siblings and I first descended the mountain, it was this turtle shell that determined our eastward path. At the time, it showed an auspicious omen, but who knew…”

She trailed off, unable to continue. Who could have foreseen this cursed turtle shell would lead her two hundred years into the past, taking Wei Jie’s place to suffer heavenly tribulation and thunderbolts? Now, out of lingering concerns for him, she had stumbled into this illusory city.

Evidently, the turtle shell’s omens should be interpreted inversely. Since it displayed eastward as ominous, then heading east might reveal an auspicious opening!

Qin Lingxiao had always disdained such divinatory talismans and symbology. Seeing Xiao Xiao shaking the turtle shell like a street fortune-teller, he could only scoff silently in contempt.

Thus, by Xiao Xiao’s decision, their group set off eastward.

Traveling east led them to a temple dedicated to the God of Wealth. Along the way, Xiao Xiao found no anomalies – this illusory city was astonishingly realistic. Aside from being unable to consume any food or water, there seemed to be no other differences.

Manifesting such a realistic illusion would not only require a powerful talisman, but also immense spiritual energy to sustain it. It was unknown who possessed such capabilities.

And what was their purpose in conjuring this entire city?

It was at this moment that Qin Lingxiao, who had been leading at the front, suddenly halted. Xiao Xiao almost collided into his back before asking, “Why have you stopped?”

Qin Lingxiao stared directly ahead, his voice taut as he said, “Look… what is that?”

Xiao Xiao and Yu Ling’er peered over his shoulders to see… another group approaching from the opposite direction.

At their lead was a tall, handsome white-robed youth, followed by two young ladies – one lithe and graceful, the other adorably coy…

With a single glance, Xiao Xiao felt as if she were looking into a mirror!

The approaching group was none other than the spitting image of their own party!

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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not work with dark mode