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Mistaken Era Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Xiao Xiao regretted it. She shouldn’t have returned the Golden Core to Wei Jie without knowing the reason behind it.

If it were anyone else, they would never let their mother’s painful and bloody tears become a nourishing delicacy in someone else’s mouth!

Xiao Xiao knew that at this moment, she should have drawn a clear line with Wei Jie early on, but when she looked at him, she seemed to see an unknown pain in his seemingly calm purple eyes.

Xiao Xiao, who lost her parents early just like Wei Jie, still didn’t succumb to reason. Her mouth automatically made the decision, and she slowly said, “I don’t know if you asked for permission or just took it without asking when you used someone’s mother’s blood to refine pills. If it was a gift from someone, but they changed their mind and wanted it back, even if you’re in the right, there’s no need to call for violence. But if you took it without asking, it’s stealing.”

She raised her head and asked her disciple loudly, “Is your mother willing to give her blood to the people of the Four Great Sects for pill refinement?”

Wei Jie didn’t expect his little master to be so bold, daring to say such irrelevant words to confront the people of the Four Great Sects.

He looked at Cui Xiao Xiao with a hint of laughter in his eyes and said lightly, “The enemy who forced my husband to death is irreconcilable. How could there be any reason to give it to them?”

Cui Xiao Xiao nodded and said, “You see, they are unwilling to give it, but considering your hard work in refining pills, they still returned the Golden Core. Such a righteous person, and you famous orthodox sects still want to label them as thieves? What kind of reasoning is this? Do you want the world to know that you are thieves?”

This… The people of the Four Great Sects were so angry that they almost rolled their eyes.

A demon woman’s blood, just take it if you want. Why do you need to ask her permission?

Do you need to go to the pig pen and ask the fat pig if it’s willing to be slaughtered every time before eating pork?

This wild chicken Sect Master is obviously trying to stand up for her wayward disciple.

Some people were already angry from being drenched in the rain, and after hearing Cui Xiao Xiao’s forceful words of reason, they became furious: Such a demon-born scourge, everyone should kill them. Why waste words with them!

So, except for Soaring Cloud Pavilion, the disciples of the other three major cultivation sects angrily surrounded them, ready to capture this pair of thieving master and disciple together!

Cui Xiao Xiao found that no matter how many hundreds of years apart, some orthodox sects are the same, unreasonable and barbaric. As long as they consider themselves righteous, they can shout and kill anything they don’t like.

Before being beaten by them, Xiao Xiao quickly whispered an apology to Wei Jie. She didn’t know the story behind the Golden Core. If she had known earlier, she would never have handed it over to the people of the Four Great Sects.

Wei Jie looked at Xiao Xiao with some surprise. This little girl was actually very clever. She should have guessed his intention of deliberately calling her master loudly was to drag her into troubled waters.

Unexpectedly, she just said the reason for stealing the Golden Core, but she seemed to empathize with him very much, with tears in the corners of her eyes, and even spoke up for him, offending the Four Great Sects…

From this perspective, the little girl’s brain was actually not very bright… Since she was foolish, she shouldn’t be beaten anymore. Otherwise, he was afraid that she would be sold in the future and even help others count the silver.

Thinking of this, Wei Jie swung his whip again, blocking the attackers once more. While blocking, he whispered to Xiao Xiao, “Find a chance and escape!”

If it wasn’t for the urgency of the situation, Xiao Xiao would have been amused by this guy. If he hadn’t stopped her just now, shouting “Master, don’t be afraid”, she would have fled long ago!

However, it seems that her refutation of the Four Great Sects’ words on his behalf just now has awakened this demon’s conscience, and he no longer intends to drag her along to be beaten.

Because of Wei Jie’s obstruction, Xiao Xiao successfully retreated and leisurely moved behind Wei Jie, away from the attacking crowd.

But seeing more and more people attacking Wei Jie, Xiao Xiao hesitated – should she just leave him alone here? Would he be beaten off the cliff again?

This time, there is no Broken Soul Snake waiting for him. He might die from serious injuries at the bottom of the cliff.

Although this demon will eventually die, if he dies too soon, how can she find the statue of Zhu Jiuyin? How will she return to two hundred years later then?

As she was thinking, she saw Wei Jie turn his head in the crowd, staring at her and silently mouthing, “Why aren’t you leaving quickly!”

This guy, he still has the time to care about her… Xiao Xiao had been wandering the streets since she was a child, acting on her own nature. It was precisely because of Wei Jie’s look back that she made up her mind not to abandon Wei Jie and run away alone.

No matter what, he is also the respected master of her master Tang Youshu, so he counts as half a grand-master to her!

Grand-master, your disciple will save you for a while…

Of course, even if Xiao Xiao was righteously charging ahead, she would never personally take action. Because she was clear about her current strength. Although she could transform water into talismans, she couldn’t continuously fight against the various cultivators.

However, back then, although these Four Great Sects were mighty and powerful, they all ended up being defeated by Wei Jie.

No matter how powerful the techniques are, there will be weaknesses and flaws. If you know where the flaws are, it will be much easier to confront them.

Coincidentally, Wei Jie had thoroughly studied these Four Great Sects that were a thorn in his side back then, and her master Tang Youshu had recorded the weaknesses and flaws of the Four Great Sects summarized by Wei Jie in that thick autobiographical secret manual.

Xiao Xiao had glanced over it before, but these Four Great Sects were all perished sects, so naturally, she didn’t pay much attention to it.

At this critical moment, it seems that the book indeed contains a golden house!

Xiao Xiao touched the secret manual wrapped in oiled paper in her bosom, took it out leisurely, and read two pages – okay! Enough to use!

When she raised her head again to examine the moves of those attacking disciples, there were indeed loopholes everywhere, simply unable to withstand a single blow.

After all, the ones fighting were disciples of the various sects with low cultivation. The flaws of the sects appeared even more obvious.

Although the young Wei Jie’s movements were agile, he was cultivating unorthodox methods after all and hadn’t fully developed yet. At this time, his body had been cut by Qi swords and Qi knives in many places, bleeding profusely.

Xiao Xiao knew he couldn’t hold on for long and immediately reminded loudly, “Pay attention to the area between the Dihu and Xuanmu acupoints on the faces of the disciples of the Sect of the Heavenly Heart. That’s where they breathe and circulate Qi. Once that area bulges, it’s when the Thunderbolt Palm is about to strike… Also, don’t directly clash with the Qi knives of Ebony Peak. The force of these Qi knives has three stages. Those disciples have poor coordination between the second and third stages. As long as you dodge one stage, you can find an opening to disrupt their rhythm! Ah, the Qi shield of Wonderful Immortal Mountain! Don’t bother with them. This defensive style of fighting, just wait until their Qi is exhausted and the shield is thin before attacking.”

At this time, the ones attacking Wei Jie were precisely the disciples of the three major sects: Sect of the Heavenly Heart, Ebony Peak, and Wonderful Immortal Mountain.

As for the disciples of Soaring Cloud Pavilion, they were constantly stopped by Qin Lingxiao, who let them not join the fight for now, watch from the sidelines, and only go for the final blow at the end.

Wei Jie listened to Cui Xiao Xiao’s reminder. It was truly a few words that awakened him from a dream. He also changed his strategy accordingly.

He was born clever and was able to draw inferences from one example. During the fight, he comprehended the points Xiao Xiao mentioned.

So he switched from whip to sword, holding that broken sword according to Xiao Xiao’s instructions, avoiding their sharp edges and finding the breathing flaws of those people, attacking leisurely.

His Qi wasn’t strong, and the true Qi wrapped around his swinging sword wasn’t powerful enough, but starting from the flaws of the various sects, it was like using a bamboo pole to lift a thousand-pound iron ball, using just a clever force. His movements were as graceful as a fluttering spring swallow.

However, when Wei Jie gradually broke through the opponents’ offense and defense, he was secretly surprised in his heart – his little master had actually broken through the exquisite attacks of the three major sects in an instant… How did she have this ability?

During a break in the fight, he couldn’t help but glance at Cui Xiao Xiao in astonishment.

Xiao Xiao received his gaze, not feeling guilty at all, only putting her hands behind her back with a nonchalant demeanor, putting on the appearance of a transcendent sage.

Grand-master, it is you who summarized it well. Disciple Xiao Xiao is truly unworthy of receiving it!

Wei Jie had no time to look at his little master’s nonchalant and sage-like appearance. He turned his head and concentrated on continuing to break through the attacks of the three major sects.

Soon, the situation of many people attacking one person began to turn around. The disciples of the Sect of the Heavenly Heart and Ebony Peak were knocked down by Wei Jie one after another.

As for the Qi shield of Wonderful Immortal Mountain, although it was indestructible, Wei Jie listened to Xiao Xiao’s reminder and didn’t engage at all. Without the support of the two attacking sects, Sect of the Heavenly Heart and Ebony Peak, the Qi shield of Wonderful Immortal Mountain disciples had no use and moved around in the crowd like stupid cows.

Not to mention the disciples of the three major sects who were fighting felt perplexed, even the elders of the three major sects who were watching from the sidelines were secretly alarmed. They all ignored their disciples being beaten and unanimously looked towards that lively young girl commanding Wei Jie.

At this time, Cui Xiao Xiao was still imitating the usual posture of her master Tang Youshu, letting the wind blow her ponytail, hands behind her back, expression calm, gaze slightly lowered, like a true Immortal who had attained the Dao, composed and unperturbed.

The little girl actually portrayed the bearing of a generation of a major sect’s grandmaster, looking unfathomable.

Even if someone wanted to launch a sneak attack on her, they had to consider: This Sect Master Cui is so good at commanding her disciple in a fight, so how formidable must her own skills be?

As the elders of the sects, they naturally knew the weaknesses and flaws of their own sects. However, these flaws were mostly well hidden in the flamboyant Qi circulation techniques. Unless one had profound cultivation or was a senior elder of the sect, they absolutely couldn’t see through them.

But this little girl who appeared out of nowhere, how did she understand them so clearly, and even clearly stated the way to break through them, word by word?

Looking at her young age, could it be that she really had discerning eyes? Did she come up with a countermeasure in just a moment?

Lingshan Talisman Sect? What kind of sect is this, hiding a crouching tiger and a hidden dragon?

At this point, the few elders looked at each other and became more and more alarmed. They firmly remembered the name of Lingshan Talisman Sect in their hearts, planning to send someone to investigate after returning, to see what was behind this previously unknown sect, and who this Cui Xiao Xiao, who popped out of nowhere, really was!

As for Cui Xiao Xiao, although she appeared nonchalant like a sage on the surface, her heart was actually boiling: How should this situation be concluded in a dignified manner?

She could see that although Wei Jie was coping well, his internal Qi was limited at this time before he became a demon, making it difficult to sustain for too long. If the Four Great Sects continued to attack in waves, Wei Jie would eventually be defeated.

Moreover… that Soaring Cloud Pavilion had been refraining from action the whole time! Thinking of this, she saw Qin Lingxiao glaring at her gloomily with one glance and had an idea in her heart.

Taking advantage of Wei Jie knocking down the last disciple of the Wonderful Immortal Mountain whose Qi shield was depleted, she cleared her throat and said, “Young Pavilion Master Qin, you instigated the disciples of the other three major sects to charge ahead, but you led your own disciples to watch from the sidelines. It’s a bit unfair, isn’t it? The saying goes, all cultivators in the world are one family. My Lingshan Talisman Sect is an upright sect. If my disciple made a mistake, I will naturally discipline him. Is there anything that must be resolved with weapons? Um… Jie’er, quickly retreat. Allow me to have a good chat with the elders.”

She knew very well in her heart that even if Wei Jie was more powerful now, he was no match for the disciples of the Four Great Sects. It was just that now he had found their flaws and suppressed those people.

If the elders and people from Soaring Cloud Pavilion also took action, Wei Jie wouldn’t be able to withstand it with his current strength.

So after the martial attack, it was time for the civil path.

She first had to point out Qin Lingxiao’s ulterior motive, and then have a good chat with the Four Great Sects.

However, Wei Jie raised his eyebrows high – this “Jie’er”, the little girl called it quite smoothly!

Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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