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It turns out, they are the protagonists 125 p2

Chapter 125: I’m a Devoted Person, I Only Like Beautiful Women p2

After returning to the Garden of Heavenly Harmony, Mu Zhi’an walked to a certain pavilion nearby and saw a cold beauty with an elegant and intellectual temperament.

The background was a colorful grassy field. Bai Ruoxi wore a plain white palace dress, her full breasts that outshone all women raised high. She held a book scroll in her hand, reading attentively.

Her beautiful hair was simply tied up with a jade hairpin, a few strands hanging down, adding a bit of lazy charm to her.

Cold and weak, like a sheltered young miss.

In front of outsiders, Bai Ruoxi was cold and aloof. Only in front of Mu Zhi’an would this young miss reveal her weak side.

With her breast size, could she really see the words on the book scroll like this… Mu Zhi’an called out, “Ruoxi.”

Then, he brought over two bowls of crane soup and came to Bai Ruoxi’s side.

Bai Ruoxi’s eyes, as clear and bright as a cold pool, looked over. Seeing the noble son coming, her eyes couldn’t help but fill with tenderness. She gazed affectionately, expressing her adoration, but didn’t speak, maintaining the reserved nature of a jade beauty.

Girls are all reserved. Even if they have dual cultivated a few times, under the light of day, they will still be shy, let alone a beauty like Bai Ruoxi who has received all kinds of etiquette training since childhood.

“What are you reading?” Mu Zhi’an glanced at the book scroll in Bai Ruoxi’s hand and asked in puzzlement.

Who knew that Bai Ruoxi would react, seeming a bit flustered. She quickly hid the book scroll behind her, then pretended nothing happened and shook her head with a smile, “It’s just a book to pass the time when tired from meditating. Not worth mentioning.”

If it’s not worth mentioning, why are you hiding it so tightly, afraid of me seeing it… Mu Zhi’an suspiciously sized up the book behind Bai Ruoxi a few times, then smiled,

“Since you don’t want to say, forget it. Try this crane soup. Senior Yi Hao only raised a dozen or so. Each one is cherished.”

“In the future, there probably won’t be such an opportunity to eat Eight Treasures Crane.” Mu Zhi’an continued.

Bai Ruoxi slightly nodded. She first imperceptibly hid the book scroll into her storage ring, then elegantly picked up the Eight Treasures Crane soup and started drinking.

Mu Zhi’an suspiciously observed this cold beauty, always feeling that Bai Ruoxi’s expression was a bit off.

When he came just now, he didn’t look carefully. Only now did he notice that Bai Ruoxi’s face seemed to be flushed with a light shade of red, quite enticing.

It seemed to be related to the book scroll she was reading just now.

However, everyone has secrets they don’t want others to know. Mu Zhi’an also didn’t plan to probe to the end.

He also picked up the crane soup, enjoying this luxurious lunch.

After drinking the crane soup, Mu Zhi’an sat beside the girl and got intimate with her for a while. Bai Ruoxi suddenly said in a voice filled with a hint of joy, “I seem to be about to break through to Spirit Refinement first level.”

Saying this, her lively and beautiful eyes stared straight at Mu Zhi’an, as if waiting for his exclamation.

“Ruoxi is so amazing.” Mu Zhi’an indeed praised.

The corners of Bai Ruoxi’s brows relaxed a lot, but she proudly raised her snow-white chin, pretending to be indifferent and “Mm”-ed.

“Just average.”

You’re even putting on airs with me now… Mu Zhi’an lightly slapped the beauty’s perky bottom.

The cold and weak beauty let out a coquettish cry, glaring at him as if resentful, “What are you doing~?”

She looked very angry, but it was more shyness.

Mu Zhi’an smiled and didn’t say anything.

Even if she was at Spirit Refinement second level, he could still suppress her with a raise of his hand!

“But advancing to Spirit Refinement second level at this juncture, will it be alright?” Bai Ruoxi suddenly said worriedly.

Not long ago, the Third Prince had just made a big fuss. Advancing now might cause demonic energy to leak out again.

“Don’t worry, with Senior Ling Long here, do you think anyone will suspect you?” Mu Zhi’an smiled.

It was just as he said before.

The story of the boy who cried wolf, no one would believe it a second time.

Bai Ruoxi gently “Mm”-ed, glancing at Mu Zhi’an’s hand wandering on her slender waist, both helpless and shy. She softly said, “…Let go first, I need to focus on breaking through to deal with the heavenly tribulation.”

Only then did Mu Zhi’an reluctantly retract his hand.

Sigh, Bai Ruoxi was still too shy, unable to unlock scenes in other places.

Otherwise, getting intimate for a bit in the courtyard would actually provide a different experience.

Mu Zhi’an looked at Bai Ruoxi’s snow-white and beautiful profile, feeling a bit regretful in his heart.

At this moment, thunder clouds had quietly gathered in the sky at some unknown time. Mu Zhi’an subconsciously raised his head to look. The yellow-dressed Wei Mengrou was standing under the thunder clouds at some point, holding a sword, only leaving people a beautiful back view to imagine.

Sister Mengrou also advanced.

At the same time, Mu Zhi’an also felt spiritual energy from the outside world gathering in his dantian. That spiritual energy was very wonderful, giving an indescribable amazing feeling.

To describe this wonderfulness, it was only slightly inferior to dual cultivating with Bai Ruoxi.

About to reach Qi Condensation sixth level!

As expected of Eight Treasures Crane, a supreme treasure that can only take effect once for each cultivator… Mu Zhi’an and Bai Ruoxi looked at each other, then returned to their own rooms to deal with this realm breakthrough.

The next morning.

Book Pavilion.

This was one of the neutral forces in Two Polarities Sect. It could be said that over 90% of the sect disciples had been here to consult books or obtain cultivation techniques.

At this time, in front of the ninth floor of the Book Pavilion, Yan Ruyu, dressed in light thin robes that outlined her full and enticing curves like peaches, was sitting on a chair, reading the letter sent by a secret agent not long ago.

What was written in the envelope was yesterday’s experience of the Third Prince making a big scene in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony.

The envelope only recorded what was seen and heard, without stating any personal views.

This was the most basic personal cultivation of a secret agent. The intelligence sent up must not contain one’s own subjective thoughts, because that would interfere with the master’s thinking.

How to make a decision, Yan Ruyu would naturally have a judgment after reading the intelligence.
When she saw some descriptions in the intelligence, Yan Ruyu’s pretty brows unintentionally knitted.


The Vice Chief of the Metamorphic Jewel Peak had a blood relation with the Third Prince. The Third Prince borrowed the Demon-Detecting Ruler from Ning Shuwen’s hands and even discovered the existence of demonic energy in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony.

However, not long after making trouble, Ning Shuwen was persuaded to retreat.

Then, three Chiefs successively entered the Garden of Heavenly Harmony and similarly left after not long…

If there really was a demon cultivator in the Garden of Heavenly Harmony, it didn’t make sense why they would stop there.

But if there was no demon cultivator… Why did the Demon-Detecting Ruler react?

Yan Ruyu pondered for a long time and started to write a letter.

Before long, she folded a letter, handed it to the secret agent beside her, and smiled charmingly,

“Deliver this letter to the Garden of Heavenly Harmony. Be sure not to let others notice.”

Jade Glass Palace, Garden of Heavenly Harmony.

Mu Zhi’an quietly opened his eyes, feeling the unprecedentedly strong spiritual energy in his dantian, feeling refreshed.

It’s a pity that the Eight Treasures Crane is only effective once per cultivator. Otherwise, eating one every day, wouldn’t he directly advance to the Spirit Refinement realm… Mu Zhi’an sighed a bit regretfully.

He pushed open the door, feeling the warmth of the sunlight shining on his body. He couldn’t help narrowing his eyes comfortably and turned his head to glance at the yellow-dressed maidservant standing in a daze in front of the courtyard.

Why does it feel like Sister Mengrou has grown bigger again… Mu Zhi’an swept his gaze over the maidservant’s back, imperceptibly glancing at her breasts that seemed to have grown a bit, inwardly muttering.

Wei Mengrou seemed to sense something and turned her head to look over, her expression blank. “Where are you looking?”

Mu Zhi’an didn’t mind and smiled, “Sister Mengrou, you advanced to the Spirit Refinement sixth level yesterday?”

Wei Mengrou lightly “Mm”-ed, hesitated for a moment, and said, “Thank you.”

Mu Zhi’an smiled, “If you really want to thank me, why not offer your body?”

Wei Mengrou coldly glanced at him and calmly said, “Scram.”

Mu Zhi’an smiled without speaking.

This is more like Sister Mengrou…

If one day Wei Mengrou suddenly treated him warmly, Mu Zhi’an would instead feel a bit unaccustomed.

After all, he had gotten used to being treated coldly by the maidservant.

At this moment, Wei Mengrou suddenly seemed to sense something. She raised her head to look at the secret agent quietly coming from outside.

That secret agent wore a black veil and quietly entered the courtyard. Coming to Mu Zhi’an, he respectfully handed over an invitation letter:

“Sir Mu, Pavilion Master Yan invites you to visit the Book Pavilion.”

Mu Zhi’an took the invitation letter, opened the envelope, took a rough look, and couldn’t help laughing inwardly.

The selection ceremony was two days later, but from the looks of it… This inner sect disciple selection ceremony had already started early.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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