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Mistaken Era 66

Chapter 66

If it were another time, Xiao Xiao might have admired the ceremonious nature of the celestial birds – they even performed such an elaborate dance before partaking in their grand feast.

But right now, she only wanted to preserve her life. So when the five phoenixes attacked, Xiao Xiao wielded the Heaven’s Defiance sword to block their assault.

In actuality, the phoenixes’ bodies were even smaller than mountain grouses, making them exceptionally agile when taking flight or evading. Suddenly, the violet and yellow phoenixes opened their beaks and spewed blazing flames towards Xiao Xiao.

It seemed that since they could not approach her directly, they did not mind roasting her with their fire before eating her.

Xiao Xiao had already become skilled in water techniques, so as the flames rushed towards her, she had already summoned water from the nearby stream to erect a water shield.

The summoned water was mixed with those luminous little fish, causing the entire water shield to sparkle like crystal.

However, the tongues of fire surged forth, instantly boiling the water and releasing the aroma of roasted fish in an instant.

At this life-or-death moment, the slightly hungry Xiao Xiao couldn’t help but swallow some saliva upon smelling the fish. The phoenixes, unable to resist, also began pecking at the fragrant roasted fish.

Seizing the opportunity while the phoenixes were preoccupied with eating, Xiao Xiao held her sword horizontally in front of her chest and attempted to negotiate with the celestial birds, “If you love roasted fish so much, I can buy you some carp and sea bass to roast and eat. They are deliciously fresh, much better than me!”

Unfortunately, these phoenixes had likely been dwelling in this ravine for a long time, subsisting solely on the fish, so they must have grown weary of it. They showed no interest in Xiao Xiao’s proposal whatsoever.

After eating a few roasted fish, the unsatisfied phoenixes resumed their graceful dance steps, forming a semicircle with piercing gazes as they closed in on Xiao Xiao.

Although water subdues fire, the flames spewed by the phoenixes were not ordinary flames, but the vermilion flames of true fire.

Xiao Xiao’s water shield was utterly ineffective against the surging tongues of flame. Even if erected, it would only serve to entertain the phoenixes before their grand feast.

When she saw the violet and yellow phoenixes stretching their necks, ready to breathe fire again, Xiao Xiao gritted her teeth and took out two fire-controlling talismans…

However, she had no confidence in them at all!

Perhaps due to her yin constitution, she could easily control water, wind, and other such elements without obstruction. But she had always struggled to manipulate fire. And the vermilion flames of true fire breathed by these phoenixes were simply an unrealistic goal to control.

But now, with her life hanging by a thread, Xiao Xiao could not be bothered with trivialities. Just as the two phoenixes stretched their necks to spew flames at her again, she gritted her teeth and flung out the two silver fire-controlling talismans.

Xiao Xiao focused her spiritual energy and silently recited the incantation. But as usual, although propelled by her spiritual power, the two talismans merely fluttered in the air like leaves caught in the wind, offering no resistance before swiftly melting into pools of molten silver under the intense flames…

Xiao Xiao had never expected them to be effective. She had only used them to divert the phoenixes’ attention.

After throwing out the fire talismans, she leapt onto the Heaven’s Defiance sword, maneuvering the divine blade to swiftly ascend out of the narrow ravine.

As the demon bead had said, the only way to deal with these celestial birds was to flee quickly. She could only rely on the sword’s speed to escape the phoenixes’ lair.

Propelled by her spiritual power, the Heaven’s Defiance shot forth like an arrow loosed from its bow, bursting out of the ravine.

But when it came to flight, who could outpace the king of birds?

Soon, the five multicolored celestial birds unfurled their wings and long flowing tails in pursuit of the sword-riding Xiao Xiao!

The lingering demonic aura from the snake’s possession on her body was too enticing, arousing an insatiable craving in the five phoenixes.

When Xiao Xiao looked back, she saw that although the phoenixes were originally no larger than grouses, their bodies rapidly expanded as they gave chase with outspread wings.

In a moment, the enlarged phoenixes were as enormous as giant eagles, extending their sharp, elongated talons to viciously swoop down on Xiao Xiao.

Fortunately, the Heaven’s Defiance sword under Xiao Xiao’s control was too nimble, evading the phoenixes’ deadly talons several times.

Unable to capture their prey, the phoenixes were toyed with and spun around by Xiao Xiao, seeming to grow infuriated. They circled in the air once more, letting out an earth-shaking cry, then the five phoenixes glared with blazing crimson eyes and simultaneously breathed forth five-colored flames towards Xiao Xiao.

The overwhelming torrent of flames left Xiao Xiao with nowhere to evade. The Heaven’s Defiance sword, its primary duty to protect its master, shielded Xiao Xiao from the bulk of the blazing flames. However, Xiao Xiao’s body was still scorched, instantly enveloped in the raging inferno.

The agony of the vermilion flames of true fire searing her flesh felt like being doused in boiling oil, with searing heat penetrating into every pore. The excruciating pain caused Xiao Xiao to cry out in anguish as she plummeted from the air.

As she fell, the surrounding winds further fanned the flames, completely engulfing Xiao Xiao in a fireball.

Was this the moment when she would truly burn to death? If she died, would anyone grieve and miss this orphan girl?

In that instant, the image that flashed through Xiao Xiao’s mind was Wei Jie. He… would certainly be heartbroken and saddened if he learned of his unruly master’s such a wretched demise, right?

Amidst the searing agony, Xiao Xiao gritted her teeth once more and silently recited the fire-controlling incantation…

This time, perhaps due to the dire life-or-death circumstances, the previously ineffective fire-controlling incantation seemed to resonate with the surrounding heat as each syllable passed through Xiao Xiao’s lips, causing a faint trembling…

Just as Xiao Xiao was about to lose consciousness from the pain, she suddenly felt the raging flames leave her body.

She forced her eyes open and realized that the vermilion flames of true fire that had been scorching her were now scattered like dispersed fireworks around her. Gradually, the falling sparks were steadily controlled by the incantation, forming five floating fireballs resembling blooming fire lotuses surrounding Xiao Xiao.

The phoenixes also seemed shocked that their true flames had been brought under control by a human. They flapped their wings again, letting out piercing cries, intending to swoop down and tear her apart with their talons.

Seeing the five phoenixes charging once more, Xiao Xiao mustered her strength and waved her arms, guiding the five fireballs floating around her body to shoot directly towards the phoenixes.

In an instant, their feathers ignited upon contact with the flames, causing the phoenixes to burst into a raging inferno as they let out shrill cries.

By now, Xiao Xiao had been scorched into charred cinders by the flames, losing consciousness from the agony. She plummeted from the air, no longer able to control her injured body.

The shrill cries of the five phoenixes circling in the sky had already awoken Tang Youshu, Yu Ling’er, and the others sleeping near the cave on the rear mountains.

Raising their heads, they saw the previously dim sky illuminated by the multicolored flames breathed by the phoenixes, allowing them to witness Xiao Xiao being besieged by the five celestial birds.

Yu Ling’er urgently called out to Xiao Xiao in a loud voice, hoping to pull her out of the phoenixes’ encirclement, but alas, she could not fly that high. All she could do was watch helplessly as Xiao Xiao was engulfed in flames, only to retaliate successfully by setting the five phoenixes ablaze before they all fell from the sky together.

Without needing Yu Ling’er’s command, several physically robust male foxes immediately transformed and darted like lightning towards where Xiao Xiao had fallen.

However, Xiao Xiao and the five burning phoenixes fell once again into the depths of the narrow ravine.

When the foxes arrived, seeing Xiao Xiao plummet over the sheer cliff face, they prepared to leap down after her.

But in the next moment, they were repelled by an invisible barrier!

At that moment, a dark blur flashed past, effortlessly breaking through the unseen restraints to plunge into the ravine alongside the falling Xiao Xiao…

Propelling himself with spiritual power, the dark blur swiftly caught up to the plummeting Xiao Xiao, scooping the charred girl into his embrace. He then erected a qi shield to strike the ground, greatly reducing the impact of their descent.

This dark blur was none other than Wei Jie, who had rushed back after completing his delivery of the lost page.

From down the mountain, he had witnessed the intense aerial battle and immediately hurried upwards.

However, he had still arrived a step too late, only managing to dive into the ravine and catch the falling Xiao Xiao.

As the two landed, Wei Jie’s handsome face was taut with tension. Not daring to jostle the charred girl, he could only call out urgently, “Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, wake up!”

But Xiao Xiao remained unconscious, appearing lifeless!

At that moment, something luminous seemed to be pushing its way out of Xiao Xiao’s mouth.

With his fox demoness bloodline, Wei Jie’s sensitivity to demonic auras was keener than ordinary people’s.

As he sensed the overwhelming demonic aura washing over him, he realized it was the demon bead that had long been parasitically possessing Xiao Xiao’s body.

Previously, it had stubbornly refused to leave. But now that its host was hanging by a thread, unable to persist much longer, it was preparing to abandon her.

While the demon bead’s departure was a good thing, it could not happen at this moment!

Without the demon bead’s demonic nature, Xiao Xiao’s severely damaged body would be unable to hold on.

Thinking this, Wei Jie grabbed the Heaven’s Defiance sword beside Xiao Xiao and pointed its tip at her luminous mouth, threatening menacingly, “If you dare come out, I swear I’ll cleave you in two with this sword!”

As he spoke, his spiritual energy pressed against the sword’s tip, causing the demon bead to let out a pained wail. In the next moment, the light in Xiao Xiao’s mouth vanished back down her throat.

Wei Jie knew that the demon bead had been forced back into Xiao Xiao’s body. However, if her consciousness did not awaken, she would only become the demon bead’s puppet, preserving this charred shell of a body…

Thinking this, he unsheathed a dagger and sliced open his own wrist, dripping his rapidly healing blood into Xiao Xiao’s mouth and splashing it over her body.

Then he sat cross-legged again, circulating his internal energy in preparation to transfer his internal pellet to Xiao Xiao.

However, with Xiao Xiao’s severe injuries, if he gave her his internal pellet, she might immediately absorb and deplete it, leaving none for him to take back.

For a cultivator, the complete loss of one’s internal pellet was a devastating blow. Even through further cultivation, the resulting void would cause irreparable damage, making it extremely difficult to reach the pinnacle again.

Wei Jie could not be bothered with such concerns. He lowered his head, preparing to pry open Xiao Xiao’s jaw to transfer his internal pellet to her.

But when he attempted to channel his internal pellet into her mouth, it would not enter – like the demon bead, an internal pellet required a living host. If the person had already perished, it was impossible to transfer it to them.

Wei Jie stared wide-eyed, his hand trembling as he reached for Xiao Xiao’s nostrils, but could not detect even a faint breath…

Wei Jie refused to believe it, lowering his head again to press his lips tightly against her charred mouth, desperately trying to transfer his internal pellet to her, but to no avail.

The once lively and scolding little master now lay motionless like a lump of charcoal.

Wei Jie clung to her lips, waiting in vain for her to open her eyes and loudly berate him as a licentious rascal for taking liberties with her.

His eyes darkened as he sliced open his other wrist, letting the hot blood gush freely into her mouth, only for it to trickle back out from the corners of her lips. It seemed no amount of fresh blood could revive this slumbering girl.

Wei Jie dared not jostle her forcefully, for she appeared so fragile and shattered, as if she might crumble into pieces at the slightest touch.

In this moment, Wei Jie felt an overwhelming hatred towards himself. Why had he escorted the lost page away initially? If he had been present, he would never have allowed Xiao Xiao to face such peril alone…

But no amount of regret could change anything now. This girl, lying with closed eyes and no breath, would never seriously console him again, telling him not to belittle himself, that even as a half-demonic child, he had the potential to become a cultivator in her eyes. She would never secretly gaze at him again, her face flushing red as she stubbornly refused to admit her feelings…

This abrupt, unexpected parting of life and death was simply too difficult to accept.

Wei Jie even wondered if she was deliberately punishing him? Punishing him for that previous parting when she had closed her eyes expectantly, yet he had hardened his heart and turned to leave without kissing her?

If only she would open her eyes, he would surely tell her that the reason he did not kiss her then was not to tease her. Rather, he feared that if their lips met, he would be unable to leave her side ever again…

Thinking this, the gloomy man who had seemed as unyielding as dark storm clouds let out a soft laugh, “Xiao Xiao, are you trying to scare me? You’re putting on quite an act. I, someone who has never known fear, am now utterly terrified… Come now, open your eyes, won’t you? I’ll do anything you ask, just don’t remain so still… Cui Xiao Xiao! Open your eyes for me!”

By the end, Wei Jie could no longer maintain his composure, letting out an anguished roar. His purple eyes had darkened to an inky hue, and a trail of blood-tinged tears slowly slid from his eyes, dripping onto Xiao Xiao’s lips…

The blood tears of a fox demoness are droplets of her very life essence, possessing the ability to turn decay into miracles. However, fox demonesses are heartless, rarely shedding such blood tears.

Yet at this moment, Wei Jie’s tears were also infused with droplets of his own hot blood…

Just as he hung his head in helpless sobs, he heard a cracking sound. Slowly raising his gaze, he saw that Xiao Xiao’s charred exterior was developing fine cracks, gradually spreading across her body…

Seeing her undergo such changes, Wei Jie dared not touch her, for she resembled a fragile, blackened doll that might shatter into pieces at any moment.

“Xiao Xiao!” In that instant, Wei Jie felt as if his heart had been scorched by raging flames. He could not help but call out her name once more, his voice thunderous.

As if awakened by his voice, Xiao Xiao finally let out a faint, low moan and coughed painfully. This single cough was impactful – the fine cracks instantly shattered, the charred shell crumbling and falling away like broken porcelain shards…

Wei Jie’s eyes widened as he stared fixatedly at the places where the charred shell fell away, revealing tender, fair skin beneath.

As the blackened exterior shed away, Wei Jie realized that Xiao Xiao did not appear to be burned at all. In fact, her features now seemed even more exquisitely beautiful than before.

If the previous Xiao Xiao could be described as a pure, lovely beauty, then the Xiao Xiao who now fluttered her eyes open exuded an indescribable, bewitching allure with each glance…

However, Xiao Xiao seemed somewhat dazed as she blinked at the suddenly appeared Wei Jie, wondering: Am I…dreaming? Why am I dreaming of this bastard Wei Jie again…

Seeing that she was unharmed, the weight on Wei Jie’s heart finally lifted, but he was still too shaken from the extreme grief to react. He only stared at her with his purple eyes, anxiously confirming that she had indeed awoken.

Seeing his silence, Xiao Xiao thought she must be dreaming. Otherwise, why would that habitually arrogant man have tear stains of blood on his face?

Wei Jie, cry? Of course not! So this had to be a dream!

However, even if it was a dream, was the surnamed Wei not being too audacious? Xiao Xiao gazed at him in a daze, unable to resist asking, “Why…are you so close to me?”

Wei Jie lowered his purple eyes obediently and replied, “I was preparing to transfer my internal pellet to you…”

As witnessed by the heavens, he had no intentions of being coy. Every word was a sincere desire to save her life.

However, the man was too devilishly handsome. Every gaze and innocent expression seemed like an attempt at seduction.

Still dazed from the scorching of the vermilion flames of true fire, Xiao Xiao seemed to have misunderstood. She widened her eyes and made an unfounded accusation, “You always tease but never follow through, what kind of man are you!”

What Xiao Xiao said was true, but it only referred to scenarios in her dreams where he would provocatively tease her yet never continue further. Recalling those instances where he would tantalize her in her dreams only to leave her hanging felt like being scorched by flames, then tossed into a cold pool – it was truly vexing!

Wei Jie narrowed his eyes slightly, naturally recalling the regret of not kissing her during their previous parting. He seemed quite sincere as he tried to explain, “Last time, I thought that… um…”

In the next moment, his dreamily licentious little master actually grew impatient. She hooked her slender arm around his neck, pulled him down, and brazenly captured his lips with her own…

Since this was a dream, how dare this wretched man babble on so nonsensically? She would turn the tables on him!

How strange, why did she taste a sweet yet bloody flavor in her mouth? This sensation of entangled lips… could this dream be too realistic?

If Wei Jie did not know what to do next, he should stop calling himself a man!

Soon, he took control, forcefully embracing Xiao Xiao as he fervently savored the cherry lips he had longed to kiss for so long.

Xiao Xiao was enveloped in his warm embrace, her soft, cat-like form pressed against his muscular chest as she let out muffled moans, entangled in fervent kisses…

However, in her muddled state, while enjoying this dreamlike beauty, Xiao Xiao also felt a nagging sense that something was amiss.

In a daze, she seemed to hear the distant calls of phoenixes echoing from the heavens. The cries pierced through her hazy mind like a crack in a dam, causing the memories of her fierce battle with the phoenixes before being scorched unconscious to come rushing back!

Recalling this, Xiao Xiao abruptly pushed the man away and stared at her surroundings in bewilderment. Upon confirming this was not a dream, she urgently asked him, “You… how are you here?”

Wei Jie’s breathing was still uneven as his gaze trailed down Xiao Xiao’s bewitchingly flushed face. He replied absentmindedly, “I came back to find you after delivering the lost page…”

Xiao Xiao felt his purple eyes darken even further, so she followed his downward gaze to examine herself…

Previously, her battle with the five phoenixes had been so intense that she was scorched by the vermilion flames of true fire they breathed, causing her to lose consciousness from the searing agony.

Now that she had awakened, she could see the lingering scorch marks on her body, though some of the charred shell had already cracked and fallen away, revealing her newly reborn skin beneath…

But that was not the main issue! The vermilion flames of true fire scorched everything in their path, leaving no trace. She had been utterly charred, so how could even a shred of clothing remain?

In the next moment, Xiao Xiao let out a shriek louder than the phoenixes’ cries!

She frantically flailed to cover herself, but then realized her actions were still improper.

Finally, she came to her senses and used her hands to block Wei Jie’s unblinking, roaming eyes as she ferociously demanded, “What…what are you looking at?!”

With his eyes obstructed, Wei Jie’s mouth curved into a smile, revealing a gleaming fang as he said with lingering relish, “Nothing much, just a snowy landscape with a glimpse of jade peeking through… Mmph…”

Before he could finish, Xiao Xiao’s flustered hand had already clamped over his audacious mouth!

If possible, Xiao Xiao wished she had truly perished in those raging flames, rather than losing all feminine dignity only to be mocked by this rascal!

However… she also noticed the reddened tear stains on Wei Jie’s cheeks and couldn’t help lowering her hand slightly, wrapping her arms around herself as she asked in astonished hesitation, “Wei Jie, were you…crying just now?”

Wei Jie showed no intention of admitting it. He only embraced his regained little master once more, silently and forcefully rubbing his tear-stained cheek against her neck.

Xiao Xiao was exceptionally intelligent. She realized that earlier, while being surrounded by the five phoenixes, she had already been scorched into charred cinders, the pain so excruciating that she lost consciousness.

How could she have simply opened her eyes, reborn with a snow-white, tender complexion?

Someone must have done something to revive her!

Thinking this, she pushed Wei Jie away again and examined him closely, naturally noticing his two slashed wrists!

Just looking at those gaping, bloody wounds on his wrists made Xiao Xiao’s heart skip a beat in alarm!

“You madman! Don’t you know you could die from excessive blood loss?” Saying this, she fussed about, trying to find something to bind his wrists.

However, Wei Jie only smiled and kissed her forehead, saying softly, “It’s fine, they’ll heal soon. Just don’t scare me like that again…”

Xiao Xiao was stunned because after the five burning phoenixes had circled in the sky, consuming themselves in their own flames until nothing remained, they had inexplicably been reborn from the raging inferno. The five petite, exquisite phoenixes now landed opposite Xiao Xiao and Wei Jie.

Wei Jie removed his long outer robe and helped Xiao Xiao put it on, then pulled her to her feet as he warily watched the phoenixes.

However, these birds now seemed gripped by fear and frenzy. They urgently shuffled in tight circles, flapping their wings while even pressing their necks and a wing to the ground, as if kowtowing in respect!

Xiao Xiao was perplexed. Just moments ago they had danced around her like she was to be their feast, but now that Wei Jie appeared, they were all prostrating docilely. What was going on?

At that moment, the lead crimson phoenix let out a long call, and the others echoed in response. They then took flight again, circling above and crying out repeatedly, as if beckoning Xiao Xiao and Wei Jie to follow them deeper into the ravine…

However, Xiao Xiao currently felt pained just looking at the birds and had no desire to follow their lead.

Wei Jie scooped her up and leapt towards the cliff top, but some kind of barrier seemed to prevent them from breaking through, no matter how forcefully they tried.

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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