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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 18

Chapter 18 What if I Kill Angelica Now? 

Qin Chu wanted to recruit Candice.

It had nothing to do with appearance or figure.

Having experienced the first loop, Qin Chu was very clear about this world. The social atmosphere of human society was relatively open, and with the title of the Hero, if he really had such an idea, just by crooking his finger, countless noble ladies and aristocratic young ladies would flock to him.

But it meant nothing to Qin Chu.

Candice’s identity, abilities, and her connection with the monsters were more valuable than her appearance.

Qin Chu, who had died once before, would not easily do something he was not sure about.

The reason Qin Chu came to find Candice was that he understood her. She had gradually become unable to endure the humiliation and bullying of the monsters.

Of course, the most important thing was strength.

If he didn’t have the power to devour the Illusion Demon, Qin Chu would not carry out the plan tonight. The power of the Illusion Demon provided Qin Chu with the capital to act.

Although Qin Chu’s current strength was not as good as the monster that was about to appear, and was far inferior to Candice, Candice’s current strength should be around level 50 as a Magister.

With his current strength, combined with the ability to burst out in anger brought by the Anger Ability, the stronger the anger, the greater the increase in his own strength.

As long as he recalled the events he had experienced in the first loop, his anger value would directly reach the maximum.

Within an extremely short period of time, it could even provide a doubling of combat power enhancement. Even if he was not a match, escaping would not be a problem at all. This was the fundamental reason why Qin Chu carried out this series of actions and plans.

Candice paused for a moment, and there was no problem with her request to kill a monster to prove her loyalty.

Just as Qin Chu understood her, because her biological father had abandoned her, and her biological mother had treated her as a burden and a tool, coupled with the long-term bullying, rejection, and humiliation she had suffered, Candice had no feelings for either humans or monsters. Perhaps she once had, but under constant humiliation, that feeling had long since disappeared.

The patience of any living being has its limits. Candice had been acting as a spy for the monsters for many years, three years and three years, but those monsters still bullied her, despised her, and insulted her…

Now she just wants to find a home, yearning for a sense of recognition, so that she will not be so lonely in this world.

Whether it is humans, monsters, or the great Horus who recognizes her, it doesn’t matter, as long as there is an existence in this world that accepts her, that would be enough.

Moreover, the Succubus Queen’s daughter is not just herself, all those sisters are pure-blooded monsters, and they cannot tolerate her existence either. Candice has been attacked and assassinated by her other sisters more than once.

Her patience has been worn out.

Candice didn’t mind killing a monster, but where is the monster? In this bar, it’s just her and Lord Horus. Could it be that Lord Horus wants her to kill herself?

After a few seconds had passed, Candice suddenly felt a presence approaching.

Whoosh, Candice’s gaze suddenly fell on Qin Chu.

She hadn’t noticed the approach of the monster at all, it was only a few seconds later, with Lord Horus’ reminder, that she noticed that aura.

How powerful must Lord Horus be, to have noticed the monster’s aura long before? At least, far beyond her own.

Candice had no doubt about Lord Horus’ strength.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

In the young lady’s room, everything that could be smashed was shattered into pieces. The exquisite tea set, crystal ornaments, glass mirrors, all were reduced to shards on the floor.

Loseweisse’s chest heaved like rolling waves.

She hated!

Hated Qin Chu for daring to become the Hero.

Hated Qin Chu for not choosing her.

Hated those nobles for daring to say Qin Chu was better than Jero.

Most hated was Angelica, that hateful bitch, for daring to snatch away the glory that belonged to her.

She wanted revenge, wanted to make those who dared to humiliate her pay the most terrible price.

At some point, the scarlet in Loseweisse’s eyes faded, and then she walked out of the room, seeing a figure heading towards the side room.

It was Angelica.

The woman she hated the most.

This former servant of hers had now transferred to the Hero’s side, and the Hero’s identity had also given Angelica a certain rise in status, although she was still just a lowly maid, but she was no longer in the situation where anyone could bully her.

Even Loseweisse could no longer casually bully Angelica, as that would be disrespecting the Hero.

But, be that as it may, some things are just too hard to endure.

This one night, Loseweisse had suffered the most humiliation of her life, she had never been as angry as she was now, she had to vent this evil fire within her body.

Especially when Loseweisse saw Angelica walking with a light step, a smile of joy on her face, the evil fire burned even more fiercely.

Loseweisse stood in front of Angelica, her golden eyes gazing at the former maid.

The face was still the same face; the eyes were still the same eyes.

It’s just that there was now a glow on her face, and there was hope in her eyes.

When she saw Loseweisse, Angelica instinctively shrank back, the smile on her face disappeared, and she was still somewhat afraid, after all, she had suffered too much bullying and torture under Loseweisse’s hands, even though she had now broken free of the cage, but the fear that had almost taken root in her bones was not so easily resolved.

After a brief pause, Angelica gathered her courage and looked at Loseweisse, her hands crossed in front of her chest:

“May the Holy Light be with you!”

This was the ritual of the followers of the Holy Goddess.

As the Holy Maiden, Loseweissel did not return the greeting this time, but just quirked the corner of her mouth, staring at Angelica.

A few seconds later, Loseweisse slowly raised one of her lotus-like arms, her slender fingers reaching out towards Angelica’s pretty face.

Angelica was trembling with fear, but she didn’t have the courage to dodge, at the banquet, daring to agree to Qin Chu’s request was already Angelica’s greatest courage.

But the pain she had imagined did not come, Loseweisse’s small hand only gently caressed Angelica’s fair face.

Her long nails scratched the delicate skin of her face, but did not leave any wounds, yet Angelica’s body was involuntarily covered in goosebumps.

A finger twirled a lock of long hair by her ear.


“From today on, you will have to serve the Hero Lord. Do well, don’t disgrace the Holy Church, understand?”

Loseweisse’s face wore a gentle smile, her tone very light.

But this attitude only made Angelica more and more afraid, whenever Loseweisse showed this expression, it was also the time when this woman was most angry.

Angelica swallowed hard, she knew that the time she spent returning to the Holy Church would not be long, but it was the last hurdle for her to break free of the cage.

“I will obey the Holy Maiden’s command, I will… I will definitely…” Angelica’s voice was trembling: “Ah…”

But before she could finish speaking, Angelica’s voice immediately turned into a piercing scream, her right hand suddenly covering the side of her ear, a trace of crimson blood faintly visible.

A lock of emerald hair was wrapped around Loseweisse’s fingers, torn from Angelica’s head.

Seeing Angelica’s painful expression, hearing Angelica’s piercing scream, Loseweisse’s pupils were dilating, the excitement growing stronger and stronger.

This is how it should be, this is the Angelica.

Just a little bitch, also wants to replace her position?

Dream on!

An evil thought was constantly growing in Loseweisse’s heart.

If… if I kill Angelica now?

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode