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Mistaken Era 67

Chapter 67

Xiao Xiao and Wei Jie exchanged a glance. Since they couldn’t get out, they decided to go down and investigate.

The two descended back into the ravine. Wei Jie held Xiao Xiao’s hand as they followed the circling, dancing phoenixes deeper into the valley.

Xiao Xiao had intended to shake off his large hand, but upon seeing Wei Jie’s injured wrists, she could no longer bring herself to use force. With a tug from him, she obediently followed by his side.

After passing through a narrow mountain path, the scenery suddenly opened up, revealing what seemed to be a paradise secluded from the world. A mountain stream flowed through lush, emerald green grasslands, where an exceptionally lush paulownia tree grew.

A massive nest rested among the branches, and the five phoenixes had now landed on the tree, leisurely preening their feathers.

Wei Jie was naturally daring and bold, so since they had come here, he brazenly carried Xiao Xiao and leapt up into the tree.

The nest contained scattered eggshell fragments that were remarkably beautiful, shimmering as if sprinkled with mica powder. Their colors distinctly corresponded to the five phoenixes, indicating that this nest was likely their birthplace.

However, Xiao Xiao’s keen eyes noticed some finer eggshell fragments amidst the grass by the stream.

Xiao Xiao jumped down from the tree and picked up those fragments. To her surprise, their color was a drab gray, lacking the vibrant hues of the other phoenix eggshells. Yet judging by their shape, they also seemed to be from a phoenix egg.

Wei Jie also got down from the tree and examined the fragments in her hand. After pondering, he boldly speculated, “This must be an egg that was pushed out of the nest and shattered, leaving behind these shell remains.”

Xiao Xiao furrowed her brow in confusion, “Pushed out? Could a cuckoo have infiltrated the phoenix nest?”

Cuckoos are known for laying their eggs in other birds’ nests and pushing out the host’s eggs to have their chicks raised instead, which prompted Xiao Xiao’s question.

As a member of the Wei Family, Wei Jie was well-versed in the lore of many exotic beasts.

He gazed at the dull gray eggshells thoughtfully and said, “This should be the rare egg of a black phoenix. It is said that the appearance of a black phoenix is an ill omen, unacceptable by the heavens. So phoenixes will actively push out any black eggs from their nests…”

The black phoenix was considered an inauspicious existence. According to legend, it would gather demonic forces and spawn chaos, an anomaly only emerging during turbulent eras.

So it was unsurprising that this drab, gray egg had been expelled from the nest.

Xiao Xiao fell silent and searched through the grass where she had found the eggshells, eventually discovering a small tuft of black down feathers.

Unable to contain her excitement, she called out, “Wei Jie, look! These are a chick’s down feathers. Could this egg have actually hatched? Let’s search around and see if we can find that little black phoenix.”

Seeing her eagerness, Wei Jie couldn’t resist teasing, “Why? Do you think being surrounded by five phoenixes wasn’t exciting enough, so you want to seek out a black phoenix too?”

Xiao Xiao knew her curiosity was somewhat silly. But when she heard that the black phoenix was only expelled from the nest as an ill omen while still an egg, she felt a twinge of discomfort. Having been born under the ominous “Ten Grievances” destiny herself, she was all too familiar with being shunned by loved ones as an inauspicious existence from a young age.

So after hearing Wei Jie’s words, she wanted to see if that little black phoenix was still around.

However, after searching the area, Xiao Xiao found no traces of any black phoenix. Perhaps the little one had hatched but perished soon after.

After all, it was only natural for an unblessed, unwanted creature to disappear.

But why had the five phoenixes led them to this place? Was it merely to showcase their birthplace amid the divine paulownia branches?

It was then that Wei Jie, who had moved to the side of the tree, suddenly became solemn as he looked towards a smooth, large boulder.

Etched on the boulder in magnificent calligraphy were the words: “Defying the Heavens.”

Such blasphemous words appeared jarring amidst this sacred celestial bird sanctuary.

However, what caused Wei Jie’s grave expression was that the flowing calligraphy was unmistakably his own handwriting!

Xiao Xiao also recognized his handwriting and hesitantly asked, “How is that possible? Have you been here before?”

Wei Jie furrowed his brow and shook his head. This was his first time visiting Demon Rock Cliff, and he had no recollection of inscribing words here.

Yet that calligraphy… was undoubtedly Wei Jie’s brushwork, including that blasphemous line, which matched his usual defiant tone – what was the meaning of all this?

At that moment, Wei Jie’s expression grew even graver, for he had discovered a wine gourd amidst the grass beside the boulder. And this wine gourd was an exact match to the one he carried with him…

Xiao Xiao picked up the mysterious wine gourd in astonishment and gave it a sniff. The wine aroma inside was indeed the fine vintage Wei Jie often drank in Luoyi City…

When Wei Jie took out the gourd hanging from his waist and compared it to the one found here, there seemed to be no discernible difference between the two.

But this wine gourd had been crafted by Wei Jie himself, and even the inscriptions should have been unique, shouldn’t they?

Staring at the bizarre, unexplained wine gourd, a flash of insight suddenly struck Xiao Xiao.

She surveyed her surroundings, realizing that the formation aura enveloping this area felt somewhat familiar. This warm, undulating aura seemed to cultivate a harmonious state of mind…

With her extraordinary perception, Xiao Xiao studied the surrounding formation and suddenly recalled the retroactive tracing technique her late master had once used to reveal the truth of her childhood. The aura here felt similar to when that formation had activated.

At that time, although she had traveled back in time, her mother could not see her, for she had been enveloped within a comparable formation.

Her master had mentioned that there were even more profound ancient arts than retroactive tracing, capable of traversing past and present at will. However, the fundamental principle involved establishing a formation to render time constant.

In other words, this was an illusory realm, a true paradise secluded from the world – a domain that could manifest in any time or place.

It did not exist within any particular space-time, yet it could traverse all space-times.

Could this Phoenix Ravine be such a time-constant existence? Anyone from any era might stumble into it, leading to the convergence of different destinies.

So while Wei Jie was certain he had never inscribed words here, it was both true and untrue.

For although the disciple Wei Jie had not written them, it was highly possible that the calligraphy had been left behind by the Demon Lord Wei Jie of that era.

As Master Tang Youshu had recorded in the secret manuals, after leading his followers to Demon Rock Cliff, Wei Jie had once disappeared in the rear mountains, with his demonic disciples scouring the area but unable to find any trace of him.

When Wei Jie reappeared, he seemed to have been scorched by raging flames. The snake scales on his body had been tempered into an impenetrable obsidian sheen. Moreover, a crow had appeared by his side at that time…

Wei Jie seemed quite fond of that unsightly bird and kept it as a pet for a long time…

Deep in thought, Xiao Xiao asked Wei Jie, “If you were to keep a pet, would you keep a crow?”

Wei Jie raised his eyebrows in surprise, “Why? Are there any crows with pleasant songs? What would I keep that thing for?”

Confirming that Wei Jie had no special penchant for keeping such pets, Xiao Xiao could boldly deduce that this ravine nurturing the divine paulownia tree was akin to a secluded chamber isolated from the flow of time.

In the original timeline, the Demon Lord Wei Jie must have stumbled into this place by chance, likely engaging in a fierce battle with these five birds, just as she had. After narrowly escaping with his life, he had inscribed his life’s philosophy – “Defying the Heavens” – before leaving behind his personal wine gourd and taking a black crow… no, a black phoenix chick with him when he departed.

So this time when they trespassed into this realm, although the five phoenixes were present along with the wine gourd and inscriptions left behind by the Demon Lord Wei Jie, the black phoenix was conspicuously absent.

Because Wei Jie had taken that black phoenix chick out of the Phoenix Ravine, it was naturally no longer here.

After piecing everything together, Xiao Xiao once again felt dejected, realizing that she seemed to have followed Wei Jie’s path towards demonic cultivation by enduring the same fiery trial he had undergone.

Only, after being scorched by the phoenix’s vermilion flames of true fire, Wei Jie’s snake scales had become impenetrable obsidian armor. But what about her snake scales?

Thinking this, Xiao Xiao opened her robe and examined her arm. Unsurprisingly, her snake scales seemed to have spread further, now covering her entire arm.

However, the charred outer shell from the recent burning had yet to fully shed, and the partially exposed coloration beneath seemed oddly dazzling. So Xiao Xiao reached out and brushed away the blackened shell…

The charred outer layer fell away, revealing a radiant golden sheen…

Xiao Xiao doubted her eyes and vigorously brushed again, with even Wei Jie extending his large palm to help remove the remnants.

Finally, the black shell on her entire arm sloughed off, unveiling a brilliant, golden arm…

Xiao Xiao stared in disbelief. Why had Wei Jie’s previous life produced obsidian black scales, while hers were such an opulent, resplendent golden hue?

Imagining her entire body covered in golden scales, Cui Xiao Xiao felt utterly dismayed!

Wei Jie’s expression also grew solemn initially as he silently pondered the reason behind Xiao Xiao’s golden arm. But seeing her furrowed brow and apparent distress, he gently asked, “Is something uncomfortable with your body?”

Xiao Xiao puffed out her cheeks, her delicate brows creased as she said in a low voice, “What am I going to do about this golden arm? It’ll be so difficult to match clothing colors in the future!”

A golden color would be even more striking than black, completely unsuitable for wearing fresh, vibrant shades of green and the like!

Wei Jie fell silent for a moment, forced to admit that his master was truly one of a kind, capable of imagining concerns no one else would even consider!

After all this drama, she was actually agonizing over such a trivial matter?

At the very moment Xiao Xiao revealed her radiant golden arm, the five phoenixes perched on the branches seemed unable to tolerate such a dazzling sight. They let out raucous cries and took flight once more.

Circling above the two, the five phoenixes then transformed into five colored beams of light that shot directly towards Xiao Xiao.

Wei Jie instinctively shielded Xiao Xiao, but it was already too late.

Beneath Xiao Xiao’s smooth neck, five multicolored phoenix emblems had been imprinted, encircling her neck like a necklace.

Xiao Xiao rushed to the stream’s edge and stared wide-eyed at her reflection before looking up at Wei Jie in bewilderment, “They… they didn’t attach themselves to my body like the demon bead, did they?”

Wei Jie also frowned, for he had never heard of phoenixes possessing human bodies in such a manner.

After confirming with Xiao Xiao that she felt no discomfort, Wei Jie decided to take her to consult his grandmother and see if the old lady knew what was happening.

The two had lingered within this illusion for far too long. However, after the five phoenixes imprinted their emblems around Xiao Xiao’s neck, the surrounding formation aura seemed to noticeably weaken.

Xiao Xiao sighed deeply. Since she had already progressed so far down the path of demonic cultivation, she might as well go all the way.

So she picked up the Heaven’s Defiance sword, approached the boulder, and beneath Wei Jie’s calligraphic “Defying the Heavens,” she boldly inscribed four large characters: “Welcoming Wealth and Treasures”!

However, compared to the forceful strokes above, Xiao Xiao’s calligraphy exuded a rather childish quality.

Wei Jie attempted to appreciate his master’s calligraphic artistry and offer some praise, but found it rather difficult. He could only raise his eyebrows and ask, “What profound meaning lies within your inscription?”

Xiao Xiao stated matter-of-factly, “Our Talisman Sect has recently encountered a few too many misfortunes. Naturally, we need some auspicious blessings! As the Sect Leader supporting all of you, don’t I need to welcome wealth? With my body becoming an inn for all sorts of demonic attachments, I must also strive to accumulate more treasures to control and restrain these ever-increasing demonic forces! As for the idiot who inscribed ‘Defying the Heavens’ above, we can simply listen to such words. But if one truly puts them into practice, they’re inviting a heavenly thunderbolt strike!”

Hearing her articulate such a lengthy explanation, Wei Jie finally felt completely reassured. If she had the state of mind to engage in such carefree antics as leaving an “I was here” inscription, it seemed the recent fiery ordeal had not severely drained her vitality.

Assured that Xiao Xiao was unharmed, Wei Jie carried her on his back and retraced their path, leaping upwards.

With his agile movements, Wei Jie nimbly scaled the cliff face while carrying Xiao Xiao, propelling them both higher by bouncing off the rocky surfaces. Upon reaching the narrow crevice above the ravine, he mustered his strength and finally burst through the now greatly weakened barrier, emerging from the other side.

However, in that instant when Wei Jie breached the barrier, the two wine gourds hanging from his waist failed to make it through and fell back into the depths of the ravine…

Yu Ling’er and the others had been guarding this crevice, unable to penetrate the barrier or descend into the ravine, worrying endlessly about Xiao Xiao’s safety.

It was only when Wei Jie emerged carrying Xiao Xiao that Yu Ling’er let out a joyous fox-like cry.

She hurried over, immediately embracing Xiao Xiao and examining her for any burns.

The sight of the five phoenixes spewing flames earlier had been truly terrifying, roasting Xiao Xiao as if she were a slab of meat.

Yu Ling’er had expected Xiao Xiao to be completely charred, but to her surprise, although some blackened carbon shell still clung to her, it appeared removable. Xiao Xiao’s complexion remained untarnished, without any major injuries.

However, the clothing Xiao Xiao wore… seemed to be Wei Jie’s robe, and underneath, she appeared to be… improperly dressed?

Did this mean that when Wei Jie went to rescue her earlier, Xiao Xiao had been unclothed? Had he perhaps… seen everything?

With her initial worries relieved, Yu Ling’er’s inquisitive soul immediately flared up as she leaned in and whispered to Xiao Xiao, “When he went to save you, were you not wearing any clothes? Did he…”

Before she could finish, Xiao Xiao promptly clamped her hand over Yu Ling’er’s mouth, pinching it into a duck-like shape as she narrowed her eyes, “If you mention that again, try me?”

Yu Ling’er realized that after being scorched, Xiao Xiao’s appearance had changed. Although she had become even more alluringly beautiful, her sharp gaze when angered had also grown more piercing! She truly exuded the commanding aura of a great sect leader now!

But… Yu Ling’er was not afraid! After spending so much time with Xiao Xiao, she understood her temperament. When glaring, it was mostly just an attempt to intimidate.

So after Xiao Xiao released her, Yu Ling’er pitifully covered her own mouth while rapidly retreating to hide behind Tang Youshu. Then she suddenly craned her neck and shouted, “Xiao Xiao, did Wei Jie see you without any clothes on?”

Enraged, Xiao Xiao pounced forward to pluck the cheeky fox’s fur, while Yu Ling’er used Tang Youshu as a shield, dodging left and right.

Tang Youshu could only helplessly play the role of a mother hen, shielding Yu Ling’er while gently advising Xiao Xiao, “Master Ancestor… don’t stoop to her level. We all know you and the master are righteous and proper. You would never look upon or listen to anything unbecoming!”

However, Yu Ling’er retorted, “Come on! They’ve already kissed multiple times. Back in the village, I saw them hiding inside a house kissing with my own eyes…”

The fox tribe valued passion and raw desire. For those mutually in love, it was only natural to be open and unrestrained in their affections.

Yu Ling’er simply could not understand why Xiao Xiao obviously practiced the intimate skills of the Path of Intimacy with her disciple, yet stubbornly refused to admit it!

However, by revealing this, she also intended to warn the naive Tang Youshu to avoid falling under this seductress Cui Xiao Xiao’s spell. She had already ensnared Wei Jie in cultivating the Path of Intimacy. Youshu’s weaker constitution might not withstand such indulgences.

It was only now that Xiao Xiao realized Yu Ling’er had witnessed those instances in the village when she and Wei Jie had “transferred internal pellets.”

Perhaps she had pinched the fox’s mouth too hard earlier, causing her to retaliate by divulging such private matters.

Seeing the fox tribe’s knowing expressions, Xiao Xiao felt a sense of despair as she looked towards Wei Jie, hoping he would step in to clarify the situation.

Master, your departed soul must be lamenting that your disciple has momentarily wavered, seduced by Wei Jie’s charms to commit acts unbecoming of our sect’s righteous path!

But the righteous banner of the Lingshan Talisman Sect’s orthodox cultivation cannot be allowed to fall!

How could she convince everyone that theirs was a pure master-disciple relationship? That the initial internal pellet transfer, as well as the subsequent second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth kisses afterwards, had simply been momentary lapses brought on by surging emotions?

She truly had no intentions of cultivating the Path of Intimacy or any such spiritual couples nonsense with Wei Jie…

However, that rascal clearly lacked any sense of upholding the sect’s reputation. He did not seem the least bit bothered by the odd stares, even nodding and smiling in acknowledgment, his handsome brows and starry eyes exuding an understated, chaste pride – as if kissing his master was an honor to be celebrated.

His demeanor… was truly well-suited for a disciple of the Path of Intimacy!

Xiao Xiao regretted not perishing in those vermilion flames of true fire, sparing herself this current mortification before everyone’s incredulous gazes.

However, the first thing she needed to do now was tear out that blabbermouth fox’s tongue.

Did the sly fox think she could hide behind Tang Youshu and everything would be fine?

In a flash, Xiao Xiao shot forward and seized Yu Ling’er’s fox ear, yanking her shoulder to pull the fox out from behind her shield.

This time, both Xiao Xiao and Yu Ling’er were stunned.

In the past, they would often playfully tussle like this, but Xiao Xiao could rarely catch Yu Ling’er.

After all, the slippery fox was far nimbler than humans, utterly outclassing Xiao Xiao in speed and agility contests.

Yet just now, Yu Ling’er seemed completely unable to defend herself as Xiao Xiao effortlessly seized her in the blink of an eye.

Disbelieving, Yu Ling’er struggled free and attempted to flee again, only for her tail to be firmly grasped by Xiao Xiao’s next movement.

Yu Ling’er blinked her large eyes, her mouth half-open as she exclaimed, “Xiao Xiao, did you practice some lightning talisman technique? How are your movements so fast now?”

Xiao Xiao had practiced no such lightning talisman. She hadn’t even circulated her spiritual energy – her increased speed seemed to come naturally. Moreover, Yu Ling’er’s previously dizzying, elusive movements now appeared sluggish to Xiao Xiao’s eyes, making her easy to catch…

Could this be… due to those five phoenix emblems now attached to her body? Thinking this, Xiao Xiao lightly tapped her toes and felt her body become extraordinarily agile. In the next instant, she had leapt up into the trees!

Not only Xiao Xiao, but everyone was astonished to see her leap into the branches. As for Yu Ling’er, she hurriedly backed away from under the tree, glancing up at Xiao Xiao with a meaningful look as she called out, “Hey, come down quickly! You forgot… you only have that one robe on! Your sash is about to loosen!”

In the next moment, Wei Jie had already jumped up, pulling Xiao Xiao down before tying her sash into a secure knot with a grim expression. He then asked, “Where are your clothes?”

At the mention of clothes, Xiao Xiao suddenly gasped in realization – her bundle containing her clothes had been flung away when she fell into the ravine!

That bundle also held her thick tome of the sect’s secret manuals!

Recalling this, she lost all interest in clarifying the sect’s scandal or investigating her newfound agility. She urgently searched the area based on her memory of where the bundle had fallen.

Strangely, although she clearly remembered it being flung near the edge of this cliff, she could not find it no matter how hard she looked!

After circling the area fruitlessly, Xiao Xiao worried that her bundle, like Wei Jie’s wine gourds, had accidentally fallen into the Phoenix Ravine below.

But when she considered descending to search, she realized the narrow crevice she had fallen through had completely vanished, leaving a flat surface where there had previously been a precipitous drop.

Xiao Xiao lowered her gaze to the five colored phoenix emblems encircling her neck like a necklace, thinking: Could it be that since the phoenixes emerged with me, the Phoenix Ravine has disappeared?

What did these five phoenixes sticking to her body actually want? Did they simply grow weary of the hidden realm and wish to venture out into the world with her?

From this perspective, she was even more audacious than Wei Jie, who had only brought out a single crow… no, a black phoenix chick.

She, on the other hand, had taken the whole set of five phoenixes with her. However, the manifestation of these five phoenixes in the world – would it bring fortune or calamity? She had no idea.

These phoenixes were the bane of the demon bead. Now that Xiao Xiao had five phoenix emblems attached, she could clearly sense the demon bead’s aura being suppressed to the point where it dared not even breathe.

According to Wei Jie, when Xiao Xiao was on the verge of perishing earlier, the demon bead had intended to abandon her, only to be forced back by his sword’s threat. Given its current predicament under the phoenixes’ talons, Xiao Xiao could well imagine the demon bead incessantly cursing Wei Jie with vulgar insults.

Xiao Xiao’s main concern now was the whereabouts of her missing bundle. Had it truly been left behind in the deserted Phoenix Ravine realm? If so, how could she retrieve it?

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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