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Mistaken Era 59

Chapter 59

Wei Jie walked over and extended his long leg, kicking open the door with one foot.

In the next instant, more than a dozen silver talismans came flying towards Cui Xiaoxiao and Wei Jie’s faces like they cost nothing.

Xiaoxiao used a bench from the courtyard to shield her face, then partially revealed herself and shouted towards Tang Youshu, who was swinging his slender arms to fling the talismans, “Master Youshu, it’s me!”

Tang Youshu was still uncertain upon seeing Xiaoxiao’s face, panting heavily as he asked, “Then… let me ask you, when are sesame seed cakes most… most delicious to eat?”

Yesterday, a neighborly granny had sent them some freshly baked sesame seed cakes. Bored at the time, Xiaoxiao had given the Talisman Sect disciples a detailed lecture on the best way to enjoy the cakes.

Now the grand-disciple was interrogating the grand-master, leaving Xiaoxiao torn between amusement and exasperation, but she understood Tang Youshu was simply trying to ascertain her true identity.

Thus, Xiaoxiao promptly replied, “Naturally, they are best when freshly baked, still emanating the wok’s aroma, with the sugar oozing and the texture hardened yet soft!”

Hearing her recite the Talisman Sect’s profound culinary wisdom, Tang Youshu let out a long breath, his voice tinged with tears as he said, “Grand-master! Master! You’ve finally returned!”

It turned out that when the skeletal cauldron lanterns had been lit at the village entrance, the entire village felt as if it had been shoved into a scorching furnace, the stifling heat becoming unbearable.

Due to the spirit stones she carried, Yu Ling’er had sensed the abnormal formation being established even earlier than ordinary people.

But when she tried to lead Tang Youshu and the fox tribe away, it seemed the entire village had been sealed under an enormous lid, making it impossible to escape.

Soon, the village appeared to be placed atop a raging fire, the heat becoming too intense to withstand.

Yu Ling’er knew the village had fallen into a demonic formation, so she led the tribe in forcefully ramming the barrier, hoping to create a gap for them to escape.

However, the more they struggled, the more intense the heat became, rapidly sapping their strength.

It was at this critical juncture that Tang Youshu suddenly recalled how, after Cui Xiaoxiao had finished lecturing on the best way to enjoy sesame seed cakes, she had casually mentioned the tragic incidents in the neighboring villages.

Grand-Master Cui Xiaoxiao had brought up the “Scorching Sun Formation” at that time, suspecting the villagers had fallen victim to a similar demonic art. She had provided a detailed explanation of the counter-measure.

Recalling this, Tang Youshu promptly retrieved the silver talismans left behind by his grand-master and affixed them to the surrounding houses in the courtyard, simultaneously drawing the Yin-Yang Bagua Formation on the ground.

He had always been fond of such feng shui formations, so despite Cui Xiaoxiao’s somewhat vague description at the time, he grasped the formation’s principles as if he had devised it himself.

While Tang Youshu understood the formation’s mechanics, his own spiritual power was insufficient to sustain it.

Fortunately, Yu Ling’er and the fox tribe were present, so Tang Youshu arranged for them to join the formation, with Yu Ling’er serving as the focal point while the fox tribe provided spiritual power to anchor the formation’s footings.

With Yu Ling’er’s spirit stones compensating for her lack of innate spiritual power, the silver talisman formation’s might was amplified to its maximum, completely withstanding the “Scorching Sun Formation’s” scorching assault.

At that time, Tang Youshu had gathered many villagers into the surrounding houses, cramming them inside to avoid the searing heat on the outer perimeter, holding out until Cui Xiaoxiao and Wei Jie returned.

However, he never expected that within a short while, countless versions of his master and grand-master would come knocking on the door.

Through the window cracks, Tang Youshu saw the paper avatars transformed into Cui Xiaoxiao and Wei Jie, their sinister smiles as they constantly scratched at the doors, truly frightening enough to scare one to death.

Thus, when the true Cui Xiaoxiao and Wei Jie returned, Tang Youshu and the others remained as wary as startled birds, requiring a code phrase to discern their authenticity.

Upon hearing Tang Youshu’s account, Xiaoxiao realized why she had been able to break the formation so easily from the outside.

The formation consumed those trapped within as fuel, requiring their complete incineration to unleash its full potency.

However, by erecting a formation within the formation, Tang Youshu had protected half the villagers.

This prevented the “fuel” inside from being fully “combusted,” inadvertently weakening the demonic formation and allowing Xiaoxiao to effortlessly shatter the two skeletal cauldrons from the outside.

Although Tang Youshu remained a frail youth, he had begun unconsciously revealing the innate talents of the Talisman Sect’s founding patriarch!

Feeling a surge of excitement upon realizing this, Xiaoxiao could not help but grasp Tang Youshu’s hand like a doting child, her face beaming with adoration as she exclaimed, “Master… Young Master Tang, I knew you were the best!”

As she spoke, Xiaoxiao’s expression was so full of reverence that she felt like composing a poem to praise her benevolent master’s brilliant martial prowess.

However, such childish impertinence appeared unbecoming when witnessed by others.

Wei Jie’s expression darkened, and before he could reach out to separate their clasped hands, Yu Ling’er let out a loud “woo-woo” as she forcefully pulled Tang Youshu towards her, baring her fangs at Cui Xiaoxiao.

At this moment, Wei Jie deliberately positioned himself beside Xiaoxiao, shielding her from Yu Ling’er’s threatening snarl.

With one stern glare from his deep purple eyes, Yu Ling’er immediately fell silent. However, she noticed the elongated oiled paper package protruding from Wei Jie’s carry sack – the very one she had mistaken for containing delicacies – and curiously asked, “What’s that?”

Whenever Wei Jie went out, he would always bring back some tasty treats for Cui Xiaoxiao, which Yu Ling’er could also enjoy.

Seeing the oiled paper package, the first thing Yu Ling’er thought of was some savory delicacy.

Wei Jie smiled and deliberately opened one corner to show Yu Ling’er…

The timid fox let out another startled “woo-woo,” her eyes reddening as she clung to Tang Youshu’s arm, refusing to speak another word to him or Cui Xiaoxiao.

Tang Youshu had no choice but to drag along this furry burden, following his master and grand-master back and forth.

Ling Zhishan, accompanied by a few Wonderful Immortal Mountain disciples, also trailed behind, assisting Cui Xiaoxiao’s group in rescuing the villagers afflicted by the demonic formation.

As for the other unfortunate villagers who had suffered blood loss, upon seeing Cui Xiaoxiao and Wei Jie, they reacted in terror, weeping and calling out for their parents.

It took great effort from Tang Youshu to explain that these two were the real individuals, not the malicious apparitions from before.

After drinking the talisman-infused water prepared by Xiaoxiao, those severely drained villagers indeed showed significant improvement.

Combined with Tang Youshu and Yu Ling’er’s protection of most of the villagers, and their explanations, the villagers came to believe that demonic entities had indeed impersonated Cui Xiaoxiao and Wei Jie to perpetrate harm.

It was at this moment that the four great orthodox sects of the Demon Suppressing Alliance finally arrived, fashionably late.

Leading them was none other than Qin He, the Pavilion Master of Soaring Cloud Pavilion, who had just received treatment for his injuries at the Prince Can’s Manor.

However, upon entering the village, Qin He had expected to find a scene of scattered corpses.

Of course, such a formation would conveniently leave some “survivors” as living witnesses, allowing them to vividly describe Cui Xiaoxiao and Wei Jie’s appearances while recounting their atrocities of slaughtering the entire village.

With such concrete evidence, Cui Xiaoxiao’s guilt in becoming demonized would be irrefutable. The master had instructed that she must be driven into an indefensible position, filled with resentment to catalyze her demonic nature!

But to Qin He’s utter surprise, although the villagers had suffered severe blood loss, they were all still alive. And the intended targets of the framing – that Talisman Sect master and disciple – were actually directing people to administer talisman water to the villagers.

At that moment, Cui Xiaoxiao was comforting a wailing infant, the slender beauty cradling the fragrant baby, affectionately kissing its chubby cheeks while feeding it water.

The baby would drink a sip, then blow out bubbles before giggling at Xiaoxiao.

Such a scene exuded utter tranquility, a far cry from the rumored image of a cold-blooded demoness slaughtering indiscriminately!

Qin He felt a sinking feeling in his heart. Earlier, he had seen the shattered cauldrons at the village entrance and realized Cui Xiaoxiao must have broken the formation.

Back at the Prince Can’s Manor, she had outmatched Wan Lianshi in their talisman battle, causing his human skin talisman to backfire and cost him an arm that had yet to be recovered.

Moreover, the two of them had somehow escaped the divine messenger statue’s strikes and silently fled the heavily guarded manor.

Now, at such a young age, she had effortlessly broken the grand senior martial brother’s proudest formation. Just… what was her background?

Qin He had an ominous premonition, but having been tasked by the master to force Cui Xiaoxiao’s demonization, he could not easily retreat.

Fortunately, he was not alone in coming to suppress the demonic fiend this time. As before, he only needed to instigate the other orthodox sects to take action.

And the orthodox sects’ supreme arts in subjugating others had always prioritized words over force.

Before Qin He could speak, a Soaring Cloud Pavilion disciple began shouting insults, vehemently denouncing the Lingshan Talisman Sect as a rare demonic cult that had produced the demoness Cui Xiaoxiao, who viewed human life as insignificant as grass!

The Four Great Sects would act in service of the righteous path by eliminating her.

However, their raucous shouting frightened the infant in Xiaoxiao’s arms, causing it to burst into wails.

Before Xiaoxiao could respond, the baby’s parents and uncles began glaring and hurling curses in return, “Which pack of dogs are you lot? Can’t you see our village has just suffered a calamity? You barge into our village without any evidence, immediately shouting insults that terrify the children, as if we’re all dead bodies here!”

The Four Great Sects, along with various other large and small sects, always regarded themselves as upholding the righteous path of cultivation. In their daily lives of imbibing the dew and feasting on flowers, untainted by mundane affairs, they exuded an aura of transcendence wherever they went, addressed as “Celestial Elders” by all.

When had such crude, ill-mannered villagers ever dared to insult them to their faces?

The disciple who had initiated the scolding found himself routed by the villagers’ unrefined taunts, their faces flushing red with anger as they struggled to decide whether to treat these men, women, and children as demonic cult affiliates deserving of severe punishment.

It was at this moment that Qin He spoke coldly, “Ignorant villagers! The calamity that befell your village was the handiwork of these very people. Our purpose in coming here is to rescue you!”

Upon hearing this, the villagers lowered their voices, for many had indeed witnessed the apparitions of “Cui Xiaoxiao” and “Wei Jie” committing atrocities, leaving them harboring doubts.

Xiaoxiao glanced at Qin He with a smile, speaking loudly, “Pavilion Master Qin, I just encountered you at the Prince Can’s Manor. I never expected to meet you again here – it seems we are truly destined!”

Her words immediately drew the attention of the other three great sects, for during the Qiushui Pond catastrophe, they had suffered significant losses.

Although the Prince Can had brazenly pinned the blame on the traitorous father-daughter duo of Wei Di, leveraging his status as an imperial kinsman, his inscrutable intentions were an undeniable fact.

Now Cui Xiaoxiao claimed Qin He had come from the Prince Can’s Manor, causing the three great sects to furrow their brows as they silently awaited the Pavilion Master’s explanation.

Qin He let out a cold laugh, having already anticipated Cui Xiaoxiao would expose his connection to the Prince Can.

However, without any evidence, he was not afraid of her words. After all, he had spent many years at Soaring Cloud Pavilion, accumulating a formidable network and reputation that could hardly be shaken by the baseless claims of a mere girl.

With a mocking smile, he said, “Cui Xiaoxiao, I advise you not to confuse and mislead others! I have never visited the Prince Can’s Manor, so I don’t know what your intentions are in saying this. Do you think slandering me by accusing me of colluding with the Prince Can will absolve you of your myriad crimes?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Soaring Cloud Pavilion disciples immediately voiced their support, with some producing official wanted notices to show the villagers, proving that the individuals hiding in their village were indeed notorious demonic fiends!

This remote village was quite isolated, with most villagers illiterate and seldom visiting the city, leaving them unaware that Cui Xiaoxiao and the others were wanted fugitives.

Upon seeing the official seals, they were frightened into scattering, keeping their distance from the Talisman Sect’s master and disciple. One woman even snatched the infant from Xiaoxiao’s arms before stumbling away, clutching the baby far from the “demoness.”

Seeing this situation, Qin He felt inwardly delighted, but his expression remained cold and aloof as he said, “Cui Xiaoxiao, your crimes are beyond redemption, unacceptable by the heavenly principles! Do not think you can escape justice by feigning benevolence!”

It mattered little if there was no village massacre this time, for many had already perished previously. As long as he could pin the blame on Cui Xiaoxiao, it would suffice!

With the four great sects and numerous other orthodox sects present, this amounted to a public trial by the righteous path.

If they could heap enough insults and provoke Cui Xiaoxiao into resentful fury, catalyzing her demonic nature, it would be even better! They could then witness her monstrous appearance upon becoming demonized firsthand.

Once branded a demoness, it would be difficult for Cui Xiaoxiao to redeem herself.

Seeing the villagers’ fearful expressions as they looked towards them, completely forgetting how Cui Xiaoxiao and the others had aided them during the formation’s assault, Yu Ling’er felt disappointed and indignantly said, “If Xiaoxiao had truly harmed people, why would her disciple have rescued the villagers from within the formation? Isn’t that just adding insult to injury and completely unnecessary? It’s clear that Qin He, that hypocritical scoundrel, is colluding with the Prince Can to frame us! The formation here and the illusory city we encountered outside Luoyi City were both the work of the Ghost Sect’s Wan Lianshi, who serves the Prince Can!”

Qin He let out a cold laugh, “Everyone from the Four Great Sects knows that the Ghost Sect’s Wan Lianshi Master was already suppressed and executed over twenty years ago during their united campaign! For you to now drag out a dead man to be your scapegoat is utterly laughable. Where is your proof that Wan Lianshi is still alive?”

Cui Xiaoxiao remained unfazed by Qin He and the others’ slanderous framing, for she clearly understood that she was walking the destined path of Wei Jie’s demonization.

These vile insults were what Wei Jie himself should have endured alone. If he had faced such collective condemnation, rendered utterly defenseless, he would have undoubtedly exploded from sheer resentment!

However, Xiaoxiao had been called a “little trickster” since childhood, having experienced more hardships than many elderly elders.

To provoke her into complete disarray and resentment, such slander was merely the bottom of the pot – hardly enough for her to drink an entire jug!

So upon hearing Qin He’s defamatory words, Xiaoxiao calmly replied, “It was widely rumored that Wan Lianshi had fallen to his death from a cliff during the Four Great Sects’ campaign against him. However, his remains were never recovered, unseen by anyone. Yet those great experts who had participated in suppressing Wan Lianshi perished one by one under mysterious circumstances over the past twenty years. Don’t you all find this strange?”

Master Tang Youshu had been deeply curious about the Ghost Sect’s rise and downfall, leading his secret manuals to dedicate dozens of pages to records and hearsay he had collected about the Ghost Sect. The bizarre death of one great expert involved in suppressing Wan Lianshi had even been marked with a “Doubtful, investigate further” annotation by the master.

Previously, Xiaoxiao had not grasped her master’s deeper implications when reading this. But now, experiencing events two hundred years in the past and glimpsing the secret that Wan Lianshi was still alive, she suddenly understood the meaning behind “Doubtful, investigate further.”

Upon hearing her words, the elder seniors from the four great sects could not help showing their disquiet.

For the girl spoke the truth – those great experts who had participated in suppressing Wan Lianshi did indeed meet tragic fates over the following decade or so, with some disappearing without a trace and others unexpectedly perishing within their secluded meditation caves.

If they were ordinary people falling victim to aging, illness, or death, it would be understandable. But they were among the elite of the four great sects – how could every single one have vanished or perished so easily, without exception?

Xiaoxiao continued, “Wan Lianshi from the Ghost Sect harbored immense vengeance. If he had been rescued from death and his life extended, he would undoubtedly seek retribution against those great experts from back then. I wonder if any of your venerable masters or elders had their skin crafted into his human skin talismans…”

Upon hearing this, a disciple from the Ebony Peak Qi Sect was the first to erupt in anger, for one of their elders had indeed met a gruesome demise within a sealed meditation cave – when discovered, his entire body was a bloody, fleshless mess, with every inch of skin stripped clean!

Yet the cave had been undisturbed, without any signs of intrusion or struggle. In other words, that elder had been utterly defenseless against his assailant.

This bloody case had severely tarnished Ebony Peak’s reputation, reflecting poorly on their disciples’ abilities. Thus, it had been suppressed as an internal disgrace known only to those of high standing within the sect.

However, Cui Xiaoxiao’s words had truly “awakened the dreaming” – why would the murderer have skinned the victim?

It was well-known that the Ghost Sect’s talismans required human skin as a material, and the skin of a cultivating expert was far more precious than that of exotic beasts!

After the Ebony Peak disciple revealed this internal secret, the senior elders from other major sects, struck with dread, hastily confessed similar incidents of their own venerated predecessors meeting bizarre, skinless deaths.

They had initially concealed these matters from one another, for their elders’ demises had been utterly ignoble, devoid of any signs of resistance or struggle. Divulging such incidents would severely disgrace their own sects. After fruitless investigations left them without any leads, they could only suppress the truth to prevent demoralizing their disciples.

But now they realized that these were not isolated incidents unique to their own sects, and that these murder cases were interconnected, all involving those who had participated in suppressing Wan Lianshi years ago.

With this reasoning, Cui Xiaoxiao’s deduction became well-substantiated and difficult to refute.

The crowd immediately erupted into an uproar, no longer concerned about the deaths of a few villagers as they fervently demanded an investigation into the murderers behind their venerable elders’ deaths.

Seeing the situation slipping from his control, Qin He gritted his teeth in anger before raising his voice to regain command, “Esteemed colleagues, our purpose in coming here is to apprehend the demonized evil-doer Cui Xiaoxiao! Do not allow her trickery to distract you from our objective! Those old cases will naturally be investigated, but for her to know such intricate details and wield talismans so skillfully, does it not imply extensive connections to the Ghost Sect? This demoness Cui Xiaoxiao is of unknown origins and cannot be left unchecked!”

Cui Xiaoxiao smiled faintly at Qin He, “Oh my, Pavilion Master Qin, as a fellow senior martial brother disciple of Wan Lianshi, it’s only natural that you would dislike others speaking ill of him. My mistake!”

Before Qin He could refute her claim, the Soaring Cloud Pavilion disciples had already erupted in outraged shouts, “Demoness! What nonsense are you spouting? Our Pavilion Master has cultivated at Soaring Cloud Pavilion since his youth. How could he possibly be a fellow disciple of Wan Lianshi?”

It was at this moment that Wei Jie suddenly retrieved the bloodied severed arm from the bundle in his carry sack and flung it towards them!

This was the very arm Wei Jie had hacked off from Wan Lianshi back at the Prince Can’s Manor.

Ever the wily one, after severing the arm, Wei Jie had actually kept it instead of discarding it, originally intending to feed it to the manor’s dogs. However, after Xiaoxiao had examined the severed palm, she had instructed him to bring it along.

Hence, Wei Jie had wrapped it in oiled paper taken from the crown prince’s palace before stuffing it into his sack.

Xiaoxiao’s reason for keeping it was not simply to frighten Yu Ling’er with a prank.

Once one treads the Ghost Sect’s path, there is no turning back!

For those who cultivate their demonic talismans and contracts, crimson patterns would appear on their palms, becoming increasingly intricate and pronounced as their mastery deepened.

The severed palm bore an intricate web of such crimson patterns, undoubtedly belonging to a veteran steeped in the Ghost Sect’s wicked arts.

During his tenure as the Prince Can’s steward, Wan Lianshi had always worn flesh-colored gloves to conceal his hands, averting unwanted attention. But without that concealment, this severed arm openly revealed its owner’s sinister cultivation.

Xiaoxiao intended to use this arm as proof that Wan Lianshi was indeed still alive in this world!

She caught the arm and held it aloft, declaring loudly, “This was severed from the white-haired steward at the Prince Can’s Manor when my disciple and I infiltrated there last night. He is none other than the long-concealed Ghost Sect’s Wan Lianshi! If you don’t believe me, you can immediately proceed to the manor and see if that steward is missing an arm. Will he dare show himself before you all?”

As she spoke, Xiaoxiao smiled inquisitively at Qin He, curiously asking, “As for you, Pavilion Master, I truly don’t know if you have also cultivated the Ghost Sect’s arts. Why don’t you show us your palms and let everyone see if you bear these contract patterns?”

As she finished speaking, Xiaoxiao fixed an inquisitive gaze upon Qin He’s hands, which had always remained hidden within his billowing sleeves.

Qin He’s eyelids twitched slightly upon hearing this. He had never imagined that this young Cui Xiaoxiao would possess such intimate knowledge of the Ghost Sect’s practices!

How did she know that those who cultivated the Ghost Sect’s arts would develop patterned palms?

Qin He could not fathom that Xiaoxiao had traveled back from two hundred years in the future, carrying a voluminous secret manual wrapped like a foot-binding cloth that contained detailed records of other sects’ histories, including the Ghost Sect initiated by her own Talisman Sect!

Now, Xiaoxiao had directly implicated Qin He, demanding he publicly display his palms before everyone to prove his innocence.

Back in the illusory city of Luoyi, Xiaoxiao had seen Qin He’s face reflected in that remnant mirror, leaving her convinced that he had indeed dabbled in the Ghost Sect’s demonic talismans and possessed considerable proficiency in their wicked arts.

Once stained by such sinister cultivation, an indelible mark would forever remain, no matter how fervently one might attempt to cleanse themselves of it. Xiaoxiao intended to have Qin He reveal his palms as incontrovertible proof before the crowd.

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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