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Mistaken Era 48

Chapter 48

Qin He’s following words only served to confirm Wei Jie’s speculation: “Senior Martial Brother, how could you so recklessly appear before the Four Great Sects? What if someone recognized you? Wouldn’t that have jeopardized everything?”

The white-haired man let out a sinister chuckle. “The Four Great Sects? A pack of impostors stealing undeserved renown. Of those who witnessed me back then, who remains alive? Regrettably, I was schemed against and momentarily lost control, descending into demonic ways which resulted in this head of white hair. For as long as I live, I, Wan Lianshi, vow to have my vengeance!”

At that moment, a fine drizzle began to fall from the sky.

As the raindrops landed on Xiao Xiao’s head, she felt a surge of dread. Oh no!

Although the invisibility talisman could conceal their forms and auras, this sudden downpour would surely expose their trail.

She could only hope these two men did not look up, perhaps remaining undetected.

Unfortunately, ill fortune prevailed over her hopes.

As the drizzle intensified into a steady rain, Wan Lianshi narrowed his eyes before abruptly turning to glare towards the large tree where Cui Xiao Xiao and Wei Jie were hiding.

Xiao Xiao inwardly cursed as she looked down to see the cinnabar ink concealment talisman she had drawn was already blurred by the rain, its effects failing as their forms emerged into view.

This white-haired man had evidently sensed their leaking auras, immediately scanning to locate them.

The instant his gaze fell upon the master and disciple in the tree branches, two talismans materialized and flew from his hands.

Unlike the Lingshan Talisman Sect’s paper talismans, the ones wielded by this white-haired Ghost Sect cultivator were fashioned from human skin or exotic beast hides.

Such talismans were typically imbued with resentful spirits, so as they soared forth, Xiao Xiao’s nostrils filled with a nauseating, cloying stench of blood, as if submerged within an ocean of gore.

Moreover, these two talismans seemed to share functional principles with the water-guiding talismans of her own sect.

As the talismans ascended, they began absorbing the surrounding raindrops, coalescing the streams into two ferocious blood-red dragons that lunged towards them with piercing draconic shrieks that chilled the soul.

With no time to ponder, Xiao Xiao instinctively manifested a water barrier in an attempt to block the onslaught of the two blood dragons.

However, the kind of water shield that could normally deflect blades proved as flimsy as a curtain, instantly shattered by the rampaging blood dragons.

Fortunately, Wei Jie swiftly erected a qi shield, barely deflecting the entwined blood dragons’ onslaught laced with yin energy, buying Xiao Xiao a brief reprieve.

She had always remained oblivious to the true depths of this disciple’s cultivation progress. But merely observing him wield the qi shield to withstand Ghost Sect Grandmaster Wan Lianshi’s assault proved his recent advancements were far from trivial.

While Wei Jie clashed against the white-haired man, Xiao Xiao hastily retrieved two more water-guiding talismans from her pocket satchel, silently reciting the incantations to attempt controlling the blood dragons and dispersing them back into rain droplets.

The path of talismans relied on channeling one’s utmost spiritual force through symbolic inscriptions as a medium.

Just as invisibility talismans required the wearer’s focused spiritual energy to manifest their effects, affixing them to someone lacking such profound insights like Tang Youshu or Yu Ling’er would render them as useless as scraps of paper.

In contrast, the talismans wielded by this white-robed man represented a deviant, demonic path – inscribed onto beast hides or human skin, maximizing and amplifying spiritual force.

Moreover, this man was clearly a veteran steeped in the talisman arts for many years. When it came to manipulating symbolic inscriptions, his command far exceeded Cui Xiao Xiao’s relatively nascent skills despite her ardent practice these past few months.

As Xiao Xiao unleashed her water-guiding talismans to wrest control of the blood dragons, she could palpably sense her spiritual force being viciously constricted the moment the yellow paper talismans adhered to the blood constructs. For an instant, her vision whited out, and her soul seemed to be wrenched from its corporeal vessel, consciousness obliterated.

Such was the terrifying consequence of crossing streams with an unfathomably profound master of the talisman path.

Attempting to hijack another’s talisman constructs without sufficient spiritual force would invariably invite catastrophic backlash.

Her modest master Tang Youshu exemplified a life of cultivating harmonious inner stillness, only occasionally subduing minor demonic beasts. He had never before crossed streams with fellow talisman cultivators in all his ramblings.

That lengthy, rambling secret text chronicling his life’s insights had sorely lacked any caution about never recklessly engaging in talisman duels.

Now Xiao Xiao was using her own blood and tears to compensate for this deficient experience within the sect’s teachings.

In that blank, sightless instant, she felt her every pore pierced by needles as her consciousness unraveled, a sinister force seizing the opportunity to usurp control over her corporeal vessel…

Just before losing consciousness entirely, Xiao Xiao could only murmur a faint “Oh no…” before freezing as if struck by a body-binding spell.

However, this intruding force had clearly underestimated that there was another uninvited tenant already residing within Xiao Xiao’s body.

The moment her soul faltered, the slumbering demon bead within, no longer suppressed by her spiritual dominance, instantly reawakened…

As Wei Jie sensed his qi shield on the verge of shattering, he spun around intending to call for Xiao Xiao to flee first.

But the sight that met his gaze caused him to freeze – the young lady behind him stood motionless, those once bright eyes now brimming with a bloody crimson hue!

“Xiao Xiao!” In his desperation, he didn’t even address her as his master, directly calling out her name.

Yet Cui Xiao Xiao seemed deaf to his cries, staring blankly ahead towards the white-haired Wan Lianshi.

Having effortlessly deflected Xiao Xiao’s fumbling attempt to hijack his blood dragon constructs, the sodden yellow paper talismans that had adhered to them now lay crumpled in Wan Lianshi’s hand.

After examining the talismans Xiao Xiao had drawn, he could not help but burst into raucous laughter, his body convulsing violently. “You dare emulate the Ghost Sect’s talisman arts without measuring your own insignificance? What a pity – a mere aping of superficial forms. You insolent brat! Trying to wrestle control of my blood dragons? Courting death! In that case, I still require a fresh hide to inscribe a new talisman set. Your tender flesh and delicate skin will prove most fitting material!”

As he spoke, his hands moved as if manipulating a marionette’s strings, motioning brusquely as he commanded the soulless Xiao Xiao to approach.

Xiao Xiao’s legs began woodenly carrying her forward in response to the white-robed man’s beckoning gestures…

Seeing this, Wei Jie could only shout Xiao Xiao’s name again in desperation.

He wanted to rush over and pull her back, but the qi shield he controlled was barely fending off the relentless assaults of the two blood dragons.

If he abandoned the qi shield to grab Xiao Xiao, those blood dragons could pierce right through them like human dreidels.

As Xiao Xiao neared the white-haired man’s grasp, Wei Jie steeled his resolve. In an instant, he affixed the qi shield to his back.

He then lunged towards Xiao Xiao, obstructing her path with his body while using his shielded back to deflect the yin-laced blood dragons’ ferocious strikes.

The thunderous blows rained down, each demonic impact penetrating the thin qi shield to batter Wei Jie’s back, until he could no longer restrain a spray of fresh blood from his lips.

This blood spattered across Xiao Xiao’s face.

If it had been anyone else’s blood, it might not have mattered. But Wei Jie was the original host of the demon bead residing within Xiao Xiao’s body!

The moment his blood entered her mouth, it was as if the demon bead had consumed an elixir – Xiao Xiao’s demonic nature instantly flared out of control.

The once gentle-featured young lady slowly extended her tongue to lap up the crimson droplets, her eyes burning an even deeper bloody crimson hue.

Amidst the pouring rain, Xiao Xiao’s formerly bound tresses suddenly loosened, radiating an eerie glow as her waist-length hair rapidly multiplied in length, innumerable ethereal strands undulating like spectral tails in the wind.

Wei Jie called out in a low voice once more, “Cui Xiao Xiao! You must control yourself, don’t let the demon…”

Before he could finish, the demonically possessed girl let out a shrill, piercing wail before violently shoving Wei Jie away, flinging him against a nearby tree trunk.

Her body levitated into the air, that formerly innocent cherubic face now twisted into a cruel, demonic smirk as her crimson eyes bored into the white-haired Ghost Sect cultivator who had attempted to manipulate her.

Both Qin He and Wan Lianshi were stunned by the girl’s abrupt transformation.

Wan Lianshi’s eyes bulged in astonishment as he gazed upwards, muttering in disbelief, “How…how could her demonic nature be so potent?”

Yet in the next instant, his expression morphed into rapturous glee.

Members of the Ghost Sect were known obsessive collectors, coveting the hides and remains of extraordinary beings and beasts to inscribe into talismans – the more formidable the source, the more powerful the resulting talisman artifact.

The most profoundly cultivated experts made the finest materials for talisman inscription. In past years, Wan Lianshi had schemed to eliminate many of the great cultivators from the Four Sects right before their ascension, harvesting their remains for his talisman crafting.

But he had never encountered a young woman possessing such staggering demonic potency before. At that moment, he itched to slay her immediately so he could harvest her corporeal materials for his talisman crafting.

He attempted to regain control over Cui Xiao Xiao’s movements, manipulating her like a marionette once more.

As Wan Lianshi slowly raised his hands, the levitating girl’s slender arms also rose woodenly, as if transformed into a lifeless puppet.

Just as a triumphant smile crept across Wan Lianshi’s face, assured of his imminent victory, Xiao Xiao’s delicate fingers abruptly sprouted elongated black talons, her entire being radiating demonic malice. She then shot forward like an arrow, pouncing towards the white-haired Ghost Sect cultivator.

“No! This woman has actually broken free of my control!”

By the time Wan Lianshi realized what was happening, he no longer had the opportunity to redirect his blood dragon constructs against Wei Jie.

Hastily retrieving three beast-hide talismans, he hastily recited an incantation before flinging them towards the two blood dragons.

In that instant, the two dragons merged into one even more gargantuan, monstrous form, lunging directly to intercept the demonically possessed Cui Xiao Xiao.

Unfortunately, his opponent was no mere inexperienced Talisman Sect novice, but a demon who had fully embraced her innate nature.

With a piercing screech, Xiao Xiao shattered the blood dragon construct with a sweeping gesture, the raging torrent of bloody deluge raining down in a crimson downpour.

In the next moment, Xiao Xiao’s taloned claws were already lashing towards Wan Lianshi’s throat!

Fortunately, Qin He swiftly summoned a qi sword to stab towards the demon girl, allowing his senior martial brother to narrowly evade death.

Thus began the chaotic clash between the demonic Xiao Xiao and the Ghost Sect master.

Most terrifyingly, the years of diligent cultivation by these two veteran experts could barely withstand the onslaught of the demonically possessed girl’s relentless claw strikes.

Clearly, Wan Lianshi’s earlier attempt to manipulate her had severely provoked Xiao Xiao’s wrath, her every vicious attack aimed squarely at the Ghost Sect grandmaster himself.

Wan Lianshi, having become the sole focus of her ire, was seething with fury in turn.

He knew that if this dragged on, he might not be able to endure much longer. Although profound in its esoteric principles, the path of talismans still paled in direct combat speed compared to the sword arts and martial disciplines.

Without opportunities to inscribe and unleash talisman spellcrafting, he would be overwhelmed by brute force.

Grinding his teeth, Wan Lianshi decided on a despicable ploy – abruptly shoving his own disciple Qin He into Xiao Xiao’s path of attack.

Unable to arrest his forward momentum, Qin He was forcibly placed between the demonic girl and his senior martial brother. Struggling to fend off her fierce onslaught, his collarbone was seized in her grip, black talons piercing through his shoulder like bestial hunting claws, eliciting shrill screams of anguish from Qin He.

By sacrificing his disciple as a blockade, the white-haired grandmaster bought a brief window to launch his counterattack!

He had already retrieved a blood-red talisman, preparing to affix it directly onto Xiao Xiao’s brow in a bid to suppress her.

This small crimson talisman had been meticulously refined from the heart’s blood of the three demonic beasts Wei Di had originally unleashed from the underworld all those years ago. Regardless of human or demon, having this talisman affixed would instantly seal away one’s spiritual roots, albeit only temporarily.

But a mere moment would suffice!

“Apologies, my disciple, but I must allow you to suffer a bit longer to stall this demoness…”

Unfortunately, just as he was about to slap the blood talisman onto Xiao Xiao’s forehead, it seemed she was pulled back by some unseen force, breaking free from Qin He to plummet back towards the ground.

The true culprit was none other than Wei Jie, who had finally suppressed his coughing fit to glare resolutely at the increasingly frenzied young lady.

As a descendant of the demon-subjugating Wei Family, he could naturally discern that Xiao Xiao had fallen into demonic possession.

Although these devious Ghost Sect master and disciple deserved no sympathy, if he allowed Xiao Xiao to continue battling in this state, fully awakening to the intoxication of slaughter, then his dear, innocent master might never be able to return…

Reaching this grim realization, Wei Jie made a daring decision. He immediately unfurled the silvery whip coiled at his waist, lashing it towards Xiao Xiao’s ankles to pull her back to him.

In her demonic frenzy, Xiao Xiao seemed to no longer recognize him, turning her taloned fury upon Wei Jie for restricting her movements.

Unable to evade in time, Wei Jie’s handsome visage was raked by her claws, droplets of fresh blood spattering forth.

Yet despite this, he refused to release his grip on the whip’s handle.

This whip bore the Wei Family’s demon-subjugating silver artifacts, possessing the ability to subdue and weaken demonic entities. However, even after ensnaring the demonically possessed Xiao Xiao, it seemed to have no effect in restraining her.

Instead, she turned an ominous, sinister glare upon Wei Jie, those slender black talons beginning to gather demonic energies as if preparing to tear apart the one who dared restrict her freedom.

It was at this pivotal moment that Wan Lianshi seized the opportunity while Wei Jie was restraining Xiao Xiao’s ankles. Withdrawing twobone knives fashioned from the putrid corpse dragons of the underworld, he struck towards Xiao Xiao’s unprotected back.

These vile blades, once drawing blood, would cause the victim’s wounds to fester and rot, capable of devouring even heavenly immortals with their corrosive toxins.

Though focused on Xiao Xiao, Wei Jie clearly witnessed the white-haired Ghost Sect grandmaster’s treacherous maneuver from the corner of his eye.

If he evaded Xiao Xiao’s clawed strikes, it would leave her directly impaled by those poisonous knives. Making a split-second decision, Wei Jie swiftly shifted his qi shield behind Xiao Xiao’s back to intercept the incoming blades.

As for himself, he simply allowed the demonically maddened Xiao Xiao to lunge forward, her talons seizing his throat…

Observing Wei Jie willingly put himself in harm’s way to protect Xiao Xiao, Wan Lianshi could not help but sneer derisively.

This youth had somehow learned the Ebony Peak Sect’s signature qi shielding technique and utilized it with passable skill.

But no matter how pinnacle the Four Great Sects’ skills were refined, they inevitably reached a bottleneck, incapable of further elevation.

As for this brat, he actually refused to evade, seemingly content to be strangled to death by his own master…

Wan Lianshi need do nothing, merely waiting for Wei Jie to be strangled lifeless. Once he expired, his qi shield would naturally collapse.

However, at that very moment, Wei Jie suddenly leaned forward, his lips meeting Xiao Xiao’s in a deep, forceful kiss as he allowed her hands to tighten around his throat, unflinchingly…

For an instant, the falling raindrops pattered against rustling leaves in seeming disarray, the very forest itself unsure where their turbulent energies would ultimately flow…

This was swiftly followed by hurried footsteps and the sounds of trailing garments drawing ever nearer.

It turned out Qin He’s anguished screams had alerted the Soaring Cloud disciples stationed outside the forest grove, who now rushed towards the commotion.

They arrived just in time to witness the unbelievable spectacle of a lithe, bewitching young maiden with wildly disheveled tresses, radiating demonic malevolence, being passionately embraced and kissed mid-air by a handsome young man.

Trailing just behind these gobsmacked disciples were the newly returned Qin Lingxiao, as well as Tang Youshu and Yu Ling’er…

As for Qin Lingxiao, after bidding farewell to his father, he had been making his way back to Soaring Cloud Pavilion when he happened to encounter Tang Youshu and Yu Ling’er seeking him.

It turned out Tang Youshu, still concerned for his master and grand-master’s safety, had been searching for them, with Yu Ling’er tagging along. By chance, they crossed paths with Qin Lingxiao.

Upon seeing the Young Master, the little fox maiden immediately transformed into a canine form, circling and fawning around him.

When Qin Lingxiao questioned their presence in this area, Tang Youshu had no opportunity to silence Yu Ling’er before she blurted out that Cui Xiao Xiao and Wei Jie were tailing his father.

Startled by this news, Qin Lingxiao immediately turned back to locate his father.

Of course, he did not believe Yu Ling’er’s nonsense about his father colluding with Prince Can. However, given the rapidly evolving circumstances, Qin Lingxiao suddenly realized that aside from the potential threat posed by Wei Jie, he also needed to be wary of Prince Can, a figure who had remained obscured until this current life. Fearing his father might be placed in jeopardy, he hastened to join them.

As for Yu Ling’er, it was only after speaking those words that she realized her tactless blunder in divulging matters that should have remained discreet.

Tang Youshu frantically rapped her head in reprimand, but she did not dare evade, merely rushing to catch up with him lest they miss something of grave importance involving Cui Xiao Xiao and the others.

By the time they finally reached the forest grove, they had already heard Qin He’s anguished cries echoing from within.

Upon bursting into the grove amidst the teeming disciples, they bore witness to this astonishing scene playing out.

Seeing the intimate mid-air embrace, Qin Lingxiao’s first thought was whether he had somehow stumbled into another illusory realm, beholding the passionate dalliance of spectral avatars.

As for Tang Youshu and Yu Ling’er, they could only gape slack-jawed, feeling as if a chicken’s egg could easily fit into their open mouths as they numbly wondered if their Talisman Sect had secretly converted into a Passion Sect!

Of course, they remained unaware that Wei Jie’s bold actions had been an act of sheer desperation.

He understood that the reason Xiao Xiao’s demonic nature had erupted so violently was due to the demon bead within her body reawakening as a result of her failed talisman duel against Wan Lianshi.

Thus, in this dire crisis, Wei Jie had made the audacious gambit of orally imparting his own nascent inner dan directly into Xiao Xiao’s body.

In this life, Wei Jie had never strayed onto the demonic path, forging his inner spiritual pearl through the yang-natured restorative waters of Fox Mountain Spring.

With his extraordinary innate gifts, Wei Jie’s inner dan had actually formed far more rapidly than Cui Xiao Xiao’s own efforts.

As his inner dan entered Xiao Xiao’s mouth, its abundant yang energies instantly overwhelmed her faltering consciousness, suppressing the rampant demonic nature within.

In that instant when Wei Jie’s inner dan descended into her dantian, Xiao Xiao felt an invigorating spiritual wellspring surge forth, as if being wrenched from a pitch-black, suffocating quagmire to finally re-emerge into lucidity.

Yet the lingering warmth upon her lips left her with a sense of disoriented haziness, feeling as if trapped within a dream.

After all, when gazing upon such an exquisitely handsome visage day after day, having the occasional lascivious reverie of him smiling alluringly while nestling her close was only natural.

There had even been a few instances where she dreamed of Wei Jie’s eyes smoldering with desire as he leaned in, whispering provocatively, “Does your disciple not please your eyes, Master? Why do you avert your gaze?”

Reminiscent of that moonlit rooftop encounter when their faces had drawn so intimately close… If not for Yu Ling’er’s untimely intrusion, who knows what impropriety might have transpired between master and disciple.

But if this truly was a dream, then she need not restrain any indecorous behavior, merely burying her abashed blushes into her pillow upon waking.

Temporarily muddled, Xiao Xiao mistook this for one of her waking reveries, feeling the warmth and lingering tang of the wines he habitually favored upon those softly parted lips…

Losing herself to this presumed dreamscape, she instinctively twined her arms around the back of his head, drawing him nearer…

It was only when she noticed the dazed, widened eyes of the young man before her that she faltered in bewilderment.

If this was indeed one of her imagined trysts, with him as the instigator, why did he now appear so startled? This loss of composure severely lacked credibility!

Then, another low, thunderous bellow rang out – “What…are you two doing?!”

At those words, Xiao Xiao startled back into full wakefulness, turning to behold the round, bulging eyes of Qin Lingxiao on the ground, and the equally dumbstruck, gaping expressions of Tang Youshu and Yu Ling’er.

When had they also entered this dreamscape? This had never occurred in her previous visions before…

Feeling the cold raindrops spattering her face, Xiao Xiao was jolted into complete awareness, finally noticing Qin He lying in a bloodied heap behind her, as well as the white-haired Wan Lianshi…

Utterly awake and lucid, Xiao Xiao abruptly shoved Wei Jie away from her embrace.

Having already imparted his inner dan into Xiao Xiao, Wei Jie’s depleted spiritual roots faltered from this forceful repulsion, causing him to tumble heavily to the ground.

His qi shield also dissipated, leaving Xiao Xiao’s unprotected back once more exposed to Wan Lianshi’s descending bone knives.

Yet in that perilous instant, Wei Jie’s nascent inner dan took control of Xiao Xiao’s body, instinctively conjuring a defensive reaction.

Her disheveled tresses whipped about as her lithe arms arced, rapidly manifesting another qi shield to deflect those lethal poisoned blades. Simultaneously, she summoned the “Defying the Heavens” sword, launching a counterattack towards Wan Lianshi.

If they had resorted to an all-out talisman battle, Xiao Xiao would surely be outmatched against the Ghost Sect’s grandmaster – a reckless fledgling daring to challenge a venerable ancestor, hopelessly ignorant of the vast gulf between them.

However, with Wei Jie’s yang-infused inner dan now residing within her, its potent energies perfectly complemented the intrinsic heaven-punishing powers of the “Defying the Heavens” spirit sword.

It was as if the sword had finally reunited with its true master, its might instantly amplified several fold.

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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