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The Azure Longsword 12

Chapter 12: The Secret Transcendental Gathering

“You’re a battle sister. Your primary skills are mechanical repair and healing, correct?” Asker asked, his expression serious. “I have two bloodline paths for you: ‘Living Songstress’ and ‘Construct Artificer.'”

“Pfft.” Medea snorted, barely suppressing a laugh. He’s making this up as he goes.

“Living Songstress grants mastery over the physical and ethereal bodies, aligning with your healing abilities,” Asker continued, his words flowing smoothly. “The elixir sequence is Life I – Ethereal I – Will I – Mind I – Life II – Ethereal II – Life III – Ethereal III – Life IV – Ethereal IV.”

Medea’s jaw dropped. He’s serious?

“Construct Artificer grants automatic proficiency in materials science, mechanics, power sources, and numerical control. It’s ideal for crafting and repairing firearms, ammunition, and other mechanical devices. The elixir sequence is Projection I – Mechanical I – Power I – Numerical Control I – Mechanical II – Power II – Numerical Control II – Mechanical III – Power III – Numerical Control III.” Asker concluded. “If you prioritize healing, choose Living Songstress. If you prefer mechanics, choose Construct Artificer.”

I recognize some of those elixir sequences… but how does he know them? He’s only level 0! Medea’s mind reeled. Could these bloodline paths be real? Panic surged through her. If this was true, this knowledge was priceless! Revealing even a fraction of it could lead to her arrest, imprisonment, and a lifetime of interrogation by the Church. And he was casually sharing it with them, as if it were common knowledge?

“Um, Mr. Asker, could you repeat that?” Nuo asked sheepishly. “You were speaking rather quickly. I didn’t have time to write it all down.”

“I’m afraid not.” Asker smiled, his eyes twinkling. He had revealed that information to shatter their preconceived notions and establish his authority. Now that Medea was thoroughly shaken, he decided to play his cards close to his chest. “This is valuable, classified information. I can’t repeat it.”

Damn it!

Medea wanted to flip the table. She barely managed to maintain her composure. If you can’t repeat it, why say it in the first place?

“Do you… know any succubus bloodline paths?” she asked, forcing down her frustration.

“‘Succubus’ is an archaic term from the Third Era,” Asker replied, his voice laced with amusement. “There are actually two paths: the Abyssal Succubus path, primarily focused on Flame, Desire, and Chaos; and the Infernal Succubus path, focused on Flame, Desire, Mind, and Conspiracy.”

So, Miss Medea is following the Infernal Succubus path? The other three girls exchanged glances, their gazes settling on Medea. She had abandoned her initial aloofness, her excitement palpable.

He knows! He actually knows!

Medea thought, her heart pounding. She struggled to keep her voice steady. “And the specific elixir sequence?”

“You’ve already consumed Flame I and Mind I,” Asker said. “The next two are Desire I and Conspiracy I.”

“Yes, of course. The Stable Path. Gather all the level I elixirs first.” Medea nodded eagerly, her demeanor unconsciously shifting towards deference. “My question is, what are the upper limits for each sequence? I’m willing to offer something in exchange for that information.”

“No need for payment. I’ll tell you.” Asker, sensing her complete surrender, smiled faintly. “Conspiracy I, Mind II, Flame III, Desire IV.”

“Desire is the primary sequence?” Medea frowned. “I thought it would be Mind.”

“Think about the essence of a succubus,” Asker prompted. “First and foremost, a succubus is desire incarnate. Then comes the infernal aspect, represented by Flame. Lastly, there’s the devilish lineage. However, ‘devil’ is a broad term, encompassing countless races, including succubi. Can Mind or Conspiracy truly represent the essence of all devils?”

“I understand,” Medea murmured, as if a long-standing puzzle had finally been solved. Enlightenment dawned on her. “I understand.”

What do you understand? The other three girls thought, utterly lost. They hadn’t understood a word of the exchange between Asker and Medea. A wave of inadequacy washed over them.

“And the specific elixir formulas…?” Medea asked, clinging to a sliver of hope.

“I don’t remember them, of course,” Asker replied. “Ten elixirs per path. How could I possibly remember every formula?”

“Of course.” Medea wasn’t surprised. Even knowing the complete path and elixir sequence was a monumental gain. After all, finding a specific formula was far more difficult when you didn’t even know what you were looking for.

This Asker… he’s a treasure trove of knowledge! Could he truly be from a secretive Transcendental family? The Achilles family… the Achilles family… Medea’s mind raced, her imagination running wild. If that was true, she had stumbled upon a gold mine. She wouldn’t let go of this opportunity.

From this day forward, I’m a loyal member of this team! she thought, mentally severing ties with her family, her job, and her homeland.

Meanwhile, Nuo had finally reached a decision. “I’ve decided. I choose Living Songstress.”

“A wise choice,” Asker said, nodding in approval. At least she remembered her role as the team’s healer. “The first elixir for the Living Songstress path is Life I. Keep an eye out for the formula.”

“I will,” Nuo replied.

“What about you, Eleanor?” Asker turned to the warrior. “What kind of bloodline are you interested in?”

“Can I choose too?” Eleanor asked, her voice trembling with excitement. “Are there any knightly bloodlines?”

“The Crusader bloodline,” Asker said. “Lawful good alignment, incredibly durable, with significant willpower bonuses. There’s also the Royal Guard bloodline, which offers a more balanced approach to offense and defense.”

“I choose Crusader,” Eleanor declared without hesitation.

“The first elixir for the Crusader bloodline is Justice X. Be on the lookout for the formula,” Asker said.

“X?” Nuo asked, her brow furrowed. “Shouldn’t it be level I?”

“Some special sequences only exist at level X,” Medea explained, answering for Asker. “They’re often referred to as ‘cornerstone sequences,’ typically placed at the beginning of a bloodline path. They provide powerful passive bonuses.”

“I see.” Nuo scribbled furiously in her notebook.

“Peggy,” Asker said, turning to the vampire. “The two bloodline paths I mentioned earlier, Blood Moon Hunter and Lord of Impurity, which one do you choose?”

“Lord of Impurity,” Peggy replied. “The second elixir is Life Steal, correct?”

“That’s right.” Asker was surprised. The name “Lord of Impurity” wasn’t exactly appealing. Most female players avoided that path. He hadn’t expected Peggy to choose it.

“Mr. Asker…” Nuo raised her hand.

“Just call me Asker,” he said gently. “What is it?”

“How do we acquire the formulas for specific elixirs?” Nuo asked.

I usually just check the forums… Asker swallowed his instinctive response and sighed. “It’s mostly a matter of luck. You can attend unofficial Transcendental gatherings or join organizations that trade in such knowledge.”

“Speaking of gatherings, I know of a few,” Medea chimed in. “There’s one happening tonight, in fact.”

Constantinople, modeled after ancient Solomon’s “City of Seven Hills,” had designated seven hills within its boundaries, numbered from one to seven.

Due to their inconvenient locations, these hills hadn’t been fully developed. Lush vegetation covered their slopes, offering a welcome respite from the summer heat. They were also popular spots for clandestine gatherings. If the Church discovered them, the attendees could easily scatter into the surrounding woods, increasing their chances of escape. Holding such gatherings within the city was risky, as ancient surveillance cameras still monitored the streets.

The gathering Medea mentioned was taking place on Seventh Hill, near the inner city walls, far from prying eyes.

They boarded the “Middle Street” subway line, passing through Taurus Square Station and Povis Square Station before disembarking at Golden Gate Station. From there, they made their way towards Seventh Hill.

As a strategic vantage point overlooking the city walls, Seventh Hill had served as a military restricted zone during the Third Era. It had been opened to the public after the ancient Solomonic Empire achieved continental dominance in the Fourth Era. Abandoned guard posts and watchtowers dotted the landscape, remnants of its former purpose.

The gathering was being held at a summer villa nestled within the hill’s wooded slopes. After an hour-long trek, they finally reached the villa’s entrance. Approaching the reception desk, Medea tapped the counter three times and uttered the prearranged password.

“We’d like a game room to pass the time.”

“We don’t have any game rooms,” the receptionist replied with a knowing smile. “We only have large conference rooms, but one has been rented out for a masquerade ball.”

“Can we join?” Medea asked.

“Of course. The host welcomes everyone.” The receptionist gestured towards a nearby room. “How many guests? Masks and costumes are available in the room on the right.”

“Five,” Medea replied.

The receptionist’s gaze swept over Asker and the others, a flicker of surprise in his eyes. Transcendents, distrustful by nature, often operated alone. Occasionally, two close friends might attend a gathering together. A group of three was rare, but five… were they from a secretive organization, perhaps on a mission? Or worse, were they Church agents?

“Three of my friends are ordinary humans,” Medea explained, sensing the receptionist’s apprehension through her psychic senses. “We’re bringing them along to explore potential opportunities.”

“I see.” The receptionist, clearly equipped with an Identification Aura or a similar tool, scanned the group, confirming Medea’s words. “Indeed, dancing is a skill that requires knowledge and practice. Once you’ve chosen your masks, proceed through the door next to the changing room.”

They followed the receptionist’s instructions, entering the changing room. Medea sniffed the air, her brow furrowing. “This room is warded against scrying and divination… Choose your masks and cloaks. We need to conceal our identities.”

The Azure Longsword

The Azure Longsword

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese

The year is 241, Sixth Era. Constantinople trembles under a tempestuous sky.

Emperor Constantine lies slain, his army shattered on the field of battle. The heretical empire, drunk on victory, has devoured the Eastern territories and now sets its sights on the heart of the empire: Constantinople.

Seventeen-year-old Princess Theodora ascends to the throne, inheriting a realm teetering on the brink of collapse.

Rome is about to fall.


The gears of fate spin wildly as a transmigrator materializes on the rain-slicked streets of Constantinople.

"According to the original plot, Constantinople is doomed to fall," he muses.

"Better spirit the Empress away first."


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not work with dark mode