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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! chapter 10

Chapter 10 Evil Thoughts (2)

No matter how dissatisfied Loseweisse was, she could not scream and throw a tantrum like an ordinary woman. She had to maintain the dignity of a saint, enduring the ridicule of others and pretending not to care.

Ever since Qin Chu appeared, everything felt particularly inauspicious. Even though she had been subtly seducing Qin Chu since their first meeting, this man had been captivated by her beauty, and had blushed from shyness when they were alone in the carriage together.

But why did he ultimately choose Angelica in the end?

Could it be just because he had a maid fetish? If he liked maids, she could wear a maid outfit too, right?

Suddenly, a terrible thought occurred to Loseweisse. Could it be that Qin Chu knew something, and that’s why he kept his distance from her?

However, Loseweisse soon shook her head and dismissed the idea. That was impossible. Qin Chu was just a newly summoned hero to this world, and he didn’t even understand the most basic rules of this world, so how could he know about her?

She must have overthought it. This guy was probably just a hopeless pervert who was obsessed with maids.

Meanwhile, the banquet continued.

For Qin Chu, having to pretend to meet people he already knew was a severe test. The aristocratic etiquette was exceptionally complex, and it was only after several hours that the event finally drew to a close.

The final ritual of the banquet was for all the attendees to shake hands and bid farewell to the most honored guest – Qin Chu.

Qin Chu felt like a machine, his face plastered with a stiff smile, becoming a heartless handshaking robot.

Especially when a handsome young aristocrat shook his hand, the man even ran a finger along Qin Chu’s palm and winked at him, making Qin Chu shudder with disgust, his skin crawling.

Damn, he didn’t expect there to be such perverts in this world.

Angelica quietly followed behind Qin Chu, and from this moment on, she only had eyes for him.

Qin Chu could feel Angelica’s gaze. Rescuing her from Loswiese’s side would make her grateful, but that alone was not enough.

After experiencing the previous timeline, Qin Chu’s temperament had changed drastically. No matter what kind of favor, it was worthless in the face of absolute self-interest. He had saved countless people in his previous life, but they still screamed for his execution at the execution site.

He wanted to make Angelica a person who couldn’t live without him, to make her body and mind completely belong to him. Only then could Qin Chu be at ease.

Unfortunately, he did not possess abilities like hypnosis, mental manipulation, or memory alteration. If he had such powers, controlling Angelica would be much easier.

“Hey, can you teach me some magic for mental control?” Qin Chu muttered inwardly as he dealt with the aristocrats in front of him.

Sayeni’s body emerged from Qin Chu’s back, lazily draped over his shoulder as before, her silver hair gently floating. With a slightly displeased expression on her beautiful face, she said, “I’m the most powerful witch, but I don’t know everything.”

“However, there is such a power – the ability of the Witch of Pride, Prideful Dominance, which can control the will of others. It’s very powerful, but unfortunately, in the face of the Witch of Pride, you are no more than an ant.”

“What, another Witch of Pride? Are there many witches?” Qin Chu asked.

“Of course, there are a total of thirteen existing witches: the Dark Witch, the Spatial Witch, the Curse Witch, the Vengeance Witch, the Lightning Witch, the Storm Witch, the Flame Witch, the Ice Witch, the Witch of Pride, the Envy Witch, the Gluttony Witch, the Sloth Witch, and… the Witch of Death.”

“But not all witches are allied with demons.”

“These witches are extremely dangerous, especially the Witch of Death, who even I didn’t have the absolute confidence to defeat at the peak of my power. If you encounter these witches, you must be very careful.”

“And you absolutely cannot let the other witches know that I’m residing in you and that my power has disappeared, or you’ll become the target of all the witches’ attacks.”

“The witches are not at all harmonious among themselves. Besides the current thirteen, the Soul Witch was killed by the Witch of Death, the Ocean Witch was devoured by the Gluttony Witch, and the Earth Witch was eliminated by the Spatial Witch…”

Qin Chu was shocked by the ruthlessness of these witches, even towards their own kind.

“I’ve already killed the Time Witch and the Greed Witch, and taken their powers. As for the Wrath Witch and the Avarice Witch, I managed to kill them as well, but unfortunately their powers disappeared before I could seize them…”

“Now, you’ve inherited them.”

Wow, Sayeni was even more ruthless. No wonder she was known as the Strongest Witch, having killed four other witches.

Fortunately, the demonic world was not entirely united either. If all the demonic witches were to band together, even Qin Chu at his strongest in the previous timeline might not be able to withstand so many powerful opponents.

Although Sayeni had warned Qin Chu about the danger of the witches, he still kept the information in mind. If he had the chance, he would seize the Prideful Dominance power and use it to control Loseweisse, turning her into…

Just thinking about it was exciting.

“By the way, is it really possible to revive the dead?” Qin Chu suddenly asked in his mind. “The ten-member hero team wanted to kill me in order to revive the original hero, Jie Luo. They said my blood could open the door to Jie Luo’s resurrection. Is that true?”

“Of course, as long as Jero’s soul hasn’t completely disappeared. If Loseweisse and the others can gather Jie Luo’s soul fragments and reintegrate the soul, there’s a chance to revive him,” Sayeni immediately answered.

“When Jie Luo challenged the Eternal Lord Naga, I was there. Although his strength was not as great as yours, his soul was very resilient. Even though it was shattered into pieces, it did not completely dissipate, and the soul fragments are scattered throughout the world.”

Shaye’s words made Qin Chu feel threatened. Although he had never met Jie Luo, he had already subconsciously seen him as an enemy, since Loseweisse and the others had plotted to kill Qin Chu in order to revive Jie Luo.

“You say, if I can find Jero’s soul fragments, could I use them to blackmail Loseweisse, Ekaterina, and the others?” Qin Chu’s eyes gleamed with an evil smile.

To see these women, who deeply loved Jero, filled with hateful resentment and fury, yet forced to obey his demands – that would feel quite satisfying, like toying with their lives.

“Tsk, I really underestimated you. You’re truly shameless and filthy. Are you sure you’re not a demon?” Sayeni said disapprovingly.

“Sorry to disappoint you, I’m a genuine human,” Qin Chu replied.

“Well, your personality is even more twisted than a demon’s. But I like it. Since that’s the case, I’ll give you a hand. I know the location of one of Jie Luo’s soul fragments. Whether you can get your hands on it or not, that’s up to your own abilities.”

The Prideful Dominance power and Jie Luo’s soul fragments – these were two things Qin Chu absolutely had to obtain for his revenge plan.

While he could steadily improve his strength and directly eliminate these people, that would be too boring. More importantly, Qin Chu couldn’t wait that long. He was impatient to see these people suffer in agony and despair.

As he pondered his evil thoughts, Qin Chu maintained a gentle smile on his face. He had just bid farewell to one aristocrat when a slightly hunched, shifty-eyed man approached him.

“In the name of the Goddess, I am Count Egbert Donaldson. If the Hero has the time, please visit my estate. My wife and daughter will surely welcome you warmly.”

Qin Chu’s smile remained mechanically on his face as he extended his hand to shake Egbert Donaldson’s. The man’s hand was cold, like that of a dead person, with hardly any warmth.

Although Qin Chu found him a bit strange, he didn’t think much of it.

But at that moment, Sayeni suddenly floated up and sat on Qin Chu’s shoulder, her slender legs swinging in front of Qin Chu’s chest. No one in the banquet hall aside from Qin Chu could see her.

Shaye’s crimson eyes were fixed intently on the Donaldson Count in front of them.

“Hey, be careful, this guy… is a demon!”

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode