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The Delicate Female Lead Only Wants to be Loved by the Villainous Young Ladies 13

Chapter 13: The Maiden’s Captive

Although it happened suddenly, damn it…
It feels so good~ (referring to the bath)

In the bathtub that can accommodate two people bathing together, a completely naked Adele leaned against Hermione, who was embracing her from behind. The shy maiden held her chest and sat in a duck-like posture, feeling the temperature of the hot water around her. It made one can’t help but exhale a breath of pink air.

Thinking, this is a bit too comfortable…

This experience of having one’s whole body enveloped by warm water, extremely warm with the buoyancy supporting oneself, feels very secure. It’s been a long time since Adele has experienced it.
Of course, the soft and fluffy thing behind her… is also very nice!

Adele originally thought she would have to settle things here today, in Hermione’s bathroom. This kind of supposedly important memory actually happening in the bathtub, in a sense, is also unforgettable.

And it’s easy to clean up…

But the reality is, when Hermione brought Adele into the bathtub, even Adele herself had already accepted her fate, Hermione’s movements had already stopped.

So much so that Adele’s expression of shyly closing her eyes for a while appeared a bit awkward.

After a while, Adele nervously opened one eye and still saw the misty bathroom.

Hermione behind her held her even tighter.

The ends of her hair felt cool, because they were dampened by water droplets and exposed to the air. Resting on the maiden’s shoulders, like the wind frozen on the window in November.

“Okay, okay, I won’t run away…” Adele instinctively responded. She believed that was the response Hermione expected. And she even forgot to pretend, to pretend to be that trembling little poor thing.

Come to think of it, it’s only in front of Hermione that Adele can act like this to gain her sympathy. In front of the other Sequence Ones, she still has to grit her teeth and show a bit of unyielding spirit.
The other ones have seen too many servants. Once they get tired of it, it’s not fun anymore.

Adele’s eyes narrowed, rippling the gleaming light on the water surface. She has to make them… yearn for her.

“Hmm…” Hermione’s response at this time seemed a bit soft. This description that shouldn’t belong to the Ice Queen, used on her at this moment, is actually very fitting. Her eyes looked dazed as she rested her chin on the delicate hollow of Adele’s shoulder.

The strength was maintained very well, not enough to make Adele feel burdened. At the same time, her warm breath was like a soft brush, sweeping over Adele’s snow-white neck in waves after waves.
It’s a bit… ticklish. Within a tolerable range. Not uncomfortable. On the contrary, it feels rather nice.

Adele really didn’t expect the Ice Queen to have this side to her. But Adele suddenly recalled a detail from the original novel. The book said Hermione often thought of her gentle yet strong mother.

Before her talent was discovered, even among the Sequence Ones she was considered outstanding. During Hermione’s childhood and even teenage years, she always lived by her gentle mother’s side. It wasn’t until she entered the academy that she parted with her mother and had to face this cruel world.

Perhaps at that time, she wasn’t as cold as she is now.

Gentle yet strong… tsk, doesn’t this match the female lead Adele’s character setting! Thinking back to how she painstakingly washed Hermione’s hair for a long time just now.
That was truly being as cautious as “accompanying a tiger”. It could be interpreted as being “gentle and patient”, “possessing maternal instincts”. It seems not that surprising anymore.

In other words, the current Hermione has temporarily projected her mother onto Adele. And she is immersed in reminiscence, unable to extricate herself.


What kind of filial daughter plot is this!

No no, she must have overthought it. Because isn’t this very obvious.

Hermione’s embrace… is merely dependence. Deep affection and dependence. Temporarily casting aside all worldly things.
Just like when you were wronged and bullied as a child, as long as you bury yourself in your mother’s embrace, it’s as if you can think of nothing else, full of security and warmth.

Vampires are not all cold-blooded and heartless creatures. The Ice Queen with a cold and beautiful exterior, layer upon layer freezing her heart. But deep in that heart, how could there not be a small yet bright flame burning.

However, is it really okay to take a bottom-tier Sequence Five like herself as the object of dependence?

Adele’s gaze fell upon the water surface that kept rippling due to the falling water droplets from the hair.

Drip drop, drip drop.

Constantly breaking the reflections of herself and Hermione. But quickly piecing back together like a broken mirror.

Sensibility made her indulge in it. Merely being a temporary substitute for Hermione’s mother, nestling in the Ice Queen’s embrace. Immersed in each other’s warmth. Not questioning right or wrong.

But rationality, or a higher level of self-interest, made Adele’s eyes gradually deepen, the peach blossom color in her eyes burning passionately.

There probably won’t be such a good opportunity again in a short time. To allow herself to occupy a deeper position in Hermione’s heart.

Not as a substitute. But to further override it with her own existence. Making Hermione more and more unable to extricate herself.

It’s not good to have another woman in your heart~ Even if… that person is your mother, Hermione. I want you to look only at me wholeheartedly. Only me, and just me. The name that should be chanted from your mouth. Is A-de-le.

The clear water surface was suddenly stirred by the maiden’s movements. The slender body emerged from the water.

Amidst the fog, a pair of pink eyes that should have looked timid were instead affectionate, as if containing the rippling spring water. Meeting another pair of eyes that were clearly a bit dazed but on the verge of sobering up.

She didn’t want to let her wake up. She wanted the latter to become her puppet, her captive…

Indulging in the sweet dream-like realm of gentleness and unable to extricate herself. She licked her lips, even though it was already incredibly moist under the shrouding mist. Revealing an enchanting color.

But it’s not enough, to enter Hermione’s tightly closed heart. Not seductive enough yet. Perhaps she should… add a little seasoning. A little delicious seasoning that no vampire can refuse.

Adele’s fangs elongated slightly, compared to the Sequence Ones, her length indeed seemed a bit pitiful. Almost like the cute little tiger teeth among ordinary humans.

But, in the current situation, it’s good enough. The fangs scraped the maiden’s crimson lips.

The moment the fragrant blood flowed out, Hermione’s originally steady breathing rate visibly increased. Becoming more and more rapid.

The light blue pupils of the maiden also gradually stained with the crimson desire for blood. Even though she had just replenished with cold fresh blood.

But how could that be enough, how could that inferior blood compare to Adele’s rare vintage.

Vampires are a greedy race. The Sequence Ones are even more gluttonous beasts. Once they have a favorite delicacy, even if they commit the sin of gluttony, what does it matter.

“Adele…” The maiden being called had a flash of cunning light in her pure eyes. You finally called out my name.

Not a substitute for anyone. The gaze also fully reflects my figure. But it’s not enough.

Adele placed her hands on where Hermione’s heart is. This place needs to be… filled with herself.

Adele’s gentle gaze fell upon Hermione’s face. This is the only existence that can appease her restless heart. As if saying, don’t be impatient, an obedient child will naturally be rewarded with candy.

Hermione truly began to endure. Began to listen, revealing a docile look in her eyes. She seemed to have forgotten that she was the one who held the authority. She was the one who should dominate as the queen.

But under Adele’s gentle gaze, she felt such security. Not because she took Adele as a substitute for her mother. But simply because Adele is Adele.

Can I really… entrust everything to you? Adele…

Hermione had a pair of eyes that were so moving, as if they could speak. No longer cold, but soft like snowflakes.

Under her trembling gaze, Adele leaned towards her, her body also completely falling into her embrace. The petite girl hugged the tall maiden’s snow-white, swan-like slender neck. Entrusting all of her weight to her.

Words seemed superfluous at this moment. The best answer, a light kiss is enough. A rewarding kiss. A bloody scar. Let Hermione continue to indulge in the illusion where dreams and the water’s surface meet.
Then, become the maiden’s captive…


The Delicate Female Lead Only Wants to be Loved by the Villainous Young Ladies

The Delicate Female Lead Only Wants to be Loved by the Villainous Young Ladies

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
While others transmigrate into the role of a villainous young lady, I, on the other hand, became the abused female lead in a sadistic novel! I'm trembling with anger, but there's no one to seek justice from! This is a story about a girl who transmigrates into a weak, pitiful, and helpless heroine. With her natural charm, gentle demeanor, and a touch of tea-loving personality, she conquers the hearts of the villainous female leads, ultimately achieving a sweet and satisfying counterattack.


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not work with dark mode