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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 36

Chapter 36: All These Sacrifices Are for Lord Jie Luo!

In the noble district, two gorgeous ladies strolled side by side along the pristine streets.

“Loseweisse, must I really dress like this? It’s so uncomfortable,” Ekaterina complained with vexation written across her face. If she had known this would be her penance, she never would have made such a suggestion.

Replacing her familiar armor was a clingy crimson dress tightly hugging her frame, her matching crimson tresses making her appear a walking blaze.

Ekaterina’s physique was exceptional. Even the self-assured Loseweisse had to admit this elder sister’s figure far surpassed her own, second only to Anastasia’s.

And this was an especially form-fitting gown design.

With Ekaterina’s statuesque, athletic build honed by years of martial training, the tight dress outlined every tantalizing curve – from the swell of her chest to the narrow waist, over the flat abdomen to those endlessly long, slender legs peeking through the high front slit as she moved.

Dashing, beautiful, sharp yet voluptuously fit!

Everywhere they passed, they drew ravenous stares from men that earned Ekaterina’s fierce glares in return, struggling not to start pummeling someone.

But what Ekaterina found truly unbearable were the red high heels – she had never worn such contraptions before. Each swaying step felt precarious, those slender stilettos threatening to snap at any moment.

“What else can we do? You can’t very well wear that steel armor set, can you?” Loseweisse rubbed her temples in exasperation. “Please, haven’t you noticed that getup would only terrify any man who saw you?”

“If Qin Chu lays eyes on you like that, he’ll be scared stiff first. How could he possibly take a fancy to you then?”

She shot a sidelong glance at Ekaterina’s bosom. Tsk, no shame flaunting those melons.

“Let’s go. Just remember what I said – no matter what happens, don’t lose your temper. Qin Chu has rather…unconventional tastes compared to regular men.”

Issuing one final reminder, Loseweisse pulled Ekaterina along.

Thankfully, Ekaterina’s formidable abilities allowed her to adapt reasonably well. Though still feeling utterly awkward, by the time they reached the palace gates she could at least walk steadily without wobbling.

Within his chambers, Qin Chu calculated the timing.

Loseweisse and Ekaterina should be arriving soon.

These past few days, Qin Chu had devoured several hundred demon beasts lurking in the imperial capital. Maritisee and Nikles would first capture and restrain the targets, then Qin Chu would go through the motions of “inspecting” them as pretexts to devour their essence, bolstering his strength considerably.

His current level had reached 39.

There was no choice – after breaking through level 20, the experience requirements increased exponentially. What used to let him level up like boarding a plane, a single

Phantom Demon boosting him straight to 13, now took dozens just for one incremental gain.

Though his leveling pace slowed, his combat prowess steadily rose – especially his magic power, since he primarily devoured Phantom Demons well-suited for stealth and infiltration.

Qin Chu’s growth also catalyzed Shub-Niggurath’s recovery process.

He did not know the full extent of her restored powers, but at least her manifested form appeared far clearer than before.

Shub-Niggurath still lazily perched on Qin Chu’s shoulder, languidly draped over his head as she idly toyed with his hair. “Hey, Ekaterina and Loseweisse are about to arrive. You’d best keep your emotions in check and not let any cracks show.”

Life was a stage, both sides acting their parts – it remained to be seen whose performance would prove more convincing.

Except one side had foreknowledge of the script ahead of time – rather unfair.

“You understand your strength has risen rapidly, but you’re still no match for those two women yet.”

“Ah, so you do care about me.”

“Heh, dream on. I couldn’t care less if you die. But if your death implicates me, that’s a problem.”

“How heartbreaking.” Qin Chu bantered familiarly with Shub-Niggurath. “But rest assured, I’ve already adjusted my mentality. There won’t be any issues.”

“My acting skills can withstand scrutiny.”

As they spoke, a knock sounded at the door.

They had arrived.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me, Loseweisse.” Sure enough, Loseweisse’s voice came from outside.

This woman truly excelled at deception – not a demon beast’s physical shapeshifting, but masking her true emotions. Though inwardly despising Qin Chu enough to devour him alive, her voice remained sickly-sweet without the faintest hint of rancor.

Shub-Niggurath’s gaze pierced through the solid wooden door.

“Just as you said, there are indeed two.”

“Ekaterina came as well.”

Qin Chu did not respond, merely smiling wryly as he ruffled his hair into a messy tangle and streaked some stains on his clothes, deliberately creating a disheveled appearance.

Once prepared thusly, Qin Chu rose and opened the door. Loseweisse’s slender, statuesque figure immediately appeared, still clad in pristine holy maiden whites and exuding sacred purity.

“Ah, Miss Loseweisse, my apologies for this unsightly state!”

“As you know, I’ve been busy these past few days purging the demon beasts infesting the city. Though my main role is flushing out those vile vermin while Nikles, Maritisee and the others handle the fighting, I still end up quite bedraggled at times…”

Qin Chu prattled on until suddenly noticing Ekaterina behind her.

The fiery lady seemed to radiate scorching heat, giving Qin Chu the illusion his eyes might be seared.

His gaze instantly froze, unblinkingly fixed on Ekaterina.

Another damned foe had appeared.

This was the woman who, after getting drunk, had circled his neck complaining about how no man would marry such an unrefined beast.

The very woman who even slurringly propositioned him in her drunken boldness…

Someone Qin Chu had once deeply respected like an elder sister.

He viewed her as family, but to her he was merely a jester.

In fact, Ekaterina had been one of the main conspirators in the scheme to betray and assassinate him.

One of his longest comrades fighting by his side, Qin Chu had believed she genuinely worried for his wellbeing. Now he realized it may have just been her probing his weaknesses.

The fleeting memories triggered him, the forced tranquility effect activating over a dozen times in rapid succession.

Just like in the previous loop, Ekaterina’s blazing dress blatantly flaunted her owner’s fierce wildness. Reflected in its crimson folds, her porcelain chest drew Qin Chu’s wandering gaze despite himself.

This was a woman already in her thirties, yet time seemed to have left not a single mark on her. Her figure remained splendidly toned and supple, skin glowing with youthful luster.

He still recalled their first meeting – Ekaterina’s presence had enraptured his gaze for nearly half a minute, almost completely succumbing to temptation until Loseweisse’s disgruntled cough jolted him back to awareness.

This time, Qin Chu dared not stare for too long.

Flushing, he averted his eyes elsewhere, worried he might lose control of his rising fury if he kept looking.

He had just boasted to Shub-Niggurath about adjusting his mentality, his acting skills being unimpeachable. But the evidence showed he still fell woefully short!

His reaction nearly mirrored their first meeting, making Loseweisse slightly contemptuous. This man blushed far too easily – merely glimpsing an exceptional woman made him crimson with embarrassment.

Loseweisse felt she was gradually grasping Qin Chu’s character.

Though a hero, in his original world this man must have been of the lowest social strata, developing an inferiority complex that caused him to redden before accomplished women. Only before a lowly maid like Angelica could he exhibit any normal demeanor.

Because only facing a servant like Angelica could this man reclaim his masculine confidence and self-respect.

Perhaps this was the true reason Qin Chu chose Angelica?

Taking advantage as Qin Chu averted his face, Loseweisse and Ekaterina exchanged a glance. Loseweisse mouthed instructions at her.

Revulsion contorted Ekaterina’s features – she knew what Loseweisse wanted her to do.

Her body recoiled violently, stomach roiling as if she might vomit at any moment.

For Jie Luo.

Ekaterina repeated this mantra inwardly to steel her resolve.

Forcing her expression into a rictus smile, lips quivering, she forced the words out in a simpering tone:

“Ah, so this is the hero? Come, let…let big sis give you a hug…”

As she spoke, Ekaterina stepped forward and embraced Qin Chu tightly.

All these sacrifices were for Lord Jie Luo!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode