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Mistaken Era 69

Chapter 69

Perhaps urgently calling out for the “mother” who had suddenly left, a squeaky “caw caw” came from behind the man.

After taking a few steps, the man unintentionally glanced back.

The five phoenixes perched on the paulownia branches were eyeing the aggrieved black fluffball flapping helplessly amidst the grass with ill intent. They gradually spread their wings, as if waiting for him to depart before tearing apart this ill-omened chick of their kind.

The man gave them a cold glance before walking a few more steps. The five phoenixes immediately swooped down, ruthlessly grabbing the chick with their sharp talons.

The poor chick had some of its black down feathers plucked out as it was seized midair by their talons, shrilly crying out in pain.

Just as Xiao Xiao was filled with indignation watching the chick’s pitiful struggle, the man who had walked away suddenly turned back in a flash of lightning, unsheathing his sword to strike the attacking phoenixes, driving them away.

Having suffered Wei Jie’s retaliation earlier, the five phoenixes wisely threw the chick onto the grass.

The cold, scaly man bent down and picked up the battered chick.

It immediately nuzzled its downy head against his palm in an aggrieved manner.

He fell silent for a moment, as if trying to convince himself while knowing the chick likely could not understand human speech, “The world outside is far crueler than this place. I am not one favored by the heavens. If you follow me out there, your fate would be no better than silently perishing here…”

It seemed the chick could not comprehend his profound words, only fearful of being abandoned again as it struggled with beak and claws to climb onto the man’s head, nestling amidst his unkempt long hair.

Once it had nestled itself, the little one tucked its beak under its tiny wings, letting out muffled caws, for it had been quite scratched and injured earlier.

The man seemed at a loss as he raised his long eyebrows. He reached up and grasped the chick in his palm, still appearing rather repulsed as he examined its unsightly appearance before letting out a self-mocking, cold laugh, “So be it. Since you, like me, are an existence unwanted by the heavens, if staying means certain death for you, then I shall take you out into the mundane world to experience the tribulations of that mortal path yourself.”

As he spoke, he approached a smooth, large boulder and watched as the chick in his palm peacefully closed its eyes, nuzzling against his fingers as it rested, completely unaware that its destiny was about to undergo a seismic upheaval.

The man lowered his gaze and noticed the wine gourd that had fallen to the ground when he plummeted into the ravine. After draining the remaining wine, he flung the gourd aside and unsheathed his sword, calligraphing the four large characters “Defying the Heavens” onto the smooth boulder in a magnificent flourish.

After admiring his handiwork for a while, he let out a few cold chuckles before cradling the battered black chick in his embrace and soaring out of the ravine once more…

As he took flight, the five phoenixes trailed closely behind, letting out resentful cries, as if begrudging him for taking away the black phoenix chick…

Xiao Xiao also wanted to follow, but felt herself held back, unable to take flight no matter how she struggled…

When Xiao Xiao finally managed to open her eyes with effort, she saw the purple-eyed man urgently calling out to her.

Seeing her eyes finally open, Wei Jie let out an inaudible sigh of relief.

Earlier, Xiao Xiao had been in such a deep slumber, with the area imprinted by the five colored phoenixes on her neck growing increasingly hot. Wei Jie did not know what was happening to her.

Once Xiao Xiao slowly opened her eyes and saw Wei Jie’s face resembling the solemn man from her dream, she momentarily could not discern dream from reality. She reached out to part his robes, checking if the black phoenix chick was nestled within.

Wei Jie lowered his gaze to see Xiao Xiao opening his shirt, exposing his toned chest as the collar gaped…

Raising his thick eyebrows, he said in a low voice to Xiao Xiao, “There are others present… Good girl, we’ll continue this later…”

Xiao Xiao wiped the cold sweat from her brow, finally noticing Yu Ling’er and Tang Youshu’s gaping expressions.

As a member of the unrestrained fox tribe, even Yu Ling’er doubted she could brazenly open her eyes and immediately start undressing a man without uttering a word.

This Cui Xiao Xiao truly lived up to her ambition of founding the Path of Intimacy sect – such forwardness!

No wonder even the aloof and unapproachable Wei Jie could not resist her wiles, ensnared by her charms…

While admiring this, Yu Ling’er also belatedly realized they should not intrude on such private intimacy, so she hurriedly tugged Tang Youshu away, not forgetting to remark, “It’s still early, perfect for cultivation! You two carry on!”

After they disappeared into the bushes, Xiao Xiao finally regained her senses and hastily closed Wei Jie’s shirt!

Wei Jie looked down at her with lingering eyes as he smoothed the hair by her temples and asked, “What did you dream about? You’re covered in sweat.”

Daylight had broken, with distant bird calls echoing. The spot where Xiao Xiao had rested was relatively secluded, shielded by a grove of trees – quite suitable for a private conversation between the two of them.

Xiao Xiao’s mind was still immersed in her recent dream, suspecting the trauma from entering the Phoenix Ravine the previous day had caused her to envision the Demon Lord Wei Jie’s past experience of stumbling into that secret realm.

However, according to the demon bead, it seemed Wei Jie had indeed brought out a black phoenix chick back then, though its ultimate fate remained unknown.

Xiao Xiao suddenly recalled how, during Wei Jie’s execution on Aged Lord Peak, phoenix cries had resounded from the Phoenix Pool, accompanied by celestial flames that had incinerated the entire mountain range for hundreds of miles around.

This celestial fire had completely extinguished all life on Aged Lord Peak, leaving it barren and desolate even two hundred years later.

It seemed Wei Jie’s demise back then had not been as simple as Qin Lingxiao’s killing strike.

As for herself, she had stumbled along Wei Jie’s path, enduring tribulation after tribulation to reach this point. Yet she did not know what other ordeals still awaited her…

Thinking this, Xiao Xiao raised her eyes to gaze at the nearby Wei Jie before slowly recounting the details of her dream.

Only by using her dream as a pretext could Xiao Xiao reveal glimpses of Wei Jie’s original destiny from his previous life.

This was actually a good approach. Xiao Xiao considered whether she should use this dream as an opportunity to tell Wei Jie more about his past life’s destiny.

That way, if one day she was no longer present and unable to endure the tribulations on his behalf, Wei Jie could calmly face the ordeals destined for him. He would not have to confront life-and-death trials alone like that solemn, snake-scaled man emanating a profound sense of desolation in her dream.

Unfortunately, after hearing Xiao Xiao describe her dream of him covered in snake scales, personally hatching an ugly phoenix chick that he then took away to nurture, Wei Jie could not help but let out a dumbfounded laugh.

Such a preposterous and disorderly scenario could only occur in dreams.

However, the Phoenix Ravine experience had clearly caused Xiao Xiao immense suffering. Otherwise, why would she dream of returning to that near-death location?

Thinking this, he could not resist reaching out to soothingly smooth her hair by the temples before teasing, “Do I look like someone who would dally with flowers, play with birds, and keep insects as pets?”

As he spoke, Wei Jie absentmindedly thought: If it were a sassy little girl who glared and scolded others while trying to act mature, he might actually consider keeping her…

Hearing Wei Jie’s words, Xiao Xiao also felt they made sense. Her dream had indeed been quite absurd.

Yet the heartache she felt watching that man become enveloped in hatred, growing cold and sinister, had been all too real.

Previously, she had wished to be rid of Wei Jie as soon as possible and return to two hundred years in the future.

But now, the thought of leaving Wei Jie to endure all of that alone, gradually transforming into the grim, unsmiling man from her dream, filled Xiao Xiao with a profound reluctance.

Thinking this, she gazed at Wei Jie’s handsome face and could not resist reaching out to caress his cheek. If such fine features were to be covered in snake scales, it would truly be a pity…

Since she had already endured the greater half of his destined tribulations, she might as well suffer through the remainder as well.

On this journey, although Xiao Xiao had shouldered most of Wei Jie’s fated ordeals, perhaps due to their companionship, she had not had to endure that level of solitary anguish.

If that was the case, she would take on the suffering Wei Jie had faced alone in his previous life, allowing him to retain the carefree temperament he had painstakingly attained in this lifetime.

After all, as someone from the future with foreknowledge, even without the secret manuals, she still remembered most of their contents.

It was better than leaving Wei Jie in complete ignorance to struggle against the heavens. As his master, it was only righteous for her to bear some suffering on behalf of her disciple.

At this moment, Xiao Xiao’s heart brimmed with a bodhisattva’s compassion to save the world, needing only to emanate a buddha’s radiance to illuminate all beings.

However, just that morning, she had shamelessly pawed at Wei Jie’s clothes right after waking up. And now, when they were alone, she caressed the man’s chiseled features with such tender affection.

How could a virile young man resist such repeated, unrelenting seductions?

Wei Jie felt that if he remained passive any longer, it would show a lack of appreciation for his master’s favor. If he did not make a move, would he not be disgracing her cherished attention?

Just as Xiao Xiao resolutely decided to take on the second half of Wei Jie’s demonic path filled with heroic sacrifice, the young bodhisattva was unceremoniously pushed back onto the grass mat by Wei Jie.

While Wei Jie’s appearance exuded a cool, unruly allure, when those purple eyes shone with an intoxicating gaze, the innate succubus bloodline within him reached its zenith – he did not even need an enchanting voice, for his intense stare alone could enrapture one’s soul…

He slowly lowered his head, his thin lips finally meeting his dazed little master’s in a passionate kiss.

For a moment, Xiao Xiao could only instinctively indulge in their entangled lip-lock.

The man kissed her fervently, and even in her dazed, enraptured state, Xiao Xiao could sense his burning impatience…

This time, Wei Jie clearly lacked restraint, not only kissing her but also becoming rather unruly. Wait… where were his hands?

Finally snapping out of her trance, the Talisman Sect Leader forcefully pushed the man off her body and sat up, her flushed cheeks reddening with indignation.

Shielding her front with one hand, she used the other to poke Wei Jie’s nose, “You… how dare you get so fresh? Where exactly were your hands wandering just now?”

However, Wei Jie only blinked his purple eyes with feigned innocence, “In the heat of passion, I’ve forgotten. Why don’t we revisit the experience so I can remind you?”

As he spoke, he leaned in again, only for Xiao Xiao to grab his ear and pinch it tightly.

Yeah right, like she would believe he didn’t know what indecent liberties he had taken! This brat was quite the slippery one!

This clearly showed that her previous vision had indeed been a dream!

She could never imagine the carefree, mischievous Wei Jie revealing his small fang in a roguish smile at her could become the grim, chillingly aloof man emanating an ominous aura as he had in her dream!

In the end, Wei Jie could only smile as he grasped the hand pinching his ear and leaned close, asking in a low voice, “What’s wrong? Are the Talisman Sect’s rules changing again? Adding a new clause that allows kissing but not touching?”

Since joining the Talisman Sect, he had grown accustomed to the ever-changing rules, so adding another clause would not be too surprising.

Although Xiao Xiao had experienced all kinds of storms in her life as a street con-artist, matters of intimacy and romance were completely new territory for her.

And of all people, she had to encounter this unconventional former Demon Lord ancestor who did not play by the rules. In this aspect, her experience might even pale in comparison to Yu Ling’er’s!

But as he said, since they had already kissed, would it really be too prudish to forbid touching?

…Wait, this logic seemed flawed somewhere. Didn’t it lead to the conclusion that “since we’ve already kissed, how can I deny going further?”

Seeing Xiao Xiao puff out her cheeks again, Wei Jie’s smile deepened as he affectionately pinched her face before parting his shirt collar to reveal his toned chest, saying with lingering relish, “Alright, alright, I was wrong. You’re allowed to touch me instead!”

Although he had a well-developed, muscular physique… who the hell wanted to touch him?

Finally reclaiming her master’s dignity, Xiao Xiao pinched Wei Jie’s high-bridged nose and scolded, “Get a grip on yourself! Go start a fire and cook us a meal! Stop clinging to me like this or Yu Ling’er will see and mock me again!”

Although she felt she was asserting her authority as a master reprimanding her disciple, to Wei Jie, the way this petite girl puffed out her cheeks and tried to act stern with her disheveled bedhead only made her look adorably delectable.

So Wei Jie allowed her to vent her pose as a master for a while before hugging her shoulders like coaxing an irritated kitten, “I find them disruptive too. Since the matter with the lost page has been temporarily resolved and there are no other pressing issues, why don’t we ditch them after making offerings to our ancestors? Then we can go roaming the mountains and enjoying ourselves, just you and me. How about it?”

She had no intention of finding Yu Ling’er disruptive at all! Wait, make offerings to ancestors?

A flicker of clarity flashed through Xiao Xiao’s mind – how could she have forgotten that today was originally meant for “ancestral offerings”!

After finally shooing Wei Jie away, she hurriedly got up and went to the stream under the pretext of washing up, pacing back and forth as she devised a plan.

It was at this moment that Tang Youshu approached, carrying a wooden bowl to wash some freshly picked mountain fruits.

Seeing Xiao Xiao there, he held up the fruits and asked, “Master Ancestor, can we use these mountain fruits to substitute for fresh offerings when making tributes to our ancestors?”

Xiao Xiao looked at the bright red fruits, filled with mixed emotions as she said, “As long as you like eating them, it’s fine…”

Tang Youshu gave an awkward smile, “Well… our ancestors should be the ones who like them. Oh, you haven’t told me where our revered ancestor is interred. Do I need to go clear the grave and prepare the earth first?”

Cui Xiao Xiao spun around in a contemplative circle before replying, “…Our ancestor rests across these entire mountains.”

Seeing Tang Youshu’s wide-eyed reaction, Xiao Xiao took a deep breath and continued, “My master was no ordinary person. Although unable to ascend to immortality, he did not wish to leave decaying remains in this world. So when he passed away, he was cremated. His ashes were then scattered across the rear mountains of Lingshan, merging with the flowers, grasses, and trees in an eternal cycle of life!”

Two hundred years ago, where could she possibly find her master’s grave? With a flash of inspiration, she concocted this justification about being cremated.

Upon hearing this, Tang Youshu’s expression turned solemn with reverence, “Indeed befitting of my revered ancestor, transcending the mundane in such a way. If I am unable to achieve immortality in the future, I too shall follow our ancestor’s example, undergoing a phoenix’s rebirth through fire to purify my soul!”

Xiao Xiao gave two solemn “tut-tuts” before saying seriously, “Young Master Tang, you are still young. How can you casually speak of life and death? Just look at you – you clearly have the features of one destined to live two hundred years!”

After the customary mutual praise between master and disciple, Tang Youshu merrily carried the wooden bowl away.

However, when walking back, the young master could not help but tiptoe cautiously, even muttering apologies like “Forgive this disciple’s ignorance and impudence for disturbing our revered ancestor.”

It seemed he was afraid of treading on the ancestor’s ashes, disturbing the venerable soul.

Thus, for the first time since the Talisman Sect’s founding, the ancestral offering rites were carried out by taking a walking tour of the mountains.

Led by Cui Xiao Xiao at the front, with Wei Jie, Tang Youshu, and the other disciples following behind, joined by the fox tribe members like Yu Ling’er who voluntarily participated, they scattered paper ingots and burned incense as they wandered the mountains, paying tribute to their revered ancestor.

During this sojourn, they unknowingly wandered to the front mountain area, where they had a head-on encounter with Princess Yongning’s departing entourage.

The previous night, Princess Yongning had been disappointed at not seeing the phoenixes, so when she spotted the Talisman Sect members who had cultivated on the rear mountains, she excitedly ordered her sedan carriers to halt. Lifting her skirts, she rushed over to Xiao Xiao and asked, “Sect Leader Cui, you were on the rear mountains yesterday. Did you see the five phoenixes take flight together?”

Xiao Xiao thought to herself: Not only did I see them, but those five are still lingering attached to my body!

She knew their ruckus the previous night had been too significant. If she denied witnessing anything, it would be unbelievable. So after pondering, she said, “Indeed, I did see them. However, the five phoenixes later underwent rebirth, and I know not where they ascended to. Perhaps they found this place too noisy and flew elsewhere to roost.”

Hearing this, Princess Yongning could not help feeling disappointed. Then, remembering her father’s words that morning, she said, “My father has always revered immortal cultivators. Upon learning of the Talisman Sect’s presence here, he has instructed me to gift this mountain residence to your sect. The steward will provide you with the keys shortly. Please feel free to cultivate undisturbed in these mountains.”

Without waiting for Xiao Xiao to decline, Princess Yongning had already turned to board her sedan, instructing her large retinue to depart the mountain.

Xiao Xiao never expected that after changing hands, this Lingshan mountain residence would end up back in the Talisman Sect’s possession.

This also piqued her curiosity about this Prince of Constant Mountain. Although Wei Jie had mentioned he was a prodigal who had squandered his fortune only to regain it, for an unfamiliar sect, the prince was surprisingly generous in gifting the residence through his daughter.

The ancestral offering rites had concluded, and the residence keys were duly presented to Xiao Xiao by the prince’s steward.

Although a few buildings still required plastering, most of the residences had already been renovated.

Compared to their dilapidated state two hundred years later, these newly refurbished Talisman Sect buildings looked extraordinarily stately.

The inexperienced Yu Ling’er, after nearly having to spend the previous night in a mountain cave, was overjoyed at being able to move into such an exquisite residence.

In the end, she even selected a room overlooking the lotus pond, insisting that Tang Youshu take the adjacent room so they could keep each other company.

When she announced this, it left Tang Youshu quite flustered. After all, this was not an inn. With so many available rooms, why would he need to stay next to a young lady?

Xiao Xiao did not choose a room for herself, instead selecting the quarters she had previously shared with her second senior martial sister.

Walking through these hallways and pavilions that felt so familiar yet unfamiliar, Xiao Xiao experienced a surreal sensation of traversing two hundred years.

With the changing tides of fate, her arrival seemed to have altered many events. Although resolute in her decision to follow Wei Jie’s demonic path to the end, Xiao Xiao did not know what far-reaching impacts her willful actions might have on the future.

However, she had no intention of lingering long on this Lingshan.

As Qin Lingxiao had mentioned, the other demon bead appeared to have possessed someone else, so she needed to descend the mountain and quickly locate it to prevent further calamities.

Suddenly, Xiao Xiao sensed a subtle disturbance in the air, as if someone was concealed behind the rockery surrounding the lotus pond.

Xiao Xiao casually flicked her fingers, forming a fireball at her fingertips that instantly transformed into a blazing rocket shooting towards the rockery.

Whoever was hiding behind the rocks clearly did not expect Xiao Xiao to detect their presence so swiftly, forcing them to hastily reveal themselves to evade.

As Xiao Xiao’s gaze sharpened, she realized the intruder was none other than Qin Lingxiao, the young master of Soaring Cloud Pavilion who had previously betrayed her.

Before emerging from behind the rockery, Qin Lingxiao had been unable to see Xiao Xiao’s face clearly. But after coming face-to-face with her, he could not help but freeze, his gaze lingering on Xiao Xiao’s increasingly bewitching beauty, rendered momentarily motionless.

In his over two hundred years of life, he had encountered innumerable cultivating immortal ladies, yet none had ever caught his eye.

But this wandering con-artist girl, so much his junior who had never shown him any respect, had somehow unknowingly captivated him, making it difficult for him to look away.

He inwardly scorned his own debased tastes. Even if he were to develop mundane infatuations, should he not aspire for a far superior woman?

Yet today, upon seeing Xiao Xiao again, although her appearance remained unchanged, she had inexplicably acquired an indescribable, chilling allure. The disdainful glances of her eyes instilled an unsettling sense of self-reproach within him.

Xiao Xiao also noticed Qin Lingxiao’s seeming reluctance to meet her gaze, but it was only right!

During their last encounter, in order to shield his father Qin He, this brat had resorted to underhanded means that nearly exposed her very existence. He virtually paraded her disgracefully for all to see.
Utterly shameless for him to now brazenly appear before her!

Perhaps due to the five colored phoenix emblems now attached to her body, Xiao Xiao discovered not only had her physical movements become extraordinarily agile, but her sensory awareness and spiritual energy control had also significantly enhanced.

Although she was alone, if truly facing off against Qin Lingxiao, she did not fear him. This newfound self-assurance likely stemmed from her elevated spiritual powers.

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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