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The Azure Longsword 7

Chapter 7: Recruiting Team Members

Asker and Peggy spent the next four days at the hotel.

They slept in their room at night and trained in the underground training ground during the day. A steady stream of mercenaries, drawn by Asker’s reputation, sought to challenge him, only to be swiftly and decisively defeated. As a professional esports player, Asker found it effortless to dispatch these level 0 NPCs.

Peggy’s progress in mastering her Flesh I trait accelerated during this time. She still couldn’t understand why Asker bothered with these challenges. Did he possess some undigested supernatural power that needed to be converted through combat?

She didn’t ask, choosing instead to focus on internalizing the combat lessons she had learned.

One morning, Asker went to the blacksmith’s shop to collect Peggy’s custom-made mail. Peggy donned the full-steel ring armor, examining herself in the mirror. She wasn’t thrilled with the look.

“If you find it unsightly, you can always wear a dyed gambeson over it,” Asker suggested. “Like the one I’m wearing.”

“The cloak is enough,” Peggy replied, unwilling to spend more money.

“Let’s go,” Asker said.

As expected, a crowd of mercenaries awaited them at the training ground. The hall echoed with grunts and groans as challengers were sent flying or tumbling to the ground. Soon, the arena was empty, save for the stunned onlookers.

Asker approached the female warrior. Not only had she been the first to challenge him, but she was also the most persistent, returning day after day despite her repeated defeats. She lay on the ground, clutching her stomach, unable to rise.

“I’m curious,” Asker said, his voice laced with amusement. “I’ve been hitting rather hard these past few days. Most of the mercenaries who sparred with me yesterday are still nursing their injuries. Yet, you seem unaffected, ready to challenge me again and again. Are you sure you’re alright?”

“I’m fine,” the warrior replied, shaking her head. “I have a friend who’s a healer. She takes care of my injuries.”

“Let me guess,” Asker said, his eyes twinkling. “A professional healer? Ordinary physicians can’t accelerate wound healing.”

“A battle sister,” the warrior admitted.

“Excellent.” Asker crouched beside her. “I’m assembling a team, but currently, it’s just me and Peggy. We need a melee tank, a mage, and a healer. Based on your performance these past few days, I believe you have the potential to become an excellent tank.”

“A tank?” The warrior frowned. “You mean a defender?”

“A good defender not only knows how to survive but also how to protect their companions,” Asker explained. “It requires unwavering resolve, tactical awareness, adaptability, and a calm, measured approach. I believe you possess those qualities.”

“So, you want to recruit me?” the warrior asked, understanding dawning on her.

“Not just you,” Asker replied. “Your friend as well. A skilled healer is essential for any team. Injuries are inevitable in combat. I’m not looking for a surgeon who relies on a fully equipped operating room. I need someone who can provide emergency treatment on a bloody battlefield, in a remote wilderness, or within a dark, ancient ruin. We can only find such a healer among mercenaries.”

“Recruiting me is no problem,” the warrior shrugged. “As for my friend, she’s not particularly fond of violence and mercenary work. However…”

She coughed, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Perhaps you could mention ‘remote wilderness’ or ‘dark, ancient ruins.’ She has a weakness for such things.”

“I see.” Asker understood the hint. Her friend was an adventurer at heart.

“Your name?” Asker extended his hand.

“Eleanor Weiss,” the warrior replied, grasping his hand and pulling herself to her feet. “My surname is from my father, a lord in the Holy Solomon Empire. But my name was given to me by a wandering Syris hermit.”

“Your father must be an admirer of ancient Syris culture,” Asker remarked. “Otherwise, he wouldn’t have given his daughter a Syris name.”

“Not at all,” Eleanor chuckled. “He simply caught a glimpse of Empress Theophanu during a pilgrimage to the Imperial Court and was utterly smitten. You know, Empress Theophanu was a princess of the Eastern Solomon Empire before marrying Emperor Otto. Ever since, he’s been obsessed with everything Eastern Solomonic, even demanding his servants greet him with ‘Kalimera’ every morning.”

“Let’s hope he doesn’t develop an interest in my Syris name,” Asker joked, shaking her hand. “I’m Asker Leppius Achilles. You can call me Asker. And this is Miss Peggy.”

“Pleased to meet you, Asker,” Eleanor said, nodding politely. “And you as well, Peggy.”

They made their way out of the training ground. The crowd, too far away to overhear their conversation, watched as the warrior departed with the master swordsman. It dawned on them then: the reason behind the relentless sparring sessions was recruitment. Whether he sought teammates or apprentices remained unclear, but a wave of disappointment washed over the hall. Those who had been injured the previous day and were absent today were particularly distraught, wishing they had never challenged him.

Outside, the midday sun beat down upon them. Eleanor removed her helmet and visor, taking a deep breath of fresh air. Her face was that of a mature beauty, her features reflecting her German heritage. Her golden hair cascaded down her back in loose waves, framing her high cheekbones, deep-set eyes, and full lips.

On foreign forums, NPCs of her type were often referred to as “blonde bombshells.” Domestic players had a more straightforward term: “foreign beauties.”

Why does she look so familiar? Asker thought, his gaze lingering on her for a moment before he lost himself in thought. He had definitely seen her somewhere in the game before.

Eleanor, noticing his lack of reaction to her beauty, felt a surge of relief. Aspiring to inherit her father’s castle and title, she had embarked on a journey to hone her skills. The constant attention to her appearance, rather than her abilities, was a source of frustration. Many mercenary groups had rejected her outright due to her gender. If this master swordsman shared their prejudice, she would be devastated.

Of course, for a player like Asker, an NPC’s gender was irrelevant. As long as they could fight, even a dog would suffice.

“Let’s discuss my plans for the team,” Asker said, breaking the silence as they walked. “As you know, I’m building a team. My focus is on quality over quantity. Every member must be the best of the best. You might not be there yet, but you can strive to reach that level.”

“We will,” Eleanor and Peggy replied in unison, nodding earnestly.

“For a small, elite team, the classic ‘holy trinity’ model is warrior, mage, and priest,” Asker continued. “A tank to absorb damage, a damage dealer to inflict pain, and a healer to mend wounds.”

“However, the holy trinity is outdated. The current trend is the ‘golden pentagram’: tank, control, damage, healing, and command. Five individuals, each with a specialized role, can handle most situations.”

“Eleanor, you’ll be our tank, responsible for absorbing damage. I’ll handle command and emergency situations. Peggy will be our primary damage dealer.” Asker summarized. “We still need a control mage to manipulate enemies and funnel them towards our tank. I have someone in mind, and I’m confident I can recruit them. As for the healer, tell me more about your friend.”

“She’s a university student, Captain,” Eleanor replied. “She’s studying to be a battle sister at the Solomon St. Mary’s Theological Seminary. She’s graduating this year and is currently working on her thesis.”

“Ah, a university student. That should be manageable,” Asker mused. “They haven’t been exposed to the complexities of the world yet.”

Eleanor led them towards Constantinople’s central business district, a bustling area filled with towering skyscrapers, sprawling shopping malls, and subway stations. They stopped in front of a luxurious hotel, and Asker and Peggy exchanged uneasy glances.

She’s loaded? This was the St. Ory Hotel, Constantinople’s most prestigious establishment. The daily rate for a suite here was ten pounds. It was the official residence for foreign dignitaries and royalty. What kind of university student could afford this?

“Asker,” Peggy asked, her voice laced with disbelief, “are you sure she’s ‘manageable’?”

“Don’t worry,” Asker said, trying to project confidence. “I’m a man of means. I won’t be intimidated.”

Even with my thousand pounds, I can’t afford this place… he thought to himself.

“She’s very down-to-earth,” Eleanor assured them, sensing their apprehension. “Don’t worry.”

They entered the hotel, and a bellhop immediately approached them. His polite smile couldn’t quite mask the suspicion in his eyes. Recognition dawned on him as he spotted Eleanor. “Good day, Miss Weiss. Are you here to see Miss Nuo?”

“Yes,” Eleanor confirmed. “Is she in?”

“I’ll inform her butler,” the bellhop replied with a nod.

He hurried to the reception desk, picked up the phone, and made a call. After a brief conversation, he returned. “Miss Nuo has finished breakfast. You may meet her in her private lounge. Please follow me.”

“Who is this Nuo?” Peggy finally asked, unable to contain her curiosity. “Is she a noble?”

“Her family is in business, I believe,” Eleanor replied. “I’m not sure if they’re nobility.”

“How much are you planning to pay her, Asker?” Peggy chuckled. “Recruiting a merchant’s daughter as a mercenary? Her allowance could probably hire an entire mercenary company.”

“I guess I’ll have to win her over with my charm,” Asker said, half-joking. “Don’t forget, I’m technically a nobleman too, albeit a somewhat impoverished one.”

The Azure Longsword

The Azure Longsword

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese

The year is 241, Sixth Era. Constantinople trembles under a tempestuous sky.

Emperor Constantine lies slain, his army shattered on the field of battle. The heretical empire, drunk on victory, has devoured the Eastern territories and now sets its sights on the heart of the empire: Constantinople.

Seventeen-year-old Princess Theodora ascends to the throne, inheriting a realm teetering on the brink of collapse.

Rome is about to fall.


The gears of fate spin wildly as a transmigrator materializes on the rain-slicked streets of Constantinople.

"According to the original plot, Constantinople is doomed to fall," he muses.

"Better spirit the Empress away first."


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not work with dark mode