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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 27

Chapter 27: How Great, Benevolent and Kind the Hero Is 

Qin Chu wanted Angelica to acknowledge that without him, she could not survive.

Only Qin Chu could save her from the abyss – Qin Chu was the sole ray of hope in her life.

His existence was her only reliance for living in peace.

In that moment, Angelica felt she might suffocate, her heart seeming to stop – this was truly unfair of him. The hero used such a firm yet gentle tone, vowing to never again allow others to harm her. How could she possibly withstand that?

Her ship was instantly sunk.

Her face flushed crimson, her breathing growing ragged.

She didn’t dare look at Qin Chu’s face, worried she might lose control of her turbulent emotions and act improperly.

Head lowered for a long while, Angelica finally recovered enough to raise it and meet Qin Chu’s gaze. “You already knew about the wounds on my body?”

Loseweisse was an extremely vicious person who also greatly valued her reputation.

She had been tormenting Angelica, but absolutely did not want others to know – as it would damage the Holy Maiden’s honor.

So when tormenting Angelica, Loseweisse avoided her face, neck, arms and legs, directing the worst abuse to areas concealed by the maid uniform.

“I could tell from the first time I saw you. Though you feigned normalcy, sometimes a pained expression would slip through.”

Angelica clasped her hands before her chest, her voice trembling. “Is it because you wished to save me from hell that you gave up becoming the Holy Son, a prince, all those noble, elegant and beautiful ladies to choose me instead?”

Qin Chu smiled faintly, not answering Angelica’s question – leaving her to fill in the blanks herself.

Often, a woman’s imagined version was more potent than any flowery words.

Sure enough, Angelica tilted her head, lost in thought.

The hero was truly too kind. He must have seen through her scars at first glance and realized her dire straits.

But having just arrived in this world without the power to do as he wished, he could only use his hero status – even sacrificing his reputation by letting everyone assume he was just a maid fetishist who forcibly chose her, all to save her from hell.

Willing to give up so many gentle, beautiful, noble ladies.

Ah, how great, how compassionate, how kind this man was.

Angelica felt a burning in her chest, ashamed of her earlier doubts that the hero merely fancied her body. The hero was no such vulgar man – questioning him like that was disrespectful.

The only thing leaving Angelica a bit disappointed was that the hero did not choose her out of affection.

If only the hero could like her, even just a little bit. If she could occupy even the smallest place in his heart…

Ah no no, she could not be so greedy. Just encountering the hero was already the greatest luck of her life. To offer her body to such a hero was her honor – if she dared to desire more, she would surely be struck by divine wrath.

But although the hero did not love her, she knew her heart was already falling for him.

It didn’t matter if the hero didn’t like her. She would exhaust all efforts to vie for even the tiniest space in his heart.

Clenching her small fists, the burning in Angelica’s chest became unbearable. She suddenly opened her arms, tightly embracing Qin Chu’s body.

Her cherry lips pressed against Qin Chu’s mouth.
Impropriety no longer mattered.

She only wanted to kiss this man before her, to offer him her everything.

A flash of lightning seemed to arc through Qin Chu’s mind as his body stiffened momentarily.

After all, this was Qin Chu’s first kiss with anyone else too – Loseweisse’s mouth-to-mouth medicine feeding didn’t count.

The sensation was quite strange, even stirring a slight ripple in his previously calm inner sea. But this disturbance was not strong enough to trigger his forced tranquility effect.

Hesitating briefly, Qin Chu also embraced Angelica, reciprocating her kiss.

For an instant, he even felt an impulse to properly cherish this woman.

But he swiftly suppressed that urge.

He had already been fooled and betrayed once before.

Even if Angelica now wholeheartedly devoted herself to him, what about the future? If a stronger, more reliable source of dependency emerged that did not require her to cling to him for survival? If presented with greater benefits? Would this woman not betray him like Loseweisse and the others?

Angelica was merely a useful tool, nothing more. He need not harbor any extraneous notions.

Their kiss lasted an indeterminate time.

From cheeks, to neck, to…

Angelica’s pants grew more intense, her eyes filled with silken adoration. Qin Chu knew that in this moment, whatever demands he made, Angelica would absolutely not refuse.

Only when nearly suffocating did they finally part.

Panting softly, Angelica’s cheeks flushed. “Master, allow me to serve you in bed now…”

She wanted to complete the earlier unfinished duty.

But Angelica’s attempt was halted by Qin Chu.

“Your body is too frail now, you need proper rest…” Patting Angelica’s head, Qin Chu gently spoke.

“Oh right, though I chose you to spare you suffering, the truth is I took a bit of a liking to you at first sight.”

This sudden statement was like an arrow piercing through Angelica’s just-calmed heart.

The master did not say he loved her, only that he liked her a bit…

But this made Angelica believe Qin Chu’s words even more.

Truly, this was too unfair.

For so many years, this was the first time anyone cared for her, the first time anyone saved her, the first time anyone said they liked her.

Her heart trembled, the corners of her eyes rapidly misting over as an urge to break down in tears overcame her.

Qin Chu’s tender offensive persisted as he caressed Angelica’s cheek.

“If you wish to cry, then cry…”

Angelica’s lips quivered, the stinging in her nose growing unbearable. Sobbing before her master was far too rude. But she could not hold it back any longer.

The fear, pressure and suffering long accumulated in her chest all burst forth in that instant.

There was a time when even the opportunity to cry was an indulgence – her tears would only bring more cruel torment from Loseweisse.

She thought she had long since forgotten the feeling of weeping.

Angelica could no longer restrain her emotions, opening her mouth in a wailing sob, as if releasing all her long-harbored grievances.

Qin Chu said no more, merely providing his chest for Angelica to lean against and weep without restraint…

Angelica knew – she had fallen in love with him!

Not out of gratitude for being saved, not affection, not the greedy desire to occupy a space in her master’s heart – but love!

A soul-deep, indelible love.

Even if this was merely her one-sided feelings, even if the master later encountered a superior woman and coldly discarded her, this emotion would never fade.

She loved him!

The Church, holy maidenhood – none of it mattered anymore.

Her body, heart, life and soul existed solely for the hero.

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode