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Mistaken Era 61

Chapter 61

At this time, the morning light gradually brightened. Accompanied by the fresh morning air, the aroma of cured meat and rice porridge, as well as sesame seed cakes and the like, was quite tempting for one’s stomach.

Some disciples from sects of shallow attainments couldn’t help but let out some gurgling sounds from their stomachs upon hearing this talk, which was quite apropos.

The elder from Ebony Peak angrily shook his beard and gestured at Xiao Xiao, who was standing on the table, saying, “What’s all this nonsense! Are you deliberately trying to stall for time by beating around the bush?”

Xiao Xiao couldn’t wait for them at all. Her filial grand-disciple Tang Youshu, upon hearing that his master ancestor was hungry, hurriedly went back to fetch a bamboo basket first and handed a peanut sesame seed cake to his master ancestor.

Xiao Xiao shamelessly took a big bite. The sugar filling oozed out, it was truly delicious!

After eating two bites to satisfy her hunger, she finally regained her composure and talked solemnly to the elder from Ebony Peak, “You all came here to arrest the murderer who slaughtered the village. I have proven that I am not the culprit. The young lady Lingzi from Wonderful Immortal Mountain and her fellow disciples can also testify to our innocence. The reappearance of these evil formations in the rivers and lakes is a calamity for the world. The root cause is the Demon Master Wan Lianshi from the Prince Can’s Manor, who is also the demon that harmed your sects’ predecessors. He has been severely injured, and his arm is here. If you intend to eliminate this scourge, you might as well go to the Prince Can’s Mansion to investigate after having your breakfast, while Demon Master Wan Lianshi’s power is waning. That way, you can avenge your deceased fellow daoists.”

Ling Zhishan had been standing quietly by the side until now. Upon hearing Xiao Xiao mention her, she finally spoke, “When the village was surrounded and attacked, Cui Xiao Xiao and her disciple Wei Jie were with us, so they definitely didn’t do it.”

Although the former Sect Leader of Wonderful Immortal Mountain was no longer around, his daughter’s words evidently carried weight.

However, the current Sect Leader of Wonderful Immortal Mountain gave a disdainful cold laugh, and several of his close followers immediately understood the implication and mocked Ling Zhishan for not staying in the sect but instead running down the mountain to keep company with this Cui Xiao Xiao. Was she perhaps bewitched by this demoness and speaking on her behalf?

Ling Zhishan gave a sideways glance at her uncle, the current Sect Leader, her voice slightly cold as she said, “When my father was afflicted before, it was the young master Wei Jie of the Wei Family who came to our aid. Although my father suffered from a severe demonic poison and passed away, I am a person who repays kindness. I will always remember Wei Jie’s kindness, and I would never frame an old friend with trumped-up charges! Otherwise, my father’s soul in heaven would be disquieted and lament that Wonderful Immortal Mountain would only produce shameless ingrates who forget kindness in the future!”

Hearing her veiled rebuke, several disciples from Wonderful Immortal Mountain became so enraged that they could no longer hold back. However, the current Sect Leader remained unmoved and stopped them.

Since Ling Zhishan could no longer stay on the mountain, it suited him just fine. Why bother bullying this orphan girl in front of so many people and give others a chance to spread rumors?

That Ling Zhishan was defending Cui Xiao Xiao was even better. Even if these murderous cases were not committed by Cui Xiao Xiao, the fact that she had been demonically possessed was undeniable.

He wanted to see what would become of Ling Zhishan after she had ingratiated herself with these demonic cultivators!

However, after hearing Lingzi Shan’s words, many people present felt rather awkward and turned their heads away.

This was because many of them had previously accepted Wei Jie’s aid. Now, they had come to besiege their master and disciple, which did seem rather ungrateful.

Cui Xiao Xiao took advantage of the conflict between the uncle and niece from Wonderful Immortal Mountain to heap on more flattery, “Esteemed martial uncles, you were truly upholding the righteous path by traveling from afar due to your concerns about me being demonically possessed and harming others! However, please rest assured that although I am temporarily possessed by a demonic bead and unable to expel it, I will not go berserk and harm anyone. If the esteemed martial uncles cannot tolerate even the slightest taint of evil, you can simply wait until I truly go insane and start slaughtering before coming to subdue me according to the orthodox laws. At that time, not only will my Talisman Sect’s disciples not obstruct you, but we will also contribute money for you to erect commemorative steles inscribed with your meritorious deeds of vanquishing demons, which will be set up all over the mountains and forests…”

After the smooth talk, Xiao Xiao’s smile faded, and her eyes suddenly reddened. While chewing on the sugar cake, she choked up and said, “Even if my arm has grown something strange, Young Master Qin of Soaring Cloud Pavilion should not have been so rude as to pull my sleeve in public! Is this how the esteemed Soaring Cloud Pavilion treats ladies? I admit I injured the Pavilion Master of Soaring Cloud Pavilion, but I saw with my own eyes him meeting privately with that demon Wan Lianshi and calling him ‘senior master’ and ‘junior master’… Oh, I see… Even if I misheard, is that not allowed? You father and son from Soaring Cloud Pavilion can do as you please, but please don’t always try to kill me to silence me. If you want to silence me, I ask that you do it yourself. Don’t always trouble the elders and disciples of other sects to go back and forth like this. Don’t they need to refine pills and meditate to improve their cultivation?”

By this point, Wei Jie had quietly turned around. In such a confrontational situation, the sect leader Cui’s disciple’s laughter would only diminish the atmosphere.

However, Xiao Xiao’s tearful and pitiful appearance had also amused him greatly, and he could only quietly laugh towards the corner of the room.

If one were to discuss the skill of spouting nonsense, if Cui was not ranked first, who else would dare claim that position?

However, his turning around was seen by others as being saddened on behalf of his humiliated master. A man may not shed tears lightly, but for a cold and demonic-looking man like Wei Jie to appear so distressed that his shoulders were shuddering was quite something.

Coupled with the scrawny scholar Tang Youshu’s mournful expression as he grieved for his master ancestor, as well as the fox girl Yu Ling’er, who was truly sobbing after being touched by Xiao Xiao’s words, the Talisman Sect truly seemed to be experiencing a gale of sorrow and hardship.

Those besieging the Talisman Sect couldn’t help but feel like they were the villains and accomplices.

Xiao Xiao had said enough, so she sniffled and concluded, “…Or perhaps the esteemed martial uncles could consider your own priorities. Will you continue to stay here and aid Young Master Qin in bullying this young lady, or will you go to the Prince Can’s Mansion and capture that bloodstained demonic sect’s evil demon while he is still weakened, avenging your deceased predecessors?”

As she said this, she truly had the pitiful and innocent appearance of a neighborhood maiden.

Moreover, the young lady’s words flowed like a mountain stream, bright and clear. Where was the sense in treating someone who had not killed anyone as a murderer to be apprehended?

In fact, the elders from the other sects had already come to their senses. The Lingshan Talisman Sect and Soaring Cloud Pavilion had deep personal grievances. Furthermore, it seemed that Soaring Cloud Pavilion had used the other sects as pawns to deal with the disciples of the Talisman Sect.

Although the four major sects traditionally supported each other, in recent years, Soaring Cloud Pavilion’s attitude had become too arrogant, frequently mobilizing the four major sects to suppress others.

However, after several such incidents, it was always the other three sects leading the charge, while Soaring Cloud Pavilion hid in the back to reap the rewards. After this happened many times, the elders of the other sects had long felt disgruntled.

The young lady was right – did they from the other three major sects really have so much free time that they didn’t need to refine pills and meditate to improve their cultivation?

However, what truly made them reconsider and turn back was not merely Cui Xiao Xiao’s words, but rather the formidable internal cultivation realm displayed by Wei Jie when he faced off against Qin Lingxiao earlier.

This unheralded Lingshan Talisman Sect truly seemed to be a sect of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

If even the disciples had already formed their internal pellets, then how terrifying would Cui Xiao Xiao, who already showed signs of demonic possession, become if her demonic nature fully manifested?

It was well known that Qin He’s cultivation was already at a very high level, yet he had still been severely injured by her, his spiritual roots damaged. Moreover, Cui Xiao Xiao was surrounded by so many people, yet she had the leisure to eat sugar cakes, was this not a display of being at ease and full of confidence?

Therefore, earlier when they had the advantage of numbers, everyone felt free to verbally abuse and taunt her, but no one dared to take the first step forward.

There were even sly old foxes like the elder from Ebony Peak, who inwardly cursed Soaring Cloud Pavilion for being so underhanded as to provoke such a tough opponent for them to deal with.

Earlier, when Cui Xiao Xiao wanted to inspect Qin He’s palm, that old fox from Soaring Cloud Pavilion suddenly claimed to feel unwell and hurriedly left.

Who knew if he really did have some dealings with that Demon Master Wan Lian!

The elders from the other sects were not foolish either, and their minds were busy calculating their chances.

Now, Cui Xiao Xiao’s gentle and amiable soft words had truly provided a long stair-step for those who had found themselves in a difficult situation to back down gracefully.

Compared to dealing with a demoness who had not yet caused any innocent deaths, going to suppress the remaining demonic sect remnants who had taken refuge in the treacherous Prince Can’s Mansion and lost an arm seemed more righteous!

Thus, the three major sects, as well as the righteous cultivators from other sects, sternly warned the demoness to guard her words and actions, to promptly turn back from the cliff’s edge. They must never again blindly cultivate demonic arts. After that, they respectfully withdrew from the village and headed towards Luoyi City in pursuit of the Prince Can’s Mansion.

Qin Lingxiao had never expected that this Cui Xiao Xiao could actually turn the situation around and persuade the crowd that had come to subdue her to leave, all while eating sugar cakes.

Moreover, the other three major sects had actually abandoned Soaring Cloud Pavilion’s people and left without a word, one by one with sullen expressions.

Qin Lingxiao could sense that the people from the other three major sects seemed to harbor much dissatisfaction towards Soaring Cloud Pavilion, no longer holding the same reverence for it as before…

Seeing that the others had left but Qin Lingxiao still remained, Cui Xiao Xiao clapped off the sesame seed crumbs on her hands and coldly mocked him, “Why doesn’t Young Master Qin leave as well? Do you want to pull my sleeve again?”

Qin Lingxiao pursed his lips, realizing that Xiao Xiao must be angry at him. If he stayed, it would only lead to unpleasantness.

Looking at Xiao Xiao’s cool expression, he felt a mix of emotions. If only there had been another way earlier, he would not have wanted to become enemies with Xiao Xiao, as they had still been able to converse calmly just last time…

He could only say in a low voice, “What I told you about the demonic bead is true… There is a demonic bead within your body, and you should be able to sense the other one better than I can. If it possesses someone with ulterior motives, the consequences would be unimaginable… You have invested too much effort into the people here, and I fear you may become entangled. Don’t you… want to go back?”

After saying this, Qin Lingxiao swiftly led his people away.

Qin Lingxiao truly had too many questions to ask his father, so he needed to catch up to him and inquire about his dealings with the Prince Can.

However, Wei Jie had overheard the few words that Qin Lingxiao had said in a low voice to Xiao Xiao at the end.

He couldn’t help but slightly narrow his eyes: Go back? Where did that surnamed Qin want Xiao Xiao to go back to?

After the group of people dispersed, the villagers also did not dare provoke these demonic cultivators who were wanted by the imperial court, and continued to keep their distance.

The Talisman Sect members could finally light a fire and cook porridge, allowing their master ancestor to eat a warm bowl of glutinous rice porridge.

Xiao Xiao felt that she should fulfill her duties as a master and take this opportunity to educate her sect members.

“Did you see that? That’s what it means to ‘subdue the enemy without fighting.’ If possible, avoid fighting. Especially you! Wei Jie, yes, I’m talking to you! Don’t raise your eyebrows and glare like that! Remember, the thing below your nose is called a mouth! When others have wronged you, don’t just sneer and stay silent, you need to open your mouth and explain! Remember, we in the Talisman Sect will eat anything, except getting mistreated!”

Hearing this speech, Tang Youshu nodded repeatedly and, forgetting to eat, immediately took out a notebook and his writing brush flew as he recorded his master ancestor’s words of wisdom.

Wei Jie, however, continued to sneer and coldly smile, then lowered his gaze, lost in thought, appearing rather stubborn and unruly.

Yu Ling’er, on the other hand, was still immersed in the disillusionment and loss she felt towards her benefactor Qin Lingxiao, her tears flowing as she choked on the sugar cake, still unable to believe that Qin Lingxiao could be so ungentlemanly as to pull a maiden’s sleeve and betray Xiao Xiao.

It was Tang Youshu who could not bear to watch any longer and gently comforted Yu Ling’er, saying that Young Master Qin must have had his own difficulties. People in different circumstances would think differently, and one could not demand complete conformity.

Moreover, Young Master Qin’s actions had nothing to do with her, Yu Ling’er. If Young Master Qin ever faced difficulties in the future and she helped him, then she would have repaid his kindness. It was too much to expect moral perfection from someone who had saved one’s life.

Hearing Tang Youshu’s kind and thoughtful words, Yu Ling’er felt much better in her heart. However, recalling that she had initially admired Young Master Qin and intended to pledge herself to him, she now felt a sense of having placed her trust in the wrong person.

Would she have to become an exception among the fox tribe, unable to remain constant from beginning to end?

Wei Jie could no longer bear to listen, coldly snorting to suggest that they should have let some toothless, leaky old man go save Yu Ling’er back then. He wanted to see if the fox tribe were so lustful as to pledge themselves to anyone.

Imagining herself confessing her eternal devotion to a shriveled old man, Yu Ling’er immediately let out a cry as if her tail had been stepped on, and howled at Wei Jie again.

Seated at another table were Ling Zhishan and her fellow disciples from Wonderful Immortal Mountain.

Since she had helped Cui Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao did not want the young lady to leave on an empty stomach, so she invited her and her martial uncles and brothers to stay and have a bowl of porridge before leaving.

Ling Zhishan had been silently observing the commotion at the other table – this Talisman Sect was truly different from other cultivating sects. The people in the sect seemed to have no rules or taboos, all of them chattering in front of the Sect Leader without any of the detached serenity that cultivators should have by removing love, hate, and desire.

And Cui Xiao Xiao did not seem to discipline her disciples at all. Seeing the lack of decorum at the dining table, she actually laughed and went along with them…

This atmosphere filled with mundane feelings once again left Ling Zhishan, who came from an orthodox sect, dazed, and she couldn’t help but feel a tinge of envy.

Wonderful Immortal Mountain had always admired the strong and was extremely harsh. To cultivate the Qi Shield technique, one had to undergo constant elimination. Only those who could endure having waterfall pour down on them for three years would barely qualify.

It was precisely because of this atmosphere that martial uncles and brothers saw each other as competitors.

Aside from being somewhat accommodating towards her as the daughter of their late master, the other martial uncles and brothers schemed openly and secretly against one another fiercely. How could there be such a scene of playful banter as in the Talisman Sect?

She truly wished she could sit at the same table as that clear-eyed, handsome man. At that time, would he treat her with the same gentle attentiveness as when he served porridge and dishes to Xiao Xiao?

As they were almost done with breakfast, Cui Xiao Xiao did politely hint that it was time for Lingzi Shan to leave.

However, Lingzi Shan and her fellow Wonderful Immortal Mountain disciples did not leave, and remained lingering in the courtyard.

When Xiao Xiao asked about it, Ling Zhishan seemed to have already made up her mind. Biting her lip, she knelt down in front of Xiao Xiao, saying, “We admire the profound skills of Sect Leader Cui. We wish to join the Lingshan Talisman Sect as your disciples. Please, Sect Leader, open your heart and accept us!”

Ah? A sugar cake got stuck in Xiao Xiao’s throat, leaving her in an awkward situation.

Fortunately, Wei Jie promptly struck her back, saving this Demon Lord reincarnate from choking to death on a cake.

Xiao Xiao never expected that Ling Zhishan would end up wanting to join her sect after all these twists and turns.

As someone from two hundred years in the future, Xiao Xiao knew very well that this Ling Zhishan and Qin Lingxiao were both rebellious spirits who would commit the grave sin of killing their master and ancestors.

She had already drawn the unfortunate lot of inheriting Wei Jie’s demonic fate. If she accepted another such “beloved disciple”, she would truly be inviting death!

So after coughing for a while, Xiao Xiao politely declined, “Well…Miss Ling, you are the daughter of the late Sect Leader of Wonderful Immortal Mountain, with boundless future prospects. Our Talisman Sect is unheard of, and we are currently wanted by the imperial court, with an infamous reputation on the outside. If I accept you, it would only be to your detriment. You should seek another famous master instead.”

However, Ling Zhishan thought Xiao Xiao was just being modest, so she hurriedly said, “It was my blindness before that caused me to underestimate the Talisman Sect. Now, I have seen your virtuous conduct in saving the commoners, as well as the outstanding skills of you and your disciples, which have truly won my admiration. My mind is made up – I must become your disciple. If you refuse to accept me, I will kneel here unmoving.”

Saying so, she indeed remained motionless in her kneeling position, appearing determined to not get up unless accepted into the Talisman Sect.

Seeing a delicate beauty kneeling made one’s heart ache with pity.

Xiao Xiao sighed and decided it was better to just…not look.

With a wave of her arm, she ordered the Talisman Sect members to pack up and leave, leaving this dogmatic disciple from Wonderful Immortal Mountain kneeling in the courtyard.

After all, since Ling Zhishan insisted on kneeling unmoving, it was still better than Xiao Xiao herself lying unmoving.

Xiao Xiao felt that on the path to recklessness, she had already slipped far enough. With the Talisman Sect’s current motley crew of disciples, there was no need to add more people.

Ling Zhishan thought that since Xiao Xiao seemed more approachable than Wei Jie, if she begged to become her disciple as the heir of such an esteemed clan, Xiao Xiao would surely be delighted to accept her without hesitation.

But never did she expect that after lowering herself to kneel before a maiden around her own age to beg for discipleship, she would be so brusquely rejected.

She had pleaded so earnestly, yet Xiao Xiao brought the Talisman Sect disciples and left without a word, completely disregarding her.

Lingzi Shan’s dignity was utterly shattered as she knelt in the rural courtyard, her tears of humiliation and indignation spilling out as she could only glare hatefully at the departing backs of the Talisman Sect.

A fellow disciple from Wonderful Immortal Mountain came over to help the junior martial sister up, then said to her, “That Cui Xiao Xiao was right – the Talisman Sect is not a prestigious large sect. They were just besieged by the orthodox path. Why should we join such a obscure chicken sect?”

Ling Zhishan slowly stood up, took a deep breath to hold back her tears, and slowly said, “Didn’t you see? That Wei Jie could wield our Wonderful Immortal Mountain’s Qi Shield technique with mastery, and the skills he used were actually even more profound than our own sect’s. It’s clear that Cui Xiao Xiao must have stolen our sect’s skills and improved upon them. I swore before my father’s grave that I must reclaim Wonderful Immortal Mountain, so I need to enhance my cultivation. Since Cui Xiao Xiao could teach Wei Jie to such a level, she is naturally my best choice to take as a master!”

More importantly, by becoming Cui Xiao Xiao’s disciple, she could become fellow martial siblings with that demonic-looking yet alluring man, and have the chance for close daily interaction as they cultivated together…

Hearing this, the others realized she had a point. Wei Jie had indeed used Wonderful Immortal Mountain’s Qi Shield when facing off against Qin Lingxiao earlier. However, in his application of the Qi Shield, he had better compensated for the clumsiness and lack of agility that was a flaw of Wonderful Immortal Mountain’s version.

If Ling Zhishan could reach Wei Jie’s level, it would be easy for her to return and overthrow the current Sect Leader. That was why the junior martial sister had the idea to beg for discipleship.

But that Cui Xiao Xiao stubbornly refused to accept them, so there was nothing that could be done!

However, Ling Zhishan took a deep breath and resolutely said, “Earlier, the four major sects treated the Talisman Sect poorly, so it’s understandable that Cui Xiao Xiao is wary of the four major sects and refused us. My one attempt at requesting discipleship was not enough to show my sincerity. If I kneel three or four times, once she sees our sincere intentions, she should no longer refuse.”

Having made up her mind, Ling Zhishan led her fellow disciples to follow at a distance behind the Lingshan Talisman Sect, determined to persistently pester them until being accepted as Cui Xiao Xiao’s disciples.

As for the Talisman Sect members, after leaving the village, they soon discovered Ling Zhishan’s group ghosting along behind them from afar.

Yu Ling’er had heard of Ling Zhishan’s predicament and felt she was similar to a fox without a home, so she said to Xiao Xiao, “Since those few don’t make a difference either way, you might as well just accept them.”

Xiao Xiao, who was meditating in the carriage, coldly snorted after hearing Yu Ling’er’s words, “Our Talisman Sect has enough idle mouths to feed already. Why don’t you leave to make room for them? I’ll feed anyone, it makes no difference to me.”

Upon hearing this, Yu Ling’er didn’t dare say anything further and could only silently pull faces at Cui Xiao Xiao, no longer suggesting that she accept more disciples.

At this moment, Wei Jie, who had gone off somewhere, returned. It turned out he had noticed Xiao Xiao’s clothes were torn by Qin Lingxiao, so he went to a nearby village to buy her some new clothes.

Wei Jie had good taste – the clothes he bought were elegantly plain-colored, made of fine fabric that gave off an ethereal, elegant air. When Xiao Xiao put them on and the long skirt fluttered in the wind, she exuded an aura of a banished immortal, causing Yu Ling’er to sigh enviously at how beautiful she looked.

Previously, Xiao Xiao had only worn coarse cloth robes. The most refined outfit she had worn in this life was when she disguised herself as a dancing girl to infiltrate the city.

She never expected that this time, Wei Jie would actually buy her the kind of fine dresses worn by noble ladies. Xiao Xiao was delighted as she stroked the fabric, her bright eyes asking Wei Jie, “Won’t I look too overdressed in this?”

Wei Jie leaned back against the carriage compartment, watching his little master twirling and dancing like a joyful butterfly, the long skirt fluttering. He couldn’t help but curl the corners of his mouth into an adorable smile, revealing a small fang.

After smiling for a while, he beckoned her over.

Xiao Xiao, still in her joyous mood, obediently lifted her skirt and came before Wei Jie. Wei Jie then reached into his pocket and took out a long jade hairpin, pinning it into Xiao Xiao’s partially upswept hair bun.

The precious hairpin complemented this ethereal outfit perfectly, accentuating Xiao Xiao’s delicate, fair features.

Xiao Xiao looked at Wei Jie’s face so close to hers, and the smile on her own face gradually faded as she sensed something amiss.

It was proper for a disciple to treat their master with reverence. But for the disciple to not only buy his master a beautiful dress, but also adorn her with a precious hairpin…this seemed less like the conduct of a disciple and more like that of a lover.

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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