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Mistaken Era 62

Chapter 62 

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao immediately felt a bit uneasy and reached up to remove the hairpin, but her slender wrist was firmly grasped by Wei Jie.

He said indifferently, “It didn’t cost much, just consider it your disciple’s tuition fees.”

Wei Jie’s palm felt rather warm. Xiao Xiao hurriedly shook off his hand.

For a disciple, the money paid to learn skills from their master is called tuition fees, which is reasonable. Even the four major sects widely accepted disciples, not all of whom could become immortals. However, they took in so many junior disciples precisely for the steady income.

The impoverished Talisman Sect relied solely on the wealth of Tang Youshu and Wei Jie. If Wei Jie showed some filial piety by gifting his master, there was nothing to criticize.

However, Xiao Xiao still felt something was amiss. She pulled her wrist free from Wei Jie’s large hand and then removed the hairpin, saying, “I’ll accept the clothes, but the hairpin is unnecessary. If you want to pay tuition fees, just convert it to silver…”

Wei Jie raised an eyebrow and immediately took out some silver notes from his pocket and handed them to Xiao Xiao, “Why bother with the hassle? Take as much as you need.”

…She had forgotten that Wei Jie was the young master of the Wei Family, wealthy enough to rival a nation. The Wei Family controlled silver mines – they could lack anything but silver.

Xiao Xiao was rendered speechless by the bundle of silver notes, and the exquisite hairpin was once again pinned into her hair by Wei Jie.

Not only did he pin the hairpin, but he also helped Xiao Xiao tidy her slightly disheveled hair bun, “Since you’re wearing a dress, how can you have such messy hair…Don’t move, or your hair will get messed up again!”

Xiao Xiao was held firmly by him as he fixed her hair. Hearing his instructive tone, she felt a bit stifled and could only glare at him with big eyes, looking like a young lady having her hair fussed over by her father.

Not far from the Talisman Sect, Ling Zhishan was resting and watched from afar as Wei Jie doted on Xiao Xiao by helping her comb her hair.

One of her indiscreet martial nephews even whispered, “Wei Jie seems unrestrained and unruly, but I didn’t expect him to be so filial towards his master…”

Another older martial uncle, however, saw through the situation and commented meaningfully, “This master and disciple are of similar ages, so it’s hard to call it filial piety. It’s more like a meeting of lovers…”

Upon hearing this, the other male disciples all laughed. No wonder it’s said that the Talisman Sect cultivates the Path of Intimacy – with such a beautiful young female master, how could her vigorous male disciples resist her charms?

Thinking of this, they felt tempted to join the Talisman Sect too!

However, Ling Zhishan could not stand such vulgar jokes among men. Enraged, she grabbed a handful of grass and threw it at her martial uncles and brothers.

“Since we intend to take Cui Xiao Xiao as our master, how can you make such lewd comments about our future master? No wonder she refused to accept us – she must have seen your impure thoughts!”

As Ling Zhishan was scolding her fellow disciples, one of her junior martial brothers tugged at her sleeve and gestured ahead with his chin.

Ling Zhishan turned to look and saw Cui Xiao Xiao, her hair now neatly combed, walking over with some braised meat.

After handing the food to Ling Zhishan, Xiao Xiao said solemnly, “Miss Ling, you’ve followed me for half a day now. Eat these braised meats, then you and your fellow disciples should leave. There’s no point in continuing to tag along.”

Ling Zhishan bit her lip and said in a low voice, “May I ask why Sect Leader Cui refuses to accept me? Is it because my talents are inferior to your disciples, or have I offended you somehow?”

After handing the food to Ling Zhishan’s fellow disciples, Xiao Xiao smiled bitterly, “Our Talisman Sect is no great cultivating sect. I’m puzzled why you, from such an esteemed clan, would insist on joining my humble sect.”

Ling Zhishan did not speak, but her gaze could not help but turn towards the handsome man sitting beside the carriage, chewing on a grass stem as he lazily gazed up at the clouds.

Xiao Xiao followed her gaze, pondered for a bit, and her expression froze.

Ling Zhishan’s admiring gaze was a bit too obvious, suggesting deep romantic feelings.

What…was going on here? In the original timeline, Ling Zhishan had joined forces with her martial uncle to betray her master. But now, she seemed infatuated with Wei Jie instead.

Wasn’t she supposed to be in love with Qin Lingxiao?

Ling Zhishan also came to her senses and saw Xiao Xiao following her gaze towards Wei Jie, then turning back to look at her in shock.

The young lady’s cheeks flushed red as she hurriedly said, “No…it’s not what you think!”

However, Xiao Xiao continued to stare at her wide-eyed. Ling Zhishan could never have imagined what Xiao Xiao was actually thinking.

But it was understandable why Ling Zhishan was so captivated.

That man was merely leaning against the carriage lost in thought, but his casual and idle posture was utterly alluring.

He sat with his arms crossed, one leg propped up on the carriage frame. His handsome face with smooth lines was dappled by the sunlight filtering down, and his long curved eyelashes trembled slightly with the grass stem in his mouth. Occasionally, when he lifted his gaze, his languid purple eyes, framed by sharp brows and a tall nose, could intoxicate a person…

Seeing Ling Zhishan’s ardent admiration for Wei Jie, Xiao Xiao felt a slight unease in her heart.

However, she was too lazy to dwell on the reasons behind her unease. Her smile faded slightly as she handed over the food and turned to leave.

As she passed by the carriage, she deliberately shook her water pouch, splashing Wei Jie’s clothes with water.

The man straightened up and silently raised an eyebrow, questioning Xiao Xiao’s intentions.

Xiao Xiao put on an austere master’s demeanor and said coldly, “What an unsightly posture! Is that how a righteous disciple of the Talisman Sect should sit?”

Wei Jie stood up and leaned close to Xiao Xiao’s face, asking, “Then…how should a righteous Talisman Sect disciple sit?”

Xiao Xiao puffed out her cheeks and pushed him away, thinking for a moment before replying, “At the very least, you shouldn’t bend your body into such curvaceous shapes that exude sensuality.”

Wei Jie couldn’t help but smile, revealing a small fang, and leaned in again, “Then who was I being sensual for?”

Of course, Xiao Xiao could not mention Ling Zhishan, or the poor girl would be terribly embarrassed.

Moreover, she regretted her words, feeling that she had overstepped.

Wei Jie originally had demonic fox bloodline – for him not to bewitch others, he would have to sprout snake scales. As for his and Ling Zhishan’s twisting relationship, whatever it might become had little to do with Xiao Xiao, who was from two hundred years in the future.

Thinking this, Xiao Xiao simply stopped speaking and turned to gaze towards Luoyi City from the hillside.

Their journey was to once again visit Luoyi City and inquire about the various sects’ plans to besiege the Prince Can’s Mansion.

As Xiao Xiao stood on the hillside gazing towards Luoyi City, Wei Jie also came over and stood behind her.

He looked at Xiao Xiao’s graceful back and her swaying long hair.

Xiao Xiao seemed angry, but he did not know what she was angry about, so he could only change the subject, “When I went to buy clothes, I noticed that the wanted posters in all the counties and prefectures have been taken down.”

Xiao Xiao was somewhat surprised and turned to say, “The Prince Can is being so benevolent? Why did he order the wanted notices to be rescinded?”

Wei Jie smiled, “I guess the benevolent one is probably the Crown Prince, not that treacherous king.”

However, with the Crown Prince intervening to have the authorities lift the wanted orders, Xiao Xiao and Wei Jie would no longer need to hide their faces in public.

Xiao Xiao knew that in the original timeline, the Crown Prince and his imperial father had been doomed by the Prince Can’s schemes. Realizing that the Crown Prince was now helping them, she knew he would inevitably come into direct conflict with the Prince Can again.

The question was, in this secret struggle between the Crown Prince and the Prince Can, who would emerge as the final victor…

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao softly asked, “The lost page must be in the Prince Can’s Mansion, but how can we retrieve it?”

Wei Jie’s grandmother had said that there was not much time left. If the lost page did not return to its place, a great calamity would befall the Wei Family.

Xiao Xiao was well aware of the Wei Family’s tragic fate in the original timeline.

Since she had already demonically possessed to some degree, she could not be bothered to think about the consequences anymore. She only wanted to help Wei Jie retrieve the lost page, and then they could consider other matters.

Wei Jie saw that the blood formation in the sky above Luoyi City seemed to be weakening under the assault of the various experts, so he said, “If you were the Prince Can, how would you deal with this predicament?”

Hearing this, Xiao Xiao turned to look at the reddish sky above Luoyi City – although the four major sects followed the orthodox path of cultivation, they ultimately existed in the mortal realm. If the situation turned against the Prince Can, it might not end well.

Based on her understanding of the four major sects, they would probably only loudly denounce and pressure the Prince Can at his mansion’s gates to hand over Demon Master Wan Lianshi, and that would be it.

The elders of the four major sects were all shrewd individuals who would not do anything to harm their own sects.

So Xiao Xiao said, “What he can do is naturally shift the blame onto Demon Master Wan Lianshi and pretend to be completely unaware. With his status as a member of the imperial Xia clan, he has nothing to fear.”

Just as Xiao Xiao had surmised, the fact that Demon Master Wan Lianshi was still alive and hiding in the Prince Can’s Mansion had triggered a chain reaction that was spiraling out of control.

However, Wei Jie shook his head, “But if he is not the Prince Can, being so closely watched by the prestigious orthodox sects will make it difficult for him to scheme in the future…”

Xiao Xiao felt that Wei Jie made a fair point. Prince Can not only had a mysterious background but was also highly skilled. She was rather curious as to how he would deal with the four major sects’ offensive…

However, at that moment, Wei Jie suddenly and casually asked, “When Qin Lingxiao asked if you wanted to go back, where did he mean for you to go back to?”

Xiao Xiao was pondering the situation in the city, and Wei Jie’s question nearly made her blurt out that she wanted to return to two hundred years in the future.

But she caught herself at the last moment and forced herself to change track, saying, “Naturally…to return to Lingshan!”

Wei Jie looked down at her, not knowing whether to believe her or not. He only said, “Alright, my Talisman Sect’s founding land must be a place of outstanding talents and spiritual energy. I’ll accompany you back then.”

Xiao Xiao did not respond, turning her gaze back towards Luoyi City.

Because she knew that she and Wei Jie did not belong to the same era. After their brief miraculous convergence, they would ultimately have to return to their respective destinies…

After the elders of the various cultivating sects spread the news that Demon Master Wan Lianshi might still be alive, Luoyi City was swarmed by cultivators from the outside world every day.

Soon, they discovered the remnants of the blood formation net in the sky above Luoyi City that had yet to be completely dismantled.

The four major sects had many reclusive elders who normally never accompanied their disciples in making a scene. However, upon hearing the name of the demonic sect, even these truly powerful figures emerged to take action. Those with sufficient experience immediately recognized that these blood symbols were indeed the long-lost human skin talismans of the demonic sect.

Cui Xiao Xiao’s words were proven correct once again, as more and more experts flew in, clearly intending to completely wipe out the Prince Can’s Mansion.

If not for the divine Beast Statues guarding the entrance, the enraged cultivators of the orthodox path would have long since kicked down the gates of the Prince Can’s Mansion.

However, while they could not enter, the people inside the Prince Can’s Mansion could not leave either.

Prince Can was trapped within his mansion, listening to his subordinates report on how Cui Xiao Xiao had skillfully used a severed arm to deflect the foul situation back onto the Prince Can’s Mansion.

And now, the experts outside were besieging them, demanding that the King hand over his white-haired butler to verify whether he was indeed Demon Master Wan Lianshi.

If it was true as Cui Xiao Xiao claimed, then the Prince Can should also come out and explain why his mansion had been harboring so much heresy and evil arts.

If the previous case of the Wei sisters could be excused as the Prince Can being unaware and deceived by his subordinates, there was no way he could feign ignorance about sheltering a figure as calamitous as a demonic sect master.

Demon Master Wan Lianshi’s severed arm had finally stopped bleeding. He was kneeling in the study, awaiting his master’s instructions.

Even from within the study, the shouting and cursing from outside the mansion could be clearly heard.

As a treacherous villain versed in devious schemes himself, Wan Lianshi was all too aware of the truth that a trapped rabbit would eventually be cooked into a stew.

Now that his tracks had been exposed, drawing the wrath of the cultivating world, he knew that based on his master’s character, the Prince Can would likely discard him to preserve himself.

Thinking this, Wan Lianshi felt compelled to remind the Prince Can to keep him around for his usefulness.

So after careful consideration, he cautiously spoke, “It is my fault that Wei Jie and Cui Xiao Xiao managed to slip out of the mansion, exposing my identity. Now the major sects have come knocking at our door. By rights, I should take responsibility and go out to explain that I deliberately concealed my identity and took refuge here without the King’s knowledge.”

The Prince Can, who had been writing a letter, paused his brush for a moment and glanced at Wan Lianshi with a slight smile, “You are certainly more sensible than the Wei sisters… But would that not be too great a sacrifice?”

Wan Lianshi was well aware of this man’s formidable cunning, so every word he spoke was carefully measured, “My life was given by my master. For your sake, I should willingly return it. However… with the major sects descending so forcefully now, even if I go out and confess, they are unlikely to simply let the matter rest. They would continue to hound you. And if they learn about the lost page from the Book of Life and Death in the Wei Family’s possession, there would be even more variables!”

He knew that in the Prince Can’s eyes, his life was not valuable enough. He could only grasp at crucial bargaining chips to make the Prince Can hesitate about handing him over. He was aware of many of the Prince Can’s secrets, so the Prince Can would have to carefully weigh the decision to give him up.

Prince Can’s smile deepened as he said slowly, “You make a fair point. Then in your opinion, how should I resolve this current predicament?”

Wan Lianshi glanced at his expression before continuing, “Although I have lost one arm, it does not impede my ability to create demonic talismans. I can still serve you by putting my life on the line. Since the mansion has secret passages, I can take my subordinates and escort you and the lost page out of Luoyi City first…”

Upon hearing Wan Lianshi suggest leaving, the Prince Can’s smile widened further.

He said leisurely, “When you initially designed the layout of this mansion, you told me that the feng shui formations would gather auspicious energy from all directions for my use and even extend my longevity. Over these years residing here, I have indeed prospered, thanks in no small part to your efforts. It is such a pity to have to leave now!”

Hearing the Prince Can say this, Wan Lianshi couldn’t help but feel a tinge of secret delight. It seemed the Prince Can was indeed considering leaving the mansion!

Over these years, he had been under the Prince Can’s control. But even a wolf that has played the dog for a long time will not forget that it was once a wolf.

On the surface, he swore absolute loyalty to the Prince Can. But in private, like his fellow disciple Qin He, he left no stone unturned in his attempts to find a way to break free from this treacherous king’s grasp.

However, this treacherous king had long been practicing methods to absorb the vitality and longevity of others, and his own cultivation was now formidable.

Moreover, this mansion could gather spiritual energy from all directions for his use. Coupled with the divine Beast Statues’ protection, the Prince Can was like an old spider sitting at the center of its web, able to operate across all domains while ensuring his own safety.

But once he left the mansion and its array of formational defenses and spiritual treasures, Wan Lianshi would have a million ways to restrain him.

Although Wan Lianshi now relied on the King to extend his life, if he could turn the tables and imprison the Prince Can like a blood cattle, no longer serving as his dog, that would be even better…

Thinking this, Wan Lianshi continued persuading, “Since that is the case, I implore you to depart immediately. The secret passages in this mansion can lead directly outside the city. I will do my utmost to protect your safety.”

However, the Prince Can raised an eyebrow and said, “Safety? Even if I opened the mansion gates, who would dare to violate the heavenly decree and harm a prince of the Xia imperial clan? My destiny in the Xia clan has not been exhausted, and the fortunes of the imperial descendants have been secured with generous tributes. What status do those riffraff outside have to interrogate me? If they come as mortals, I am a prince and they are commoners – they are not qualified! If they come as immortal cultivators, how many of them have truly reached the pinnacle? My imperial Xia ancestors made meritorious deeds in serving the Celestial Emperors, forging covenants with the immortals. It is not their place to judge me!”

Wan Lianshi listened with his head bowed, unable to discern the Prince Can’s intentions. If the Prince Can did not view the besieging experts as a threat, why did he agree with Wan Lianshi’s suggestion to evacuate?

At that moment, the Prince Can approached Wan Lianshi and examined his bleeding stump where his arm used to be. The faint stench of blood permeated the room.

The Prince Can said calmly, “Compared to those unruly riffraff, it is that Cui Xiao Xiao who truly keeps me from resting easy. Ever since her appearance, everything has deviated from the destined path… Just what is her background? Why does one so young possess such formidable abilities?”

This…Wan Lianshi could not answer. The Prince Can enunciated each word carefully, “I originally thought that since she had inherited Wei Jie’s fate, all I needed was to let her continue down the demonic path. But now it seems she is ultimately not Wei Jie. Look at the way she swayed people’s hearts in the village, and her unruffled poise. Urging such a person towards demonic cultivation would be as futile as persuading the monk Tang Sanzang to consume human flesh!”

It is said that demonic cultivation arises from the human heart and mind. In other words, one’s innate character and mental state play a significant role in promoting demonic tendencies.

A person with an open and optimistic nature, unless subjected to severe trauma, would find it very difficult to stray onto the demonic path even if unable to cultivate immortality.

That Cui Xiao Xiao, faced with slander, accusations, and insults from the crowd, remained cheerful and deftly turned the situation around with clever words.

Her poise and strategizing did not seem befitting a young maiden in her teens.

The Prince Can felt that although she was possessed by a demon, she could still suppress it and would not rapidly descend into full demonic possession.

But he could not wait any longer. These past few days, he had been unable to sleep soundly, increasingly feeling the cumbersome limitations of a mortal body.

The so-called borrowed life, was ultimately not his own. He needed to swiftly achieve immortality, which meant walking the path originally intended for Wei Jie…

However, he had to figure out why Cui Xiao Xiao had altered Wei Jie’s destiny and taken his place.

At this point, the Prince Can said, “Let’s go. Escort me to retrieve the lost page first, then we’ll leave the city.”

Upon hearing the Prince Can’s intention to depart, Wan Lianshi felt relieved, it seemed he would not be sacrificed to the four major sects after all.

The Prince Can also did not seem to want to wait for other attendants, only bringing Wan Lianshi with him into the secret chamber.

Once inside, the Prince Can took the lead while Wan Lianshi cautiously followed behind.

Under the dim glow of the night pearls, the Prince Can led Wan Lianshi through one secret passage after another.

Although Wan Lianshi knew the mansion’s underground was a complex labyrinth, the secret chamber the Prince Can was taking him to was one he had never visited in all his years here.

When Wan Lianshi asked if they were heading back to the capital after leaving the city, the Prince Can did not turn back as he replied, “As you said, the lost page is crucial. You will take it out first and ensure it suffers no damage whatsoever. Otherwise, if it falls into the wrong hands, they may have a chance to alter destiny.”

Of course Wan Lianshi understood the power of that lost page from the Book of Life and Death. He and his fellow disciple Qin He had both been dying before the King added their names to that paper fragment, allowing them to escape their demise.

If he could seize this opportunity to take possession of the lost page…

The thought of such greed arose in Wan Lianshi’s mind as he hurriedly followed behind the Prince Can until they finally reached the secret chamber where the blood jar containing the lost page was kept.

As the Prince Can approached the large jar in the center, Wan Lianshi also casually walked over and glanced inside. However, the bottom of the jar only contained thick, fresh blood with no sign of any lost page.

Wan Lianshi narrowed his eyes and probed, “Your Majesty, could it be that Cui Xiao Xiao and her group already stole the lost page last time? Why is there nothing in this jar?”

The Prince Can gazed at the jar and said solemnly, “Over the years, to nourish this paper fragment, I have had countless rare and exotic beasts slaughtered just to sustain it with their blood. But ever since Cui Xiao Xiao appeared, this lost page has become a blank sheet, no longer displaying anything. I had thought this meant the lost page could no longer be used. But then I realized, perhaps it is no longer satisfied with the blood of those fiendish beasts and requires better nourishment.”

Wan Lianshi took a cautious step back and asked warily, “Your Majesty has always had people hunt those ferocious beasts from the demonic realm. Their blood is supremely yin and truly rare. But if even that blood can no longer satisfy the needs of the lost page from the Book of Life and Death, then what else can be used to nourish it?”

The Prince Can smiled faintly and took out a bloodstained strip of gauze from his sleeve, tossing it into the blood jar.

Wan Lianshi’s eyelids twitched slightly as he recognized that the gauze was what the Prince Can had used to bandage his severed arm wound earlier.

Why would the Prince Can throw the bloodstained gauze into the jar…?

Wan Lianshi had experienced numerous life-and-death crises and reacted with shocking swiftness. Sensing something amiss, he immediately lunged forward to intercept the gauze strip. At the same time, he flung out a human skin blood talisman straight at the Prince Can.

Wan Lianshi’s movements were indeed very quick, but he had forgotten that he only had one arm left! No matter how swiftly he moved, it was impossible for him to do two things simultaneously.

Just as he threw the blood talisman at the Prince Can, the gauze strip had already fallen into the jar…

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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