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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! chapter 12

Chapter 12: I Could Tell at a Glance You’re Not Human (2)

The draining of his demonic energy horrified Donaldson, feeling his body rapidly wither. His once well-maintained skin instantly became wrinkled and sunken within moments.

In contrast, Qin Chu’s vigor surged as the abundant demonic energy poured into his body, converting into his own strength. The spirit attribute linked to his magic power on his status panel continuously jumped higher.

Devouring the demonic energy also boosted his experience gain, his level slowly climbing.

With every passing second, Qin Chu could feel himself growing stronger – an exhilarating sensation.

The abnormality drew the attention of others, their gazes turning toward the struggle as the erratic magic flow even disrupted the flickering banquet lights, shrouding the venue in an eerie atmosphere.

Donaldson’s eyes had become clouded as his convulsing body seemed electrocuted, grotesque bulges undulating beneath his skin.

“Hero, what are you doing…do you intend to kill an imperial nobleman publicly?” Donaldson rasped, attempting to leverage his noble status.

But his words fell on deaf ears. “Shut up, wretched being.”

“I could tell at a glance you’re not human.”

These words made Donaldson’s pupils contract sharply – the worst had happened. Though unaware how, this man had clearly discerned his true demonic nature.

He was utterly trapped.

Either have his magic drained to wither away, or reveal his original form and be slain by the surrounding experts.

Either way, death seemed inevitable now.

Wozwoz frowned deeply. Though disliking the Count lacking true noble lineage – a mere merchant who had purchased a noble title through immense wealth looked down upon by the hereditary aristocracy – he could not allow a nobleman under the imperial banner to be slain.

Slightly hesitating, Wozwoz made to intervene when madness suddenly flashed across Donaldson’s eyes. One hand shot toward his waist, whipping out a slender dagger coated in a bluish venom, thrusting straight at Qin Chu’s heart.

Desperation breeds recklessness.

Since death was assured, he might as well attempt dragging the hero down too, dying with the glory of such an act.

This scene drew shocked gasps from many.

Angelica’s face drained of color as she moved to push Qin Chu aside, heedless of any danger to herself.

Wozwoz, Monique and Augustus reacted similarly – whatever their stance toward the hero, they still required his power against the demonic threat. The hero could not die now.

The Thirteen Sages also wore expressions of horror. If Qin Chu was assassinated here, they lacked the ability to conduct a second summoning for three years, by which time the entire Celestial Continent may have fallen to the monsters’ iron hooves.

Natiya’s complexion turned deathly pale in an instant.

Only Loseweisse’s eyes glinted with insane delight – die, die, die… She no longer cared what became of the Celestial Continent, only wanting to witness Qin Chu’s demise before her eyes.

Some intended to intervene, yet Qin Chu was closer and faster than the strongest present. His rapidly climbing level boosted his attributes, granting formidable might.

Qin Chu’s right hand lashed out like lightning. Just as the blade neared piercing his chest, it halted abruptly less than an inch from his heart.

His wrist seized, Donaldson strained futilely, the dagger refusing to advance that final inch – an insurmountable gulf separating him from the glory of slaying the hero.

In the next instant, Qin Chu wrenched his arm with a sickening crunch, shattering Donaldson’s wrist.

Agonized shrieks tore from Donaldson’s throat, a shrill, grating inhuman screech as his whole body convulsed violently.

Qin Chu then twisted his wrist, flinging Donaldson’s lacerated hand and dagger in a spinning arc that slashed open the demon’s throat with a wet squelch. A jagged gash appeared, thick white ichor spraying out to splatter the floor in viscous pools.

The opulent banquet’s mouthwatering aromas were instantly overwhelmed by the pungent, cloying reek filling the hall, causing many nobles to retch against walls, temporarily abandoned all decorum.

With his throat torn out, Donaldson’s life ended as the magic sustaining his disguise rapidly dissipated.

Beneath the elegant attire remained only a segmented, worm-like form dripping white viscera from the tattered fabric.

Now, anyone could see Donaldson’s abnormality.

Wozwoz frowned deeply, signaling guards who gingerly parted the robe, recoiling at the grotesque sight.

A pale, translucent maggot-like creature over a meter long with a twenty-centimeter diameter, wrinkled flesh pulsating as viscous white fluid oozed from a gaping wound, a spiral of jagged teeth lining a slit that seemed its mouth.

Not terrifying, but utterly revolting.

“An illusion demon…” Monique’s brow furrowed deeply, her flat stomach slightly churning – undoubtedly sickened.

“How did you discern it?” Augustus asked, more concerned over this than the demon’s identity. If even their strongest could not pierce its disguise, how had the newly summoned hero seen through it so easily?

This made Augustus wary of Qin Chu.

While needing the hero’s power against demons, they did not fully accept his existence – the hero represented both hope and threat.

All eyes focused on Qin Chu, awaiting his explanation.

Qin Chu calmly faced their scrutiny, delivering his pre-prepared lines. “It’s because I possess two transcendent abilities, one being Companion of Justice.”

“As long as I walk the righteous path, my power will continually grow.”

“This ability also grants me extraordinarily keen perception of demons. Any that approach, I can instantly detect and even discern their strengths and weaknesses…”

The Companion of Justice had never appeared in the Celestial Continent before – Qin Chu could spout any nonsense unchallenged.

His words stunned the crowd.

Transcendent abilities were exceedingly rare.

Yet their effects were immensely potent – Monique, Augustus and Wozwoz owed their present might and status to each possessing one transcendent ability.

Among the Thirteen Sages, only the youngest Natiya had such an ability.

Even the previous hero Jie Luo only possessed one transcendent ability, yet his strength surpassed the Pope and Matriarch.

For Qin Chu to have two transcendent abilities was astonishing.

Except the Thirteen Sages, all were awed by Qin Chu’s talent. Augustus, Monique and Wozwoz exchanged guarded looks, clearly not the outcome they desired. While needing the hero against demons, controlling one with two transcendent abilities would prove immensely difficult.

But others seemed unconcerned, the initial shock giving way to thunderous cheers.

“Two transcendent abilities, incredible – unprecedented in Celestial history!”

“Befitting the hero.”

“More gifted than the original hero.”

“The Celestial Continent is saved – those accursed demons will surely be vanquished.”

“Hope lies before us.”

The raucous roars and contorted, excited faces overlapped in Qin Chu’s perception with the execution scenes from his previous life – the imagery eerily similar.

Differing only in one side cheering his death, the other celebrating his role as their savior.

Qin Chu’s smile broadened as he opened his arms in an embracing gesture.


“I vow to bring the Celestial Continent…”

“Eternal tranquility!”

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode