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The Delicate Female Lead Only Wants to be Loved by the Villainous Young Ladies 9

Chapter 9: Only to You

In the huge villa, Hermione walked on the clean and new floor.

She came to the freezer and opened the door.

What caught her eye was bag after bag of neatly arranged cold fresh blood packs.

Under the illumination of the built-in freezer light, they gave off a rosy temptation.

The upper three layers and lower three layers were all packed full.

This was because Sequence Ones were noble, had top-level treatment, and consumed a lot of magical power.

So the blood they were allocated each month, both in quality and quantity, was enough to make other vampires look up to them in envy and jealousy.

But no matter how envious and jealous, who had more of a right to enjoy these than them?

Almost no vampire dared to challenge an existence of a higher sequence than themselves, and the higher up, the more so.

But Hermione just took one look and frowned deeply.

Because she felt she was simply sick.

Ignoring Adele’s blood, which was the highest quality in the true sense.

And coming to taste this… like cooled leftovers, making one lose appetite just by looking at it, cold fresh blood packs.

There was no vampire who didn’t desire to bite into a person’s neck vein and enjoy the vividly gushing warmth and blood magic power.

That was the ultimate bliss in the world.

She quietly bit her thin red lips.

Hermione still reached out and randomly took out a bag, tore open the plastic seal.

Then closed her eyes, as if suffering, and poured it into her stomach.

Vampires couldn’t be without blood, blood was their food and also the source of their magical power.

If they endured not drinking blood, the desire hidden in their bones and blood would turn vampires into crazy monsters.

At that time, vampires would lose all reason and slaughter any life they could in front of them.

Plundering their blood source.

Hermione was afraid she would lose her mind.

And completely drain Adele dry.

So when her body showed symptoms of “blood thirst”.

She even endured the urge to accompany Adele by her side immediately.

Instead, she left her and came over to replenish blood first to alleviate the “blood thirst” reaction.

She didn’t know if Adele would feel lonely because of this.


Was she happy and relaxed now.

Because she finally didn’t have to be with her, this cold and scary fellow.

Whichever it was.

Hermione casually tossed the empty blood bag into the trash can and turned to walk towards her bedroom.

Her silver-blue long hair swayed with her steps.

The girl’s ice-blue pupils revealed a hint of faint nervousness and unease in her gaze.

But she was a Sequence One, what was there for her to be…

Nervous and uneasy about?


Adele hugged a soft and white large pillow.

Kneeling on Hermione’s bed in a very girlish posture, letting her imagination run wild.

For example…

Striving to one day change this ordinary prop large pillow into the epic prop “True · Hermione’s White Pillow”!

She actually roughly guessed what Hermione was doing now.

It could be vaguely guessed from the fact that she endured her desire for blood in the elevator.

Vampires always had to feed on blood, otherwise they would lose their minds.

In layman’s terms, lose sanity, so in this sense, the existence of vampires was quite Cthulhu-like.

At least in the world of this novel, it was like this.

Hermione would rather taste industrialized cold blood pack products.

Than cherish enjoying her?

In order not to hurt her.

In order not to increase the burden on her fragile body.

Thinking of this.

Adele’s unique, unusually seductive pink pupils drooped slightly.

Her being like this…

Didn’t it make people more determined to treat her as a sucker to deceive?

Ahem ahem…

Being moved was one thing.

But survival was more important now!

So had to be shrewd, not invest too much sincerity.

Don’t be a little fool.

Be a little drama queen!

Adele didn’t want to be cold-hearted either, but she had no choice with her low strength.

Any Sequence One in a bad mood could possibly eat her clean.

Damn it…

Suddenly, a rhythmic “clack, clack” sound came from outside the door.

Those were Hermione’s footsteps, approaching her.

Hearing it, Adele quickly adjusted her expression and posture.

She didn’t get off Hermione’s bed, but instead assumed a fragile posture of having already resigned herself to fate.

Hugging the large white pillow in her arms a little tighter.

To hide her slightly disappointing chest.

Hermione pushed the door open and immediately saw Adele sitting on her bed.

She froze for a moment, until Adele’s gaze timidly met hers.

And timidly shrank back.

“…Where did you go, Hermione?”

Unexpectedly, it was Adele who spoke to her first.

Showing a caring attitude.

She seemed a bit uneasy about being left alone.

At times like this, it seemed even Hermione could become her support.

“It has nothing to do with you.”

Hermione subconsciously gave her response.

Although as soon as she said it, she regretted it.

She was always like this, cold, showing an appearance of not needing others.

This personality also didn’t know how many people she had hurt.

It also made her always alone until she met Adele.

This girl… who was supposed to be a toy.


Adele didn’t seem to show much disappointment.

Or perhaps she was already used to Hermione’s coldness.

Or rather, it would be surprising if Hermione didn’t treat her with this arrogant, contemptuous, and cold attitude.

Hermione’s mind moved, and she came to sit on the edge of the bed.

At the same time, she elegantly took off her high heels on her jade feet, revealing her slender and delicate ankles.

She was going to get on the bed.

Adele nervously hugged the pillow in her arms a little tighter, but didn’t retreat to the corner.

Still sitting in the conspicuous center, not left or right.

As if knowing her fate, so she gave up resisting from the beginning.

Hermione then crawled seductively towards her little prey.

Hermione’s figure needn’t be mentioned, the Sequence One vampires were all top-level goddesses, perfect creations.

She belonged to the more dominant cold beauty type, her breasts were a veritable large white pillow, her beautiful buttocks always tempting Adele’s heart.

So Adele secretly swallowed her saliva.

Hermione only thought she was nervous.

Little did she know Adele’s true feeling was… she was craving!

In this situation, should she give in or give in?

Hermione came to Adele’s side, her right hand easily wrapping around Adele’s slender waist.

Adele only felt as if a numb electric current passed through her whole body.

At the same time, her delicate body softened.

She actually fell into Hermione’s arms.

This was the first time it happened in Hermione’s experience with her.

In the past, facing such intimate physical contact, she would often appear stiff and rejecting.

Hermione’s heartbeat sped up a few beats.

She was obviously very happy.

But when she opened her mouth, what she said was still hurtful words.

“Do you snuggle up to everyone like this? Dorothy, Sherry… even Celeste?”

She clearly knew Adele wasn’t like that.

Hermione also regretted it the moment her voice fell.

She didn’t even dare to look into Adele’s eyes.

That light pink, the world’s unique treasure.

But Adele just stared at her, her tone a bit pitiful.

Like a child anxiously defending herself, still in a soft voice.

“No… I didn’t…”

“I only… to you.”

The Delicate Female Lead Only Wants to be Loved by the Villainous Young Ladies

The Delicate Female Lead Only Wants to be Loved by the Villainous Young Ladies

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
While others transmigrate into the role of a villainous young lady, I, on the other hand, became the abused female lead in a sadistic novel! I'm trembling with anger, but there's no one to seek justice from! This is a story about a girl who transmigrates into a weak, pitiful, and helpless heroine. With her natural charm, gentle demeanor, and a touch of tea-loving personality, she conquers the hearts of the villainous female leads, ultimately achieving a sweet and satisfying counterattack.


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not work with dark mode