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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! 44

Chapter 44: Kiss Me


Sana’s body slammed heavily onto the ground, causing the earth to tremble.

Face down, her fair complexion made intimate contact with the coarse soil and sharp grit, visibly seeping sticky crimson blood that seeped into the dirt.

That was not all – Qin Chu felt he heard a sickening crunch. With that forceful throw, he had undoubtedly put his full strength into it, likely shattering countless bones in Sana’s body.

Beside her head lay dislodged teeth stained with blood streaks.

No matter how formidable Sana’s strength was, she could not withstand such an assault.

Her slender form seemed to have become a writhing worm, sluggishly convulsing on the ground.

Wanting to scream but with only faintly quivering lips, she could not utter a sound, overwhelmed by waves of dizziness that made it seem like she was glimpsing heaven.

Sana’s condition was dire!

On the other side, both Maggie and Angelica watched the scene unfold with disbelief, eyes wide.

Neither had expected Qin Chu’s strength to be so immense.

For a Hero to possess such outrageous power after merely half a day of cultivation – it was cheating, blatant exploitation!

Previously pondering that the Hero could never be a match for the two of them, the situation had instantly reversed, causing Maggie’s body to tremble.

As arrogant and smug as she had been, she now felt equal terror.

Sana had been incapacitated in a single move, and if Maggie engaged him, the outcome would be no different.

This time, it was truly over.

However, Angelica’s large eyes brimmed with excitement.

Was this… the effect brought about by the Hero’s righteous companion power?

Her Master had mentioned that not only could the Supreme Righteous Companion ability sense evil auras, but it also allowed him to grow stronger in battles against demon beasts, with his strength increasing as he slew more foes.

These past few days, her Master had indeed cleared out numerous demon beasts.

Angelica had thoughtfully found an excuse for her Master’s explosive power increase.

Seeing Qin Chu’s ferocious, beast-like gaze suddenly turn towards her, Maggie shuddered, an intense fear causing her scalp to tingle.

Her abdomen spasmed uncontrollably, the terror provoking a urge to vomit.

She was going to die, die, die…

Qin Chu would absolutely not spare her.

Having witnessed Sana’s fate, Maggie’s will was utterly crushed.

She lacked even the courage to confront Qin Chu. At that moment, Maggie noticed Angelica… this might be her only hope for survival.

Qin Chu valued Angelica so much that if she could gain control over her, then surely she could…

Her body moved faster than her thoughts.

But Qin Chu was even swifter.

Had Maggie and Sana not distanced themselves from Angelica earlier, perhaps Qin Chu would not have been able to intervene in time. But now, Maggie had no chance.

As Maggie rapidly approached Angelica, a blur flashed before her eyes, and a figure appeared right in front of her.

His right hand shot out like lightning, gripping her forehead and forcefully pushing down as his knee thrust upward.


Maggie’s face slammed heavily into Qin Chu’s knee.

Her entire mind went dark in an instant, her consciousness seeming to drift away.

Blood gushed from her eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

Qin Chu’s level exceeded theirs, his attributes far surpassing them – the gap in strength was too vast.

Yet, they still presented decent experience gains, and Qin Chu would not miss any opportunity to increase his power.

The Devourer ability activated, enveloping Maggie’s body.

Maggie’s form trembled as if electrocuted, her newly returned consciousness immediately terrified, feeling her magic power and battle qi rapidly draining away.

Once her battle qi and magic power were completely depleted, it could even lead to the shattering of her Battle Origin and Core, rendering her lifetime of cultivation utterly wasted.

Panicked, Maggie struggled fiercely, but Qin Chu’s grip clung like adhesive, her frantic efforts futile, only accelerating the depletion of her power.

Her bloodied face gazed at Qin Chu with fear

“Lord Hero…”

“Spare… spare me…”

“I am willing to be your servant, serving by your side for life…”

“I… I have studied the bedroom arts, I will surely please you more than Angelica…”

Maggie pleaded desperately.

Loseweisse was not merely a holy maiden on the surface – she also controlled her own faction behind the scenes.

These people were all carefully selected, men handsome and women beautiful, with exceptional talents, trained in battle qi and magic from a young age, indoctrinated with loyalty to Loseweisse. They even studied the bedroom arts, for such capable women held greater allure and conquest for the opposite sex.

Even now, Maggie had not revealed Loseweisse’s name.

Glancing at Maggie’s bloodied, disfigured appearance, Qin Chu could not muster the slightest interest, ignoring her pleas and instead increasing his force.

As his strength skyrocketed, the Devourer’s effect became even more dominating.

In a short time, Maggie’s body gradually withered.

Two crisp snaps resounded, sealing Maggie’s doom.

Her Battle Origin and Core shattered almost simultaneously, utterly destroying twenty years of cultivation.

Those azure eyes brimmed with resentful malice.

Although tempted to properly torture this woman, Qin Chu understood the prudence of making haste. After draining Maggie of her battle qi and magic power, he casually flung her aside with a flick of his wrist, her limp head lolling to the side with a sickening crunch. Her body convulsed once more, then fell still.

Qin Chu then approached the still writhing and struggling Sana on the ground.

Sana’s injuries were worse than Maggie’s; without immediate treatment, she would not last much longer.

The Devourer ability only further exacerbated her wounds, and she drew her last breath before her battle qi and magic power could be fully drained.

After dealing with the two women and retrieving the Stunning Love potion, Qin Chu finally approached Angelica.

Angelica’s current expression was quite adorable, her small mouth slightly agape, as if still stunned by the ferocious power Qin Chu had displayed.

It was not until Qin Chu extended his arms, lifting her lightweight form into his embrace, that Angelica’s pretty face flushed red, her soft body gently squirming in his arms. “Master, I can walk on my own…”

“Hush, I’ll take you home.” Qin Chu’s voice was exceptionally gentle.

Angelica abandoned her struggle, leaning her little head against Qin Chu’s chest, able to feel his heartbeat.

Her small hand clutched his robe, unwilling to let go.

This was her happiness, one she would never relinquish.

It was only after nearly losing it and regaining it that Angelica truly understood just how precious this happiness was to her.

“Master, had you been there for a while?” After a long silence, Angelica asked softly, her voice seeming to tremble slightly.

Angelica was no fool – Qin Chu’s timing was too coincidental, especially his remark about being the foolish Hero they mentioned, proving he had been present for quite some time.

“Yes.” Qin Chu replied succinctly, not attempting to hide anything. “Are you angry with me?”

“No.” Like a little cat, Angelica shifted her head in Qin Chu’s embrace, finding a more comfortable position.

“Then do I deserve your trust now?”

Angelica was truly intelligent… Qin Chu smiled. “You are the only one I trust now…”

Shaye didn’t count – that woman was a witch and her current existence was closer to a ghost.

Candice was merely a subordinate he had disguised, deceived, and manipulated.

Marittise prioritized combating demon beasts above all else.

The only one truly loyal to him, whom Qin Chu trusted completely, was Angelica.

This response clearly delighted Angelica, her flushed cheeks crinkling joyfully until her eyes became mere slits.

Her hands clutched Qin Chu’s robe even tighter.

Then, closing her eyes slightly, she tilted her head up. “Then Master… could you… kiss me?”

She wanted to receive her Master’s reward, even though being kissed was presumptuous for a maid.

Lowering his gaze to Angelica, Qin Chu chuckled wryly.

He then bent down and captured her cherry lips with his own!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode