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The Archmage Vanquishes the Villain 11

Chapter 3: Hope (3)

The interior of the hospital was clean.

Originally, it was said to be a warehouse.

Most of it was demolished, and the office space was renovated into a hospital. The air was clean, and the mana floating around was pure. The overall atmosphere felt more like a laboratory than a hospital.

Jin-woo followed Dr. Kim Jin-han into the examination room.

There were not only general medical equipment but also magic medicine equipment and lots of books. It seemed like research had been going on for a long time, with a lot of materials stacked up high. There was also a commendation plaque, but it was shoved into a corner.

Jin-woo looked at the protruding documents.

‘Magic medicine…’

It wasn’t now, but starting from Dr. Kim Jin-han, it had developed to the point of replacing modern medicine. Not only humans but many other species could benefit from it.

Magic medicine couldn’t be imitated without medical knowledge and extensive magical knowledge.

That’s why magic medicine itself hadn’t developed much yet. There were hardly any doctors at the level of being a mage and capable of conducting independent medical research.

Dr. Kim Jin-han began the examination.

As he reached out his hand, a magic circle floated up, and magic was activated. It was quite fast and precise.

‘At least 8th-grade or higher.’

When Aina seemed a bit nervous, Dr. Kim Jin-han deliberately smiled or told interesting stories.

“Hmm, does your head still hurt?”

“Yes, it’s gotten a bit worse lately.”

“Hmm, don’t worry too much.”

Dr. Kim Jin-han meticulously recorded something on the documents.

Then he opened her closed eyelids and nodded. Aina was managing her expression as she was conscious of Jin-woo.

Dr. Kim Jin-han smiled kindly at the sight.

“…Is there anything strange?”

“No, it’s alright. Say ah.”


Jin-woo silently watched the examination.

When the examination was over, Dr. Kim Jin-han erased the magic circle floating in the air.

Jin-woo picked up the documents on the desk.

“Did you research all of this alone? Activating mana in ordinary people to increase immunity and change the body’s system…”


Dr. Kim Jin-han looked at Jin-woo with a surprised expression.

“You can understand that?”

“It must have taken a lot of time and resources to simplify and make it this easy.”

“Jin-woo, you seem to have a lot of interest in magic medicine. Then I should give you a serious answer.”

Dr. Kim Jin-han got up from his seat and took out a research journal from his desk drawer.

“This is my lifelong research. It took 20 years to reach this point.”

“20 years…”

“We live in a multi-species society. They are similar enough to humans to have children with them. Of course, the difference in gestation period… Ah! This content might be a bit…”

“It’s fine.”

Dr. Kim Jin-han glanced at Jin-woo and Aina.

“The difference is the activation of mana. Species other than humans always have active mana. Their immune system is healthy enough to easily eliminate things like cancer. However… There are also opposite cases. For example, elves are very susceptible to the currently prevalent mana flu, but it’s harmless to humans.”

Jin-woo nodded.

“Although they have almost the same body structure as humans, the treatment methods are different because of mana activation. If we could find a way to activate mana in humans and temporarily turn off mana in species like elves…”

“We could eliminate human cancer… and treat mana flu in elves.”

“Yes! That’s right! Nekomata and Werewolves don’t get malaria. AIDS doesn’t exist for orcs. And if we go further from there, we could find magical treatment methods. Like making the body’s system favorable to quickly regenerate wounds. That kind of magic medicine that applies to all species. Without side effects…”

Dr. Kim Jin-han’s eyes were full of passion. He clenched his fist as if he was a bit excited.

Jin-woo put down the documents he was holding on the desk.

“Unified medicine.”

“Hahaha! You’re very smart. To even mention that! Is being a doctor your dream? I think Jin-woo could become an excellent doctor…”

“No. I just happened to know about it.”

“I see.”

Dr. Kim Jin-han seemed to be in a good mood, with a smile on his lips.

“Actually, before coming here, I read your recently published paper, and you made quite a big achievement. There had been almost no progress for several years, but it was so sudden. Moreover, after receiving support from Hancheon Group…”

“Inspiration comes suddenly. With their support, I was able to achieve these results. It’s realistically difficult to run a place like this alone and conduct research. Hmm, it’s just the beginning. My goal is to complete unified medicine and save everyone from diseases. I may not be able to eliminate all diseases, but at least I can save those who are dying unfairly.”

Aina seemed to respect Dr. Kim Jin-han.

Harmu felt the same way.

“Well, I think it will be difficult…”

“Young master…!?”


At Jin-woo’s words, Harmu and Dr. Kim Jin-han looked at him.

“Still, I hope such an impossible thing can be achieved. This is my sincere thought.”

“Haha! Thank you for saying that.”

Dr. Kim Jin-han said that with a smile.

“Hmm, I’d like to talk to Harmu for a moment…”

“…Young master, can I entrust Aina to you for a bit?”

When Jin-woo nodded, Harmu approached right in front of him. Then she firmly grasped Jin-woo’s shoulders.

Outwardly, it seemed like she was being wary of Jin-woo and telling him not to make any improper advances on Aina. But her eyes looked sad.

Her expression wasn’t good either.

It was as if she was forcibly suppressing her sadness.

Jin-woo pulled Aina’s wheelchair and went outside.

As they came out of the building, a slightly cooler breeze blew. Jin-woo moved to a more secluded spot.

Aina’s expression wasn’t good.

“…Um, my sister called you young master.”

“Yeah, she did.”

“Are you like a noble or something?”

“No, there can’t be such a thing in Korea.”

Aina fiddled with the charm.

“Why… did you become friends with me? Is it… out of sympathy? I’m not saying it like that… I’m just, just curious…”


“My sister… always lies. She says everything will be alright… I have a strong elven bloodline, so my senses are sharp. Whenever my sister lies… I can feel the moisture.”

Jin-woo saw her vulnerable side for the first time.

No matter how strong-willed or bright her personality was, she was still a young girl. She seemed more troubled because she had just received an examination.

Yeah, it would be strange if she was completely fine.

Jin-woo kept silent for a moment and then spoke.

“Actually, I have no friends.”


“I caused a lot of trouble.”


Jin-woo took out his cell phone from his pocket and pulled up an article related to himself. When he clicked the ‘Read Aloud’ icon, a slightly stiff male voice flowed out.

[…Lee Jin-woo, the third son of Ilshin Group, has caused a huge social stir with his antics. There are even voices within Ilshin Group saying they can’t tolerate it anymore.]

It was an article from a year ago.

Aina, who was quietly listening to the voice, looked surprised.

When it came to the part about him simply not wanting to go to school and purchasing several large buses to block the entire path from the school entrance to the front of the school, Aina was greatly surprised.


“St-still, you’re smart, and, and kind, and… you treat me well too… You’re a g-good friend.”

“Is it out of sympathy?”

“No! I felt it as it is… Huh?”

“Me too. Although there are things I can’t say.”

Aina had a dazed expression.

Aina put her hand on her chest and took a small breath.

She tried to hide her flushed ears by touching her hair as if to cover them with her hand.

Silence followed for a moment. But it wasn’t an awkward atmosphere.

Jin-woo looked towards the building.

Dr. Kim Jin-han.

He was a great man who established unified medicine and saved many people.

However, among the many people, those who truly needed it were not included.

‘Hancheon Group…’

The monopoly of unified medicine only led to an even more severe polarization.

It became even worse after Dr. Kim Jin-han’s death.

After his death, unified medicine made no progress as if it had hit a wall. It was thought that his research would sow the seeds for a brilliant harvest, but it didn’t advance at all.

That’s why Dr. Kim Jin-han became even more famous and revered after his death.

“…Thank you.”

“Have you tried traditional orc food?”

“Huh? I’ve only heard of it.”

“Let’s go eat it sometime soon. I’ll treat you.”

“With me? Is it okay? It must be expensive…”

“I have a lot of money and time. But I have no friends to go with.”

“…Now you do.”

Aina answered very quietly.

To Aina, the cool breeze seemed to have turned into a slightly sweet breeze.

Harmu, who seemed to have finished talking with Dr. Kim Jin-han, came out of the building. Her expression was the same as usual, but her eyes were slightly red.

“It seems we need to stay here for a day. Dr. Kim Jin-han says he will continue to look after Aina.”


“I heard you need to go up to the main house this evening. Since the princess is also coming, it would be best to keep the time.”

Jin-woo nodded.

They talked quietly so that only Harmu could hear, but Aina’s ears perked up.

“Your vacation tomorrow…”

“It’s okay. I’ll be at the main house anyway, so you don’t have to come out.”

“Thank you.”

Harmu approached Aina and talked to her.

Dr. Kim Jin-han came out of the hospital and approached the patients. He treated them very sincerely.

He also distributed all the medicines for free, and if there was a patient in a slightly serious condition, he would worry like his own family and devote himself to treatment.

He was receiving gazes of respect, but Dr. Kim Jin-han was not doing such work for respect and honor. He was continuously striving for goodwill and his dream.

That’s how it seemed.

“Alright! It will sting a little. Oh! You’re enduring it well.”

“Doctor! I want to become a doctor.”

“Then you’ll have to study hard.”

“Ah… Then I don’t want to.”

“What?! Then let’s get one more shot.”

Dr. Kim Jin-han’s great achievements might have been possible because of such aspects.

When he was in the Magic Association, he had also thought that if he could go back to the past, he would like to meet him and have a conversation at least once.


There were quite a few volunteers as well.

There were enough of them that they didn’t lack manpower. They seemed to have worked together with Dr. Kim Jin-han for a long time, and their coordination was excellent.

Jin-woo looked at the volunteers and then turned his head. The corporate badges on their chests were unusually glittering.

The sunset had already begun.

Jin-woo disliked the sunset.

It was too similar to the scenery of the destroyed world.

It was like looking at a viscous pool of blood.

The seemingly eternal darkness approaching was also similar.


Jin-woo’s eyes calmly settled.

For some reason, it seemed it would be a long night.

If only it was just a feeling.

Unfortunately, his intuition was usually very good.

The Archmage Vanquishes the Villain

The Archmage Vanquishes the Villain

대마법사는 빌런을 압살한다
Status: Hiatus Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
The Archmage, the sole survivor in a world that has fallen into ruin, gambles everything and manages to return to the world before its destruction. However, he finds himself not in his original body, but in the body of Lee Jin-woo, the worst villain and a third-generation chaebol heir with brilliant talent. Using his memories from before the regression, he begins to vanquish the villains one by one.


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not work with dark mode