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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 39

Chapter 39: Feigning Weakness Is Harder Than It Seems

The Infatuation of Cities – this was the potion Loseweisse concocted for Jie Luo.

Loseweisse deeply loved Jie Luo. She wanted to marry him, to completely merge with him, to have Jie Luo take her maiden purity…

Yet for some reason, Lord Jie Luo was extremely stubborn in this regard…

Ah no, how could she speak of Lord Jie Luo that way?

Loseweisse violently shook her head, rapidly banishing those slightly disrespectful thoughts about Lord Jie Luo. He was simply singlemindedly devoted to striving for this world’s salvation, never indulging in romantic dalliances – utterly unlike that insecure, pathetic Qin Chu.

In any case, no matter how much Loseweisse hinted or outright stated her desires, Jie Luo remained unmoved.

The increasingly impatient Loseweisse, fearing Jie Luo might be snatched away, began researching other methods – any means necessary.

The Infatuation of Cities became her chosen path.

Finally succeeding, yet before Loseweisse could find an opportunity to administer it to Jie Luo, he had already perished.

Though feeling it was somewhat wasted, this was undoubtedly the optimal method to control Qin Chu.

Now, by having Qin Chu consume all seven vials, he would become hopelessly, slavishly infatuated with Loseweisse – her most loyal lapdog, utterly unable to defy her commands. By then, not just assassinating Qin Chu – she could order him to commit suicide and he would not hesitate.

This way, she need not exhaust such efforts seducing Qin Chu, preserving her pure, unblemished form from his defilement.

Such tasks could not be handled personally. Nor could she feasibly make Qin Chu consume what was clearly a highly suspicious potion.

As Qin Chu’s serving maid, having Angelica administer it would be most fitting.

Of course, Angelica would never so readily obey Loseweisse’s orders. How to arrange that still required careful consideration.

As Loseweisse pondered, she withdrew another drawer containing a magic scroll.

An exceedingly precious spirit-type scroll of mind control magic.

The Infatuation potion, the mind control scroll – a cursory inspection would reveal the Holy Maiden’s chambers littered with prohibited items absolutely forbidden from public circulation.

Due to its special nature, spirit-type magic was banned from research in the Heavenly Continent. Those with the innate talent to cultivate it were also exceptionally rare – perhaps one or two every few centuries.

Loseweisse possessed precisely that talent for spirit magic, an extremely difficult discipline. Though she had studied it for years, even now she could only reliably manifest it while in peak condition. The slightest mental instability would cause spell failure.

It could even backfire, inflicting spiritual trauma.

Too unstable for practical applications, Loseweisse had imprinted the spell onto this scroll during her prime state. Wielding it would allow anyone to activate the magic.

This mind control was not absolute – only compelling the target to obey the caster like a puppet for three hours before dissipating. Afterwards, they would even forget being manipulated and the events before and after.

With this, she should be able to subjugate Angelica and have her administer the first Infatuation vial to Qin Chu, as long as Angelica did not stubbornly resist.
Otherwise, Loseweisse would have to expend these precious scrolls as well.

Of course, Loseweisse would not handle such matters personally either.

On the other side, in the palace training grounds, Ekaterina tutored Qin Chu on cultivating battle qi.

She played the devoted elder sister doting on her younger brother, meticulously adjusting his every movement.

“Most view battle qi and magic as differing powers. But for experts at our level, they arise from the same root – the elemental forces of nature.”

“They are merely utilized differently. Magic stores those elemental energies internally before releasing them, undergoing calculated sequences to grant pure magic power immense destructive might.”

“Battle qi also harnesses elemental forces, but instead of directly expelling them, it infuses them into one’s own body – enhancing speed, strength and defenses in combat. It can be channeled into weapons to increase their devastation as well.”

“For now, you must first sense the elemental traces present in the air around us.”

Ekaterina proved a rather decent instructor, providing detailed guidance on the material Qin Chu already understood far more deeply than her.

Sitting cross-legged with eyes half-lidded, Qin Chu could perceive the scorching crimson of the sun, glacial azure, oceanic blues, violet thunderbolts…

Rebirth seemed to have fortified his innate talents even further.

It was said that sensing even the faintest elemental sparks within a day already indicated astounding gifts. Qin Chu did not know where instantly perceiving the sun itself ranked in comparison.

“The battle qi I shall impart is the one I cultivate – Starblazing Flames!”

“At its zenith, this battle qi possesses destructive power rivaling falling meteors – one of the most formidable levels. Can you sense any traces akin to embers…?”

Eyes still closed, Qin Chu feigned embarrassment. “My apologies, I cannot perceive anything at all.”

Tsk, what an idiot.

Restraining her rising irritation, Ekaterina patiently continued guiding him.

“Also, your hand position is too high. Lower it slightly.”

Kneeling behind Qin Chu, Ekaterina leaned over his back to adjust his posture, unable to avoid pressing against him. He could sense her curves with vivid clarity.

Her thin ceremonial dress provided no barriers against the sensation of soft, supple skin.

“Don’t use your eyes to see. Perceive with your heart instead.”

Perceive with his heart? Indeed, everything felt far clearer now.

Ekaterina’s creamy, slender visage hovered beside Qin Chu’s shoulder, their cheeks nearly brushing with every breath – allowing him to keenly appreciate her skin’s satiny smoothness.

Stray crimson tresses tickled his face and nose.

Seeing Qin Chu redden with labored breathing, Ekaterina decided enough was enough. Pushing further might cause this man to lose control and pounce right there.

Being pounced on was still tolerable. Her true worry was that without Loseweisse present to intervene, she might fail to restrain herself and inadvertently kill Qin Chu – jeopardizing Jie Luo’s resurrection.

For Jie Luo’s sake, allowing this brat some minor indulgences was acceptable. But she certainly couldn’t permit him to utterly defile her, could she?

Patting Qin Chu’s shoulder, Ekaterina stood up. “Little Brother Qin Chu, you diligently practice here. No slacking – I have some business to attend but will return to check on you tonight.”

Ekaterina’s “business” was likely just drinking, recalling how Qin Chu had carried her drunken self home in the previous loop.

Everyone knew the hero was training, so no one would disturb the grounds for the foreseeable future.

Opening his eyes, Qin Chu marveled – in just this afternoon’s span, he had already mastered the first of thirteen tiers in the Starblazing Battle Qi, condensing his Battle

Origin within!

Though the initial stage was not particularly taxing to grasp, his terrifying pace still beggared belief. It had taken him half a month in the previous loop just to reach this first step.

For the current Qin Chu, the greatest challenge was not the actual cultivation, but how to conceal his true talents and rapid progress from Ekaterina.

Especially with that buxom, athletic figure leaning against his back, the sensation of her curves and breaths tickling his nape was admittedly quite…comfortable. Yet it also posed significant hurdles in obscuring his genuine abilities and innate gifts.


Qin Chu could not help sighing:

“Feigning weakness is far harder than expected.”

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode