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Mistaken Era 52

Chapter 52

The reason the Ghost Sect’s talismans were so domineering was because of the special materials used – human skin or the hides of exotic beasts, all stripped from living creatures and imbued with immense resentful energy.

Using such demonic materials as the medium naturally allowed the full manifestation of sinister arts.

Although Xiaoxiao would never create such bloody and evil talismans like the Ghost Sect, the ordinary yellow paper talismans that easily became wet and ineffective could no longer be used…

The Alliance matriarch was right – the righteous could not overcome the demonic. Since the Ghost Sect’s talisman materials were of a yin nature, if she could use materials that suppressed yin to make talismans, it might work.

But what materials should she use? Xiaoxiao had Tang Youshu help find various types of paper from the market, even tough sheepskin scrolls, but compared to the Ghost Sect’s resentful human skin talismans, they were no match.

As for the water-resistant oiled paper, it could not absorb the cinnabar ink, so talismans could not even be drawn on it.

Xiaoxiao was stumped on how to enhance the power of her talisman scripts. Even something as basic as eating became difficult for her to stomach.

Although Wei Jie helped portion dishes for her and piled her rice bowl into a small mountain, Xiaoxiao took a few bites without appetite before returning to her room early to meditate.

Compared to improving her talismans, quickly condensing her inner dan was also crucial.

Xiaoxiao had experienced the taste of the innate inner dan in her dantian. It was like an infant tasting the pleasures of the mortal world – that extreme craving was even more unbearable than hunger.

She also did not wish to rely on borrowing her disciple’s inner dan again the next time she became demonized.

As she circulated her qi and gradually condensed it into her dantian, her limbs and entire body felt unobstructed, and her spirit became increasingly lucid.

Xiaoxiao’s thoughts began to drift, and suddenly an idea sparked. She excitedly jumped up and ran to Wei Jie’s room, leaping onto his bed to ask, “Do you still have the silver your paternal grandmother gave you?”

It was deep into the night, and Wei Jie was not asleep. He was sitting cross-legged in meditation, adjusting his breath by the moonlight in a loose inner robe.

Before he could finish exhaling, he sensed an approaching gust of wind – a woman wearing a thin inner shirt, her curvaceous figure revealed by the candlelight, directly charged into his room and pounced onto his bed.

Wei Jie was grateful he had withdrawn his hands in time, otherwise this fragrant, supple beauty might have been slapped away. He lowered his gaze towards his flustered master and wondered, not entirely seriously: should he remind his young master that if she made such nocturnal bed visitations a few more times, her senior disciple might experience a reversed flow of qi into his dantian, leading to uncontrolled demonic fire?

However, Xiaoxiao was completely oblivious, her mind fully immersed in the idea that had suddenly occurred to her. She excitedly shook Wei Jie’s shoulders, “Hey, I’m talking to you! Apart from the silver rings, did the Alliance give you any other silver items?”

Wei Jie looked down at her, suppressing the urge to transfer his inner dan, and said in a low voice, “Yes…”

Upon hearing this, Xiaoxiao let out a long sigh of relief.

She had suddenly thought of an idea – since the Lingshan Talisman Sect’s talisman materials were inferior to the Ghost Sect’s, if she used the Alliance’s demon-subduing silver as the medium, would the condensed spiritual power become even stronger?

So after Wei Jie retrieved a piece of the Alliance’s silver, they went to a jewelry shop in town and had a craftsman help flatten it into more than a dozen silver foils.

Xiaoxiao specifically instructed the craftsman not to make them too thin, lest they break while drawing talismans, so the final product resembled silver plates.

And when drawing the talismans, Xiaoxiao also abandoned her usual brush and cinnabar ink, instead using the tip of the “Defying the Heavens” sword to etch the designs.

Initially, she had trouble controlling the force and ruined a few sheets. But once she mastered the technique, the talismans she drew started taking proper form.

Next, it was time to test the efficacy of these new talismans.

This time, Xiaoxiao drew a fire talisman, which was even more difficult than a water talisman – a realm she had never ventured into before.

It was not that Xiaoxiao was unwilling, but rather her innate constitution was extremely yin, so she had better control over yin-natured elements like water.

And this time, no miracles occurred. Xiaoxiao tried the fire talisman several times, but none of them succeeded.

Her current cultivation level was already much higher than her senior martial brother Qi Wuqi, yet her control over these yang-natured fire talismans did not even reach his level.

Feeling disheartened, Xiaoxiao decided not to waste any more silver foil and drew a water talisman instead.

When she channeled her qi through her fingers and gestured towards the silver talisman placed on the table, intending to draw water from the courtyard well into a nearby jar – a skill she was already adept at – something unexpected happened.

With a slight movement of her fingers, countless water arrows suddenly erupted from the well without warning. With a loud crash, the jar she intended to fill was instantly shattered, clearly pierced through by the water flow!

Yu Ling’er had planned to put some sweet melons into the jar for Xiaoxiao to draw cool water over, so she was standing right next to it.

Caught completely off guard, she was drenched by the erupting water. Only after the fact did she realize she had narrowly avoided being pierced through like a fox skin strainer. Terrified, she let out a cry and called for Tang Youshu to check if she had any holes in her body.

Tang Youshu hurried over, but with Ling’er’s wet clothes clinging tightly to her curvaceous figure, it was rather improper for him to inspect her.

Feeling awkward and not knowing where to look, Tang Youshu could only quickly remove his outer robe, turn away from impropriety, and drape it over Yu Ling’er.

Xiaoxiao was also shocked by the destructive power she had displayed.

She could clearly sense that when her spiritual power was attached to the silver talisman, its might had instantly multiplied several times. For that brief moment, she had even felt a slight tug, reminiscent of when Wanlian Master had nearly possessed her.

It seemed her idea was correct!

If she could find materials that matched the five elements, the Lingshan Sect’s talismans could unleash a power several times stronger than before!

With this, she finally felt some confidence. At the very least, the next time she faced Wanlian Master, she would absolutely not be like a puppet controlled by backlash!

Excited, she reached out to grab the floating silver talisman, but the moment her fingers touched it, the talisman turned to ash.

Damn it! How could she have forgotten about the Anti-Gold Curse she was under? Just like the silver bracelet Wei Jie had given her, as long as she didn’t touch it, it was fine, but any contact would cause it to disintegrate into ashes.

The previous one had also turned to ash after she accidentally touched it…

Now there was another problem. If she used silver talismans and faced an enemy again, what if she forgot to wear gloves?

A slight negligence at a critical moment could cost her life!

However, an unintentional remark from Ling’er reminded her of something.

At the time, Ling’er was eating a sweet melon and said, “I don’t know which scoundrel cast that curse on you. Why don’t you try asking them? If the caster promises to lift the curse, maybe your affliction will be resolved.”

Xiaoxiao had dispiritedly replied, “He’s already gone…”

Wait, no! Xiaoxiao blinked, suddenly realizing that although the master who had cursed her two hundred years later was gone, the master from two hundred years ago was still alive!

Xiaoxiao excitedly looked at Tang Youshu, who was peeling a sweet melon for Yu Ling’er, and felt she could give it a try.

So the next morning, under the pretext of going to the mountains to gather herbs, she took Tang Youshu to the back mountain.

After ensuring there was no one else around, Xiaoxiao deceived him, “Young Master Tang, you know I’m afflicted by the Anti-Gold Curse. However, a highly skilled person said that if I gather enough blessings, the curse might be lifted. I’m still a few short, so would you mind offering a blessing and pray sincerely for the curse to be removed from me?”

Upon hearing this, Tang Youshu immediately nodded and sincerely prayed as instructed by Cui Xiaoxiao, “Anti-Gold Curse, be removed!”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Xiaoxiao felt as if some taut restraint on her fingers had suddenly dissipated.

She looked at Tang Youshu in disbelief, then took out a silver talisman paper from her lapel.

This time, the silver foil remained intact in her hand without turning to ash…

It… it was really that simple to break the curse?

Xiaoxiao had only intended to try without much hope, never expecting it to be so easily undone!

She was stunned, and upon recalling the sufferings caused by the Anti-Gold Curse, she felt a sense of the impermanence of life and how much of her youth had been wasted.

Overwhelmed with emotions, Xiaoxiao grabbed Tang Youshu’s hand, speechless as tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn’t help but murmur softly, “It was that simple?… Master… Young Master Tang, you have caused me such anguish!”

Tang Youshu did not understand and simply looked at his tearful grand-master with a dazed expression, “Huh?”

Xiaoxiao sniffled, struggling to control her emotions, “Young Master Tang, I’m just a little overwhelmed. I’ll be fine in a moment…”

Tang Youshu dared not let go of her hand, only allowing his grand-master to hold it as she silently wept.

However, in this secluded grove, with a beautiful young woman grasping a young man’s hand, her eyes brimming with tears as if about to speak, the scene resembled the romantic verses from the “Book of Songs” about the affectionate mandarin ducks and the noble pursuit of love.

If no one had chanced upon them, it would have been fine. But Yu Ling’er, carrying a basket with her mouth stuffed with freshly picked mountain apricots, excitedly came looking for the two of them.

Alone and bored, Yu Ling’er had seen Xiaoxiao take Tang Youshu up the mountain and decided to join them for fun.

However, she never expected to hear Xiaoxiao’s words “you have caused me such anguish” after following their voices into the grove, and see the intimate scene of the two holding hands while gazing at each other with tears.

Suddenly, the mountain apricots in the little fox’s mouth seemed to have lost their flavor.

Unable to bear it, she spat out the apricots, tossed aside the bamboo basket, pulled the dazed Tang Youshu away from Xiaoxiao, and shrilly shouted at her in a strained voice, “Cui Xiaoxiao! You’ve gone too far! Even if you want to establish the Harmonious Union Sect, there’s no need for such conduct! Are you really going to spare no one, not even the disciples of your own Talisman Sect? If it were Wei Jie, it would be understandable since he’s tall and sturdy, able to withstand your ravages! But Tang Youshu is already so thin. Are you going to drain his yang essence to supplement your yin? How could you be so heartless!”

Xiaoxiao wiped away the tears of life’s sorrows with her sleeve, then regained her senses and retorted, “What nonsense is this? As an upright member of the orthodox Talisman Sect, when have I ever drained anyone’s essence?”

Upon hearing Xiaoxiao’s explanation, Yu Ling’er became even more indignant, “Oh, so if you’re not suppressing your demonic nature by draining his yang essence… then doesn’t that mean you’re toying with Tang Youshu’s feelings? Stringing him along… no, make that three ships! Even more despicable!”

It was only then that Xiaoxiao realized Yu Ling’er had misunderstood her relationship with her master. This was completely off base!

Too lazy to explain that she viewed Tang Youshu as a father figure, Xiaoxiao simply looked Yu Ling’er up and down with a puzzled expression and said, “You’re not even a disciple of the Talisman Sect, what right do you have to meddle in how we interact… Wait, since when have you been so concerned about Young Master Tang?”

Previously, when Yu Ling’er had mistaken her for being intimate with Wei Jie, she had simply rolled her eyes in disdain, scoffed a few words, and walked away.

But when it came to Tang Youshu, the little fox was jumping around like her tail was on fire?

Tang Youshu wasn’t even her beloved Qin , so why was she being so flustered and agitated?

Yu Ling’er didn’t think there was anything improper about her concern for Tang Youshu.

Throughout their journey, Tang Youshu had been the kindest person in the Talisman Sect towards her. Not only did he readily fulfill her requests, but the young master also spoke in a refined and cultured manner. He would even recount strange tales from books and teach her to read.

Every time she spoke with him, her heart felt as if it had been cleansed by a spiritual spring, feeling exceptionally refreshed and enlightened.

This feeling was something even her tribesmen or benefactor Qin Lingxiao had never given her.

For such a kind and talented young master to be treated sincerely, how could the lustful demoness Cui Xiaoxiao be allowed to taint him?

After listening to Yu Ling’er’s indignant scolding, Xiaoxiao found herself unexpectedly agreeing with her words!

Her benevolent master had even more virtues than those mentioned! Young Master Tang was a true gem inside and out!

In Xiaoxiao’s eyes, none of the women she had encountered could be worthy of her master.

As Yu Ling’er ranted on, she saw Xiaoxiao nodding in agreement and even joining in the praise of Tang Youshu.

This shameless woman appeared utterly unrepentant, infuriating Yu Ling’er to the point of wiping away tears and dragging Tang Youshu down the mountain to find Wei Jie and complain!

Xiaoxiao, elated at having her Anti-Gold Curse lifted, couldn’t be bothered with Yu Ling’er’s nonsensical accusations!

Without the curse’s restrictions, she could freely use the silver from the underworld to make silver talismans and fully unleash her yin-natured water arts.

With this in mind, she took out a silver talisman and wanted to test its power again. But the moment she gripped the talisman, her fingertips seemed to sense a slight vibration on the silver foil’s surface.

This feeling was quite mystical, as if her sixth sense had momentarily opened. She instinctively felt that the presence of someone with powerful yang qi was causing this yin-natured silver foil to resonate.

Although unsure of the reason for this reaction, she tentatively called out, “Who’s there?”

Intended as a probing question, she did not expect movement from a nearby bush, and a man in a white robe emerged.

This person was none other than Qin Lingxiao, who should have been accompanying his injured father back to Soaring Cloud Pavilion.

Seeing it was him, Xiaoxiao involuntarily took a few steps back.

Before the number one sword cultivator could unleash his fury, Xiaoxiao quickly expressed her apologies, “It’s you… Listen, I injured your father earlier due to the demonic bead flaring up and causing me to temporarily lose my senses… Although he’s not exactly a good person either…”

However, Qin Lingxiao’s furious arrival carried the weight of thunderous wrath, not allowing Xiaoxiao to fully express her apology as he ominously interrupted, “No need for so many explanations! I saw with my own eyes you and Wei Jie… mingling intimately. You have willingly descended into depravity, shamelessly preparing to commit atrocities, losing yourself in this time two hundred years ago! All my efforts to give you a chance at a proper life have been in vain! While the orthodox cultivation sects have been spreading news about your demonization, there have even been strange incidents in remote villages linked to you. Some have even proposed suppressing the demonic Talisman Sect. However, I know you have been lying low here and have not gone out to commit misdeeds, but others may not understand. You should heed my advice – quickly part ways with Wei Jie and the fox tribe. Find a place to hide yourself and wait for the rumors to subside. I will also try to retrieve the demonic bead ‘Resentment’, which should provide a way to control the bead within your body.”

Hearing his words, Xiaoxiao was puzzled and asked, “You said there were incidents in some villages? What kind of strange events?”

Qin Lingxiao pondered and said, “It seems that in a few nearby villages, the blood of young men was completely drained overnight, while yellow paper talismans from your Talisman Sect were found in their homes. Wanted portraits of you and Wei Jie have now spread to surrounding towns and cities. I originally intended to enter Luoyi City to help clear your name. Unfortunately, Luoyi City is now heavily guarded, as it seems a member of the imperial clan is touring the area. To prevent demonic assassins, no cultivators are being allowed into Luoyi City… I cannot linger here any longer. I hope you heed my words…”

As he spoke, Qin Lingxiao took out an exquisite box from his lapel and handed it to Cui Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao eyed it warily, reluctant to accept it.

Qin Lingxiao scowled and shoved the box into her arms, “These are pastries I bought from a bakery while passing through a city. They looked exquisite, so I bought them on a whim, but after considering it, I don’t feel like eating them, so I’m giving them to you… Additionally, don’t think that Wei Jie is as innocent as he seems. Any cultivator with even basic knowledge understands that there are many methods to transfer inner dan. Why did he insist on mouth-to-mouth transmission? I’ve been undercover in his sect for many years and have witnessed how he bewitches women into losing their senses. I hope you don’t foolishly give your heart to him like those other silly girls!”

After saying this, Qin Lingxiao looked deeply at Cui Xiaoxiao once more, suppressing the urge to caress her face. He took a deep breath and swiftly turned to depart.

Leaving Xiaoxiao holding the brocade box, her eyes wide as she pondered his words.

What did he mean? That there were many methods to transfer inner dan besides mouth-to-mouth?

Then why had Wei Jie told her that apart from that approach, the only other way was to disembowel and empty the dantian?

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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