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The Azure Longsword 10

Chapter 10: The Succubus Lady

Asker strode down the hallway, his hand resting on his sword. A melodious voice echoed in his mind.

“My, my. Who would have thought a level 2 could be slain by a level 0?”

“Those who haven’t achieved demigod status are still bound by mortal flesh,” Asker replied calmly.

“Indeed.” The voice hummed in approval. “Master Achilles, your composure in the face of danger and your meticulousness in battle make you a far more suitable partner than that bat.”

“Partner? What a coincidence. I’m interested in a partnership as well.” Asker continued walking, his pace unwavering. “However, my intended partner isn’t your organization. It’s you.”

“Oh?” The voice purred, a hint of playful seduction in its tone. “Me?”

“Medea Sultan, youngest daughter of the Seljuk Sultan and the Succubus Queen.” Asker reached the door at the end of the hallway and stopped. “You consumed your first elixir, Flame I, at the tender age of ten. Before you could fully integrate its power, you stumbled upon a rather… compromising scene involving your mother and three slaves.”

“The traumatic experience triggered a surge of uncontrolled ethereal energy. While it didn’t drive you mad, it left you with a crippling fear of men. You’ve managed to suppress it with your psychic abilities, but any direct physical contact with a male triggers a deep-seated terror, causing your Flame trait to lash out uncontrollably.”

“You’re no ordinary nobleman!” The voice lost its playful lilt, replaced by a wary sharpness. Her secret had been exposed. “Who are you? What does your organization want?”

“To your mother, a succubus who fears men is a disgrace to her kind. To your father, your inability to fully control Flame I means you’ll never reach level 10. What use is a daughter who can’t ascend to her full potential?” Asker ignored her questions, pressing his advantage. “Sending you to an enemy capital as an intelligence operative… it’s a disposable assignment, isn’t it? You have no future in the Seljuk Empire. Why not join me?”

Silence met his words. The voice had vanished, as if the speaker had retreated.

Looks like I’ll have to force the issue. Asker thought, kicking the door open.

The curtain had been drawn back, revealing Medea seated on a plush cushion. Her eyes snapped towards Asker, and she unleashed her psychic powers.

Damn it!

Her face darkened as she realized Asker’s eyes were closed.

Mind I allowed her to sense nearby minds, communicate telepathically, and subtly influence thoughts. However, to directly control someone’s mind, eye contact was essential.

With his eyes closed, she couldn’t exert her control.

If you don’t want to be controlled, then you can die! Medea summoned a fiery orb and hurled it towards Asker.

A flash of steel, and Medea’s jaw dropped. Asker, his eyes still closed, had effortlessly cleaved the fireball in two with his sword. Not only that, but he had also spun around, his blade aimed directly at her.

aghh. Damn!

Medea scrambled out of the way, barely avoiding the attack. Close combat wasn’t her forte, especially against a blind swordsman who could somehow sense her movements.

Asker turned towards the sound of her movement, his sword slashing through the air. Medea ducked, a lock of her wine-red hair falling to the floor. Asker’s blade descended once more, and Medea, staring into the cold steel, screamed, “Mercy!”

“Sign this Soul Contract, and I’ll spare your life.” Asker pressed his sword against her neck, his free hand retrieving a scroll from his bag.

Medea cautiously picked up the scroll and unfurled it. To her surprise, the terms were surprisingly lenient. It was a simple employment contract, devoid of any outrageous restrictions. The duration was five years, not a lifetime.

Asker’s signature already adorned the document.

That bastard!

Medea thought, grabbing a pen and pretending to scribble on her sleeve. “Done.”

“Sign it on the contract,” Asker said, his eyes still closed. “Don’t you know that Soul Contracts create an ethereal link between the signatories?”

Damn, I forgot about that!

Medea cursed inwardly. With a resigned sigh, she signed her name on the contract. A subtle shift in the air, a tingling sensation, confirmed the bond had been forged.

Asker opened his eyes, his gaze fixed on his newly acquired control mage. Medea’s features were striking: large, expressive eyes, a perfectly sculpted nose, and full, sensual lips. She was the kind of beauty that captivated at first glance and lingered in one’s memory.

Her hair was a vibrant wine-red, a hallmark of her succubus heritage. Her Mind I trait, combined with her innate charm, radiated an aura of vulnerability, stirring protective and possessive instincts in men.

Of course, feeling those instincts was one thing, succumbing to them was another. While weaker-willed men might fall prey to her charms, Asker was immune.

It wasn’t a matter of willpower. It was because, in his previous life, Medea had earned a rather… infamous nickname within the otaku community.

The Doujin Queen.

Legend had it that, at a Comic Market event in Japan, Medea-themed doujinshi had occupied seven out of the top ten spots for single-volume sales. For a video game NPC to outshine countless anime characters, her popularity was unprecedented.

Medea, sensing Asker’s indifference to her charms, was taken aback. This was a combination of supernatural abilities and innate allure. Even if he preferred men, his body should still react instinctively. Was there something wrong with her powers?

As Medea continued her futile attempts at seduction, Asker chuckled inwardly. He couldn’t very well tell her he had seen enough of her in doujinshi to last a lifetime. He glanced at his watch. “It’s time we left.”

“I’m too weak. Help me up,” Medea whined, feigning helplessness.

“If I touch you, won’t you explode?” Asker asked, feigning surprise. “You have a fear of men, remember? Direct physical contact triggers your powers.”

Damn, he’s onto me!

Medea thought, her frustration mounting. While the Soul Contract prohibited them from harming each other, if he succumbed to lust and attempted to assault her, his death by her uncontrolled flames wouldn’t technically be her fault.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t taking the bait.

She considered throwing herself at him, hoping to trigger her powers and end his life. But the thought was instantly extinguished by the Soul Contract’s binding force. Mind control? No, that was forbidden as well. This was infuriating!

She ground her teeth, her frustration palpable as she reluctantly followed Asker out of the room. Peggy, guarding the stairwell, raised an eyebrow as Asker returned with a beautiful redhead in tow.

“This is Miss Medea, our team’s psychic,” Asker introduced them. “And this is Miss Peggy, our agile damage dealer.”

“Hello, Peggy,” Medea said coolly, her arms crossed.

“Medea,” Peggy replied, her voice cold and sharp, making it clear she had committed the name to memory.

They left the Golden Oriole Tavern and headed towards Asker’s family mansion. Upon arriving, Medea stared at the elegant three-story building, a wave of despair washing over her.

The Golden Oriole Tavern was too remote. She had planned to establish a new base in a more central location, but now, instead of expanding her network, she had been forced to sell herself into servitude.

Why did that idiot Morbius choose this house? she thought bitterly. It led us to this Asker monster! She wanted to dig up Morbius’s corpse and whip it a hundred times.

They entered the mansion. The interior was a mess, the furniture and decorations ravaged during the Church knights’ assault. Gilded wardrobes lay overturned, an ornate table had been cleaved in two, and silver candlesticks and goblets littered the floor. Even Medea, accustomed to luxury, couldn’t help but feel a pang of regret.

Her discerning eye, honed by her upbringing in the Seljuk court, recognized the exquisite taste evident in the mansion’s design. If not for those brutish Church knights, this would have been an ideal base of operations.

“Gather anything valuable. I’ll find a buyer later,” Asker instructed, heading towards his study on the third floor.

Peggy began collecting items, while Medea leaned against a wall, halfheartedly assisting, offering occasional “advice.”

“Those goblets are worthless. Discard any that are dented. Same with the candlesticks. The candles are the valuable part. They’re infused with rare incense. A single sliver is worth a dozen goblets.”

“The paintings on the wall… the second, fourth, and fifth from the left are originals. The rest are copies. Be careful when handling them. Don’t scratch the originals or expose them to water or oil. The copies don’t matter.”

“If you find any jewelry boxes, let me know. I’ll ‘appraise’ them for you.”

“Why don’t you do it yourself?” Peggy snapped, finally losing her patience. She tossed the items she had gathered onto the floor.

“Tell me, little girl,” Medea asked, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “What’s your relationship with him?”

“What’s yours?” Peggy retorted.

“Technically, we’re employer and employee,” Medea replied, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. “Perhaps it will evolve into something… more intimate. What about you?”

“He’s teaching me how to use my powers,” Peggy mumbled.

“Ah, master and apprentice.” Medea nodded knowingly. “It’s only natural for an apprentice to help their master. As for me, my contract doesn’t mention anything about cleaning.”

Peggy fell silent, resuming her task.

Taking on an apprentice? Medea thought, her mind racing. He’s still level 0, an ordinary human with no supernatural traits. What can he possibly teach this undeveloped child? Perhaps I misjudged him. Maybe he’s not as ordinary as he seems. But my psychic senses shouldn’t deceive me. I’ll have to test him later… She kept her suspicions hidden, her expression carefully neutral.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

Two individuals, both ordinary humans. Medea’s Mind I senses detected their weak ethereal auras, confirming their level 0 status.

“Excuse me, is anyone home?” A cheerful female voice called out. “Does Mr. Asker live here?”

The Azure Longsword

The Azure Longsword

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese

The year is 241, Sixth Era. Constantinople trembles under a tempestuous sky.

Emperor Constantine lies slain, his army shattered on the field of battle. The heretical empire, drunk on victory, has devoured the Eastern territories and now sets its sights on the heart of the empire: Constantinople.

Seventeen-year-old Princess Theodora ascends to the throne, inheriting a realm teetering on the brink of collapse.

Rome is about to fall.


The gears of fate spin wildly as a transmigrator materializes on the rain-slicked streets of Constantinople.

"According to the original plot, Constantinople is doomed to fall," he muses.

"Better spirit the Empress away first."


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not work with dark mode