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Mistaken Era 60

Chapter 60

Qin He’s hands, hidden within his billowing sleeves, were tightly clenched.

In his youth, he had joined the Ghost Sect under Wan Lianshi, but lacking the innate talent to match his senior martial brother, he had instead suffered a backlash from the demonic talismans, nearly walking the path of demonic possession to his death.

Fortunately, he was saved by the Prince Can’s intervention, granted a second life while being instructed to conceal his identity and join Soaring Cloud Pavilion under the Prince Can’s arrangement. Blessed with a handsome appearance, he won the heart of the former Pavilion Master’s daughter, thus gaining entry into the sword cultivation path, opening his spiritual apertures and rising rapidly through the ranks of Soaring Cloud Pavilion.

Over the years, he had abandoned the Ghost Sect’s wicked path, wholeheartedly dedicating himself to the way of the sword. The crimson patterns on his palms from his previous cultivation had faded considerably, though still faintly discernible yet not as vibrant as before.

After all, the Ghost Sect’s arts excelled at covert manipulation from the shadows, rarely revealing themselves openly. In this world, few were privy to the Ghost Sect’s true practices.

Unfortunately, not long ago, Qin He had assisted his senior martial brother Wan Lianshi in controlling the illusory mirror formation, once again staining his hands with human skin talismans.

Although the red patterns on his palms were not as pronounced as Wan Lianshi’s, they now resembled intricate spiderwebs, immediately recognizable to any who laid eyes upon them.

Under such circumstances, how could Qin He dare reveal his hands for inspection?

The two closest attendant disciples beside Qin He exchanged uncertain glances.

Serving intimately by their master’s side, they were naturally aware that strange spider-web patterns had recently appeared on his palms.

When they had inquired about it, their master had merely claimed it was a superficial injury from his battle against the demoness Cui Xiaoxiao.

However, the patterns on this severed arm were identical to those on their master’s palms!

Yet when Qin He shot them a chilling glare, the two disciples immediately lowered their heads, not daring to speak further.

Meanwhile, Cui Xiaoxiao’s words had gained the affirmation of an Ebony Peak elder, who, although not directly involved in the campaign against Wan Lianshi years ago, had heard from his own senior martial uncles about the Ghost Sect master’s blood-red palms.

Thus, he attempted to persuade Qin He earnestly, “Since that is the case, Pavilion Master Qin, why not simply reveal your hands to them? As the saying goes, ‘The upright need not fear oblique shadows.’ Whether human or demon, revealing your palms will make everything clear, will it not?”

The Ebony Peak elder’s words seemed amiable, yet the gleam in his eyes beneath his furrowed brows revealed ulterior motives.

For a long time, Ebony Peak had languished beneath Soaring Cloud Pavilion’s shadow, unable to truly flex its strength.

If Soaring Cloud Pavilion were to become embroiled in a shocking scandal, the entire Ebony Peak Sect would delight in such an outcome…

Qin He found himself backed into a corner, truly unable to advance or retreat. Inwardly gritting his teeth with profound regret, he thought: He should never have agreed to operate that illusory formation on behalf of his senior martial brother, once again tainting himself with human skin talismans.

Would all his painstaking efforts be rendered futile?

It was at this moment that someone suddenly spoke up from behind the crowd in a resounding voice, “Lady Cui, you need not vent your unjustified anger towards my father by dragging up such tiresome nonsense.”

Everyone turned to see a tall, white-robed youth standing behind them with an impassive expression.

This youth was none other than Soaring Cloud Pavilion’s young Pavilion Master, Qin Lingxiao.

Qin He never expected his son, who had secretly run off, to suddenly interject at this moment.

Unable to restrain himself, he glared at his son, “Your cultivation is still shallow. You have no place to speak here!”

However, Qin Lingxiao met his father’s glare with an even more piercing gaze, calmly stating, “Father, have you forgotten? You instructed me to verify the true identity of the Prince Can’s steward. When I investigated his hometown, I discovered that in his youth, this person had suffered from polio, leaving him with a limp and stunted growth – his appearance was completely inconsistent with the white-haired steward we previously encountered at the manor.”

From his words, it seemed Qin He had long harbored suspicions about the Prince Can’s steward and had sent his son Qin Lingxiao to investigate.

However, only Qin He, Cui Xiaoxiao, and those involved truly understood whom Qin Lingxiao was defending.

Originally, despite his outward dismissal, Qin Lingxiao had been shaken by Cui Xiaoxiao’s accusation against his father.

After parting ways with Xiaoxiao, the lingering doubts weighed heavily on his mind. Determined to uncover the truth, he had discreetly traced the Prince Can’s steward’s origins, conducting a thorough investigation.

His findings had indeed proven that the white-haired steward’s background was shrouded in mystery.

Moreover, when Qin He had entered the manor for treatment, his son Qin Lingxiao had secretly followed, witnessing firsthand his father’s arrival with shattered spirit bones. However, after Cui Xiaoxiao and Wei Jie’s rampage through the manor, his father had emerged completely healed.

Watching his father from the shadows at that moment, Qin Lingxiao’s heart had burned like raging flames. Cui Xiaoxiao’s words had now been validated to a significant degree.

In his previous life, Qin Lingxiao’s father had perished at Wei Jie’s hands at a young age, leaving him without any reason to doubt his father’s cultivation path.

But now, the seeds of doubt had taken root, giving rise to an agonizing sense of disbelief.

However, even if his father truly harbored secrets he could not divulge about the Prince Can, Qin Lingxiao could not allow Cui Xiaoxiao to publicly disgrace his father and Soaring Cloud Pavilion.

Thus, seeing his father about to be cornered, Qin Lingxiao had timely intervened, ostensibly testifying on Cui Xiaoxiao’s behalf by exposing the questionable identity of the Prince Can’s steward, while simultaneously resolving his father’s predicament.

As Qin He’s son, having lived alongside his father, Qin Lingxiao was naturally aware of the changes in his palms and knew his father could not withstand scrutiny.

So after speaking those words, he approached Qin He and gripped his arm, saying in a low voice while applying forceful pressure, “Father, you have just recovered from your injuries and should not overexert yourself here. Leave the matters here to me.”

Qin He winced in pain, looking up at his son’s cold, piercing gaze. For a fleeting moment, he found himself cowed by the imposing aura emanating from his young son.

When had his son become so composed and mature? It seemed he had uncovered many unspeakable matters…

Qin He narrowed his eyes, realizing that if he remained, that dead girl would undoubtedly continue pressing him, forcing him to reveal the markings on his palms.

Thus, he seized the opportunity to make his retreat, curtly stating, “My injury is indeed causing me discomfort, and I cannot withstand it any longer… I’ll leave this matter to you!”

As he turned to depart, Wei Jie would not allow Qin He such an easy escape. The instant Qin He turned, Wei Jie unleashed a qi shield, striking towards him.

If Qin He attempted to employ his cultivation to defend, he would inevitably have to extend his hands, forcing him to reveal his true form – which was precisely Wei Jie’s intention.

However, in the next moment, Qin Lingxiao also sprang forward, flicking out five qi swords to deflect Wei Jie’s qi shield.

The collision between the formidable qi shield and qi swords caused the surrounding air to distort, producing a resounding explosion that sent the nearby crowd staggering back several steps.

The two youths now emanated surging spiritual power, like billowing flames, their auras lingering endlessly.

Qin Lingxiao’s forehead once again revealed the Nine Profundities Sword Sect’s five crimson lotus markings, indicating he had recovered five levels of the sword dao.

As for the qi shield employed by Wei Jie, although based on the techniques taught by Xiaoxiao from Wonderful Immortal Mountain, he had already adapted and refined it. The originally smooth surface now bristled with sharp qi projections, capable of offense as well as defense.

In an instant, Qin Lingxiao’s five qi swords were deflected and dispersed, yet they did not dissipate, instead swirling in midair as their sword qi enveloped the surrounding trees like a raging cyclone…

The clash of such abundant spiritual power caused the expressions of many sect elders to change.

Among the younger generation of outstanding talents across various sects, the differences in cultivation levels, while present, were not supposed to be so vast.

Yet the clash between Qin Lingxiao and Wei Jie had revealed to the sect elders that within this younger generation, there were already two peerless geniuses who had condensed their inner dans at an astonishingly young age – and they had both emerged simultaneously!

As for Qin Lingxiao, the sole heir of Soaring Cloud Pavilion, his access to superior resources granting him an innate advantage was understandable. With Soaring Cloud Pavilion’s immense strength, replenishing his golden core could be as effortless as consuming beans.

They had indeed heard rumors of Qin Lingxiao’s recent meteoric progress, as if his spiritual apertures had opened, allowing such a celestially-favored genius to condense his inner dan at a young age – not entirely unexpected.

But this Wei Jie… a mixed-demonic disciple from an obscure, wild sect, how could he possess such a profound and abundant spiritual aura?

Rumors had claimed Cui Xiaoxiao had become demonized, implying Wei Jie should have also walked the demonic path. Yet his spiritual awareness did not harbor the slightest taint of sinister, demonic energies, instead emanating the imposing aura of a peerless master!

It was said that just over a month ago, when surrounded by disciples from the Four Great Sects atop Mount Qilao, Wei Jie’s spiritual power had not been nearly as profound.

This Cui Xiaoxiao truly possessed the ability to nurture disciples, having guided this once-eclectic youth to the level of an inner dan cultivator possessing the profound spiritual power of a great master in such a short span of time!

Just what was the origin of this unheralded Talisman Sect?

Wasn’t Cui Xiaoxiao merely a lowly talisman refiner? How could she have produced such an outstanding disciple in just a few days?

For a moment, after marveling at the two peerless young talents, the crowd’s gazes inevitably shifted towards the young woman Cui Xiaoxiao.

Unbeknownst to Xiaoxiao, Wei Jie and Qin Lingxiao’s exchange had shaken the sect elders’ hearts, leaving them in awe of her apparent mastery as the founding patriarch of a sect capable of nurturing rare prodigies.

In the fleeting instant when Wei Jie and Qin Lingxiao’s battle had drawn everyone’s attention, Qin He had seized the opportunity to slip away, vanishing without a trace!

Xiaoxiao inwardly sighed, acknowledging Qin He’s swift escape. However, unable to openly reveal his hands, he would undoubtedly exhaust great efforts to conceal them, leaving her uncertain how much longer he could maintain his half-human, half-demonic existence…

Beside her, Ling Zhishan’s heart surged with emotion. Although there were two outstanding youths present, Ling Zhishan’s attention was entirely fixated on Wei Jie.

Not only was this man exceptionally handsome, but his profound spiritual power was also astoundingly robust. She had never witnessed their sect’s qi shields capable of such formidable might.

Such a rare talent could hardly be considered an ordinary cultivator. In that moment, Ling Zhishan felt her heart stirring once more, completely forgetting Wei Jie’s earlier abrasive treatment of her.

Meanwhile, the very Qin Lingxiao who had initially captured her heart in the original trajectory had now become a mere supporting character, no longer catching her eye.

As for the two combatants, Qin Lingxiao’s heart had also been deeply shaken.

He had never expected Wei Jie’s spiritual power to have advanced so rapidly in just a few short days!

He had always harbored intense resentment towards Wei Jie, yet also regarded this demonic dao master as an insurmountable peak.

For he had once trailed endlessly in Wei Jie’s wake, keenly aware that his own strength could never hope to surpass Wei Jie’s heights in this lifetime.

Taking advantage of Wei Jie’s temporary vulnerability during his demonization, Qin Lingxiao had scored a fortuitous victory, slaying Wei Jie and inheriting his spiritual power.

Qin Lingxiao had believed his nightmare had finally ended, no longer overshadowed by Wei Jie’s lingering presence.

But in that momentary exchange, Wei Jie’s qi shield had been imbued with immense force, causing Qin Lingxiao’s sword-wielding arms to grow numb from the overwhelming pressure of Wei Jie’s aura.

That familiar sense of powerlessness under Wei Jie’s dominance, the same terror that had haunted his dreams countless nights, once again assailed the sword sect’s celestially-favored genius.

For an instant, Qin Lingxiao found himself adrift, wondering: If Wei Jie had not walked the demonic path, without the temporary vulnerability of separating from the demonic bead, how could he ever hope to defeat such a Wei Jie?

Wei Jie, however, was infuriated!

He had merely intended to detain Qin He, never expecting Qin Lingxiao’s interference to allow Qin He’s escape.

Recalling how this brat had sent pastries to Xiaoxiao, he truly was a despicable scoundrel intent on seducing young ladies! Like father, like son – a pair of shameless conspirators!

Yet this brat was also perplexing, freezing in a daze after their brief clash as if his accupoints had been sealed.

Not one to show mercy, Wei Jie took advantage of Qin Lingxiao’s stupor to deliver a resounding slap across his face!

Caught completely off guard, Qin Lingxiao staggered back two steps, yet instead of anger, he remained dazed, clutching his face as he stared fixatedly at Wei Jie.

The sensation of that slap… it felt all too familiar!

When he had initially joined Wei Jie’s sect, whenever he had struggled to grasp his demonic master’s profound insights, the snake-scaled Wei Jie would unceremoniously deliver such a slap, his cold expression regarding Qin Lingxiao like an idiot before dismissing him to reflect alone.

This slap had instantly transported him back to those days as Wei Jie’s disciple, dominated by the demonic master’s presence.

Instinctively, Qin Lingxiao’s knees weakened, nearly causing him to kneel before his former master.

At this moment, Yu Ling’er darted forward like an arrow, supporting Qin Lingxiao’s arm with concern as she examined his face for injuries, preventing him from making a public spectacle of himself.

Unaware of the complexities behind their verbal exchange, Yu Ling’er had viewed Qin Lingxiao’s intentions as well-meaning, only for Wei Jie to inexplicably lash out and assault her benefactor without provocation. Naturally, she would stand by Qin Lingxiao’s side, defending her savior!

As Qin Lingxiao regained his senses, realizing how close he had come to kneeling before Wei Jie, his handsome face flushed a deep purple hue.

How could he have forgotten that such humiliations would never be repeated in this lifetime?

Regardless of Wei Jie’s superior insights, they now stood at the same starting point, neither loftier nor more distant than the other!

Seeing their young Pavilion Master subjected to such indignity, the Soaring Cloud disciples erupted in outrage, preparing to retaliate against Wei Jie, nearly causing the situation to spiral out of control once more.

Apart from the Four Great Sects present, there were also smaller sects closely affiliated with Qin He who had accompanied them, instigated by Qin He’s instructions to fan the flames.

Witnessing Wei Jie strike the Soaring Cloud Pavilion’s young master, they immediately began shouting in unison, condemning the Talisman Sect’s master and disciple for such arrogant disrespect!

The young Master Qin had merely intended to testify on their behalf, yet Wei Jie had indiscriminately assaulted him!

However, Xiaoxiao understood Qin Lingxiao’s true intentions – if he had not intervened, Qin He would have been forced to reveal his marked palms before the crowd.

Unfortunately, the Qin family was unwilling to turn against their own kin, preferring to engage in shameless collusion with the father.

No wonder Wei Jie had lashed out in anger, for Xiaoxiao herself had felt tempted to slap the Qin boy!

Thus, she paid no heed to the instigators, directly addressing Qin Lingxiao, “Young Master Qin, what is the meaning of this?”

Aware of his guilt, and still reeling from being overwhelmed by his former master’s imposing aura, Qin Lingxiao’s eyes reddened slightly as he gritted his teeth, lowering his voice to Xiaoxiao, “…Regardless, he is still my father! I… have wronged you…”

Xiaoxiao understood his meaning.

It seemed Qin Lingxiao had finally perceived his father’s duplicity, yet righteous principles ultimately lost to filial bonds. He was determined to protect his father, refusing to allow Cui Xiaoxiao and the others to expose Qin He’s true nature.

At this moment, Qin Lingxiao suddenly lowered his voice further, “Xiaoxiao, other matters are unimportant to you and me. But… the other demonic bead’s whereabouts remain unknown. I cannot sense its aura, which means it must have attached itself to someone else…”

What? Xiaoxiao had not expected him to bring this up, slightly taken aback.

Qin Lingxiao slowly leaned closer, as if about to divulge more secrets. Xiaoxiao, recalling his previous words, did not evade him.

Seizing this opportunity, Qin Lingxiao swiftly closed the distance, gripping her arm and tearing open her sleeve.

Although Wei Jie reacted quickly, pulling Xiaoxiao back and delivering a kick to repel Qin Lingxiao, her sleeve had already been torn, exposing her arm covered in scattered snake scales.

The moment Cui Xiaoxiao’s scaled arm was revealed, the entire crowd erupted in an uproar!

Bearing snake scales was the most obvious sign of demonization! Moreover, the scales on her arm indicated she had been demonized for quite some time!

The Pavilion Master’s words rang true – Cui Xiaoxiao was indeed a demoness!

Xiaoxiao stood there, mouth agape, glaring at the Qin boy – it seemed this brat was even more venomous than his aged father, cunningly shifting everyone’s attention to expose her vulnerability.

At this point, no one present pursued the matter of Qin He’s palm markings any further, fixated solely on Xiaoxiao’s snake scales as they discussed animatedly.

It was then that several Soaring Cloud disciples confidently recounted how Cui Xiaoxiao had previously become demonized, her eyes turning crimson as she viciously attacked and injured the Pavilion Master.

Qin Lingxiao turned away from Cui Xiaoxiao, his expression cold as he suppressed the guilt within – if there had been any other way, he would not have wished to betray Xiaoxiao like this.

But if he had not done so, these two from the Talisman Sect would have undoubtedly seized upon the markings on his father’s palms, refusing to let go.

In Qin Lingxiao’s view, even if Xiaoxiao was branded a demoness, it would resolve the matter.

She was not meant to be in this world anyway. He could simply take her and flee, following their original plan of avoiding others until finding the divine statue of Celestial Aged She, then returning together to two hundred years later.

Upon their return, he would naturally help Xiaoxiao remove her demonic nature before properly making amends to her.

With this rationale, Qin Lingxiao felt Xiaoxiao’s reputation in the past two hundred years was inconsequential.

Thus, he could only grit his teeth and disregard all else, deliberately exposing Xiaoxiao’s demonization.

His method proved highly effective, as condemnations of “demoness” and “demonic cult” towards the Talisman Sect immediately reached deafening levels!

In such crowds, the loudest voices tend to prevail. Even if there were still faint voices questioning Wan Lianshi and Qin He’s connections, they were quickly drowned out by the torrential denunciations of “demoness.”

Had it been Wei Jie branded as a demon, he would have long ago adopted a cold, aloof expression before lashing out with his whip, embroiling himself in an all-out melee against these masses.

However, the one being slandered was Cui Xiaoxiao, a street-smart girl who had traveled back from two hundred years in the future.

She harbored no desire for resentment or extremism, only finding their antics laughable as she observed the raucous, baying crowd.

What “orthodox sects” or “great masters?” It seemed they had expended all their mental efforts on cultivating their spiritual planes, leaving their minds utterly drained! These people were no different from a flock of sheep mindlessly driven by a shepherd’s whistle, easily manipulated and instigated by those with ill intentions.

Yet there was one person who came to her defense, vehemently pointing an accusing finger at Qin Lingxiao – surprisingly, it was none other than Yu Ling’er, who had always revered the young master like a deity!

Yu Ling’er never expected Qin Lingxiao to so publicly betray Xiaoxiao before the crowd, instantly shattering the image of her benefactor upon the pedestal in her heart. Angered to resentful tears, she furiously interrogated Qin Lingxiao, demanding to know why he would humiliate Xiaoxiao, whom he knew to be a good person, before all these people.

Qin Lingxiao, still stinging from Wei Jie’s kick, was further enraged by the little fox’s denouncements, his sense of shame compounding. Aware of his guilt yet unable to justify himself, he could only sullenly retreat behind the ranks of Soaring Cloud disciples.

For a moment, Xiaoxiao felt a sense of consolation, feeling that the chicken legs and pastries she had fed the little fox had not gone to waste.

Speaking of chicken legs, the raucous jeering from the crowd was quite an appetite stimulant.

XiaoXiao rubbed her belly and waved at Yu Linger, telling her not to bother with Qin Lingxiao anymore. She asked Wei Jie to bring her a table, then she stood on a chair placed on the table and cupped her hands around her mouth to call out loudly: “Everyone, it’s almost time for the morning meal! Are you all hungry? How about I treat you all to some porridge? We can eat and chat together, what do you think?”At this, the clamorous crowd fell silent – they stared wide-eyed at the young lady who had just been scolded for so long, hardly daring to believe what they had just heard.

Now, after breaking the blood cauldron formation and engaging in this lengthy confrontation, only to have her efforts to clear her name subverted by Qin Lingxiao’s interference, she found herself back at square one, utterly deflated.

In such a despondent state, hunger naturally set in more acutely.

Seeing their refusal to disperse without verbally tearing her apart, Xiaoxiao decided sustenance took priority. She could always regroup and counter-attack once her belly was full!

Thus, after her shout had silenced the riotous crowd, she continued with sincere enthusiasm, “My cultivation pales in comparison to your eminences, leaving me famished by mealtimes. My disciple purchased several bags of emerald-green glutinous rice yesterday. Simmered with sweet radish and salted pork, the fragrance is absolutely divine! Our neighborly granny also baked fresh peanut-sesame seed cakes for us yesterday – the perfect accompaniment to the congee. Would you all care to sample some?”

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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