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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 32

Chapter 32: Candice’s Murderous Intent 

Romm’s towering, oppressive might blanketed the air with overwhelming dread.

Compared to Lord Horus’s aura, it even gave Candice the illusion she could easily crush him with just a finger.


Lord Horus was stronger.

Candice firmly believed this.

That unfathomable, mystical presence felt even more terrifying than Romm’s all-encompassing pressure.

“Mongrel, in the Prince’s presence and you do not kneel!” An icy voice came from the side.

Candice startled, hastily dropping to one knee. “My deepest apologies, the Prince’s august majesty struck me with such awe that I lost myself. I beg his forgiveness.”

Romm acted quite casually, not pursuing Candice’s minor transgression.

“No matter, rise.”

His booming voice echoed like thunder within the mountain’s belly, causing the entire peak to tremble.

“Candice, what urgent matter brings you before me in person?” Romm’s massive maw opened, crimson eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the tiny figure below.

He harbored an innate revulsion towards this woman.

The stench of human blood coursing through her repulsed him.

But as a prince, he was shrewder than those brainless demon beasts.

Though repulsed, he knew this woman could still serve a use. So amidst the intimidation, he would occasionally show tolerance – in human terms, “buying loyalty”.

After all, as the Eternal Sovereign Nagath’s seventh son, his willingness to personally receive an audience from a mere half-breed should be considered an immense honor for her. Shouldn’t she be overwhelmed with gratitude instead?

A reward?

He had already deigned to lower himself by granting this audience in person. Daring to demand further rewards – was that not the greatest reward already? Humans should not be so greedy.

Surely at this moment Candice must be beside herself with excitement at witnessing his magnificent presence? For her, this would undoubtedly be a memorable day.

Taking a deep breath, Candice lowered her eyes.

“Great Prince, I bring two vital pieces of intelligence to report.”

“First, the Second Hero has been summoned.”

Those words made Romm’s massive eyes widen, a feverish, savage glint flickering within.

The Eternal Sovereign had seven sons in total, with Romm the youngest. His elder brothers had long since achieved great deeds, while he remained without any accomplishments of note. It was precisely due to this failure that Romm desperately craved a monumental feat to prove his worth.

Among the potential targets, the hero was undoubtedly the most suitable.

The First Hero had already caused significant trouble for the demon beasts. If he could eliminate the Second Hero, it would surely be considered a supreme achievement – his elder brothers would never again dare mock him for getting his head stuck in a door as a child.

But Candice’s next words immediately doused Romm’s rising spirits in icy water.

“However, the hero remains constantly by the Pope, Holy Sages and the Emperor of Auville. There may be no opportunities to make a move.”

In an instant, Romm’s good mood plunged into extreme vexation.

Augustus, Saint Monique and Wadsworth – the three strongest human experts.

Existences capable of lasting two bouts before his sovereign father. Even with Romm’s extreme arrogance and belief in his future invincibility, these humans were no mere insects before his current might.

But that was for the future.

Under the protection of those three, assassinating the hero with his current strength was virtually impossible.

This realization left Romm deeply aggrieved, clenching his fists until they creaked – his fury demanding destruction, slaughter, an outlet for release.

His gaze turned particularly hazardous.

“However, though making a move on the hero may be implausible, I possess another critical piece of intelligence…”

“What intelligence?” Romm growled irritably.

“Members of the Hero Squad are en route to the imperial capital of Auville, likely to impart their powers to the hero. I have obtained the travel route of one of them.”

Romm felt like he was on a rollercoaster – up and down, back and forth… What was a rollercoaster again?

Unable to target the hero directly, but eliminating a Hero Squad member would still be a decent achievement. Though lacking the full weight of the hero, it was far better than empty hands.

The notion piqued Romm’s interest.

Seeing Romm’s expression, Candice inwardly sneered.

This was exactly as Lord Horus intended – all unfolding within his plans.

Lord Horus sought to attribute the glory of slaying Shield Guardian Benson solely to Romm, elevating his standing among the demon beasts.

Compared to the Eternal Sovereign’s other sons and daughters, this simple-minded fool Romm would be far easier to manipulate!

The idiot with brawn but no brains remained oblivious to being merely a pawn in the great Lord Horus’s schemes!

Events aligned closely with Qin Chu’s plans – clearly more complex than a mere message delivery.

Eradicating the demon beasts lurking in the imperial capital was also crucial to prevent them from relaying intelligence to Romm, while raising Candice’s value.

Coupled with Qin Chu’s understanding of Romm’s decent capabilities, dealing with a single Hero Squad member should pose no major issues.

In truth, Romm had been so stifled by his elder brothers that he was practically gasping for air. Though a prince, his standing among the demon beasts was not particularly elevated compared to his siblings, nor was his strength. His arrogant front merely masked inner fears and insecurities over his inferiority.

And this very insecurity fueled Romm’s burning desire to prove his worth before the Eternal Sovereign Nagath, spawning an obsessive craving for achievements.

Not to mention his childhood head injury likely impaired his intelligence to some degree.

Considering all factors, Romm was undoubtedly the ideal pawn.

This plan also carried another benefit – temporarily diverting Romm’s attention from Qin Chu, allowing him more time to grow stronger.

In the previous loop upon first arriving, Qin Chu had faced dozens of assassination attempts, some extremely perilous situations where the slightest misstep could have proven fatal.

Romm’s meager caution fell utterly short against the glory of eliminating a Hero Squad member.

Candice closely observed Romm’s expressions. From those increasingly ravenous, manic eyes and rapid breathing, she knew Lord Horus’s plan had already succeeded halfway.

Sure enough, after briefly contemplating, Romm abruptly raised his head. “Candice, this intelligence of yours is excellent.”

“Which Hero Squad member’s route do you have?”

“The immovable Shield Guardian Benson.”


Benson was the perfect target.

His defenses were tougher than a tortoise shell.

But his offensive options were severely limited and lacked destructive power. With Romm’s strength, he had a high chance of success against Benson. Even if he failed, that turtle could never catch him while fleeing.

“Is this information reliable?” Romm pressed.

“My apologies, Prince, I cannot guarantee that.” Candice seemed regretful. “But there should be a seventy percent chance of accuracy.”

Candice did not overstate her certainty. If she overly vouched for it as absolutely reliable, it may ironically arouse Romm’s suspicions instead.

Romm pondered – seventy percent confidence was not high, but certainly worth testing.

“Excellent, Candice. This intelligence is immensely useful to me…”

“Cough, to this prince.” Romm did not stint on verbal praise.

But it was merely lip service without any substantive rewards.

This made Candice inwardly sneer at the stingy prince.

Comparing him to Lord Horus, one merely offered empty words of commendation while the other directly bestowed transcendent spell formulas…

Truly, one could not equate demon beasts and humans.

The gap was simply too vast.

Candice grew more convinced that pledging herself to Lord Horus was undoubtedly the wisest decision of her life.

“I shall record your contribution…” Romm remained oblivious to Candice’s thoughts as he continued blithely. “You may return to the imperial capital to continue gathering intelligence for me.”

Candice’s face suddenly showed some panic. After a moment’s hesitation, she spoke up. “Begging your pardon, great Prince. Regarding this matter…please permit me to leave the imperial capital. I wish to serve at your side.”

“The imperial capital has grown too perilous. The Second Hero seems capable of sensing demon beast locations and piercing through disguises with his Authority. Many demon beasts in the city have already been exterminated by him. I fear…”

Romm’s previously pleased expression instantly darkened.

Candice was defying his orders, leaving him deeply displeased.

But in light of her recent contributions, Romm did not immediately explode. Instead, he spoke in a low rumble like distant thunder. “Candice, you wish to disobey my command?”

“You need not worry. With your half-human bloodline, you possess the perfect disguise the hero cannot discern.”


Before Candice could argue further, Romm’s rage finally ignited.

He had already shown remarkable restraint in treating this half-breed relatively well. Yet this foolish creature continuously defied his orders – where did she find such temerity?

Romm’s massive form emanated a dusky crimson aura as his colossal right hand suddenly lashed out, snatching Candice’s diminutive body into his grip. Merely applying slight pressure made Candice experience excruciating agony.

His overwhelming strength was utterly beyond Candice’s capacity to withstand. She felt her very bones might be crushed alive by those wicked claws, hearing sickening cracks as they warped under the pressure.

“Vile mongrel, you dare defy my orders?”

Candice’s lovely features turned deathly pale, drenched in cold sweat.

“Great…Prince…” Her voice was filled with pleading.

Witnessing Candice’s anguish stirred a sadistic pleasure within Romm’s chest, a powerful urge to simply crush this filthy half-breed in his palm.

But he restrained himself.

He prided himself on his shrewdness and restraint.

After all, according to Candice, the demon beasts lurking in the imperial capital had nearly all been exterminated. Due to her mixed human-demon heritage, she alone escaped the Second Hero’s detection – vastly elevating her current value.

Realizing this, Romm’s tone softened slightly. “Candice, rest assured, the hero will not discern your identity.”

“Serve me well, and this prince shall not mistreat you. You wish to gain the demon beasts’ recognition, do you not? Once this deed is done, I shall vouch for you. With me as your backer, no demon beast will dare humiliate you again.”

Romm released his grip, dropping Candice to the ground – another empty promise in the end.

Candice panted heavily, complexion remaining pallid for a long while. Bowing once more to Romm, she said nothing further before departing.

After Candice’s departure, the mountain’s hollow interior grew lively once more.

“Tsk, a mongrel appearing here has polluted the very air – disgusting.”

“Hehehe, that foolish Candice actually harbored dreams of serving beside the Prince? What a joke, does she have that right?”

“Ha, personally receiving this half-breed already sickened me enough to vomit. If she truly lingered beside me daily, I would go mad – the royal lineage’s glory would be tarnished.”

“Why not just slay her then, your Princely Grace?”

“Those who achieve greatness cannot be petty. Though a nauseating mongrel, she still has some use remaining. Before her use is exhausted, I shall not kill her. Of course, once useless, she must pay the price for sickening me. Heh heh heh…”

“As expected of the sagacious Prince…”

The demon beasts roared, believing Candice could not hear them.

Yet they remained unaware that Candice possessed the special ability of far keener hearing than most lifeforms – one reason she could detect the approaching demon beasts before Lord Horus at their first meeting, leaving her so stunned.

In this moment, every word they uttered pierced straight into Candice’s ears.

Having just exited the mountain’s belly, her previously ashen countenance twisted with ferocious, cruel menace flashing in her eyes.

She would have her vengeance.

She would make these demon beasts who exploited, bullied, insulted and even wished to kill her pay the direst price.

And Lord Horus was her sole hope.

Romm, oh Romm.

Foolish creature, you shall eventually understand just how idiotic you truly are.

In the imperial capital of Auville.

The Holy Maiden’s chambers.

Loseweisse tore into the newspaper in her hands like a shrew, shredding it to pieces.

She felt that ever since Qin Chu’s arrival in the Heavenly Continent, her mood had never improved – constantly mired in vexation and rage.

Her outbursts far exceeded all those from before combined.

On the shredded remnants, some fragmented excerpts could still be seen:

“Second Hero innately discerns demon beasts’ disguises in the commoner district…”

“Hero Qin Chu purges one hundred and sixty-four demon beasts lurking in the noble quarters, bringing clear skies to the imperial capital…”

“The Heavenly Continent’s savior!”

“Hero Qin Chu wields two transcendent Authorities, far surpassing the First Hero Jie Luo.”

“Qin Chu’s talents are beyond Jie Luo’s reach!”

“The Messiah has descended, superior to the previous hero.”

Different newspapers, similar content.

This instantly kindled Loseweisse’s smoldering rage into an inferno. How dare they proclaim that bastard Qin Chu superior to Lord Jie Luo?

Who gave them the audacity to pen such drivel?

Were their eyes blind, unable to perceive Lord Jie Luo’s perfection?

Kill him…

Kill Qin Chu.

This thought gnawed at Loseweisse like a festering affliction, her reddened eyes fixed on the scroll containing the spell for Lord Jie Luo’s resurrection.

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode