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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 40

Chapter 40: The Effects of the Potion 

In the vacant training grounds with no risk of interruption this entire afternoon, Qin Chu left behind an illusion of himself sitting cross-legged in arduous cultivation.

With that arranged, he snapped his fingers, his figure gradually fading from sight.

The invisibility technique – no need for petty Phantom Demon transformations when he could cloak himself unseen. This was one of the dozens of spells Candice provided.

He had intentionally divulged Angelica’s whereabouts and her current solitary vulnerability to Loseweisse, awaiting her consequent actions.

This was Angelica’s final trial.

If she passed smoothly, the seals binding her would be unlocked and she would gain Qin Chu’s full trust.

But if she failed…

Though possessing the experience of the previous loop, Qin Chu did not allow complacency. For every action, he factored in the target’s personality – judging their probable countermeasures based on his prior knowledge combined with their inherent natures.

Loseweisse was an intelligent woman. Though undoubtedly wishing to slay Angelica, she would certainly restrain herself, intending to manipulate Angelica as a proxy for indirect control over Qin Chu himself.

He knew Loseweisse utterly despised both him and Angelica.

But for Loseweisse, resurrecting Jie Luo took paramount priority – enough to suppress her personal sentiments in service of that singular goal.

The Hero Squad’s scheme was actually quite simple.

Based on his prior experience, it essentially involved first ingratiating themselves by having him fall for one of the female members while treating the others as close confidantes. Only after he had utterly annihilated the demon beast armies would they strike from behind.

The sole reason they postponed his assassination was because his superior talents exceeded Jie Luo’s, requiring him as an expendable weapon against the demon beasts first. Otherwise, killing him would only have Jie Luo face Nagath once revived, inevitably dying again.

But now, his relationship with Angelica had grown far more intimate.

Though directly killing her would be cleaner, Qin Chu revealing her location to Loseweisse coupled with their own enmity meant that if Angelica died, Loseweisse would instantly become the prime suspect in his eyes.

Even if Loseweisse could exonerate herself through myriad excuses, the mere seed of suspicion would be planted – severely undermining any attempts to grow closer and potentially eliminating chances of a backstabbing altogether.

Hence, Qin Chu deduced Loseweisse would undoubtedly utilize spirit magic to turn Angelica into her controlled puppet as an indirect method of dominating him instead.

Loseweisse’s expertise in spirit magic was known to precious few.

Qin Chu was one of them.

At the Rublens Market, Angelica strolled cheerfully with a basket of ingredients slung over her arm.

In her heart, the master had become the most vital existence in her life going forward, even more cherished than her own.
Angelica wished to expend every effort doting upon her master, ensuring his absolute satisfaction in every aspect. Since he desired to sample her culinary skills, she naturally strove for perfection.

Though far pricier, the Rublens Market offered the finest, freshest produce – crystalline tomatoes like rubies, snow-marbled crimson steaks, emerald greens glistening with morning dew…

“This should be sufficient.”

Humming softly, she headed back with a light step.

These past three days at her master’s side felt paradisiacal for Angelica – no more beatings or tortures from Loseweisse, no more humiliations, allowing her mind and body to slowly heal.

She had practically forgotten the mission entrusted by Pope Augustus in that blissful span.

Holy Maiden!

Those two words surfaced in Angelica’s mind for the first time in over three days.

That was the promise Augustus had granted her.

Her strenuous goal for over a decade – suddenly recalling it still evoked some reluctance to relinquish that aspiration.

Angelica’s smile faltered slightly, her previously buoyant footsteps gaining a heavier tread as she failed to notice the stealthy shadow closing in from behind.

Rounding the corner, a sudden impact slammed into her back. Her vision went black as she lost consciousness.

When Angelica’s eyes fluttered open once more, she found herself in the city outskirts.

Surrounded by verdant trees bathed in the fading golden rays of evening dusk, Angelica squinted against the glare stinging her eyes.

The next second, she began struggling fiercely, but the sealing collar restricted her magic – leaving her powerless to break the bindings on her wrists.

“Don’t bother struggling, conserve your strength.” A nonchalant voice drifted from ahead.

Angelica’s throat bobbed as she raised her head, only then noticing two women garbed in attire akin to the Holy See’s nuns, yet in diametric black hues instead of pure white.

Lithe, curvaceous figures were sheathed in those inky robes, their bodies exceptionally toned and brimming with vigor.

Their faces were quite beautiful too – oval visages framed by narrow, slightly upturned eyes radiating a hint of razor sharpness, with bizarre eye-shaped markings emblazoned on their flawless brows of unknown significance.

Before them lay a tattered burlap sack – clearly how she had been transported here.

“Who are you people? What do you want?” Angelica took a calming breath before asking sternly.

She regained her composure swiftly, no stranger to perilous situations after all – once being bound to a burning stake, nearly executed.
Glancing furtively around, she seemed to evaluate any potential avenues for escape.

But Angelica understood fleeing would not prove easy. These two strange black-robed nuns possessed considerable strength. With her magic sealed by the collar, she could not overcome them.

After a pause, Angelica continued: “I am the personal maid attending the hero Qin Chu. Have you considered the consequences of abducting me?”


Upon hearing Qin Chu’s name, the two nuns could not help bursting into scornful laughter.

“You actually expect that idiot Qin Chu to rescue you…?”

“Heh, the hero only began training under Ekaterina today. Even if he were here, what could he possibly change?”

One nun sauntered over, extending a slender white finger to lift Angelica’s chin, forcing her gaze upwards. “You couldn’t possibly believe the hero would come to your aid, could you?”

Angelica inwardly reeled – these nuns seemed to know more about her master than even she did, including that he had commenced training under Ekaterina which she had been unaware of.

Just what were their identities?

What relation did they have with the Holy See?

As Angelica pondered, she asked again in a steely tone: “Just what do you intend to do?”

“Something quite simple…” The nun smiled again. “We merely hope you’ll assist us with a little task.”

“As the hero’s maid overseeing his meals and needs, we wish for you to add a certain something to his food…” As she spoke, the nun produced a vial of pink liquid.
“Not bitter at all, quite a sweet aroma in fact.”

Angelica’s pupils contracted violently. “This…what is this substance?”

“No poison, just something to make the hero a touch more obedient…”

They intended to control the hero. Angelica understood that instantly.

Vigorously shaking her head like a crazed bell-ringer, she would never betray the master who had extended his hand to her, absolutely not.

“Did you hear how they insulted you as an idiot? Can you really tolerate that?”

Neither the two nuns nor Angelica had noticed the two figures silently observing from the treetops behind them.

Shub-Niggurath, perched on Qin Chu’s shoulder as always, could not resist mocking him sarcastically upon hearing the nuns’ insults.

Qin Chu felt deeply piqued as well. “Daring to call me an idiot, those two are as good as dead…”

After a pause, he asked again. “By the way, do you know what that woman is holding?”

“You’re asking the right person about concocted potions. Among witches, my skills rank second only to Uvall herself.”

“That is an imperfect version of the Infatuation of Cities…”

Shub-Niggurath emphasized the word “imperfect”, as if disdaining the potion’s shoddy brewing methods.

“If you consume one vial weekly for seven consecutive weeks, you would become hopelessly, slavishly infatuated with the brewer – in this case Loseweisse. Even if she ordered you to die immediately, you would not hesitate in the slightest.”

The potion’s domineering effects gave Qin Chu pause, never imagining Loseweisse possessed such malicious means.

Could this be why he fell for her in the previous loop as well?

“You were not affected by the Infatuation back then. I fought you directly – had you ingested it, I would have sensed it instantly. In that previous life, you were simply a pure breed of lapdog who licked her until you had nothing left,” Shub-Niggurath mocked again.

Some unforeseen circumstance likely foiled Loseweisse’s plans to control him with the Infatuation previously. But the fact he still fell for her in that loop – just thinking about it left him utterly disgusted with himself.

“Then what are the effects of the complete Infatuation?”

“Hmm, how to put it – Loseweisse’s brewing skills are too crude. The Infatuation she produced requires dosing weekly for seven weeks to take full effect. But for the complete version…”

“Each dose incrementally raises the drinker’s affections for you, without any time limits. You could imbibe one week, then the next dose years later – until their ardor ultimately erupts into full-blown infatuation, more or less the same final outcome.”

“Intriguing,” Qin Chu smiled.

In some aspects, the effects resembled Arrogant Dominion, though perhaps not as overbearing.

“In truth, the Infatuation’s effects are more akin to a form of oblivion, or rather replacement and transference!”

“Compared to Arrogant Dominion and other far more potent concoctions, its impact is not particularly exaggerated.”

“It truly manifests by causing the drinker to gradually forget their prior lover, transferring those feelings onto the potion’s brewer instead – making the brewer a surrogate romantic partner of sorts… Once fully consumed, they will hopelessly adore you, doing whatever you command…”

“However, the Infatuation can be dispelled through sufficiently powerful stimuli. For instance, witnessing you slay their former lover before their eyes may shock them enough to break free of its thrall and revert to normal!”

Shub-Niggurath’s words made a sinister smile spread across Qin Chu’s face, a malicious plot rapidly taking form in his mind.

“Say, Shub-Niggurath, could you teach me this Infatuation potion?”

Plans often fell short of reality’s shifting tides.

The Infatuation’s emergence stirred some unsavory thoughts Qin Chu could not quite suppress, potentially necessitating accelerating his original schemes.

As the witch parasitizing Qin Chu, Shub-Niggurath understood his underlying intentions with perfect clarity.

Yet she did not refuse. After all, she too wished to witness how this world would be thrown into chaos by his machinations.

“Certainly, though…”

“The ingredients are quite difficult to obtain.”

“Why not just snatch the incomplete potion from that nun directly? No need to overcomplicate matters.”

Qin Chu frowned slightly. “But this Infatuation was brewed by Loseweisse, wasn’t it..?”

“Don’t underestimate the Dark Witch. I can refine and enhance it – not exactly a challenging feat.”

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode