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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 38

Chapter 38: The Infatuation of Cities 

Alone? To the Rublens Market?

In that instant, Loseweisse felt her heart thump.

Angelica was currently alone, far from the palace quarters. With the sealing collar still locked around her neck, her own powers were completely bound…


Loseweisse couldn’t help a slight convulsive swallow.

A certain notion began burning hotter and hotter within her heart.

She felt an urge to immediately depart. But such overt actions would appear too conspicuous. Restraining herself, Loseweisse continued making small talk with Qin Chu, though her mind had already wandered elsewhere.

Only when the time neared for Ekaterina to begin instructing Qin Chu did Loseweisse rise to take her leave.

As she reached the doorway, she could not resist pausing, turning back to voice the question weighing on her heart these past few days, nearly driving the pent-up Loseweisse to depression.

“Lord Hero…”

Loseweisse’s elegant brows furrowed slightly as she seemed to carefully consider her phrasing.

“At the previous banquet, why did you not…choose me, but Angelica instead?”

“You knew…I was the destined lover proclaimed in the divine oracle…”

This was the hurdle Loseweisse could not overcome in her heart.

This woman truly excelled at acting. Sorrow and shyness tinged her features as she perfectly embodied a maiden discarded by her beloved.

In this regard, Ekaterina paled compared to Loseweisse’s caliber – they were simply worlds apart.

Loseweisse had to know what inadequacies caused her to lose out to Angelica.

Qin Chu never expected Loseweisse to harbor such vehement fixation on this issue. Taking a breath to stifle the urge to outright call her a female hypocrite, he pursed his lips before responding:



Loseweisse sharply inhaled, her body quivering as an intense murderous intent nearly erupted.

“You mean I am unworthy of you?”

“No, Holy Maiden, you misunderstand. It is not you who are unworthy of me, but I of you.”

Qin Chu seemed to cast all pretenses aside, speaking words that even disgusted himself inwardly:

“You are so beautiful, sacred, virtuous…”

“Beside you, I feel unworthy, concerned that merely breathing the same air might defile you…”

“To make you my lover, I fear losing control and doing something unforgivable to harm you.” Qin Chu replied quietly.

As expected, this man’s insecurities were to blame.

Having already speculated such, Loseweisse easily accepted Qin Chu’s explanation.

She suddenly felt elated – not because she fell short of Angelica, but the opposite. She was too beautiful, too accomplished – like the sun’s scorching radiance that this insecure man dared not approach, fearing burns.

Her confidence swelled higher than before.

Surely this was only right? How could she possibly be inferior to Angelica?

Qin Chu’s response filled Loseweisse with renewed assurance of wresting him away from Angelica. All she need do was humble herself slightly, make a few beckoning gestures, and this man would come panting like a dog, no?

Golden tresses swaying, her slender, statuesque figure arched in a slight curtsy, delicate fair hands lifting the folds of her holy maiden robes.

“Lord Hero, you need not be so self-effacing. You are the most exceptional hero.”

“This is not your homeland, yet you are still willing to strive for this world’s sake. Your noble character is admirable, your talents unmatched by any. You are the most outstanding individual.”

“It is I, Loseweisse, who am unworthy of standing by your side.”

“But Loseweisse shall endeavor to become a woman deserving to stand with the Lord Hero.”

This woman’s machinations…

From start to finish, she never once uttered a word about fancying Qin Chu himself.

Yet these words could not help but foster the misperception – did this woman harbor affections for him?

Any man hearing such would likely wear the same expression as Qin Chu now – surprise tinged with delight, mixed with disbelieving elation.

Knowing when to make an elegant exit, Loseweisse savored Qin Chu’s reaction before departing.

She returned to her own quarters.

Alone in the vacant, pristine chamber, Loseweisse’s face finally shed its false front, revealing arrogant viciousness, murderous menace, scheming contemplation.

That fool Qin Chu had inadvertently divulged a crucial piece of information – Angelica was currently alone at the distant Rublens Market…

To kill Angelica, this was undoubtedly the prime opportunity.

Her previous attempt to dispose of Angelica had been thwarted by Augustus. Should she seize this chance…?

No…not viable.

Loseweisse swiftly dismissed that notion herself.

After all, Qin Chu had informed her of Angelica’s whereabouts. Though many would witness her en route, it would still arouse Qin Chu’s suspicions.

That could severely undermine her plans to entice him.

Having settled on resurrecting Lord Jie Luo as her clear objective, Loseweisse would not deviate recklessly.

But recalling the sacrifices Ekaterina made in feigning seduction turned Loseweisse’s blood to ice. She had no wish for Qin Chu to lay hands on her body in such ways.

Her pure form belonged solely to Lord Jie Luo – no other could touch her.

Just thinking of Jie Luo misted Loseweisse’s eyes.

Withdrawing a silver-framed magical portrait from her desk drawer, she gazed at the image within.

Ah, Lord Jie Luo.

You are so charismatic.

I absolutely will not let that filthy man usurp your place.

If only there was a way to make Qin Chu my most devoted lap dog.

Loseweisse pondered, then suddenly recalled something.

Quickly opening another drawer, she retrieved a metal box sealed by magic – containing only seven vials of pale pink liquid.

These were potions specially concocted by Loseweisse herself.

Their ingredients were exceptionally rare, which was why she had only produced these seven vials.

Aside from the precious materials, some unique components were required – the brewer’s bodily fluids, blood and saliva.

Suspended within each vial floated a single golden, curling strand of hair.

This potion bore a beautiful name – The Infatuation of Cities.

Taking one vial weekly for seven consecutive weeks would cause any male to become hopelessly, slavishly infatuated with the brewer, their most loyal lap dog…

Was this not the perfect means to control Qin Chu?

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode