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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 35

Chapter 35: To Wrest Qin Chu Away from Angelica 

No matter how powerful someone is, they cannot evade a blade from behind!

Even a hero could never fathom his most intimate comrades, the women he cherished most, would stab him in the back.


Loseweisse swallowed hard in silence.

She looked at Ekaterina as if seeing this woman for the first time.

Though they had fought side-by-side for years, close as sisters, Loseweisse had always viewed the boisterous Ekaterina as a blunt, guileless elder sister.

Yet now, she realized just how vastly Ekaterina’s vicious cunning exceeded her own.

What a dreadful woman.

“No need to look at me that way…”

“If it allows Little Lord Jie Luo to live again, becoming a demon matters not to me,” Ekaterina smiled.

“I’m no fool, I simply prefer not straining my mind daily. In truth, these are considerations you could have arrived at too if you remained calm. You might have even devised an even better plan instead of this reckless, hasty urge to charge in and kill Qin Chu.”

“You must understand, we act not just for ourselves now, but to resurrect Little Lord Jie Luo. This cannot allow any oversight – we absolutely cannot let hatred and vexation cloud our judgment.”

“Our own deaths matter little, but jeopardizing Jie Luo’s resurrection would be true disaster.”

Ekaterina’s words were profound enlightenment.

Loseweisse took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the turmoil and hatred within to regain her composure.

Tightly closing her eyes, she carefully considered Ekaterina’s counsel.

After a long while, she reopened her eyes, the golden orbs no longer clouded but clear and luminous once more.

Ekaterina could tell Loseweisse had returned to normal.

Though merely a young girl, her intellect was undoubtedly the most brilliant among the Hero Squad – no less sharp than those old foxes like Wadsworth.

“Big Sis Ekaterina, let’s proceed as you suggest. Your plan is sound – indeed, now is not an opportune time to kill Qin Chu.”
If the resurrected Jie Luo perished at Nagath’s hands again, that would be true despair. They lacked another hero’s life to resurrect Lord Jie Luo anew.

“However, we still need to carefully consider some finer details.”

“First, Lord Jie Luo’s soul fragments are of utmost importance. No matter what, we must allocate at least three to search for them, though regrettably we currently lack any leads.”

“As for the other materials besides soul fragments and hero’s blood, those can be readily obtained from the Holy See’s resources.”

“If events truly unfold according to plan, we must still confront one dilemma…”

“The hero who slays Nagath, vanquishes the demon beasts and brings peace to the Heavenly Continent will be hailed as a messianic savior, receiving every honor and glory imaginable. His fame will reach unprecedented heights…”

“At that point, if we kill this hero, we will become public enemies.”

“Moreover, even if we kill Qin Chu and resurrect Jie Luo, Lord Jie Luo may only be able to live forever in Qin Chu’s shadow!”

“So we must also devise a suitable way to utterly disgrace the hero, to make Qin Chu a reviled, detestable wretch in the eyes of all. Only then can we justly claim the moral high ground to slay him without any reservations.”

Ekaterina nodded slightly. As expected of Loseweisse – this woman had foresight.

One should not dismiss such considerations as frivolous. Many undertakings required meticulous planning from the earliest stages to avoid constraints when taking action.

“Another crucial issue is…”

“Directly confronting a Qin Chu who has fully realized his prowess will be virtually impossible…”

This was undeniable.

The previous hero Jie Luo, despite lacking Qin Chu’s peerless talents, already possessed strength far surpassing the likes of Augustus. Qin Chu’s future might prove even more monstrous.

“To assassinate Qin Chu, he must be utterly defenseless against us.”

“Otherwise, it cannot be done.”

“We must warn the others, especially those hotheaded fellows like Benson, Muse and Karsus. Even you, Big Sis Ekaterina…”

“No matter how repulsed we feel inwardly, we must feign treating Qin Chu as beloved kin…”

“Carefully guide him, attentively nurture him…make him believe we are his most intimate ones – friends, comrades, siblings, even lovers…”

“Lovers?” Ekaterina’s brow furrowed slightly in displeasure.

Even with Little Lord Jie Luo, she had never treated him as a lover might. She was quite shy regarding intimacy.

“Precisely – lovers.”

“The bond between lovers is more steadfast than even siblings or friends!”

“And more prone to addle those foolish men’s minds…”

“Originally this need not be so troublesome. With a forged divine oracle, I could naturally appear at Qin Chu’s side as the hero’s lover. But that damned bastard chose that vile Angelica instead.” Recalling this made Loseweisse’s welling rage surge uncontrollably once more.

“So now we must take the initiative to wrest Qin Chu away from Angelica.”

“Not just me, but you, Eileen, Airi, Sylph, Anastasia – all of us must do this…Whoever allows Qin Chu to fall for her will greatly ease our future actions.”

“Men are simple creatures. Just treat them a bit better, some occasional physical contact, and they’ll delude themselves into thinking you fancy them. Then they’ll grow increasingly invested until hopelessly infatuated.”

Ekaterina grew even more displeased. “Isn’t that basically seduction?”

“Seduction? You may view it as such.”

“Actually, you needn’t go too far. An occasional touch, a peck is sufficient – not like you’ll actually lose anything.”

“You must understand, this is all for resurrecting Lord Jie Luo. A small tolerance and it shall pass.”

“Consider it like being nipped by a dog…”

Ekaterina’s face turned ashen just imagining being embraced and doted upon by an unfamiliar man she utterly loathed, making her skin crawl in revulsion.
So disgusting, she felt like vomiting.

“Especially you – you absolutely must control your temper,” Loseweisse warned.

Gulp… Ekaterina nodded with difficulty. “For Jie Luo’s sake, I shall endure.”

“Damn it, I’ll definitely butcher him in the most cruel ways after this!”

“As long as you understand. Then next…” Loseweisse stood up, glancing at Ekaterina. “You’ll need to change into a different outfit first…”

“Change clothes? What for?” Ekaterina looked bewilderedly at her armor.

“Please, we’re about to go see Qin Chu.”

“You can’t expect to wear that rigid metal armor, can you? No matter how much you brush against a man in that, he won’t feel a thing. You need to change into something more elegant, more…alluring, understand?”

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode