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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 28

Chapter 28: The Lord Hero 

In such a short time…

From gratitude, to infatuation, to complete captivation!

Angelica perfectly exemplified the depths one could fall.

“If anyone dares harm you…I will definitely appear before you!”

Qin Chu’s words still echoed in Angelica’s ears.

She knew the master had become the sole existence in her life. From now on, no one and nothing could replace the position he occupied in her heart.

The Church, holy maidenhood? It was all meaningless.

She would live for her master.

Angelica sobbed relentlessly, tears dampening Qin Chu’s chest.

Outside, Nikles and the guards exchanged glances, their faces full of admiration.

Only one female guard had flushed cheeks, clicking her tongue – a bunch of shameless lechers.

Within the room, Qin Chu merely held Angelica gently, patting her head soothingly. Yet the corners of his mouth curved in a cold, detached arc.

He believed Angelica’s current words and thoughts were absolutely sincere.

But what about when she calmed down?

When greater benefits were placed before her?

His fingers brushed through Angelica’s emerald tresses. Unnoticed, she had fallen asleep.

She was truly exhausted and in need of rest, not just physically but spiritually too.

Qin Chu laid Angelica’s body on the bed, covering her with a blanket as he sat at the headboard, several sheets of paper in hand.

One page detailed a list of all the demon beasts secretly lurking in the imperial capital that Candice knew of.

The other pages recorded a total of thirty-six low-tier spells and seven mid-tier ones.

The current Qin Chu had decent magic power but lacked corresponding spells.

Even low-tier magic would help raise his strength quickly.

While low-tier spells often lacked major destructive power, they could still prove useful in certain situations.

Given Qin Chu’s grasp of magic theory, simply knowing the incantations would allow him to rapidly master these spells and record them in his character panel.

In the previous life, after reaching peerless mastery of magic power, even high-level spells no longer required incantations – just instant casting.

Shub-Niggurath lazily sprawled across Qin Chu’s lap, idly twisting then releasing a lock of hair.

“This little girl, bewitched by just a few sweet words from you. Truly sinful!” She criticized.

Of course, Shub-Niggurath was quite aware of why Angelica fell so easily – having endured such immense suffering previously, someone suddenly extending a hand to save her would naturally evoke special feelings towards her savior.

Coupled with Qin Chu’s honeyed words fanning the flames, her descent was inevitable.

“Don’t make me sound like some smooth-talking philanderer deceiving girls.” Qin Chu rolled his eyes at her words while memorizing spell incantations.

“I didn’t mean it that way…”

“This girl has already reached her limit. Given more time, her body and willpower would likely shatter – either dying or being tainted into a demon beast.”

“Though your methods were indeed unscrupulous, the fact remains you did save this poor girl.”

“One could say it was a mutually beneficial exchange of interests.”

Shub-Niggurath’s insight was quite incisive.

In the previous loop, Angelica ended up completely breaking down from Loseweisse’s relentless torment, degenerating into an utterly mindless demon beast.

“For now, she only has you in her heart. Her strength is decent enough to serve as a bodyguard, but it remains sealed.”

“No issue, I’ll get Augustus to undo the seal. He shouldn’t refuse.” Qin Chu pondered for a moment. “But her loyalty still needs testing.”

“Is that really necessary?” Shub-Niggurath couldn’t understand. To her eyes, the girl was currently wholly devoted to Qin Chu, willing to do anything he asked without hesitation. Her loyalty should be assured.

“Yes, a test is still needed. Only by seeing that Angelica would not betray me even if it cost her life will I fully trust her,” Qin Chu stubbornly insisted.

Indeed, this was Qin Chu’s current character – suspicious and unwilling to easily trust others, the polar opposite of his previous self.

“So how do you plan to test her?”

“I have my own arrangements.”

The room gradually fell silent.

The experience of the previous loop paid off. Given Qin Chu’s profound mastery of magic theory, even transcendent spells came effortlessly to him, let alone self-creating them. Learning these low and mid-tier spells was almost insultingly easy.

By noon the next day, Qin Chu had grasped all thirty-six low-tier and seven mid-tier spells. Coupled with the Devourer, he finally possessed some solid combat ability.

After carefully reviewing the list of demon beasts hiding in the imperial capital, Qin Chu stretched lazily, his body creaking from stiffness.

Pushing open the door, the guard detail had been switched out – after all, people weren’t machines and needed rest too.

This rotation’s lead guard was a woman named Lina Maritisee.

She was exceptionally tall, at least 6 feet, appearing even slightly taller than Qin Chu. Her physique was an evenly muscular type, years of training accumulating toned curves.

Of course, to most noblewomen such a figure would be considered burly.

Her wheat-toned skin radiated a healthy glow.

Her warrior’s armor merely covered the shoulders, chest, hips, thighs and feet – everywhere else exposed.

Qin Chu couldn’t quite understand why, as a warrior, she didn’t wear full plate mail. Perhaps this enticing armor prioritized agility over protection?
Who knows.

“Esteemed Lord Hero, what are your plans for today?” Lina’s voice was full of bold vigor, carrying a wild aura.

She had been one of the guards patrolling the banquet area yesterday. Seeing Qin Chu still wearing the same clothes, her brow furrowed slightly. “Where is Miss Angelica?

As your maid, she should be attending you at all times, yet I don’t see her?”

“Oh, Angelica? She was too tired and needed rest, so she’s still sleeping. Best not to disturb her,” Qin Chu waved it off casually.

The nearby guards exchanged strange looks.

They had heard during the shift change that the Lord Hero summoned the maid Angelica to his chambers last night, and then this and that happened.

But Angelica was proving quite an unqualified maid.

As a maid, no matter the circumstances, she should have appeared before her master to attend him at the earliest opportunity. That was a true maid’s duty.

Speaking of which, the Lord Hero seemed to indulge this maid far too much. Allowing her to sleep in his bed, lying together, and even after he had awoken he didn’t rouse the maid to dress him or prepare food.
Truly befitting a maid fetishist – the only one in the Heavenly Continent who spoiled maids to this degree.

The noise outside gradually roused Angelica from slumber.

Within the chamber, Angelica opened her eyes groggily, confused by the unfamiliar ceiling. Rubbing her eyes, it took a few seconds for her to recall what had transpired, her lovely face instantly flushing crimson.

Remembering last night’s events, her cheeks burned, yet her heart felt a spreading warmth.

So this was what bliss tasted like – everything seeming dreamlike.

She had truly encountered a very, very kind person.

The fatigue in body and spirit eased somewhat, even the bruises and welts fading slightly paler. A full night’s uninterrupted rest allowed Angelica a rare respite.

Then Angelica noticed he was no longer in the bed, realizing she had grown too comfortable nestled in his embrace, neglecting her maid duties by oversleeping. Chiding herself with a small fist to the head, she hurriedly climbed out of bed, hastily straightening her uniform as she gathered up the stack of invitations from the desk and rushed out the door.

“Apologies, I overslept…” Angelica’s face was full of shame, Maritisee’s reproachful gaze making her want to sink into the floor.

Yet Qin Chu remained unconcerned, patting Angelica’s head. “It’s fine, you were too tired. Why not sleep in a bit more? By the way, what are those in your arms?”

He feigned ignorance.

“These are the invitations from various nobles last night, totaling one hundred and twelve.”

“Thirty-six are for tea parties hosted by noble ladies, twenty-seven by noble matrons hoping to…have a private appointment with you…”

Qin Chu’s brow furrowed – twenty-seven noble matrons wanting private meetings? This was the rhythm of wanting to cuckold their husbands!

He already knew this world was open, but Qin Chu still felt shocked.

“Master, which nobles’ banquet do you plan to attend?” Angelica swiftly resumed her maid duties. “Also, you have yet to eat break…no, lunch…”

In an instant, she seemed to become a flurry of busy activity.

Qin Chu smiled. “No need to rush, take it slow. First go prepare some food for me. Also, get some for the knights guarding me too – you all probably haven’t eaten yet either, right?”

“As for these invitations, just leave them at home. I won’t be attending anyone’s events.”

“The Heavenly Continent currently suffers demon beast invasions, the people in dire straits. Every second, people perish in demon beast maws. In such circumstances, how could I afford to live so leisurely?”

Qin Chu spoke with righteous, impassioned vigor!

“I must immediately join the fight against the demon beasts, and swiftly bring peace to the Heavenly Continent!”

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode