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We've launched our Discord server and invite you to join! https://discord.gg/m5FPRAHx Also, don't forget to claim your daily coins (just by logging into your account)


**Page in Development**


**How to Obtain Coins?**


  • 1 coin per day when logging into your account
  • More options coming soon!


  •  A purchase system will be activated in a few days, allowing you to buy coins.


What Can I Use My Coins For?

-Coins will be used to unlock chapters before their free release date.

Why Can’t I See Any Locked Chapters?

* We haven’t uploaded the locked chapters yet(apart from TAWTBMFL and ITOTAP), but a massive release is coming soon for each novel. We’ll update them then.



-TAWTBMFL (They All Want to Be My Female Lead) and ITOTATP (It Turns Out They Are the Protagonist)** are the only novels that will use the Patreon method: https://dobytranslations.com/get-membership/
-All other novels and future novels will use the coin system.
-There will always be free chapters available.
-You’ll be able to exchange your coins (not free coins) with your account in our other website(kr novels), still in development: https://nascentscans.com/

What Do My Contributions Support?

-Your expenses will go towards maintaining the website’s stability, bringing more translated novels, paying translators, and other related costs. Thank you for your support!

**Join Our Discord:**

* Click here to join : https://discord.gg/m5FPRAHx