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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 42

Chapter 42: She Had Become Fearless 

Those three days of tenderness were a precious ray of light finally piercing through her gloomy existence. Angelica would never extinguish that glimmer with her own hands.

If she betrayed her master, then she truly could only live like a dog… no, worse than a dog for the rest of her days.

The two nuns’ previously smug expressions gradually froze and faded.

“We told you, didn’t we? That man never liked you, not even once…”

“It was merely due to your lowly status being convenient for him to take advantage of…”

“Just because your little face was still somewhat pretty enough to arouse his desires.”

Angelica laughed, a brilliant smile despite her trembling lips from the physical torment.

“So what of it?”

“Even if he was merely captivated by my face and body, what does it matter?”

“At least in my master’s eyes, I am a person – not just a dog!”

The two nuns could never have anticipated Angelica’s will being so unyielding.

They seemed provoked into a furious, uncontrollable trembling by some unseen force. One nun gripped a dagger, pointing it at Angelica’s face. “You’re quite confident about that pretty face of yours, aren’t you…”

“Well then, what if that face gets slashed open? Would he still keep you around?”

Angelica laughed scornfully, having grasped the reins of her own determination. No matter what transpired…perhaps she may regret it later, but at least for now, she would not waver.

This was enough, wasn’t it? At the very least, her master would not be harmed.

Inexplicably, Angelica even felt a tinge of pride – the master who had once promised to appear before her if she was ever bullied or endangered again had failed to show up.

There was indeed a slight sense of grievance lingering in her heart too.

Perhaps those nuns were right – her master only chose her because her maid status made her an easy target.

In her master’s heart, he may harbor no feelings for her whatsoever.

But she was simply that foolish.

All because of just three days of tenderness…

Well, she may have been a little cool too.

Previously able to only live like a dog under Loseweisse, who could have imagined there would come a time to flaunt such defiance? This sensation was not too bad at all.

She didn’t know if after her death, her master might occasionally recall having had a little maid who only served him for three days. If he could just remember her once in a while, that would be enough satisfaction without regrets.

Strangely enough, not once in this moment did she think about the position of Holy Maiden that Augustus had promised to entice her loyalty. Perhaps that holy title had long since paled in significance compared to being a humble maid by her master’s side.

Being a holy maiden was nowhere near as joyful as serving as her master’s maid.

If possible, she truly wished she could remain her master’s maid for the rest of her life.

“Idiot…” One nun spat disdainfully.

Angelica’s unwavering gaze stirred an inexplicable vexation within her.

She could not fathom how someone could be so foolish in this world.

Yet in the end, the nun did not carry out her threat. After all, they still needed Angelica to drug the hero. If they truly disfigured her face, even an idiot hero would realize something was amiss.

Taking a deep breath, the two nuns exchanged glances. Though wishing to utterly crush Angelica’s will, when a woman did not even fear death or disfigurement, her determination had become as unyielding as tempered steel – their torments could no longer bend her resolution.

Such staunch willpower may not even succumb to the Holy Maiden’s spirit scroll magics.

But they had to try.

If they failed, then they could only kill Angelica – the events of this day could never be allowed to spread, no matter what.

The other nun produced the spirit scroll.

Though aware of Angelica’s formidable resolve, this nun could not resist provoking her further. After all, she desperately wished to witness Angelica’s despair – to shatter such steadfast determination would undoubtedly bring the utmost gratification.

“Angelica, do you know what this is?”

“Spirit magic – mind control!”

“I respect your resolve, but no will can withstand the erosion of magic. Once this scroll is unsealed, you will become a puppet, a doll obeying our every command.”

“No matter how much you resist, you will ultimately still mix that potion into the food of your most beloved, most trusted master.”

“That man will still meet a miserable demise because of you.”

The nun rasped eagerly, yearning to see Angelica’s despair – to have such fortitude yet ultimately be forced to slay her own master with her own hands.

Would that not bring anguish and hopelessness?

But the nun was disappointed.

Angelica’s eyes did widen, her gaze reflecting fear.
She could never have anticipated they possessed such means. She had resigned herself to simply being killed after defiantly refusing their proposal – never intending to survive.

But this…this was unacceptable.

She truly dreaded this prospect.

Even if not by her own choice, even if manipulated, Angelica could never bear to be the one to kill her master.

Then, Angelica took an action neither nun could have foreseen. Though her hands were bound, her feet were not.

Having just struggled back upright, her unsteady body lunged towards the knife-wielding nun, intending to impale herself on that very blade.

Angelica’s movement startled the nun. By the time she reacted, thinking to withdraw the dagger, it was already too late.

The dagger was poised to pierce straight through Angelica’s chest when…


A faint whistling sound suddenly came from behind.

The next second, a small pebble struck the dagger’s side with a clang, deflecting it and shattering the bones in the nun’s hand as blood sprayed forth.

This abrupt reversal turned the two nuns’ complexions deathly pale as they whipped around in unison. “Who’s there?”

A figure gradually materialized before them all.

Angelica’s expression was one of utter disbelief, as if waking from a dream. She longed to rub her eyes in doubt, but her bound wrists prevented it.

She could only instinctively struggle desperately, as if wanting to collapse into that person’s embrace and feel his warmth.

As for the two nuns, their expressions fluctuated erratically as their brows furrowed tightly.

The man’s figure slowly approached until halting just three meters away from the black-robed nuns. In a rasping tone tinged with a deadly smile, he spoke:

“It is I!”

“The very idiot and insecure hero you both mocked!”

“We have not been introduced – may I have the honor of your names, ladies?”

Perfectly polite, almost gentlemanly!

Except for the upturned corners hinting at murderous intent!

These two women were as good as dead!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode