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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 23

Chapter 23: Transcendent Magic, Meteor Swarm

The horrifying suction force was madly draining Candice’s inner magic and power at an alarming rate. Candice paled, stricken with dread.

She stared at Qin Chu in terror, knowing this was all caused by the great Lord Horus.

“Lord Horus…” Candice let out a terrified scream.

She did not dare withdraw, forcibly breaking away. Before the great Lord Horus, did she really have the ability to break free? She worried that forcibly struggling might provoke his wrath.

Deep down, she assumed Horus was an existence far beyond her level who could kill her effortlessly.

She could only make a desperate plea, hoping Lord Horus would spare her.

Her scream snapped Qin Chu’s attention. Inwardly shaking his head, he released the Devourer.

The barely saved Candice gasped heavily, her pretty face pale with beads of sweat on her cheeks. She had been terribly frightened, her body still trembling uncontrollably.

Glancing at the Matrasa on the ground, this once formidable Yin-Yang Demon now looked completely different, lying motionless like a dried corpse.

Its face deeply sunken at the eye sockets and mouth, the entire body like a skeletal frame thinly coated with dried skin. Matrasa’s power had been utterly drained by Qin Chu.

Without energies sustaining it, the two corpse halves forcibly stuck together could no longer maintain form, cracking apart with the hollow interior exposed.

Indeed, the insides of the two halves had been completely hollowed out, with no trace of organs like hearts, livers, lungs or stomachs remaining. Instead, there was only a clump of blackish-gray matter resembling tangled hair.

That was the Yin-Yang Demon’s true form – an octopus-like grotesque head, except instead of tentacles below, it had countless slender, hair-like worm appendages densely clustered together, wriggling…

Ever seen the wireworms in a mantis’s belly?

Just like that, but several times longer and densely tangled in a mass, undulating.

Though not the first time seeing a Yin-Yang Demon’s true form, Qin Chu still felt a creepy chill. This thing was truly disgusting.

Apparently coating it in flour and deep frying makes it quite delicious.

But Qin Chu had never tried.

It was precisely by threading those hundreds of wireworm-like appendages through corpse heads, torsos and limbs that the Yin-Yang Demons could manipulate the bodies for combat.

From a certain perspective, they resembled a type of parasitic demon beast.

Once the possessed corpse puppet was destroyed, the feeble true form would be exposed. In its current state, even a mischievous child could easily kill this Yin-Yang Demon.

Unable to stomach that nauseating appearance any longer, Qin Chu stomped his foot down on the seemingly semi-transparent, bald head that seemed filled with a grayish slimy liquid, sloshing about.

With a squelch, he crushed it underfoot.

Slimy fluid splattered everywhere.


In that instant, Qin Chu seemed to hear the eerie screeches of those wireworms as they instantly curled up.

Even with the head destroyed, these worms would still struggle for a few more hours before truly dying.

“Truly quite disgusting, isn’t it, Miss Candice?” Qin Chu asked in a light tone.

Candice’s lips trembled, her face flushed unnaturally. She knew that just now, some of her power had also been devoured – a warning from the great Lord Horus.

The strongest human fear is fear of the unknown.

This was now Candice’s feeling towards the great Lord Horus.

This man stood right before her, and they had interacted for a while. But Candice could not see through him at all.

Mysterious, profound, like the starry cosmos yet also like a deep abyss.

Candice did not directly kill Matrasa, instead pinning it under her foot for Lord Horus to deal with, because she wanted to observe Lord Horus’s methods.

Candice did not doubt Horus was powerful, she was just very curious about what exactly his powers were and what level his strength had reached.

Unexpectedly, Lord Horus directly drained Matrasa to a desiccated husk – an utterly unheard of mystical power. Truly befitting the great Lord Horus.

Even after witnessing Lord Horus’s methods, Candice felt no increase in understanding. Instead, she only found Lord Horus more enigmatic than ever before.

An unprecedented, uncontrollable urge arose within Candice to glimpse Lord Horus’s most mystical facets, to understand more.

But just now, some of her own magic had been devoured.

Without a doubt, Lord Horus had already seen through her innermost thoughts. That was his warning and punishment to her.

If she continued probing further, it would not be a mere warning. Candice suppressed her urge.

Hearing Qin Chu’s voice, Candice forced a smile. “Yes, quite disgusting.”

“I accidentally drained some of your magic power earlier…” Qin Chu felt somewhat regretful.

The Devourer’s effect was too potent. As he absorbed others’ power, his own strength continued rising, becoming stronger – that sense of excitement and stimulation overwhelmingly intense. Even with Qin Chu’s restraint, he momentarily indulged, draining Matrasa dry yet still failing to stop the Devourer from taking some of Candice’s power too.

Fortunately, Candice did not counterattack in her panic, otherwise his charade of being highly skilled would have completely collapsed.

As his emotions settled, Candice relaxed slightly, hastily shaking her head. “It was my own rashness, not Lord Horus’s fault.”

Qin Chu was somewhat bewildered. Clearly it was him losing control, yet it became her fault?

Though confused, Qin Chu readily went with the flow. “Be that as it may, draining your magic is an undeniable fact.”

“Here’s what we’ll do – prepare a sheet of paper for me.”

At this command from Qin Chu, Candice no longer hesitated, immediately turning to retrieve a notebook.

Qin Chu sat down, briefly pondered, then took up a quill pen and began rapidly writing in the notebook.

Before long, he had filled four entire pages.

Blowing on the ink to dry it, Qin Chu handed the notebook to Candice.

Somewhat skeptically taking the notebook, Candice glanced down at it, and her expression instantly changed.

With disbelief, she flipped through the pages one by one. Her fingers…no, her entire body trembled uncontrollably. Her breathing became ragged pants, bosom heaving like waves.

Her purple locks also swayed with the quivering of her voluptuous body.

Her fair cheeks flushed crimson.

A misty haze covered her purple eyes, making her look almost enraptured.

Hey hey, I only wrote some proper stuff! Not some erotic novel! What’s with that expression?

Qin Chu inwardly grumbled.

To the uninformed, it was like he had written something untoward.

After a long while, Candice finally took a deep breath, the excitement still not fading from her face. Her hands tightly gripped the notebook as her voice trembled:


“Meteor Swarm…”

“This…is for me?”

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode