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The Archmage Vanquishes the Villain 1

Chapter 1: A Different Beginning (1)

Stay calm.

He quickly assessed the situation.

Adaptability had led him to become an Archmage, and he had obtained the authority of time in a human body. Although it was an unexpected result, it was not something he couldn’t accept.

‘I’ve returned to the past and became Lee Jin-woo.’

Who was Lee Jin-woo?

Lee Jin-woo.

The worst chaebol third-generation in history.

As the grandson of Lee Un-seon, the chairman of Ilshin Group, he caused the downfall of Ilshin Group and was the mastermind behind several major disasters.

He became obsessed with black magic and made an entire country disappear. He even went on a rampage, burning ships with refugees on board. But that was just child’s play. In the end, over 3 billion people died at his hands.

He was a psychopath with only a decent appearance. Dealing with the aftermath of his actions eventually led to hair loss.

“I’ve gone back exactly 31 years.”

What he had thought at the end came to mind.

A brilliant talent to prevent the apocalypse.

And a good environment to nurture that talent.

He had thought it was the minimum condition to prevent the apocalypse.

It was the result of his will being reflected in an unstable and enormous magic. Just before his existence disappeared and the magic failed, that wish-like thought had made the magic succeed. Although in a somewhat modified form.

It was a rather rational deduction.

His original existence seemed to have completely vanished.

He had checked for information about his original self using Lee Jin-woo’s cell phone, but there was no trace to be found.

He looked at his chest.

It was a single, vast equation that no one could recognize. It was so beautiful that it even felt like it contained the universe.

Within it, the authority of time resided.

Everything he had gathered in the destroyed world was engraved in it.


He had returned to a hopeful time with immense potential.


He clenched his fist tightly.

A deep smile appeared on his lips.

He was given another chance. The chance to crush those damn trolling bastards, the opportunity to save those he couldn’t protect was now in his hands.

‘If you’re a mage, sharpen your will within composure.’

The person who had told him that came to mind.

But that alone was not enough.

He would sharpen and grind his will to snap the necks of those troll bastards.

There was no mana in his body. It was a frail body that seemed like it could collapse at any moment.

But so what?

He had fingers that were longer and thinner than before, and two legs that were not twisted.

“The body of a villain?”

So what?

He possessed the authority of time and the treasures of humanity.

He willingly decided to become Lee Jin-woo. Of course, his future path would be completely different.

Giving the middle finger to the apocalypse.

Betraying the betrayers.

Trolling the trollers.

Bullying the bastards.

That was his, Lee Jin-woo’s, goal.



He had to reclaim what was his.

* * *

Jin-woo was now 15 years old.

It was already a late age to start magic, but this damn Lee Jin-woo had a brilliant talent that he didn’t have before. When he closed his eyes, he could vividly feel the mana particles floating in the atmosphere. It felt like lying on a sandy beach.

The most essential requirement to become a mage was to generate a mana core.

In the past, he was a 1st-grade Archmage. It took exactly 30 years to rise from 9th grade to 1st grade. The past him had to sacrifice most of his body to barely become a 1st-grade Archmage after 30 years.

But with this body…!

“10 years? No, I can return to my past level of prowess even faster.”

However, there was a problem.

Despite the body’s high potential, its condition was very poor. Well, Lee Jin-woo only looked decent on the outside but was rotten on the inside. It was as if he had ingested filth, and there was not a single healthy part. It was a wonder he could even move.

If left like this, he probably wouldn’t live long.

At most, he had 2 years?

He was destined to wither away and die before reaching adulthood.

It was no different from being given a terminal diagnosis.

“So that’s why he turned to black magic?”

The origin of black magic was unclear.

It was the most powerful yet unstable magic compared to any other.

‘It will be difficult with ordinary methods.’

Jin-woo nodded his head.

He fell into thought for a moment.

The mana core is created in the heart. There were several theories, including the claim that it was because the heart and soul were connected. The heart was particularly sensitive to mana reactions.

He already knew about the existence of the soul.

Was there really a need to create a mana core in the heart?


He looked at his chest.

The authority of time that had become one with his soul resided there.


Instead of creating a mana core in the heart, he would generate it on top of the authority of time.

It might be difficult to gather mana quickly like a mana core in the heart, but he would be able to access the purest mana that doesn’t get distorted.

There was no need to be bound by the condition of the body.

With the countless experiences he had accumulated and the talent of this body, it was possible.

Jin-woo closed his eyes and focused.

The mana spread throughout the atmosphere could be felt. The mana particles vibrating and shaking wildly were distinctly perceived. Suddenly, everything seemed to slow down as if it had stopped.


Mana was sucked into his body.

The moment it touched his chest, the patterns began to glow golden.


Although it was still very small in size, he had successfully generated a mana core.

A new pattern was engraved on top of the patterns etched on his chest.

It was his unchanging identity.

‘Authority of Time’

And above it,


Stars, the moon, and the sun.

The patterns symbolizing an Archmage.

The Archmage who had grasped the opportunity for reversal raised his head here once again.

Jin-woo rotated his mana core and drew out mana.

The surroundings seemed to slow down. It felt like he was left alone in a slowed time.


As he exhaled a long breath, everything returned to normal.

He was drenched in sweat. His arms and legs trembled.


A blackened lump of blood came up.

The things that had been clogging his heart and blood vessels, gnawing at his vitality, disappeared in an instant.

His heavy body felt much lighter, and a sense of freshness rushed in.

Jin-woo trembled with ecstasy.

It was because he had obtained the strongest weapon along with the mana core.

The authority of time.

It operated according to his will.

With his current weak body, he couldn’t influence his surroundings. He could only control his own perception.

He needed a bigger and stronger vessel.

‘This time, I need to train my body.’

To wield this authority more skillfully without being consumed by it, he needed a body worthy of it.

He was an Archmage, but his physical abilities were terrible.

Worse than an average person. Due to his innate characteristics, he was incompatible with martial arts. But now it was different.

Lee Jin-woo had quite a decent physique.

According to the various technical manuals and martial arts books he had crammed into his head.

And he needed greater mana.

Jin-woo left the room and walked down the corridor.


He was in his own mansion.

Ilshin Group was a large corporation ranked first among domestic companies. Like all Korean conglomerates, Ilshin Group had a pretty deep relationship with the Multi-Species Magical Alliance, abbreviated as MSMA.

It had the characteristics of both an ordinary corporation and the MSMA side. Although the Republic of Korea was a democratic country, a rather strict class system existed once one entered society affiliated with the MSMA.

‘Even if he’s the lowest-ranking among the successors…’

Lee Jin-woo was the most incompetent and foolish. Despite that, he was greedy and wanted to possess everything.

That was clearly a repulsive greed.

But that greed was tremendously helpful to him.

Despite being 15 years old, Jin-woo had a considerable amount of money.

So much that he couldn’t handle it all.

The days of working hard and living in poverty to earn research funds were now gone forever.

He was in a large detached house with a direct view of the Han River.

‘A strong body and mana…’

The corners of Jin-woo’s mouth rose.

He had plenty of time. And he also had a lot of money.

He could casually do things that others couldn’t.

Because he was the troublemaker Lee Jin-woo.

Jin-woo spent money like water.

That phrase suited him.

He bought an entire building with a view of the Han River and turned it into a training ground. Gathering skilled craftsmen, the construction was completed in just a few days.

He also dug a large pond nearby, and unexpectedly, artifacts were excavated, so he planned to build a museum. He simply conceded it to the city to handle on their own.

“Shall we begin?”

He immediately made a phone call.

It was a number that only certified customers could obtain.

Conveniently, Lee Jin-woo was someone who didn’t need certification or anything and had a free pass anytime, anywhere.

[Yes, this is Eles Inc., a company directly established by Her Majesty El Heran Highness, a company that will lead the earth’s eco-friendliness.]

The tone was somewhat stiff, perhaps not used to such matters.

“I’d like to purchase mana water.”

[Mana water, you say? If you purchase the premium top-quality mana water engraved with Her Majesty’s handwritten signature, we will safely deliver it to your residence.]

“Is that so?”

[Currently, we are running a special sale, so in terms of price…]

“Yes, I’d like to purchase that premium top-quality mana water in bulk.”

[What? How much…]

“Well, just give me everything you have available right now.”

The sound of someone falling over could be heard through the phone.

[What? What? Everything? If this is a joke…]

“I’ll make the payment right away. I’d like to establish a regular contract.”

[Oh, oh… Excuse me, but may I ask who you are…?]

The attitude of the employee, who had been reciting mechanical lines, became extremely polite.

Jin-woo purchased a large quantity of mana water produced by the High Elves.

It was a precious treasure in which the queen personally infused the mana of the World Tree. It was incredibly expensive, and the mages of this era were unaware of the true power of mana water, considering it merely a luxury item of the High Elves.

They didn’t know how to use it properly, and it was too expensive, so research hadn’t progressed.

Moreover, the Elves had terrible business sense.

“It seems delivery might be difficult for you, so I’ll send a helicopter today.”

[Oh, oh, oh my goodness! Th-th-thank you! Thank you! I sincerely hope that Her Majesty’s gracious touch reaches you as well!]

The deal was sealed right away without the need for negotiation.

If he decomposed and absorbed the mana water, he could accumulate mana more quickly. It also had the effect of cleansing his body like the High Elves, which was a great benefit.

‘The mana aspect is resolved, and now to train my body…’

As a mage, he had never exercised in his life.

Most mages had pale faces and frail-looking physiques. This was especially true for the busy magic civil servants who worked overtime.

Jin-woo closed his eyes for a moment and recalled various martial arts.

Martial arts that had been refined and improved over a thousand years.

Martial arts that were newly established from a modern perspective.

And even the secret techniques, or the so-called “Five Elements,” of prestigious families.

‘It’s like magic performed with the body.’

Ultimately, it was about accumulating magic circles optimized for the body through long cultivation and time. Engraving the flow of mana on the skin, muscles, and bones, and utilizing it physically.

That was “martial arts.”

Certainly, it was simpler compared to magic, but its power was beyond imagination.

Those who had completed and transcended their bodies through long years or genius-level talent.

Beings who had reached a realm that was difficult to measure even with magical calculations.

They were called masters.


They were just monsters.

It sent shivers down his spine.

‘But it’s not a level that’s hard to calculate.’

A vast amount of data was in his head.

He could roughly estimate based on that.

Jin-woo drew a circle on the floor. When he placed his finger in the center, a small sphere of light shot up.

It was a trivial light.

But what if this was drawn in every regenerating cell? That was precisely what a master was.

It made sense that they underwent training bordering on torture from a young age. It was to completely change the nature of the body before it matured.

That’s why their personalities were all like that.

Jin-woo shook his head.

Anyway, for 15-year-old Jin-woo, it was already far too late.


He was an Archmage.

And he possessed the authority of time. He would ascend in a different way.

The Archmage Vanquishes the Villain

The Archmage Vanquishes the Villain

대마법사는 빌런을 압살한다
Status: Hiatus Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
The Archmage, the sole survivor in a world that has fallen into ruin, gambles everything and manages to return to the world before its destruction. However, he finds himself not in his original body, but in the body of Lee Jin-woo, the worst villain and a third-generation chaebol heir with brilliant talent. Using his memories from before the regression, he begins to vanquish the villains one by one.


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not work with dark mode