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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! chapter 16

Chapter 16: The God of Vengeance 


Candice swallowed hard, glancing around nervously for any third parties possibly overhearing their exchange.

The travel route of a Brave Squad member?

This was monumental news.

Across the human realm of the Celestial Continent, former heroes held an exalted status only below the three supreme authorities – the Emperor, Matriarch and Pope.

Beneath them were the ten Brave Squad members, Thirteen Sages, Mercenary Union president and vice-president…

Formidably powerful figures of immense renown, especially the Brave Squad who had fought alongside the hero, jointly forcing demons back hundreds of miles to turn the tide, buying humanity precious time, their exploits vastly admired.

Yet this mysterious stranger now directly revealed to her the movements of a Brave Squad member – information of no small consequence.

“Which one?”

“Unmoving Shield Benson!”

Qin Chu had many targets for vengeance.

The Sacred Church’s Pope Augustus and Earth Mother Church’s Matriarch Monique – they used Heaven’s Cage Shackles and Gaia’s Embrace to seal his magic and martial power.

The Owell Emperor Wozwoz had soldiers unseal the Dark Witch Sayenigulasi and administer frenzy potions, leading to Qin Chu’s grievous wounding.

The former Mercenary Union, now Guardian Alliance President Karolsen – he used Damocritus’ Blade to sever Qin Chu’s head.

The Grand Commerce Union chairman Lex, controlling 90% of the Celestial media, weapons manufacturing, food and medicine production – he engineered vile toxins corrupting Qin Chu’s body while his media defamed his reputation.

And all but the youngest Natiya among the Thirteen Sages had summoned him to this world, arraying formidable spellcraft at his execution to amplify the Heaven’s Cage Shackles, Gaia’s Embrace and Damocritus’ Blade – utterly dismembering him.

But Qin Chu’s most loathed foes were his former comrades – the Brave Squad members themselves.

The Crimson War Goddess Ekaterina!

Twin Rogue Sisters Erin and Ellie!

Archmage Athena!

Noble Swordsman Ronald!

Frenzied Battler Calmerius!

Phantom Archer Sylvia!

Unmoving Shield Benson!

Death Knight Karsus!

And the woman who called him ‘dear’, feeding him medicine mouth-to-mouth while tenderly nursing him with fervent hopes for his recovery – the holy maiden

Loseweisse, once Qin Chu’s most beloved!

Truly, his vengeance knew no bounds.

Though enraged at the emperor, pope and matriarch’s attempts on his life, Qin Chu didn’t despair.

What he could not forgive was betrayal, deception.

The deeper the former love and brotherhood, the more virulent his present hatred.

Those once battle-sworn brothers had ultimately sat upon that lofty judgment dais, sneering triumphantly as he was torn asunder, collecting his dismembered remains to drain of blood.

Scattering his desecrated limbs across the Celestial Continent’s farthest corners while burying his severed head beneath the holy city to eternally endure millions of trampling feet.

What unfathomable malice and hatred drove such depravity?

He had regarded them as brothers, sisters, even lovers…yet in their eyes, he was a pitiful fool.

All cherished memories were built on lies!

Qin Chu dearly wished to eradicate these foes but currently lacked the power to defeat even one. He could only resort to vile means – yet compared to his own torment, no method seemed excessive.

These Brave Squad members had roamed the Celestial Continent combating demons while Qin Chu was newly summoned into the Owell imperial city, acting as his instructors before he matured, imparting martial power, skills and magic.

Thankfully, despite their immense dislike, they still feigned camaraderie, eagerly sharing tales of their travels. This allowed Qin Chu intimate familiarity with their movements.

He chose Benson as the easiest target – a loner lacking close comrades, unlikely to swiftly find support if ambushed.

Moreover, like Qin Chu’s previous self, Benson was among Loseweisse’s most devoted lapdogs, utterly subservient to her whims.

So Qin Chu would sever this loyal limb through demonic claws!

Recalling those events reignited the inferno within his chest as his eyes flashed crimson while an icy chill radiated outward.

Candice trembled, sensing an indescribable aura evoking primal dread from her soul’s depths despite Qin Chu releasing no overt power. It seemed the dashing youth before her was a hellish demon incarnate.

“Apologies, I lost composure.” Noting Candice’s state, Qin Chu reined in his presence, reverting to his original unruffled demeanor.

Candice’s throat bobbed as she forced a pallid smile. “No…no problem…”

“Do you wish me to report this intelligence?”

“Of course.”

“But how can I verify its authenticity?” Candice tentatively recovered her wits. “Who can ensure this isn’t a human trap?”

Though utterly convinced by his demeanor that Qin Chu harbored vengeance toward the Brave Squad member, the stakes were immense.

If a deception, demons would undoubtedly suffer severe losses – as the informant, Candice would face brutal retribution, her mind recoiling from imagining demons’ merciless punishment for treachery.

Chuckling softly, the composed Qin Chu took up the quill, circling another location beside the imperial city. Seeing it, Candice’s complexion paled drastically.

“The seventh son of the Eternal Monarch Nagath is likely lurking there, seemingly to eliminate the hero before he matures and becomes another Jie Luo…”

“Tell me, if I reveal this to your people, what are the prince’s chances of survival?”

Candice understood – Qin Chu harbored no intent to exterminate demons, merely utilizing them to dispose of the Brave Squad members.

“Then why not strike directly yourself? With your power, even Benson should pose no real threat.” Her curiosity surfaced.

This gave Qin Chu momentary pause as he rapidly fabricated an excuse, drumming his fingers on the counter.

Candice quickly caught herself. “Ah, forgive me, I overstepped. That’s not something I should ask, is it?”

Puffing her cheeks, she mumbled, “Knowing too much gets you killed.”

So astute, deftly excusing herself – how convenient.

Qin Chu shot her an inscrutable glance. “A clever girl, best you don’t pry further.”

While intelligent, Candice was clearly consumed by curiosity, especially about matters concerning herself – like how this cryptic stranger became so intimately informed.

Yet she restrained herself, fearing overstepping his indulgence.

Her lips trembled with the urge, fidgeting like a kitten resisting scratching an itch – an almost endearing display.

Truly too fresh for intelligence work.

Finally, she could resist no longer, realizing she didn’t even know this mysterious being’s name – an unforgivable discourtesy toward such an existence.

“Forgive me, but how should I address you…?”

Of course, Qin Chu wasn’t foolish enough to reveal his identity. After a contemplative pause:

“You may call me…”


The God of Vengeance.

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode