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It turns out, they are the protagonists 128 p1

Chapter 128: He is an Innate Celestial Furnace! p1

In this world, there are all kinds of physiques. These physiques undoubtedly have a huge amplifying effect on a cultivator’s future cultivation path.

Ye Lingxuan’s innate spiritual body makes her have an extremely good affinity for spiritual energy from birth. When refining various elixirs, she can have a keener perception than ordinary alchemists, clearly knowing when to control the heat.

And Bai Ruoxi and Wei Mengrou’s physiques are also extremely special. The former can use an ancient bronze sword left behind by a certain powerful expert, while the latter has a monstrous cultivation talent and a daunting bad luck that makes people recoil.

As for Mu Zhi’an…

He is even more heavyweight.

An innate celestial furnace has no amplifying effect on one’s own cultivation, but for others, it is an existence even more precious than heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Yan Ruyu sat at the tea table, gazing into the distance, staring in the direction Mu Zhi’an left, her eyes flashing with a strange brilliance.

The feeling just now definitely couldn’t be wrong… This Mu Zhi’an was definitely an innate celestial furnace.

So that’s why Junior Sister Lan paid so much attention to him…

If others also knew about this matter, I’m afraid it would cause quite a lot of trouble… Yan Ruyu thought meaningfully in her heart.

“Senior Sister Yan, what are you thinking about?” A gentle and sweet, clear voice came from the side, pulling Yan Ruyu back from her previous thoughts.

She turned her head and just happened to meet the phoenix eyes of Princess Yongning. This Eldest Princess had a friendly smile on her face like a girl next door, the kind that most easily made little boys fall in love.

Yan Ruyu shook her head with a smile. “It’s nothing. Compared to this, don’t you plan to go see him?”

Saying this, she glanced at the Third Prince standing at the entrance of the Book Pavilion.

“No rush.”

Yongning raised her head to look at this unworthy Third Prince and charmingly smiled. “Let him reflect on his own first.”

Yan Ruyu wasn’t interested in these matters of the imperial family, so she changed the topic. “Your purpose in coming to find me this time isn’t just for some matters regarding poetry, right?”

Princess Yongning slightly turned her head to look at the black-robed beauty beside her and smiled faintly. “Senior Sister Yan really understands me well.”

“Actually, this time Father Emperor entrusted me to ask about some things.”

Yan Ruyu revealed an “as expected” expression and nodded. “Tell me.”

“Why do the emperors of the human world never live past a hundred years?” Yongning looked up at Yan Ruyu and gently asked.

Normally speaking, it’s not a problem for a Qi Condensation Realm cultivator to live for two hundred years or so. But the Great Qian Dynasty has changed emperors for several generations. Each emperor had at least reached the Qi Condensation Realm, but they all naturally aged and died within a hundred years old.

And what Yongning’s imperial father, the current emperor of the Great Qian Dynasty, wanted was a combination of “immortality” and “emperor”, not aging and dying after a hundred years.

“Such is the Heavenly Dao.”

Yan Ruyu chuckled. “How can a country’s destiny be so easily endured? If your imperial father had you come to inquire, then tell him that the emperor and cultivators cannot coexist.”

“Such is the Heavenly Dao…” Princess Yongning softly repeated and her eyes contained a few traces of pondering.

And Yan Ruyu raised her head to look in the direction Mu Zhi’an had left earlier, seeming to fall into a dilemma.

“Senior, this is the cultivation technique this junior obtained. Please trouble Senior to register it.”

Ye Yu walked down from the third floor of the Book Pavilion and respectfully said to the old man in charge of guarding the door.

The old man was dressed plainly. He slightly raised his head to take a look and said in surprise, “A second-grade technique…?”

Ye Yu’s eyes contained a few traces of pride, but he didn’t show it. Maintaining a humble attitude, he said, “It’s just that this junior had a bit better destiny and happened to obtain it.”

Although he said this, there was obviously a hint of complacency in his eyes.

This was understandable. Even for a person with great destiny, it was very, very difficult to obtain a second-grade technique. But in the short time since he entered the

Book Pavilion, he had successively obtained two second-grade techniques.

Such destiny had already far surpassed other people with great destiny. This was the great destiny that only a “Chosen One” could possess!

He took out the sect token and handed it to the old man guarding the door. After registering, Ye Yu saw a faint light flash on the sect token and disappear in an instant.

He left the Book Pavilion with the second-grade technique.

At this time, two or three female disciples successively caught up with Ye Yu from behind and started chatting with him.

They had obviously just heard the old man’s words and thought this was an object worth getting to know.

Facing the goodwill of the female disciples, Ye Yu maintained a smile, enjoying these words of praise.

At this moment, an aged sigh came from within his body.

“Master, what’s wrong?” Ye Yu responded in his mind.

“The Lone Star Sword Mu Zhi’an obtained is far, far better than the technique you obtained later.” The old man sighed softly in his mind.

Ye Yu’s heart sank. He asked his master in his mind, “The difference between second-grade techniques shouldn’t be too big, right…?”

“Naturally, there won’t be a big difference between heavenly-grade and heavenly-grade… However, the Lone Star Sword Mu Zhi’an just took away is something that can evolve.”


“In the future, the Lone Star Sword may be able to evolve into a top heavenly-grade technique.”

The old man said this but didn’t speak anymore. He just sighed helplessly.

His disciple’s destiny and even talent were extremely good. Even after being “tricked” out of a second-grade technique by Mu Zhi’an, he still had such strong destiny to obtain a second second-grade technique.

It’s just that some opportunities, once missed, are missed. No matter how much one tries to make up for it, it’s futile.

And the other party may not even know the evolution method of the Lone Star Sword… This could be considered one of the few pieces of good news.

And the calm smile on Ye Yu’s face just now had already turned a few shades gloomier.

Garden of Heavenly Harmony.

Mu Zhi’an returned to the residence, holding the ‘Lone Star Sword’ technique he had just obtained, earnestly studying it.

I have to say, his talent was indeed not bad. After opening this second-grade technique and memorizing the moves of the Lone Star Sword in his mind, in less than an hour, Mu Zhi’an had a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

To put it bluntly, this technique was a bit like the bronze sword Bai Ruoxi had used that day.

Concentrate on one point, reaching the pinnacle.

Gathering spiritual energy into it, after one sword strike, more than half of the spiritual energy in the furnace would be instantly absorbed.

The power was astonishing, but the drawback was also very obvious.

“Tomorrow is the inner sect disciple selection. Although I have a good chance, I should still cultivate earnestly.”

Mu Zhi’an sat cross-legged at the head of the bed, slightly closing his eyes, about to carefully comprehend the profundity of this second-grade technique.

At this time, Bai Ruoxi, who had just finished reading a book outside, walked into the room.

She wore a pair of light blue embroidered shoes. As soon as she pushed open the door, she saw Mu Zhi’an sitting cross-legged at the head of the bed.

The youth’s face was handsome and elegant. In the past, in Bai Ruoxi’s eyes, Mu Zhi’an was just a “waste” with a good-looking face. But now, looking at the youth’s handsome features, her peach blossom eyes contained only the tenderness of being in love.

“Mu Lang…” Bai Ruoxi called out softly.

“Talk later, I need to focus on cultivation!” Mu Zhi’an replied seriously, concentrating on comprehending the profundity of the Lone Star Sword.

If you’re not disturbing then don’t disturb, why are you being so fierce… Bai Ruoxi pursed her lips in aggrievement, unhappy.

If an ordinary person had such a beautiful dao companion, they probably wouldn’t bear to part day and night.

Mu Zhi’an was good. In such a short time, he had already become so “cold”.

Bai Ruoxi looked at Mu Zhi’an who had his eyes closed comprehending the technique, silently retracting her gaze, lying on the table and spacing out while looking at him.

After nearly a quarter of an hour, Mu Zhi’an quietly opened his eyes, but the profundity brought by the Lone Star Sword was echoing in his mind.

This technique has extremely strong destructive power, but it needs to be used carefully. Also, I still lack a handy weapon…

Mu Zhi’an inwardly thought. At this moment, his mind was filled with only the profound mystery of the Lone Star Sword technique.

His gaze looked at Bai Ruoxi sitting at the table in front. The beauty was wearing a white palace dress, her skin snow-white, her hair loose. Because she was lying on the table, this posture also happened to make her breasts press against the tabletop.

This was something only a woman with a magnanimous heart could do, quite tempting.

She’s called Ruoxi, but she could actually be called Naixi (Milky)…

Because she was really too big.

(T/N: The raws used a pun on Ruoxi’s name replacing the Ruo with Nai which means milk/milky)

At this moment, the Lone Star Sword technique echoing in his mind had already been completely replaced by Bai Ruoxi’s figure. Mu Zhi’an’s heart moved. He got out of bed and came to Bai Ruoxi’s side, grabbing one of her slender little hands.

“What are you doing? Didn’t Sir Mu say he was cultivating and had no time for me?” Bai Ruoxi’s cold little face was calm, but her peach blossom eyes were filled with the resentment of a little girlfriend.

Mu Zhi’an stared at her and said seriously, “Ruoxi, I was wrong.”

Saying this, his gaze was attracted by that unfathomable bosom.

So big and white…

Bai Ruoxi noticed Mu Zhi’an’s gaze. Her eyes flashed and she said, “You were in the middle of cultivation just now. I indeed shouldn’t have disturbed you… But if you want to apologize, can Sir Mu promise me one thing?”

“Of course, for you, no matter how I apologize, it’s no problem.” Mu Zhi’an had a sincere expression.

Then, he felt a cool sensation on his wrist. He noticed his blind spot and said,

“Um… Ruoxi, why are you using the Heart-Binding Lock?”

“Wait a minute… The Heart-Binding Lock is for you to deal with enemies, not me-”

As Mu Zhi’an’s voice fell, the Heart-Binding Lock had already fallen on his wrist.

He sighed lightly and helplessly said, “Forget it. If this can make you happy, it’s fine.”

Mu Zhi’an blew out the candle and looked at Bai Ruoxi’s cold little face.

She stared at Mu Zhi’an with her deep eyes, seeming to contain a few traces of anticipation.

Mu Zhi’an couldn’t hold back anymore. He gently said, “Come, let’s go to bed.”

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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