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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 34

Chapter 34: The Venomous Woman


The ever-attentive Angelica immediately responded to Qin Chu’s call. “Angelica is here, master. Your instructions?”

“I’ve heard you’re quite the skilled cook…” Qin Chu smiled, producing ten 100-mana notes and handing them to Angelica. “Would you let me sample your culinary talents?”

Angelica’s eyes instantly brightened.

She did excel at cooking but had always hesitated to personally prepare meals for Qin Chu, worried they might not suit the master’s tastes. So these past few days, she had merely purchased food from outside.

Hearing the master’s request now filled her with both excitement and trepidation.

“Master, I fear my cooking may not appeal to your palate…” Angelica softly murmured, fiddling with the hem of her dress.

“Haha, no need to worry. I’m sure anything Angelica makes herself will be delicious,” Qin Chu laughed reassuringly.

Delighted, Angelica beamed as she accepted the notes. “Then let me go purchase ingredients. The Rublens Market is rather distant, so I may not return until evening…”

“Why go so far? Just buy from nearby sources…”

Angelica vehemently shook her head like a crazed bell-ringer. “That won’t do at all! This is for the master’s meal, so I must use only the finest ingredients.”

The Rublens Market supplied the imperial palace and nobility, with exorbitant prices over ten times that of the commoner district. But likewise, their produce and meats were of the utmost premium quality.

This was the first time the master wished to taste her cooking skills. No matter what, Angelica had to present her absolute best – she could not leave any poor impressions.

After reminding Qin Chu to rest properly at home, Angelica hummed a cheerful tune as she departed.

The smile on Qin Chu’s face gradually faded.

This plan served two purposes – testing Angelica’s loyalty while also unlocking the seals binding her strength, allowing her to exist as more than just a maid, becoming a powerful combatant at his side.

This was Angelica’s final trial. If she passed smoothly, he could truly place his trust in this woman.

In Loseweisse’s chambers, Ekaterina furrowed her brows tightly as she listened to the Holy Maiden’s plan.

Not a single member of the Hero Squad would accept this new hero.

Loseweisse was well aware that besides herself, the six other women in the squad – Ekaterina, Anastasia, Sylph, Eileen, Airi – harbored feelings towards Lord Jie Luo as well.

Their affections were no less ardent than her own.

Not just those six women – even the nobleman swordsman Ronald held an unusual fondness for Lord Jie Luo.

It could not be helped – Lord Jie Luo’s charisma was simply irresistible.

An allure that drew both genders into instant infatuation upon first meeting.

Lord Jie Luo seemed to perfectly embody everyone’s ideals.

As for the remaining three – the immovable Shield Guardian Benson, the Frenzied Battle Witch Muse, and the Reaper Knight Karsus, they viewed Lord Jie Luo as their dearest friend, comrade and companion – bonds thicker even than family.

Hence when Loseweisse informed her nine squadmates via message about resurrecting Lord Jie Luo using the Second Hero Qin Chu’s blood, not a single one refused.

They didn’t even hesitate.

Yet Loseweisse still lacked confidence in her own hastily conceived plan born of extreme impulsiveness.

After explaining it, she anxiously awaited Ekaterina’s assessment.

After a long pause, Ekaterina let out a mellow sigh. “Loseweisse, you’ve suffered greatly these past few days…”

Loseweisse looked bewildered, not understanding Ekaterina’s response.

“If not for enduring so much turmoil recently, you would never concoct such a crude plan,” Ekaterina continued.

“You only considered luring away or killing Qin Chu’s guards, thinking we could then abduct him smoothly…”

“But did you consider that as the hero, countless eyes watch over him? Aside from Augustus, don’t Wadsworth and Saint Monique also wish to draw Qin Chu into their respective factions?”

“The palace Qin Chu resides in may only seem guarded by a few hundred knights. But have you considered how many more lurk unseen, determined to prevent his abduction right before their eyes?”

Loseweisse fell silent.

She was no fool – these were considerations she should have accounted for, without question.

But her recent mental turmoil had severely impacted her judgment and precision.

“Unless we resort to a full-scale slaughter there, completely exposing ourselves. Even if Augustus offers you sanctuary, could you withstand attacks from Wadsworth and Saint Monique?”

“The imperial clan, the Church of the Earth Mother – their combined might would overwhelm even the Holy See’s forces.”

Ekaterina’s words drained the color from Loseweisse’s lovely face. Consumed by hatred, she had failed to consider such grave potential consequences.

“Furthermore, resurrecting Little Lord Jie Luo requires not just Qin Chu’s fresh blood, but also myriad precious materials…and Jie Luo’s own soul. Have you gathered those? Do you know where his soul fragments scattered, how long it would take to reassemble them completely?”

“It could require years, decades – who knows how long? In that time without a hero to combat the demon beasts, have you considered how many lives might be lost?”

How many lives didn’t matter to Loseweisse, as long as she could kill Qin Chu.

She bit her lip, remaining silent.

“The most crucial question – Lord Jie Luo was slain by the Eternal Sovereign Nagath himself. Even if we immediately resurrect Jie Luo, Wadsworth and Saint Monique won’t object since they only need a hero against demon beasts, not caring who specifically fills that role. Before Lord Jie Luo, they lack grounds to make demands…”

“But after his resurrection, do you intend to let him die at Nagath’s hands again?”

“We all know Lord Jie Luo is no match for Nagath.”

Loseweisse’s pallor deepened, her body trembling uncontrollably.

“I’ve yet to meet this Qin Chu, uncertain what sort of man he is. But he has indeed usurped Lord Jie Luo’s title and glory as the hero – that infuriates me too, for there can only be one hero. It cannot be him.”

“But you must admit, Qin Chu’s two transcendent Authorities hint at even greater talents than Little Lord Jie Luo possessed.”

Loseweisse wanted to refute it but found no words.

Ekaterina spoke the truth – for now Qin Chu seemed weaker, but his future potential exceeded Jie Luo’s.

“I don’t oppose your desire to kill Qin Chu and resurrect Little Lord Jie Luo. After all…I miss him too.” A rosy tint brushed Ekaterina’s lovely countenance.

“But perhaps we should change our approach.”

“Since we still need time to gather Jie Luo’s soul fragments anyway, why not let Qin Chu live a while longer first? Utilize him to exterminate the demon beasts, especially the Eternal Sovereign Nagath…”

“Then once the greater conflict is decided, we kill Qin Chu and resurrect Jie Luo. That way, Jie Luo need not face the Demon King again, avoiding such grave risks. Wouldn’t that be better?” Ekaterina smiled gently.

Loseweisse’s eyes brightened, but she quickly thought of an issue.

“But if we wait until Qin Chu grows strong enough to slay Nagath, could we still kill him then?” This was her greatest worry.

“Loseweisse, you must understand that no matter how powerful someone is, they cannot evade a blade from behind!”

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode