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Mistaken Era 43

Mistaken Era Chapter 43

Qin Lingxiao’s eyes widened, staring fixedly at the youth in front of him who looked exactly like him. He thought to himself: “Are they all looking at the same enormous mirror?”

However, he soon discovered that something was off. The surroundings of the person who looked like an image were not the shops around them!

To be on the safe side, he had already drawn his sword, suspending it in mid-air, vigilantly watching the group of “people” approaching.

Just then, the “Qin Lingxiao” on the other side also drew his sword, suddenly revealing a menacing expression and charging towards them.

Following him were “Cui Xiaoxiao” and “Yu Ling’er,” as well as several fox tribe members and disciples from the Lingyun Pavilion.

This… it wasn’t their image at all!

Xiaoxiao whispered to herself, “Oh no,” and could only harden her heart to face the fake ones and fight alongside them.

When they clashed, Qin Lingxiao’s heart felt a slight relief.

The fake “Qin Lingxiao” was similar in appearance and technique to him, and seemed to know all his weaknesses. It kept attacking his vulnerable spots relentlessly.

However, the opponent’s control over the sword’s spiritual energy was too weak to match him. It was no match for him within three to five exchanges.

The others felt the same way. The fake ones in front of them seemed to lack vitality and were not a threat at all.

But Xiaoxiao’s feelings were completely different.

Her body had always been home to a magical pearl, which only allowed her to suppress it when her spiritual energy and the pearl’s magical energy reached a certain balance.

Just as she was about to exchange blows with the fake Xiaoxiao, the magical pearl suddenly shouted, “Fool, stop fighting If you keep going, your spiritual energy will be exhausted!”

It wasn’t shouting, but Xiaoxiao also discovered it. In that moment, she felt her spiritual energy seeping out like water from a leaky gourd.

As she retreated, the fake Xiaoxiao also retreated, her face full of caution as she stared at Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao whispered to the magical pearl, “You’re really concerned about me…”

The magical pearl snorted, “I just slept for a bit. You brought me to this dangerous place. If you get killed by the fake ones, it’s fine. But here are all illusions formed by fake people. If you die, I’ll be stuck in someone else’s body. What a mess!”

Xiaoxiao suddenly understood. She was tied to the magical pearl like a grasshopper on a string, which explained why the magical pearl was so agitated.

When she looked up again, the group had already clashed together, making it impossible to tell who was who.

However, it was clear that one side was now clearly on the defensive, struggling to keep up the fight.

Xiaoxiao shouted loudly, “Yu Ling’er!”

Just then, one of the struggling Yu Ling’er stretched out her fox claws to scratch people and looked back with a sorrowful face, saying, “Hurry, I’m about to be overwhelmed!”

Xiaoxiao understood the situation and immediately shouted loudly to Qin Lingxiao and the others, “Stop fighting They’re fighting because of your inner hatred, and they’re absorbing your true energy. The longer you fight, the stronger they’ll become. Hurry, recite the calming incantation to calm your heart and eliminate your hatred!”

The fox tribe was completely convinced by Xiao Xiao, believing her to be a deeply blessed person whose guidance would not lead them astray.

Thus, they immediately ceased fighting and retreated.

Indeed, once the fox tribe stopped battling, those illusory fox tribesmen also halted, only lingering to lick their paws as if slowly savoring the spiritual energy they had absorbed.

Their provocative gazes taunted others to lose control once more.

However, Qin Lingxiao and his group seemed to have ignored Xiao Xiao’s warning, continuing to grapple with the illusions.

Finally, one of Qin Lingxiao’s shoulders was actually pierced by a qi sword, causing him to grunt in pain.

Xiao Xiao knew that these mirror images of people could not produce any sound.

Hearing his injury vocalize, she realized it must be the real Qin Lingxiao, so she shouted another warning, “If you still refuse to listen to me, you will likely die here.”

This time, Qin Lingxiao finally heeded the deception, ordering the Soaring Cloud disciples to reluctantly disengage.

But as he retreated, the illusory Qin Lingxiao still bore a ferocious expression, pressing forward step-by-step.

Thus, Xiao Xiao and the others could only continue falling back alongside Qin Lingxiao’s group, retreating all the way to the entrance of the Wealth God Temple.

Qin Lingxiao clutched his injured shoulder through gritted teeth, asking, “What’s going on? Why is it still pursuing me?”

Xiao Xiao hypothesized, “Perhaps your hostility towards it is too intense. That illusion is like a mirror reflecting you – if you harbor the intent to kill it, it will naturally seek to eliminate you in turn!”

Qin Lingxiao bit his lip, turned away, and forcibly closed his eyes to suppress his hostile intentions. Sure enough, the illusions then stopped advancing before the temple entrance.

Xiao Xiao now feared the other search parties may have encountered similar situations. If they failed to realize the truth, they would surely fight the mirror images to the death, exhausting their spiritual energy until perishing.

Thus, she instructed the few fox youths following her to quickly deliver warnings to the other directions, lest they become embroiled in futile battles.

Seeing Qin Lingxiao’s bleeding wound, Xiao Xiao could not simply stand by. They were now in the same boat, needing to work together to break through this formation.

So she approached him and took out medical supplies from her travel satchel to dress his injury.

Having no choice – as a lowly cultivation sect, the overall attainments of the Talisman Sect were limited, so her travel satchel contained all sorts of medicines for headaches, fevers, and the like.

Xiao Xiao had grown up scrapping on the streets, frequently sustaining injuries large and small, making her adept at treating wounds. Her slender fingers deftly applied the styptic powder evenly into Qin Lingxiao’s torn sleeve before binding it with bandages.

As her delicate fingers tended to his wound, Qin Lingxiao felt no pain, unable to resist lowering his gaze towards the young lady at his side.

Her long lashes curved becomingly, her nose gentle and adorable. In profile, she resembled a carved jade beauty. Staring too long could stir improper thoughts…

It was at this moment that Yu Ling’er suddenly let out a shrill fox cry, as if someone had stabbed her. “Ah ah ah! You…what are you doing?!”

Unsure of the reason, Xiao Xiao followed Yu Ling’er’s line of sight…

Only to see the illusory Qin Lingxiao at the temple entrance suddenly embrace the illusory Cui Xiao Xiao before leaning in for a deep, passionate kiss…

Cui Xiao Xiao had never experienced such a scenario before. Even her clever mind seemed to short-circuit momentarily.

She could only gape dumbly, her eyes stinging as if sprinkled with chili oil…

A mirror image was the true reflection of one’s self.

Xiao Xiao stared at Qin Lingxiao in disbelief – Please! What indecent thoughts was this righteous cultivator entertaining to provoke such a lascivious display from his illusion, shamelessly devouring the likeness of a young lady?

Qin Lingxiao also seemed not to have expected his illusion to reveal his brief moment of impropriety so vividly.

His face flushed red as he turned away in embarrassment, retorting irritably to Xiao Xiao, “Why are you looking at me? I’m not him!”

At the same time, the illusory Cui Xiao Xiao finally reacted.

The young lady crisply slapped the “Young Master Qin” twice before kicking him to the ground and stomping on him furiously!

This time, it was Qin Lingxiao’s turn to gape, shooting an accusing glare at Cui Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao only looked at him innocently. “Why are you looking at me? I’m not her…”

Just then, the illusory Ling’er, having rolled around enough, viciously extended her fox claws to tear at the illusory Xiao Xiao.

However, the real Xiao Xiao merely had to glare at the tearful Yu Ling’er beside her, causing the illusory fox to immediately cower with drooping ears, not daring to move.

Not wishing to dwell on such matters, Qin Lingxiao took a deep breath before changing the subject, “How much longer must we remain trapped here?”

Xiao Xiao also felt rather awkward, for the illusory version was identical to her. She could not help feeling somewhat violated, yet could not retaliate against the real Qin Lingxiao.

Seeing Yu Ling’er’s crestfallen jealousy, Xiao Xiao could only try to defuse the tension. “The tightly shut city gates we initially saw were likely the real ones. The Wei Family has undercover agents in Luoyi City – they could not have failed to detect such a large-scale formation. If the Wei Family and Wei Jie discover any anomalies, we should be rescued soon.”

Qin Lingxiao did not seem fond of Xiao Xiao praising Wei Jie, so he scoffed coldly, correcting her, “As long as my father and the Four Great Sects are unharmed, they can subdue any demonic forces, no matter how formidable! Rather than pinning hopes on those grave-guarding Wei Family, we would do better awaiting rescue from the four sects.”

Xiao Xiao knew that compared to the Four Great Sects, the demon-subduing Wei Family tended to keep a much lower profile. Moreover, they had traditionally dwelled in seclusion at Mount Qilao, rarely entering the mortal realm. Coupled with the later annihilation of the entire Wei Family, leaving no descendants, it was unsurprising that Qin Lingxiao held them in some disdain.

In fact, such disparaging remarks about the Wei Family were quite prevalent among the arrogant Four Great Sects.

However, Xiao Xiao did not appreciate it, for Wei Jie was ultimately her disciple. How could she allow others to insult her disciple’s family?

So she deliberately smiled sweetly, speaking in a voice only Qin Lingxiao could hear, “If the Four Great Sects were so reliable, how did they end up being toyed with by Prince Can in the previous life? Rely on them? I’d sooner rely on a bundle of kindling!”

Hearing Xiao Xiao’s words, Qin Lingxiao’s face fell as he angrily glared at her, also lowering his voice. “If not them, you expect to rely on Wei Jie? Look at who you’ve been cavorting with daily – that demon! Don’t you know what he did to the Four Great Sects later on? His slaughter of Soaring Cloud Pavilion is undeniable! No matter how you try to justify him, it’s useless!”

Xiao Xiao was so infuriated she almost shouted, “You have the gall to bring that up! You think I wanted to cavort with him? If you hadn’t locked me together with him initially, how could I have ended up with him?”

Qin Lingxiao was equally enraged, shouting back, “You deceitful woman, don’t quibble! Didn’t you previously agree to return with me to Soaring Cloud Pavilion? Did you ever follow through?”

At that moment, a cold voice came from the direction of the Wealth God Temple, “So that’s how it is…”

Hearing this familiar voice, Xiao Xiao felt a shiver run down her spine. Following the sound, she looked up to see a towering man clad in brilliant silver armor, his long legs straddling the temple’s threshold as he coolly observed Cui Xiao Xiao and Qin Lingxiao within.

Xiao Xiao was used to seeing this man in his customary black robes. She never expected the masculine charm he exuded while donning armor – the sleek silver plates accentuated his sturdy frame, his aura of lethality overshadowing his usual graceful bearing. His striking beauty coupled with an aura of murderous intent was enough to weaken one’s knees…

But now was hardly the time to appreciate masculine beauty!

Seeing the suddenly-appeared Wei Jie, his taut jaw and chiseled nose radiating an icy demeanor, Xiao Xiao was unsure how much he had overheard…

Beside Wei Jie stood Tang Youshu.

The young master was also clad in silver armor, but his slender build caused the plates to clank discordantly against his frame. He still carried his ever-present bamboo basket on his back, naturally unable to exude his master’s graceful lethality.

Currently, Tang stood behind Wei Jie, winking exaggeratedly at Xiao Xiao below, his urgent expression suggesting his master was in a foul mood.

Even without Tang’s hints, Xiao Xiao could sense Wei Jie’s displeasure.

This was because not far behind the master and disciple stood two identical illusory versions of “Wei Jie” and “Tang Youshu.”

At that moment, the illusory Wei Jie extended a long leg to viciously kick the fallen “Qin Lingxiao” several times before striding over to the “Cui Xiao Xiao” with reddened lips. He reached out and crudely wiped her mouth…

The brash manner left even Xiao Xiao feeling as if her own lips stung. She couldn’t help covering her mouth as she cried out towards Wei Jie, “That’s…enough already!”

Jolted by his master’s shout, Wei Jie seemed to regain his composure.

The illusory Wei Jie finally released the illusory Xiao Xiao with a scowl.

As the master, Xiao Xiao also felt awkward being confronted with her disciple’s distaste, yet she could understand his brief lapse of poise to some extent.

She could only clear her throat and say, “Oh no! How did you end up in this city too? It’s such a relief to see you…”

Wei Jie’s tone was clipped and cold. “My apologies for interrupting your heart-to-heart with this…Young Master.”

Xiao Xiao had never seen Wei Jie so soberly stern before. She could only try explaining, “Actually, when I initially left, it was to allow you to gain some experience. After all, your capabilities are considerable – there’s no need to constantly follow me…”

Before she could finish, Wei Jie calmly interjected, “For intimacies between men and women, it is indeed inconvenient to have a disciple in tow…”

Xiao Xiao rolled her eyes in exasperation. Intimacies, her foot!

For the past few days, she and Qin Lingxiao had been enduring hunger, their mouths as dry as a desert bird’s. What intimacies could there be? Could they eat that?

Too lazy to clarify further, she changed the subject, “What’s the deal with this illusory city? That…Madam has also returned. Do you know if she has entered the city?”

With the Soaring Cloud disciples and Qin Lingxiao present, she could only vaguely refer to Si Ling as “Madam” to remind Wei Jie of her return.

Wei Jie clearly understood, his brows furrowing slightly as he tersely explained, “She will not enter the city. For now, none can exit or enter this illusory city…”

Concerned for his father’s safety, Qin Lingxiao set aside his aversion towards Wei Jie to ask, “What’s the situation with this city? Is this your doing?”

Without even looking at him, Wei Jie continued addressing Xiao Xiao, “This city has limited capacity. Until it has fully digested those who have entered, it will not open its gates to admit new arrivals.”

“Digested?” Xiao Xiao looked at Wei Jie in confusion.

“You, me, and everyone else who entered. After these illusory selves absorb our spiritual energy and kill our corporeal forms, only then will the city gates reopen to lure in more people.”

Xiao Xiao couldn’t help gasping in shock.

According to Wei Jie, did this mean they could not leave until every single person within the city was slain?

At that moment, the other search parties began trickling back in small groups.

Although Xiao Xiao had dispatched warnings in time, those who had split up still suffered considerable losses, with several Soaring Cloud disciples severely injured.

It was human nature – upon suddenly encountering identical replicas of themselves, uncontrollable feelings of revulsion would inevitably arise.

The Soaring Cloud disciples, accustomed to smooth sailing and self-admiration, failed to rein in their killing intent despite the warnings, only to suffer the consequences of their arrogance.

As everyone gathered at the Wealth God Temple, the illusory selves also clustered outside the entrance, glaring ominously as they jostled together, fixated on the living people within.

Waiting for any moment of agitation or loss of emotional control to reignite the deadly battle.

Observing this situation, Yu Ling’er fell into deep despair, murmuring despondently, “What should we do? Am I fated to starve to death? If I had known, I would have preferred dying by the beast hunters’ claws – at least I wouldn’t suffer like this…”

Qin Lingxiao pursed his lips as he led the Soaring Cloud disciples to sit on the temple steps, entering meditation to conserve their energy.

Meanwhile, the illusory Soaring Cloud disciples outside also began channeling their qi. It remained to be seen whether the injured real disciples could withstand their illusory counterparts if battle erupted again.

The atmosphere among the Lingshan Talisman Sect was rather awkward.

The long-separated master and disciple showed no warmth towards each other upon reunion. Wei Jie leaned against a pillar, eyes downcast in thought, showing no intention of greeting his master.

As for Xiao Xiao, she did not feel comfortable speaking to Wei Jie either, only inquiring about the past few days from Tang Youshu, as well as the reason for their appearance here.

Fortunately, Tang remained as warm and respectful towards his grand-master as ever, inviting Xiao Xiao and Yu Ling’er to eat as they conversed.

Being a wandering physician, Tang always carried a large bamboo basket filled with supplies.

This basket now resembled a treasure trove, its contents causing Cui Xiao Xiao and Yu Ling’er’s eyes to light up in delight.

Especially Yu Ling’er, who licked her lips as she exclaimed, “Young Master Tang, you are truly an extraordinary man! How do you have so many pastries, oils, and sweets in this basket?”

Tang smiled as he produced an oiled paper package. “Eat slowly, there are also barbecued chicken drumsticks here!”

Yu Ling’er nearly leapt into Tang’s arms, her eyes brimming with tears. “How did you know I wanted to eat this? For the past few days, I’ve been dreaming of the barbecued chicken from the stall across our inn!”

However, the illusory Ling’er showed no such restraint, shamelessly nuzzling into the illusory “Tang Youshu’s” embrace like a starving pup!

Tang then recounted his experiences over the past few days.

It turned out that not even a full day after Cui Xiao Xiao and Yu Ling’er had departed, Tang’s stomach had growled with hunger, having depleted all the food in his basket.

Famished, he had to return to the city to purchase more provisions. While queuing to buy barbecued chicken legs, he noticed a swarm of soldiers rushing out from the streets, having heard that an incident had occurred at Autumn Water Pond where Prince Can was holding his birthday celebration. Some people who had just returned to the city saw flames raging there, tinting half the sky crimson.

Tang knew his master had gone to attend that banquet, so in his hurry, he packed up the chicken legs and hired a donkey carriage to go investigate at Autumn Water Pond.

However, halfway there, the carriage was commandeered by returning officials who dragged Tang out and tossed him into a roadside bush.

He could only watch helplessly as those soldiers who seized the carriage fled.

Later, he learned that during Prince Can’s birthday banquet, when the revelry was in full swing, the patriarch of the Wei Family, Wei Jingfeng, had suddenly appeared and accused Prince Can of privately cultivating underworld voodoo worms with the intention of bringing calamity to the mortal realm.

These words caused an uproar among those present.

The elder from Ebony Peak, having bonded closely with Prince Can over just a few short days, immediately slammed the table in outrage, demanding what evidence the Wei Family had to level such slanderous accusations against a prince.

The Wei Family was known for keeping to themselves, so they had their subordinates reveal the silver rings they carried.

Those silver rings caused the members of the Four Great Sects to be surrounded, shaking and chiming like a chorus of bells.

As Wei Jingfeng explained the dangers of the puppet worms, the sect leaders headed by Qin He from Soaring Cloud Pavilion immediately reacted by sitting in meditation to examine their meridians.

However, this examination inadvertently accelerated the movement of the worms within their bodies.

Qin He and the others soon had darkened brows, glaring furiously at Prince Can.

Yet Prince Can calmly countered by questioning how, even if the Four Great Sects had been poisoned, did that prove he – a wealthy and idle prince – was the one who administered the toxin?

As a noble, he had no dealings with cultivators in his daily life, so why would he engage in such schemes?

Instead, Prince Can claimed to have heard from the elders of the Four Great Sects that the renegade disciple of the Wei Family, Wei Jie, was in the city. The master he took as a disciple, Cui Xiao Xiao, also seemed quite dubious.

Moreover, Prince Can had just discovered that the songstress Si Ling, whom he had recently become infatuated with, was actually the femme fatale who had escaped from the Four Great Sects years ago.

Some had witnessed Wei Jie secretly meeting with Si Ling before helping her leave the city. While Prince Can did not know what sinister intentions this demonic mother and son harbored, he had been secretly dispatching people to investigate, never expecting to be wrongfully accused in return by the very Wei Family that Wei Jie had deceived.

Was this not the case of a thief crying “Stop, thief!”?

Overall, Prince Can presented reasoned arguments with a smooth tongue. Even the members of the Four Great Sects who discovered they had been inflicted by puppet worms wavered upon hearing his words, suspecting this was a trap set by Wei Jie in collusion with the Wei Family.

Just as Prince Can was regaining control of the situation with his silver tongue, Wei Jingfeng’s disciple Wei Jie slowly stepped forward, holding a wriggling dog leash, yet there seemed to be nothing attached to it.

However, a close attendant behind Prince Can suddenly turned deathly pale and kept retreating.

What Wei Jie held on his leash was the Corpse-Eating Beast they had previously captured along with Xiao Xiao.

This creature naturally craved rot and was drawn to yin spirits. Unfortunately, the seeds of the puppet worms had been cultivated by immersing in the resentful yin spirits drowning in the River of Oblivion in the underworld.

If the worm seeds merely entered a human body, they could still be tempered by the person’s yang blood energy to mask their yin chill.

However, for those who constantly handled these yin demonic objects while cultivating the worms, the sinister aura would inevitably permeate their entire body, a pungent miasma clinging persistently.

To the Corpse-Eating Beast, such a scent was irresistible – the fragrance of a delectable feast!


Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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