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Mistaken Era Chapter 22

Chapter 22


At this moment, Xiao Xiao didn’t have time to care about the strange look in “Jie’er’s” eyes. Taking advantage of the shock caused by the cowhide drum she just set up, she wanted to strike while the iron was hot and persuade the Four Great Sects to retreat.


After all, they had already taken back the Golden Core, and Wei Jie had not yet become the Demon Lord, so there wasn’t enough public outrage. Except for Qin Lingxiao, whose soul had traversed back, probably no one would insist on killing someone for stealing the Golden Core.


As soon as she spoke, it indeed shifted everyone’s attention.


Seeing that Cui Xiao Xiao’s words had taken effect, the other elders cast strange glances, silently accusing Soaring Cloud Pavilion of sitting idly by.


Qin Lingxiao sneered in his heart once again: This Cui Xiao Xiao, so many cunning tricks! She was trying to divert trouble and provoke everyone’s dissatisfaction with Soaring Cloud Pavilion.


But the other three sects were really just a bunch of rabble, completely useless! If it were two hundred years later, he wouldn’t need the help of these people at all. He alone could deal with the Wei Jie in front of him.


As for the other three sects’ dissatisfaction with Soaring Cloud Pavilion, Qin Lingxiao didn’t take it to heart either. He was used to being the lord who looked down on the world, and had long been accustomed to looking down on all living beings. He couldn’t learn to be cautious and please others everywhere.


So, despite the strange looks from the other cultivation sects, Qin Lingxiao maintained his usual coldness, his expression indifferent, standing there steadily without saying a word.


Now, his calm demeanor made the other elders even angrier, thinking: The young pavilion master of Soaring Cloud Pavilion is actually such a cunning fellow, used to ordering others around!


Thinking of this, the other elders also called back their disciples and stopped fighting. After all, their own old weaknesses had been exposed one by one. If they continued fighting, who knows what other ways to break through that Sect Master Cui of the Talisman Sect could see.


They had to hurry back and repair the loopholes in their own techniques. Otherwise, if their enemies took advantage of them, the consequences would be unimaginable.


The elder of Ebony Peak was the first to say, “Sect Master Cui, since you said you will properly discipline your disciple, let’s stop here for today. The Golden Core has been retrieved. We shouldn’t waste time here. After all, there are still sect affairs waiting for everyone. Come, let’s divide the Golden Core and each return!”


Upon hearing this, Cui Xiao Xiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she had finally passed this hurdle…


But before she could catch her breath, her obedient disciple Jie’er suddenly swung the long whip around his waist. With a snap, the whip actually attacked from a tricky angle, wrapping around the cloth bag in the hands of the Ebony Peak elder.


The cloth bag flew into the air and happened to fall into Cui Xiao Xiao’s hands.


Wei Jie’s force was very strong, and the cloth bag was also ripped apart. The Golden Cores rolled out from the torn cloth bag and touched Cui Xiao Xiao’s palm…


The power of the Gold Consuming Curse was still there. The Golden Cores instantly turned to ashes, blown everywhere by the wind…


Wei Jie originally wanted to snatch back the Golden Cores to threaten and force everyone to retreat, so they could leave smoothly.


Unfortunately, the cloth bag fell into Cui Xiao Xiao’s hands. He never expected that his half-way master was so righteous. She used some technique to directly grind the Golden Cores to ashes, eliminating future troubles.


He couldn’t help but give Xiao Xiao a thumbs up – worthy of being his master, doing things thoroughly, leaving no way out!


Now, the orthodox cultivators who were ready to leave with dignity all widened their eyes, wishing they could strangle this damned master-disciple pair to death.


Cui Xiao Xiao was also dumbfounded, smiling awkwardly at everyone, “Um… this… actually I didn’t do it on purpose. Please listen to my explanation…”


This batch of Golden Cores was related to the cultivation advancement of the powerful experts in the major sects, the result of ten years of painstaking effort. They were actually turned to ashes by that Sect Master Cui of some Talisman Sect. It was really infuriating!


At this moment, Qin Lingxiao gave his attendant beside him a look without any expression.


Now was the perfect opportunity. Many orthodox cultivation sect disciples had gathered, and Cui Xiao Xiao and Wei Jie were one more unrestrained than the other.


Now that they had provoked public outrage, as long as they were attacked with full force, Wei Jie would either die or be severely injured.


Since the Broken Soul Snake was already dead, Wei Jie no longer had the fortune to become a demon.


Cui Xiao Xiao thought that only she could see the flaws of other sects? Just now, Qin Lingxiao had imperceptibly observed Wei Jie’s moves and also saw that his cultivation was insufficient and his true qi was hard to sustain.


This former master of his was indeed a natural genius. Just relying on unorthodox methods, he was already not to be underestimated. It’s a pity that his cultivation was insufficient and hard to continue!


This time, he wouldn’t even give Wei Jie a chance to become a demon. Let Wei Jie die among the common people, weak and powerless…


The disciples of Soaring Cloud Pavilion looked at Qin Lingxiao and immediately understood when they saw the young pavilion master’s signaling gaze. They provocatively wanted to rush towards Wei Jie again.


The head of the Demon Subduing Wei Family, Wei Jingfeng, did not move. Two identical girls suddenly jumped out from behind him. They looked like a pair of twins.


They were also wearing silver armor, but in their hands… were long, coffin nail-like spikes.


When they jumped in front of Wei Jie, blocking the disciples of Soaring Cloud Pavilion who pounced over, the twins’ identical faces were expressionless, their eyes even a little hollow, exuding an indescribable eeriness.


How could those few disciples take a little girl seriously? Seeing them coming to block, they immediately circulated their qi, ready to shake off the two little girls. Wonderful Immortal Mountain and Soaring Cloud Pavilion had always gotten along well. Seeing Soaring Cloud Pavilion take action, the disciples of Wonderful Immortal Mountain also set up qi shields to assist.


The qi gathering technique of Wonderful Immortal Mountain was to collect the qi of surrounding living beings and make it their own. So their qi shields were unmatched in the world. The qi flow in the void twisted and quickly formed qi shields, ramming straight towards the two little girls.


Just when everyone thought the two little girls would definitely be blown away, the two little girls acted at the same time, leaping into the air.


They raised the coffin nails in their hands and stabbed towards the qi shields. At the same time, their other empty hands grabbed in the void, and half a black, muscular ghost claw suddenly appeared in their hands.


The ferocious ghost claw moved its black, sharp claws, then clenched into a fist, like a hammer, letting the little girl swing it and smash it towards the coffin nail.


With two sharp, ear-piercing “clang” sounds, the coffin nails were actually hammered into the qi shields by the hammer-like ghost claws.


The originally formless qi shields actually showed obvious cracks. In the gaps, crimson blood even flowed out. Where the cracks opened, it was like opening the gates of the underworld. It seemed like countless wronged souls were wailing and crying…


The wailing and the lingering impact sounds mixed together, making everyone cover their ears and retreat continuously.


The disciples of Soaring Cloud Pavilion still wanted to show off. They raised their qi swords and were about to stab. The two little girls raised the ghost claws in their hands again in unison and attacked their faces with the coffin nails.


Those few Soaring Cloud Pavilion disciples were hit squarely. The next moment, their souls were visibly knocked out of their physical bodies, leaving only their dumb, wooden bodies, maintaining their original postures without moving…


Fortunately, the elder of Wonderful Immortal Mountain knew a little about ghost and god arts. He hurriedly rushed over and pressed their soul-returning acupoints while silently chanting incantations to guide their departed souls back.


The next moment, these few disciples with separated souls woke up pale-faced and sweating all over, but they collapsed to the ground trembling like a sieve, powerless.


The elder of Ebony Peak Qi Sect saw this and his face greatly changed. He said in a low voice, “This… could it be the Ghost Summoning Technique of the Wei Family!”


As the Demon Subduing Wei Family guarding the border between the living and the dead, their signature skill was the ability to control ghosts, strip bones and souls, and reverse yin and yang.


These two little girls were young, but their Ghost Summoning Technique was already so impressive. The strength of the other members of the Wei Family was even more not to be underestimated.


If they really pushed this family to desperation, they could do anything. They only needed to open the gates of the underworld to overturn the world and make the living beings of the nine states suffer.


Wei Jingfeng let the two little girls take action, also intending to sound a warning. Now, no one dared to look down on the Wei Family and casually challenge them.


Back then, with his elder brother’s matter, the Wei Family was indeed in the wrong. As a family of demon subduing for generations, every generation’s head carried a heavy responsibility. But his elder brother was bewitched by the female demon and nearly caused a catastrophe.


Fortunately, he finally remembered the responsibility of the Wei Family members and was willing to atone with his death. Regarding this, the Wei Family members could only acquiesce and not interfere.


But the Four Great Sects actually thought that forcing Wei Jingling to death was their own accomplishment! Did they think the Wei Family members closed their doors and didn’t come out because they feared the power of the Four Great Sects?


Now that the Four Great Sects were stepping on their faces and provoking them again, if they didn’t show them some severity, they would really think the Wei Family members were just tomb keepers.


Of course, not everyone in the Four Great Sects was ignorant of the immensity of heaven and earth. For example, the elder of Ebony Peak knew the reason why the Wei Family members were not to be provoked.


Seeing that Soaring Cloud Pavilion and Wonderful Immortal Mountain had been slapped in the face, the elder of Ebony Peak came out to smooth things over, “These junior disciples don’t recognize the head of the Wei Family. Please forgive them. Since you have come out to vouch for him, we should naturally forgive Wei Jie once. We just hope that he will mend his ways in the future and not commit crimes again… Young Pavilion Master Qin, now that things have come to this, we should each return. After all, Qilao Mountain is the intersection of yin and yang. Too much killing may disrupt the balance of yin and yang, which is really inappropriate.”


Qin Lingxiao, having experienced a hundred years, had personally experienced the disaster of the gates of the underworld nearly opening back then. He just didn’t expect the Wei Family to be so unfathomable.


If such a Wei Family was silently wiped out in one night back then, the consequences of the gates of the underworld opening were unimaginable…


But after the gates of the underworld opened back then, it seemed to have only massacred the entire Wei Family. After Wei Jie was killed, phoenixes circled and cried mournfully at the Phoenix Pool, releasing heavenly fire and burning a hundred miles around Qilao Mountain. The opened gates of the underworld also closed as a result.


Although some demons and monsters escaped, Qin Lingxiao led the Four Sword Sects to subdue demons and eliminate monsters everywhere, gradually exterminating them.


And it also accumulated countless prestige for his world’s number one sword sect.


But now thinking carefully, the gates of the underworld were suddenly opened and closed abruptly that year.


During this period, it seemed that only Wei Jie alone went up Qilao Mountain. What happened was only known to him alone.


Now, not only he had crossed back two hundred years, but Cui Xiao Xiao was also the biggest variable.


Cui Xiao Xiao actually took in Wei Jie as a disciple. This was really like a mouse taking a cat as its master, not wanting to live!


Moreover, in his previous memory, when Wei Jie was chased to the foot of Qilao Mountain by the Four Great Sects for stealing the Golden Core, the Wei Family members never showed up from beginning to end, letting the people of the Four Great Sects beat Wei Jie off the cliff!


Why was there such a big change this time when time flowed backwards for the same event? Qin Lingxiao really disliked the feeling that the current state of affairs was not under his control.


Thinking of this, Qin Lingxiao made up his mind to take away Cui Xiao Xiao, the biggest variable. He absolutely couldn’t let her stay by Wei Jie’s side.


But looking at her appearance, she was getting along with the demon quite well. It seemed she wouldn’t leave with him.


Thinking of this, while everyone’s attention was on the Demon Subduing Wei Family members, he suddenly leapt up, approached Xiao Xiao, and at the same time, a pair of black iron chain shackles appeared in his hand. One end of it snapped and locked onto one of Cui Xiao Xiao’s wrists.


These shackles had some tricks. They were called Soul Locking Shackles. As the name implies, once locked, without the spiritual key, one would be locked to death. No blade could chop them open.


These chains were usually used to lock demons. Qin Lingxiao was afraid that Cui Xiao Xiao would not be willing to go with him, so after locking Cui Xiao Xiao, he planned to lock the other end to his own wrist.


But before he could lock it, Wei Jie pulled Xiao Xiao again, helping her stretch out her hand to block. As a result, during the grappling and exchanging of moves, Qin Lingxiao made a mistake while blocking and locked the other end onto Wei Jie’s wrist…


When Wei Jie pulled Cui Xiao Xiao back, Xiao Xiao was dumbfounded seeing the shackles connecting her and Wei Jie. She turned to Qin Lingxiao and said, “What are you trying to do? Why did you lock me and him together?”


Qin Lingxiao’s Yintang acupoint also turned a little black. He could only grit his teeth and say, “If you come with me, I will unlock the shackles. Otherwise, you can only sever your own arm to be separated from him.”


Cui Xiao Xiao found that Sect Master Qin doesn’t know how to speak without threatening others. Before she could answer, Wei Jie said, “Why is the gentleman so obsessed with my master? For what reason?”


Qin Lingxiao snorted coldly and said in a deep voice, “The Wei Family may have protected you, but they didn’t protect this woman. She stole something important from me and hasn’t returned it yet. This is a personal grudge between me and her. The gentleman has no right to interfere!”


Cui Xiao Xiao was so angry that she almost laughed at Qin Lingxiao’s words. In this reverse flow of two hundred years, Sect Master Qin’s appearance had become more childish, but how did his skin become thicker?


What did she steal from him? Could it be that Demon Bead?


But Wei Jie looked at Qin Lingxiao coldly and said, “My master said that someone shameless wanted to forcibly marry her. I think… could it be the gentleman, using the name of capturing thieves to do the deed of kidnapping a beauty?”


Xiao Xiao was also infuriated to death. She even casually replied, “Jie’er, this… you saw through it too?”


Qin Lingxiao’s handsome face turned red with anger again. He never thought that in just a moment after returning to two hundred years ago, Cui Xiao Xiao would even have the spare time to talk about this matter with the demon.


Were she and Wei Jie intimate friends separated for two hundred years? They talked about everything!


But it was a fact that he had proposed to Cui Xiao Xiao before. The proud self-esteem of the former number one sword sect in the world would not allow Qin Lingxiao to lie in front of Cui Xiao Xiao.

Wei Jie was just saying it casually, but seeing this young man from Lingyun Pavilion getting angry with a cold and solemn face but not refuting, he couldn’t help but chuckle.

He couldn’t help but size up this young man, thinking: How old is this kid? He’s actually thinking about getting married? Lingyun Pavilion is used to producing wine sacks and rice bags who are confused by lust, but this so-called young pavilion master is too outrageous!

Qin Lingxiao saw the look in Wei Jie’s eyes as he sized him up, as if looking at a scoundrel, making him even more stifled and intolerable.

The two, who originally had a master-disciple relationship, were now staring at each other in this chaotic two hundred years ago, seeming unable to continue their ill-fated master-disciple relationship this time…

Cui Xiao Xiao took this opportunity to purse her cherry lips in front of the Four Great Sects and said loudly to Qin Lingxiao, “Listen well, I will not marry you. Give up and don’t pester me anymore!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised in their hearts! Especially the female disciples present. Who doesn’t know that the young pavilion master of Lingyun Pavilion is gentle and refined, a young master like a banished immortal?

Unexpectedly, in private, he would also pester a woman relentlessly…

Qin Lingxiao’s cheeks were now flushed red with anger, really looking like a young man whose courtship was rejected.

He knew that with the Wei Family backing them, he couldn’t capture these two and temporarily couldn’t take Cui Xiao Xiao away. He didn’t need to get into a verbal dispute with them here.

He said to Cui Xiao Xiao with a gloomy face, “Fine, since you love being with him so much, I’ll grant your wish. If you regret it, don’t come crying to me! You’re on your own! Remember, those who leak heavenly secrets will not have a good end!”


Mistaken Era

Mistaken Era

Mistaken World
Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The master once said that Cui Xiaoxiao, who has the “Ten Injuries” destiny, was actually very lucky. If she had been born two hundred years earlier, with her extremely yin destiny, she would have become the nemesis of the Demon Sect Lord Wei Jie. If that were the case, the novice Xiaoxiao would have been hunted to the ends of the earth, her bones scattered and ashes dispersed… Xiaoxiao secretly exclaimed in relief: Wei Jie was cold and cruel by nature. Fortunately, two hundred years ago, he was killed by his vengeful disciple Qin Lingxiao. This demon is gone from the world! Only his evil reputation remains stinking for eternity. Later, Cui Xiaoxiao accidentally time-traveled back two hundred years and took on a handsome and unrestrained young man as her disciple. Cui Xiaoxiao was very gratified, secretly praying to her master’s spirit: Our Lingshan Talisman Sect has finally branched out and spread! I will definitely cultivate my disciple into a talent! After praying, she turned to her tall and mighty disciple, smiling and asking, “Disciple, I forgot to ask earlier, what is your surname?” The disciple looked at his master’s bright eyes and slowly said, “My surname is Wei, Wei Jie…” Short introduction: The wrong time, the right person… Female lead: Accidentally took the Demon Lord ancestor as a disciple, leading him down the path of demonic cultivation in her bitter life. Male lead: Accidentally took on an adorable master, living a blessed life receiving her loving smiles every day.


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