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Mistaken Era 56

Chapter 56

Xiaoxiao struggled to retrieve some grass from her pocket that could block out the intoxicating smoke and stuffed it into her nostrils.

However, the bewitching effects of this smoke were even more dominating than the Talisman Sect’s seduction talismans!

Soon, Xiaoxiao felt unbearably flushed and wanted to loosen her clothes to cool down.

Compared to ordinary people, her willpower should have been slightly stronger, since she had the demonic bead within her body, constantly battling her demonic nature.

So she closed her eyes and regulated her breathing for a while. Feeling she could now control herself, she slowly opened her eyes and looked towards Wei Jie.

Seeing Wei Jie tightly gripping the bars with both hands, his eyes closed and brow furrowed, it seemed the drug had also taken effect on him as he struggled to restrain himself…

The enclosure was merely the size of a fist, placing them in extremely close proximity. She could even smell the familiar scent mixed with wine emanating from his body.

This familiar fragrance seemed to transform into an aroma even more intoxicating than the musk and pheromone smoke in the confined space.

Yet this scent was not inhaled through her nose, but rather triggered a flood of intimate memories upon seeing his broad back, his muscular arms tightly gripping the bars…

Even with the grass stuffed in her nose, it was futile. In an instant, it was as if oil had been poured into a thousand-year-old thatched hut, igniting a raging inferno.

Xiaoxiao’s body trembled violently, overwhelmed by the urge to pounce on this man.

As for what she intended after pouncing, Xiaoxiao was not entirely clear herself. Only that the sight of this man, brows knitted and long lashes lowered, was simply too tempting…

Her mind now filled with indecent thoughts, Xiaoxiao felt a sense of urgency. She did not wish for herself and Wei Jie to be trapped like animals awaiting mating, at the mercy of others!

Thinking this, she covered her mouth and nose, then reached out to tap Wei Jie’s back, intending to ask if he knew how to resist the aphrodisiac smoke.

But the moment her hand touched his body, she realized how scorching hot he felt. The tiger stripes painted on his skin had not been washed off, accentuating the taut, knotted muscles as he gripped the bars, appearing like a caged beast.

When Xiaoxiao’s hand lightly tapped his back, it was as if awakening an ancient beast feigning slumber!

Wei Jie slowly turned his head, the deep purple eyes hidden beneath his long hair flickering with an intense, smoldering desire as he gazed upon the flushed, alluring young woman before him…

In the next instant, Xiaoxiao found herself pinned to the ground by the suddenly ferocious man. Her tightly sealed lips were again fiercely claimed by his, her hands pinned above her head by his powerful grip.

Even when battling the demonic bead possessing her, Xiaoxiao had never experienced such torment.

The scorching heat from his lips rapidly spread, the blaze in her heart consuming the last shreds of rational thought as the pink haze enveloped them. Xiaoxiao could hardly resist the onslaught of this man’s passion.

Her arms tightly embraced his neck, yet the remaining clarity within her cried out in refusal!

But this thunderous objection only emerged as a feline whimper from her lips – “Don’t…”

Xiaoxiao was exasperated by her own helplessness, tears involuntarily flowing from her tightly shut eyes.

The trail of moist tears also brushed against Wei Jie’s face, allowing him to regain a shred of lucidity and vaguely recall that she did not desire him…

The coolness of those tears finally halted Wei Jie, nearly lost to his feverish desires.

Through immense effort, he reasoned: If he fully indulged now, Xiaoxiao would surely come to abhor him afterward…

Moreover, even if he truly wished to bed her, why would he need the aid of such vile drugs?

Biting forcefully into his tongue to leverage the pain, he struggled to suppress the surging lust. With another furious roar, he abruptly seized the Punishing Sword pinning Xiaoxiao down and slashed his palm against the blade’s edge.

Wherever the Punishing Sword cut, it burned like searing flame. This unbearable pain allowed Wei Jie to regain most of his reason.

In that moment, he gripped the rust-stained sword with his bleeding palm, channeling the power of his inner dan, infusing all of his inner qi into the blade.

Wei Jie was a rare, innate genius in cultivation. With such exceptional roots, coupled with the blessings of the Spirit Spring, he had condensed his inner dan at a young age. Even without following the trajectory of demonization, his life’s journey would have been the envy of countless cultivators!

However, this carefree youth had only exerted thirty percent of his efforts in advancing his cultivation, spending the rest of his time teasing his master.

So despite forming his inner dan early, he had not diligently pursued further breakthroughs like other cultivators, night after night.

But in this moment, trapped with Xiaoxiao in the intoxicating smoke-filled passage and overwhelmed by desire, how could a virile young man in the prime of his life resist when the beautiful woman he yearned for was so tantalizingly close?

If they could not break free, he might end up harming Xiaoxiao.

This truly tormented his temperament more than any demonization! Yet such a precarious predicament also spurred him to greater heights.

All of Wei Jie’s potential, intertwined with his barely restrained lust and the searing pain from his wounded palm, was unleashed in that instant.

Coupled with the Punishing Sword that should have belonged to him, its blade imbued with the concentrated power of his inner dan, the entire iron sword seemed cloaked in gold!

With a powerful swing, the sword beam shattered the meteoric iron bars forged from purified ore with a resounding crack!

As a gust of fresh air rushed in from the shattered passage, the pink smoke rapidly dissipated.

Xiaoxiao felt the enervating weakness subside, finally regaining enough strength to stand on her own.

However, in that moment when Wei Jie had swung the sword, his movements seemed like those of an ancient deity, his long hair billowing, sword-like brows and purple eyes coupled with a chilling expression – truly a sight to leave one’s heart palpitating once more.

Xiaoxiao’s foray into cultivation had begun too late. Although she had obtained many fortuitous encounters, she could not compare to those who had trodden the path from a young age.

Thus, she now displayed the weakness of shallow roots, utterly defenseless against the pheromone powder’s effects!

The moment she stood up, seeing Wei Jie’s alluring movements and broad back, she instinctively pressed herself against her handsome disciple, nuzzling her face against his back like an affectionate kitten.

Such a docile and adorable master would tempt any man in different circumstances. But in their current perilous situation, it was hardly appropriate to indulge the master!

Gritting his teeth, Wei Jie took a deep breath and swiftly planted a kiss on Xiaoxiao’s cherry lips before saying in a low voice, “Be patient, I’ll give it to you once we’re out…” Then he pulled her along as they charged out of the passage.

The gust of cool air revived Xiaoxiao’s senses, though she still felt somewhat dazed – Wei Jie said he would “give it” to her once they were out… give her what?

By the time the two of them emerged from the secret passage, Wan Lianshi had already gathered his subordinate disciples to surround the study area.

Seeing the disheveled master and disciple stumble out, Wan Lianshi appraised Cui Xiaoxiao’s untidy appearance and said with ill intent, “So, have you consummated your union already? So quickly? Or perhaps this lad is a mere fledgling, inadequate for the task?”

Questioned about his virility, Wei Jie only curled his lips in a cold smile before resting the precious sword against his arm, his fingertips caressing the demon-subjugating blade as he silently gathered his strength…

Xiaoxiao, having regained her senses, recalled her earlier willingness to embrace Wei Jie and felt incensed.

Now hearing the vile insinuations from the instigator, she curled the corner of her mouth and drew out a silver talisman, transforming it into a water arrow that shot towards Wan Lianshi.

Wan Lianshi had previously crossed paths with Cui Xiaoxiao and was aware of her capabilities.

As long as this girl did not become red-eyed and demonized, based on her original cultivation and those few talismans, she was unworthy of even polishing his boots!

There were far too many who aspired to walk the Ghost Sect’s talisman path! Yet hardly any could succeed.

The fundamental reason was that those seeking the talisman path lacked sufficiently vicious and cruel hearts. Without refining the most sinister and evil materials, how could they condense formidable spiritual power?

Those foolish ones with inferior innate talents often mistakenly believed the talisman path was a shortcut to make up for their deficiencies. How laughable!

To become a demon before becoming an immortal, with every step drenched in fresh blood – how many mortals could persevere until the very end on the Ghost Sect’s path?

So when Cui Xiaoxiao resorted to her rudimentary talisman arts once more, Wan Lianshi let out a cold laugh, not even bothering to dodge. He simply activated a human skin talisman, forming a water shield to block her attack.

In the clash of talismans, true power lay in the depth of spiritual force.

As long as Xiaoxiao’s water arrow collided with his water shield, just like before, the Ghost Sect’s formidable power would utterly suppress this ignorant girl.

Even if she lost her primal soul again and became demonically possessed, it did not matter.

Earlier, the master had instructed that if these two showed any abnormalities, they should be lured towards the crown prince’s courtyard. That talkative crown prince spoke too much, causing the master constant worry about him discovering any lapses.

But if they could kill two birds with one stone by using these two to eliminate the crown prince, it would be perfect!

Harming the imperial heir would spark far greater outrage than slaughtering a few villagers. The entire world would condemn her as the demoness! She would have no place to call home!

If she did not become demonized, then who would?

With this thought, the smirk on Wan Lianshi’s face deepened… Yet when Cui Xiaoxiao’s water arrow, roaring like a dragon, came hurtling towards his water shield, that smile became increasingly strained to maintain.

In the clash between experts, victory or defeat could be decided in an instant.

This time, although Cui Xiaoxiao still employed water element talismans like before, with only a few days having passed, Wan Lianshi felt an overwhelming, surging spiritual force, like a mountain bearing down upon him.

In just a few short days, how had this girl’s skill grown so tremendously?

Moreover, the water arrows seemed imbued with a chilling, piercing aura that left Wan Lianshi deeply unsettled.

It was then that he noticed the talisman Cui Xiaoxiao had unleashed… it was made of silver! But what kind of silver could condense greater spiritual force than his human skin talismans?

He had no time to ponder further as the spiritual forces imbued in their opposing talismans collided once more.

Wan Lianshi could sense Xiaoxiao’s spiritual force weaving into an intricate net, instantly suppressing and viciously bearing down upon his own like a massive palm…

This time, Cui Xiaoxiao had gained the upper hand.

When Wan Lianshi felt his vision whiten, it signaled his spiritual force being overwhelmed by Cui Xiaoxiao’s.

Seizing the moment when Wan Lianshi’s spiritual force faltered, several water arrows pierced through his water shield, impaling his shoulder blades and causing him to let out an agonized scream as he arched backward.

Before he could catch his breath, Wei Jie, wielding the Punishing Sword, slashed down with another strike.

He had always been prone to demonization, with a tendency towards extremes. Earlier in the passage, he had struggled mightily to restrain his surging desires.

Such suppression and restraint was akin to the path of demonization!

When he grasped the Punishing Sword that should have been his, man and blade became one. The demon-subjugating sword, radiating golden light after being imbued with his full power, slashed horizontally with ferocious might, instantly severing half of Wan Lianshi’s arm!

This blow caused the Ghost Sect’s grand master to cry out in anguished silence.

But the most terrifying aspect was that he had yet to withdraw his talisman – the human skin puppet he controlled seemed to have slipped its master’s reins, floating towards Wan Lianshi of its own accord.

While the Ghost Sect’s talismans were domineering, their backlash was equally formidable!

The human skin talisman, utterly drained of vitality by Cui Xiaoxiao’s spiritual force, now clung to Wan Lianshi’s severed arm like a bloodsucking bat, greedily drinking the lifeblood gushing forth!

This retaliatory force caused Wan Lianshi’s complexion to visibly age, making him appear decades older in an instant as he frantically tried to tear off the bloodsucking talisman.

Seeing him writhing in agony on the ground, Xiaoxiao let out a cold laugh, “The Talisman Sect has never walked the same path as your Ghost Sect! You are unworthy to even compare yourself to us!”

Since the founding of the sect by Master Tang Youshu, they had never relied on the resentful energies of talismans to condense spiritual force.

One must understand that Master Tang Youshu had been inspired by the Ghost Sect when establishing the Talisman Sect. How could he not have known of such shortcuts?

Yet he chose to forsake those shortcuts, only using the most common yellow paper, guiding his disciples to cultivate the purest spiritual force.

No matter how weak their power, Master Tang Youshu never wavered, and by his twilight years, using only the simplest talismans, he had mastered the control of the five elements with effortless ease – a level of difficulty unimaginable to those outside the Talisman Sect!

The secret manuals left by the master may have appeared as long and tattered as footbinding cloths, yet the greatest wealth he bequeathed to his disciples was the formidable willpower to withstand temptation.

It was through the path of cultivation in the Talisman Sect that Xiaoxiao had gradually comprehended the true teachings her master left for his disciples!

Compared to those evil talisman materials, it was the unwavering righteous qi that allowed talismans to reach their ultimate pinnacle of power.

Unfortunately, before Cui Xiaoxiao and Wei Jie could savor their victory over a Ghost Sect grand master, crisis struck once more!

At this moment, with their concealment dispelled, Wei Jie and Cui Xiaoxiao were exposed under the moonlight.

Atop the highest pavilion of the king’s manor, a statue was cast in an icy “gaze” upon the unwelcome intruders!

The intense battle had unleashed an aura of murderous intent from the two, triggering the divine messenger statue guarding the residence.

The statue’s eyes, reflecting the moonlight, suddenly unleashed a radiant beam straight towards the trespassers in the manor!

Wherever the statue’s gaze fell, even the stone pathways were instantly shattered.

This divine messenger statue was a gift bestowed upon the Xia descendants by celestial beings, possessing divine powers that mortal bodies could not withstand.

As Wei Jie shielded Xiaoxiao while dodging, he was still grazed by the divine light, scorching his arm as if branded by a searing iron, even giving off a burnt smell!

If struck directly, any medicine would be futile. They could only swiftly evade while seeking an opportunity to flee the Prince Can’s Manor.

Yet the manor’s guards seemed to deliberately herd them towards the crown prince’s courtyard.

Finally, after being cornered, the master and disciple leapt into the crown prince’s courtyard, their whereabouts unknown.

Amidst the sounds of fighting, the crown prince’s eunuch attendant angrily came out glaring, “The imperial heir is resting! Why are you making such a ruckus?”

Supported by his subordinate disciples, the one-armed and bloodied Wan Lianshi,

Supported by his subordinate disciples, the one-armed and bloodied Wan Lianshi, who had also aged considerably, gritted his teeth and told the eunuch, “Assassins have infiltrated the Prince Can’s Manor. Please inform the crown prince so that we may conduct a search!”

Seeing Wan Lianshi’s missing arm, bleeding profusely and appearing significantly older, the eunuch was taken aback. He hurriedly went back inside before emerging again, still maintaining his distance from Wan Lianshi  as he urgently said, “The crown prince’s noble body cannot be put at risk here. The crown prince has declared that since the Prince Can’s Manor is so unruly and unpleasant, he will depart immediately for the capital!”

By this point, Wan Lianshi had lost too much blood and could no longer put up any resistance. His eyes rolled back as he lost consciousness.

Amidst the chaos, with a single command from the crown prince expressing his desire to leave the manor promptly, his subordinates swiftly made the preparations.

The only issue was that the intoxicated crown prince could not walk on his own. Soon, a sedan chair was brought forth to carry the crown prince, with attendants hauling chests and trunks, forming a noisy procession towards the manor’s gates.

It was at this moment that Qin He, whose wounds had just been treated by the Prince Can, arrived with his men. He had the snake-eye guard station himself at the gate to halt the sedan chair.

Using his implanted snake-eye, the guard immediately detected clusters of body heat signatures within the prince’s sedan chair and quietly reported to the Prince Can, “There are more than just one person in the sedan!”

Qin He let out a cold laugh, thinking to himself: These two are quite daring, could they be trying to take the crown prince hostage to escape the manor?

With this thought, he drew his sword and prepared to pull back the sedan’s curtains…

But in the next instant, shrieks erupted from within the swaying sedan chair.

It turned out this crown prince was quite the hedonist – even confined within the sedan, he still indulged in intimate company. The bulging bedding suddenly revealed a tousled woman’s head emerging, clearly one of the crown prince’s consorts.

Judging by the scene, with a pair of slender feet peeking in and out amidst the constant rustling, there were likely several beauties beneath those covers.

The crown prince, in a disheveled state with unkempt hair and loosened robes, angrily slurred, “I was just about to… inspect the courtesans! Who dares disturb me?”

After speaking, he squinted his drunken eyes at Qin He and frowned, “You old geezer, did you want to crawl into my bedding too? You should look in a mirror! Get out of my way, or do you want me to put on a performance for you?”

By now, the crown prince’s attendants had also rushed forward, adding to the manor’s pandemonium at the gates where many of the officials accompanying the crown prince had gathered.

Even if the Prince Can had intended to take advantage of the chaos to eliminate this unruly crown prince, the circumstances were no longer appropriate.

Seeing the bobbing heads emerging from the crown prince’s covers and his glazed, infatuated expression, it was clear what lewd acts were occurring beneath those sheets!

Qin He, accustomed to maintaining a righteous front, felt uncomfortable with such sordid debauchery. He averted his gaze and could only disdainfully drop the curtain, ordering his men to thoroughly search the sedan chair and its accompanying party for any sign of the master and disciple having infiltrated their ranks.

After confirming there were no oversights, Qin He went to consult the Prince Can.

With the Prince Can’s Manor in utter disarray and many officials gathering at the gates after hearing the commotion, the Prince Can contemplated for a moment. Not wishing to offend the unruly crown prince, he finally allowed him and his entourage to depart.

The crown prince, still engrossed in his revelries, did not even disembark from the sedan chair. After dispersing the other officials, he departed the city with only his personal attendants carrying the sedan.

Once they reached the outskirts, the sedan chair stopped within a grove of trees.

The crown prince, who had previously worn an infatuated, drunken expression, gradually regained his clarity. He gently patted the face of the woman in his embrace and said, “You should disembark first.”

After the woman left the sedan, the crown prince suddenly threw off the covers, revealing two more individuals – none other than the very Wei Jie and Cui Xiaoxiao that the manor’s people had been searching for!

It turned out that earlier, they had accidentally stumbled into the crown prince’s inner chambers and encountered him face-to-face. Xiaoxiao had hurriedly made an apologetic gesture of respect to the drunken prince and said in a low voice, “My apologies for the disturbance, Your Highness. Please, continue your rest. We’ll leave immediately.”

She had only intended to say that, not expecting any response from the intoxicated man.

However, to her surprise, the supposedly inebriated crown prince simply smiled and asked them a few questions before unexpectedly providing cover, ensuring their safe escape from the Prince Can’s Manor!

During their evasion, although Wei Jie had been injured by the divine messenger statue’s light while shielding Xiaoxiao, his scorched skin no longer concerned him as he gazed intently at this crown prince who had just been wallowing in drunkenness.

Now within the carriage, the crown prince’s gaze was clear and sober, without any hint of lingering intoxication. He calmly smoothed his robes and asked mildly, “May I ask how to address the two of you?”

Xiaoxiao respectfully returned the courtesy, somewhat admiringly, “We do not know who has come to our aid, yet Your Highness rescued us without fear that we might be vile villains who could harm you in return.”

The crown prince smiled faintly, “For the two of you to have caused such an uproar in the Prince Can’s Manor, you must possess considerable talents. And in the midst of danger, you did not attempt to take me hostage, displaying virtuous character. How could I not rescue such individuals of combined talent and virtue?”

Hearing this, Xiaoxiao could not help but laugh. As someone raised in the imperial palace, his words of flattery truly flowed like pristine mountain streams, ringing with sincerity!

Previously at the Prince Can’s Manor, Xiaoxiao had only seen this crown prince indulging in food, drink and pleasure – the very portrait of a debauched heir.

Yet the calmness and astuteness he had demonstrated in providing them cover for their escape demanded a reassessment!

How could such a crown prince truly be a useless drunkard?

Although of imperial birth, this crown prince seemed to possess an innate ability to mingle freely with others.

As they conversed, the crown prince had already ordered several large food boxes to be brought forth. Smiling at the master and disciple, he said, “I found the cuisine at that manor rather unpalatable, likely tainted by the sweat and sleeves of the cooks. Now I’ve worked up an appetite, so if you don’t mind, let us share some wine and light refreshments to settle our stomachs.”

It seemed this crown prince was indeed no fool, keenly aware that the Prince Can’s food and drink could not be consumed safely. He had secretly discarded anything he had imbibed, truly possessing astute judgment.

After speaking, seeing that Xiaoxiao and Wei Jie did not move, he simply smiled and began helping himself to the dishes with his jade chopsticks.

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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