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Mistaken Era 58

Chapter 58

Before seeing this man, Ling Zhishan had never known that masculine vigor could coexist with feminine grace.

Especially those amethyst-flecked eyes, exuding aloof nonchalance yet containing a profound allure that could ensnare one’s soul. Gazing into them for too long would cause one to forget to breathe until a tightness formed in the chest…

Cui Xiaoxiao had expected Ling Zhishan to berate them for concealing their identities and deceiving her.

However, who would have thought that this future cold and bewitching Palace Master of the Twin Manifestation Palace two hundred years later would simply stare dazedly at Wei Jie?

That entranced look was no different from the smitten admirers surrounding Lady Siluan’s carriage – the very picture of infatuation!

Xiaoxiao could not help but wonder – had Ling Zhishan reacted the same way upon encountering her father’s killer, Wei Jie, in her previous life?

No, at that time, Wei Jie had already become demonized, his body covered in snake scales. Even if not fully transformed, it must have affected his appearance, making it impossible for him to appear as handsomely alluring as now, which should not have swayed Ling Zhishan from fully despising him.

In fact, even when he was fully covered in scales after becoming the demonic dao’s paramount figure, many women still flocked to him like moths to a flame. It seemed this Wei Jie had a way with women no matter which life he lived!

Thinking of his glib tongue, Xiaoxiao felt displeased. She did not know how many women he had practiced his wiles on to become so skillfully persuasive…

However, Ling Zhishan’s current lack of restraint was truly too lacking. With her infatuated gaze fixed on Wei Jie, how would she react upon meeting her true beloved, Qin Lingxiao, in the future?

As Xiaoxiao’s thoughts wandered aimlessly, Wei Jie gradually furrowed his sword-like brows.

He had always disliked others staring intently at his face, even if the person was a beautiful woman.

Especially this Ling Zhishan, who had come with the intention of apprehending them based solely on official notices, completely forgetting the gratitude owed to Wei Jie for exposing Wei Di and saving most of the Four Great Sects’ disciples.

Seeing her like this, no matter how beautiful, she was simply an ungrateful commoner!

Ling Zhishan’s infatuated gaze remained glued to Wei Jie, which only made him increasingly uncomfortable.

Seeing that she showed no signs of averting her eyes, he casually picked up a clod of dirt, gauged its weight, and without ceremony, flung it squarely at Ling Zhishan’s forehead. The impact caused her head to jerk back as she let out a pained “Ow!”

Caught off guard, Ling Zhishan was blinded by the scattered dirt and sand. Unable to move, she could only blink furiously, her eyes watering as she angrily shouted, “Hey, what are you doing?!”

Xiaoxiao had also snapped out of her daze. She never expected Wei Jie to treat Ling Zhishan so rudely.

Wei Jie’s temperament was quite peculiar. Initially, when they had first met, his attitude towards her had not been very friendly either. However, he had always maintained a refined demeanor, treating her with relative courtesy, giving Xiaoxiao the impression that he was skilled in the art of romance and accustomed to gentle affection.

But upon careful reflection, Xiaoxiao had never actually witnessed him employing such amorous charms with other women.

Take Yu Ling’er, for instance – he always ended up reducing her to frustrated tears. And now, faced with the beautiful Ling Zhishan, he could still act so brazen, like an unruly child!

As his master, Xiaoxiao could not simply turn a blind eye to her disciple’s discourtesy.

Seeing Ling Zhishan’s pained cries, Xiaoxiao undid the binding talisman and guided her to the stream to rinse her eyes.

As she helped Ling Zhishan wash up, Xiaoxiao said, “The Talisman Sect bears no grudge against the Four Great Sects. In fact, we have aided you in the past. As for the recent bloody incidents in the villages, the perpetrators were others. We have hurried back to rescue the villagers, so please do not be misled by evildoers and impede this urgent matter, Lady Ling!”

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wei Jie unsealed the accupoints of the other Wonderful Immortal Mountain disciples.

Regaining their freedom, the disciples felt somewhat at a loss facing these legendary “demonic duo,” unsure of how to proceed.

Although still young, Ling Zhishan was no fool. Having never encountered this master and disciple before, she had simply followed the crowd’s perception.

But now, seeing the so-called villainous fiends of the Talisman Sect as a youthful, handsome man and beautiful woman, she could not help reassessing her views.

Although that Wei Jie had an unpleasant character, marring his good looks, the warm, friendly smile on Cui Xiaoxiao’s face did not seem befitting of a cold-blooded killer!

At this point, one of the Wonderful Immortal Mountain disciples cautioned Ling Zhishan from behind, “Little Martial Sister, do not readily believe her words. You know how deceitful the human heart can be. Since everyone says these murders were committed by this master and disciple, there must be a reason behind it.”

Cui Xiaoxiao, seeing there were quite a few busybodies from Wonderful Immortal Mountain, let out a sigh before turning to Wei Jie, “How can we prove to them that we’re not lying?”

Wei Jie stretched lazily and said nonchalantly, “That’s simple enough.”

Before the words had even left his mouth, he swiftly struck out, knocking down each of the Wonderful Immortal Mountain disciples one by one.

As the staves and cudgels clattered to the ground, Wei Jie wore a faint smile, his arms folded as he said, “Lying is only worthwhile when deceiving formidable experts. You lot are empty-headed, blindly following rumors, and as weak as fluffy chicks easily crushed. What’s the point in lying to you?”

The faces of those fallen “fluffy chicks” from Wonderful Immortal Mountain flushed red-hot with embarrassment, like steamed chickens, as furious as they were immobilized. They could only glare, having witnessed firsthand that the two legendary “demonic duo” could effortlessly kill without needing to deceive.

For them to continue posturing as if facing grave adversaries would be utterly ridiculous.

Ling Zhishan was deeply humiliated by Wei Jie’s actions. The entranced admiration in her eyes had vanished, replaced by resentful defiance as she bit her lip and glared at this arrogant, unruly man.

Born beautiful, she had always been the adored center of attention in her sect. Never had she encountered someone like Wei Jie who treated her so brazenly without any courtesy.

Forcefully suppressing the sudden urge to cry, she struggled to say, “So you claim innocence? The bloody incident in the neighboring village has only just occurred. Some demon must have cruelly slaughtered the innocent. Although we may not be as skilled as you, we uphold the spirit of aiding the weak against the strong. We will not return until we have thoroughly investigated and uncovered the truth!”

Wei Jie had always harbored a sharp tongue towards women other than Cui Xiaoxiao, especially so for this Ling Zhishan, who did not hold his favor.

Hearing her words, he released the other Wonderful Immortal Mountain disciples’ accupoints before mockingly addressing Ling Zhishan’s weakness, “I hear the new Mountain Master of Wonderful Immortal Mountain is the late master’s martial brother, with whom he had long been estranged. Could it be that you led your people away because you could no longer remain at the sect?”

With this, Wei Jie had truly struck Ling Zhishan’s most vulnerable spot. For what he said was true – having suddenly lost her father, she had become homeless…

Tears immediately welled up in the young lady’s eyes at this raw reminder. However, her manner of crying differed from that of the teary fox princess Yu Ling’er.

When reduced to tears by anger, Yu Ling’er would simply wail unrestrained, unconcerned with appearing unbecoming.

But Ling Zhishan, though tearful, did not utter a sound. Her expression remained impassive, her gaze as chilly and imperious as a frost-laden snow lotus, her crystal tears tracing her flawless cheeks – a vision that could stir even the most hardened heart to pity.

Unfortunately, Wei Jie had always despised weeping women. Although Ling Zhishan’s tears resembled a painting, his attention had already drifted elsewhere, towards the quiet village below the mountain.

Seeing Ling Zhishan reduced to such a state by Wei Jie, Xiaoxiao inwardly chided him: “You’re courting karmic retribution!”

One must remember that although this Lady Ling seemed as pitiful as a stray now, in two hundred years she would become the founding Palace Master of her own sect.

As the saying goes, “Do not bully the young and impoverished,” so why needlessly make enemies everywhere?

Observing her disciple once again carelessly flinging stones into the cesspit and splattering others, Xiaoxiao swiftly intervened to douse the flames, “Enough nonsense! Lady Ling is clearly a righteous and chivalrous person. The village below is about to face utter catastrophe, and she is simply motivated by a heart that cares for the people – the very essence of xian xia!”

The principle of resolving grievances rather than creating new ones was well-known. Xiaoxiao understood that in the original trajectory, it was precisely his mistreatment of such loyal disciples that had led Wei Jie down the path of destruction.

While Xiaoxiao did not particularly favor Ling Zhishan either, since Wei Jie currently had no blood feud with her, there was no need to sow further resentment between them.

By speaking thus, she had provided Ling Zhishan a path to step down gracefully.

However, after being given this path, the snow lotus Ling Zhishan, tears still staining her cheeks, chose to follow them instead.

“Since you have spoken thus, Sect Master Cui, how could I not lend you my aid? Moreover, whether you are the culprit has yet to be proven. By accompanying you, I can also bear witness to your innocence.”

Xiaoxiao let out an “ah” as she turned to see Wei Jie silently smirking beside her, as if mocking her tenderhearted naivety for once again attracting an unwanted burden!

Nevertheless, Xiaoxiao did not mind the company. Since Ling Zhishan was clearly not affiliated with the Prince Can, and likely had no ties to Qin Lingxiao’s Soaring Cloud Pavilion at this point, she could allow her to tag along. After all, the Wonderful Immortal Mountain disciples had also come to apprehend the perpetrators behind the village slaughter.

As they approached the village entrance, the village remained eerily quiet.

They chose a vantage point on a higher slope overlooking the entire village. If any intruders appeared, no matter which direction, they would be able to respond immediately.

Seizing this opportunity, Xiaoxiao asked Ling Zhishan, “How did you know we were here?”

Ling Zhishan explained, “Soaring Cloud Pavilion has circulated messages to the Four Great Sects and the orthodox path, claiming you were hiding here committing evil deeds… They also said… you seem to have cultivated techniques to drain the vigor of robust male disciples…”

Halfway through, Ling Zhishan’s face reddened, realizing she had spoken improprieties. She could not help but quickly glance towards the male disciple Wei Jie beside her…

The other Wonderful Immortal Mountain disciples all wore expressions of disdain, yet tinged with curiosity as they appraised Cui Xiaoxiao.

This demoness did not seem particularly demonic, with a rather pure and beautiful appearance. Although different from their martial sister Ling Zhishan’s glamorous looks, Cui Xiaoxiao’s gentle, charming beauty could indeed captivate men’s affections.

But one should not judge solely by appearances! Who could have imagined this sweet, lovely maiden reminiscent of spring wildflowers would actually practice such draining arts?

Yet amidst their contempt, they could not help but ponder: to be drained by such a beautiful woman, if not excessively harmful to one’s health, might not be entirely unacceptable…

Xiaoxiao never expected the upright Pavilion Master of Soaring Cloud Pavilion to engage in such vile slander! Not only was he framing her for murder, but he was also defaming her as a lust demoness!

Thus, when Ling Zhishan hesitated, Xiaoxiao could only laugh out of sheer anger while giving her a sidelong glance, “The Talisman Sect is an orthodox sect! We only focus on cultivating talisman condensation skills. When have we ever walked the path of the Harmonious Union Sect? As for the relationship between my disciple and I, it has always been proper! Wei Jie! Tell them, have I ever drained you?”

Seeing Cui Xiaoxiao so vehemently denying the accusations, Ling Zhishan felt a hint of relief: it seemed the relationship between this youthful master and her disciple Wei Jie was indeed pure and innocuous!

As for why she felt relieved, even Ling Zhishan could not fathom the reason herself.

However, when Wei Jie was prompted by his master to testify, he did not immediately respond. Instead, he caressed his own neck and face as if recalling, before saying, “I don’t believe there has been any… deep draining…”

The areas he had touched happened to be where Cui Xiaoxiao had nuzzled her face against him. In fact, when she had been carried on his back earlier, she had even stolen a few nibbles in her unbridled state…

This assessment of “no deep draining” was truly an honest yet smooth evasion worthy of an experienced rake.

Ling Zhishan could not help feeling that his words sounded rather dubious as she suspiciously eyed Cui Xiaoxiao.

This was undoubtedly a test of one’s ability to maintain a poker face and exercise guile.

Had Xiaoxiao wasted all those years mingling on the streets? Donning a benevolent matriarchal demeanor, she smilingly chided Wei Jie through gritted teeth, “Jie’er, you’re being naughty again. Don’t act so mischievously in front of others and cause misunderstandings!”

Her face was turned towards Wei Jie, yet only he could see his benevolent master’s beguiling eyes opened wide, brimming with the divine force of retribution as if to say: if he dared misspeak again, she would unleash thunderous fury upon him!

Wei Jie could not help but laugh, no longer teasing his master, “Master, do not be angry. When I next encounter Soaring Cloud’s disciples, I will surely inquire as to whose foul mouth spread such slanderous rumors!”

It was rare for him to genuinely laugh, his adorable fangs peeking out and momentarily dispelling his devilish aura, making him appear as innocent as a youth…

Once more, Ling Zhishan found herself mesmerized, feeling as if a spring breeze had caressed her heart… If she could interact daily with such a man, even without ascending to immortality, the mortal realm would become a place worth lingering in…

Xiaoxiao knew the truth about Qin He’s background and could not be bothered to dwell on such baseless rumors with Ling Zhishan. Instead, she turned her gaze back towards the village below.

The eerie silence pervading the village made her uneasy. Could it be that Wan Lianshi’s men had not arrived?

Squinting her eyes, Xiaoxiao scrutinized the village when she noticed a hunched night watchman shakily approach the entrance and hang up a lantern.

Their village, nestled in the mountains, was now in the season when mountain fungi flourished.

Whenever dawn had not yet broken, villagers would go into the mountains to forage for mushrooms, typically gathering at the entrance beforehand. Hence, the night watchman would hang a lantern at this hour.

Initially, everything seemed ordinary. However, Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes, fixating on the two lanterns the night watchman had just hung up – something seemed off about them.

After the incident with the snake-eye lantern in the Prince Can’s study, Xiaoxiao had become exceptionally attentive to such details.

She recalled the two lanterns hanging at the village entrance had always been old paper lanterns with soybean oil. Moreover, whenever villagers went mushroom foraging, the night watchman would extinguish the candles to conserve resources – a frugal way of life.

But now, these new lanterns were larger than before, their surfaces emitting a reddish glow as they burned with four thick, fist-sized candles – an extravagance unbefitting an impoverished village.

Strangely, after lighting the lanterns, the villagers who usually gathered at the entrance had not appeared. Instead, the night watchman stood between the two lanterns, retrieving a handful of scraps from a cloth bag that he proceeded to scatter into the wind!

In that instant when the watchman flung out the scraps, Cui Xiaoxiao and Wei Jie simultaneously leapt up, their movements in perfect sync as they charged like arrows towards the watchman.

The Ghost Sect excelled at deploying demonic formations. Although Wan Lianshi might not match them in close combat, they could hardly withstand his treacherous ploys like setting up illusion formations to harm others.

Just like the previous illusion formation they had encountered, if not for Xiaoxiao’s keen perceptiveness in discovering the weakness, they might have been trapped inside until death.

Wei Jie’s movements were even swifter. Before he arrived, he had already unleashed his qi shield, slamming it squarely into the night watchman’s back.

But upon impact, the qi shield merely struck a pile of tattered clothing that crumpled to the ground as if filled with nothing but air, devoid of any person within.

As Xiaoxiao approached for a closer look, she discovered a human skin talisman affixed to the back of the clothing – clearly a false avatar being remotely controlled by Wan Lianshi to set up the demonic formation.

She immediately looked up at the lanterns. Accompanied by the sizzling of the oil, a familiar rancid, greasy stench reminiscent of their experience in the illusory city wafted from the lanterns.

Xiaoxiao swiftly drew two silver talismans and flung them towards the lanterns.

Before the talismans could make contact, a web of crackling lightning suddenly flashed around the lanterns, forming a barrier that repelled the silver talismans.

The silver Xiaoxiao used was mined from the underworld, inherently capable of exorcising evil and revealing demonic presences. Moreover, the expulsion talisman she had employed would force any demonic beings it touched to reveal their true forms.

Although the talismans failed to strike the lanterns directly, they had still compelled the lanterns to unveil their true nature.

Ling Zhishan looked up and gasped involuntarily.

These were no mere paper lanterns, but two skeletal cauldrons hovering in midair, composed of countless interlocked bones.

At this moment, the cauldrons blazed with corpse oil, radiating scorching heat.

The village cloaked beneath this ghastly crimson glow suddenly became visible, accompanied by the agonized screams that had previously been sealed within the barrier.

Xiaoxiao knew the demonic formation had just been initiated, so the villagers still had a chance of being saved. Exchanging a glance with Wei Jie, he handed the “Defying the Heavens” sword back to her.

Xiaoxiao silently chanted an exorcism mantra before slashing fiercely towards the two skeletal cauldrons serving as the formation’s focal points.

This time, her sword beam managed to pierce through the outer barrier.

Unable to withstand the sword’s force, the cauldrons cracked open, spurting gushing streams of fresh blood from the fissures that caused Ling Zhishan and the Wonderful Immortal Mountain disciples to stumble back in alarm.

Seizing the opportunity, Xiaoxiao flung her expulsion talismans once more. As the silver light engulfed the cauldrons, they exploded in a brilliant shower of sparks suspended in midair.

At that moment, the village that had been cloaked in an ominous crimson haze was finally exposed under the first rays of dawn’s light.

As they rushed into the village, they found the entrance littered with paper figures that must have been the scraps scattered by the “night watchman” earlier.

Xiaoxiao picked up a couple and examined them – incredibly, they were unmistakable silhouettes of her and Wei Jie, remarkably lifelike in their depiction.

If her guess was correct, the recent serial murders in the surrounding villages had likely employed the same method. Paper avatars controlled by Wan Lianshi, impersonating her and Wei Jie, had indiscriminately slaughtered, thus leading eyewitnesses to vividly describe their appearances.

At that moment, a few blood-drenched villagers crawled out from their houses, attempting to call for help. However, upon seeing Cui Xiaoxiao and Wei Jie’s faces, they reacted as if seeing ghosts, letting out terrified shrieks before frantically retreating back inside on all fours.

Xiaoxiao knew they had lost too much blood to withstand further shock, so she did not approach them. Instead, she retrieved a few silver talismans and a small furnace from her pocket.

This furnace had been passed down from her master. She ignited one of the silver talismans within, the bean-sized flame instantly melting the talisman into liquid silver. She then poured the molten silver into the village well for Ling Zhishan and the Wonderful Immortal Mountain disciples to administer to the severely wounded villagers.

If Xiaoxiao’s guess was correct, Wan Lianshi had employed the Scorching Sun Formation. Those two corpse oil cauldrons had served as the formation’s focal points, causing anyone trapped inside to hemorrhage uncontrollably through their pores, like profuse sweating, until completely drained of blood.

This explained why the previously drained victims had no visible wounds – their blood had been forcibly expelled through their very pores!

The villagers’ lost blood had been collected within those cauldrons for Wan Lianshi’s use. Previously, his frameups had been relatively minor offenses.

But this time, certain that Xiaoxiao and Wei Jie were taking refuge here, he had gone so far as to plan a village massacre in order to solidify the criminal charges against them.

As for how Xiaoxiao knew to counter the formation, it was because her master’s secret manuals had included descriptions of the Scorching Sun Formation.

According to the records, Wei Jie had previously encountered this formation after his great victory over the illusion formation at Soaring Cloud Pavilion. However, since his body had already transformed into snake scales at that point, lacking any pores or sweat glands, the Scorching Sun Formation had been utterly ineffective against him. Nevertheless, Wei Jie’s side had still suffered significant casualties, enraging him to the point of razing Soaring Cloud Pavilion to the ground.

Reflecting back, Xiaoxiao could not help but sympathize with Wei Jie’s fury at that time. Having just suffered the devastating loss of his mother, consumed by vengeance, his enmity towards the Four Great Sects had already run deep. To then face such a vile formation, with the masterminds hiding behind the so-called orthodox sects and privileged nobility, was simply unforgivable.

However, her present priority was to quickly locate her master. Tang Youshu’s frail constitution meant he did not have much blood to lose. If any harm befell him, the Lingshan Talisman Sect would truly lose its founding patriarch, unable to be passed on!

When they finally reached the courtyard where they had been residing, Xiaoxiao was astonished to find her silver talismans lining the surrounding houses in an intricate pattern forming the Yin-Yang Bagua Formation.

The paper avatars could not breach this barrier, only piling up against the doors and windows of the outer ring of houses, which appeared plastered in paper.

As Xiaoxiao entered the courtyard shouting for “Master Youshu” while attempting to pull open the doors, she found they seemed barricaded from the inside, unable to be forced open no matter how hard she tried.

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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