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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! chapter 5

Chapter 5: How to Get Revenge on This Woman?

Hatred… Loseweisse, the woman Qin Chu once loved most, yet also the one who hurt him deepest.

He nearly forgot – when first summoned, a banquet was held below the mountain to welcome him. After Zimmelmann briefly explained the Celestial Continent’s situation, this woman came up the mountain to invite him to the banquet.

In the moonlight, she remained pure, sacred, and beautiful as ever. He remembered instantly falling for her innocent charm at first sight.

“Hey, stay calm, don’t lose it. It’ll be over if you go berserk,” Sayeni warned in his ear.

She understood seeing the root of his miserable death would make anyone lose composure! But he had to control himself!

Clenching his fists tightly, veins bulging on his arms, nails almost piercing his palms, he took a deep breath. Relying on willpower and Forced Calm, he barely reined in his fury. Sayeni was right, he currently couldn’t defeat Loseweisse.

“Thank you…” “Hmph, not for you. I just don’t want to die with you,” Sayeni huffed, grumbling.

Seconds later, he finally looked back at Loseweisse, regaining his composure, even a tinge of blush from the earlier rage.

Loseweisse’s expression was also strange, clearly unnerved when the man opposite her had suddenly glared intensely.

“Pardon me, I was a bit improper staring like that,” Qin Chu seemed embarrassed.

His words dispelled Loseweisse’s unease. So this man had been stunned by her beauty? How disgusting. This man must have never seen a woman as beautiful as herself before.

Loseweisse felt a hint of pride, recalling Lord Jie Luo’s similar reaction upon first meeting her – it had brought shyness and joy. But seeing it in this man provoked only revulsion.

A hero could only be Jie Luo. This despicable impostor was nothing!

On the other side, the great sage Natiya frowned, inexplicably displeased.

Loseweisse was a born actress, showing no outward sign of her disgust, even blushing slightly as she coyly glanced at Qin Chu with charming grace.

Under Loseweisse’s lead, Qin Chu and the Thirteen Sages headed down the mountain. Along the way, Loseweisse seemed very curious about the hero, walking beside him intimately. Upon hearing of his two transcendent abilities, her large eyes sparkled with delight.

Inwardly, however, venomous thoughts swirled. This damned bastard actually possessed better abilities than Lord Jie Luo? Unforgivable!

As Qin Chu responded to Loseweisse, though intensely hating her, he couldn’t help but admire her remarkable skill.

This woman had an innocent demeanor easily gaining men’s favor. Her calculated closeness could make one mistakenly think she was interested.

Yet when approached, she would reject with perfectly valid reasons. She fully utilized all her advantages.

She rejected the hero yet remained closest to him, practically assuming the role of his girlfriend. Wherever the hero went, Loseweisse’s presence implied she shared his glory.

In the previous life, Loseweisse perfectly leveraged this, solidifying her core position in the Brave Squad. Combined with her holy maiden status, her prestige among the people grew immensely, commanding obedience surpassing even the Pope, becoming the Supreme Council’s chairwoman after the war.

Zimmelmann lingered beside the expressionless Natiya. “Natiya, you were wronged,” he consoled softly, referring to Qin Chu’s earlier impropriety.

Natiya shook her head slightly, eyes downcast. “It’s fine, I can distinguish what’s more important for the Celestial Continent.”

Zimmelmann felt relieved that his disciple had finally matured.

At that moment, Qin Chu’s voice came from ahead. “Lord Zimmelmann, may I return to my original world?”

Zimmelmann unhesitatingly replied, “Of course, after the monster issue is resolved, we can send you back to your original world.”

“Is that so? That’s wonderful.”

It was a lie. Once arriving in this world, there was no chance of returning. After defeating the Eternal Monarch and first sealing the Dark Witch in the previous life, Qin Chu had sought out Zimmelmann, who bluntly admitted to lying.

Following the winding, steep mountain path downwards, several carriages awaited at the base. Loseweisse pulled Qin Chu into the front carriage, already establishing her special position beside the hero.

Clop clop clop! The carriage rumbled over the rugged path, and before long, an immense city appeared.

Over twenty meters tall, the imposing city walls were constructed from solid rock, extremely sturdy – even ferocious monsters directly assaulting it would hardly make a dent.

This was the future Holy City, but presently the imperial capital of the Owell Empire.

Entering the city, a foul stench of decay and filth hung in the air, nauseating. Despite the late hour, a hunched sanitation worker in tattered rags mechanically swept the pockmarked streets, seemingly numb to this wretched life lest she lose a week’s wages for any littered debris.

Suddenly, she spotted a scrap of cloth, a glimmer in her dull, listless eyes – likely discarded by some wealthy person, it could make clothes for her children.

Qin Chu knew it was likely a noble’s pet accessory, carelessly tossed aside when dirtied.

Along the street, many unemployed beggared lay on the smoothed surfaces, shivering under thin newspapers despite the summer heat.

A malnourished, raggedly girl almost crawled fully into a trash bin, desperately scavenging until finding a gnawed chicken bone. Her eyes lit up at this luxury until a group of children snatched it away, leaving her dazed with tearful eyes.

Seconds later, her tiny frame burrowed back into the refuse, knowing she would starve without finding food, the drive to survive propelling her struggle in this cruel world.

Qin Chu’s fingers trembled slightly before he controlled himself.

He recalled stopping the carriage in his previous life out of sympathy, borrowing a hundred mana from Loseweisse to give this girl, hoping it would buy her bread.

But back then, he didn’t realize a hundred mana was an immense sum for commoners. After he left, other orphans had surrounded the girl, stealing the money and even breaking her legs, condemning her to a wheelchair from then on.

Loseweisse’s expression saddened. “The number of orphans has increased severalfold recently. Even the church can’t provide aid to every one.”

Qin Chu asked quietly, “Why?”

“Because their parents died fighting the monsters on the frontlines…” Loseweisse answered softly.


That sanitation worker labored because the nobles in power holding the Empire’s wealth refused to spend more hiring additional staff.

Those orphans’ soldier parents were supposed to receive compensation stipends according to imperial law.

But by their appearance, these orphans likely never even heard of such stipends. Their parents’ assets had probably been plundered too.

Loseweisse looked mournful, grasping Qin Chu’s rough hand and bringing it to her bosom, her body trembling with emotion as golden tresses swayed. Large, watery emerald eyes gazed up at him imploringly.

This woman certainly knew how to wield her charm’s allure. The gesture, combined with her beauty, was devastating. Her quivering body providing tantalizing momentary contact only heightened any man’s infatuation.

“Hero, I beg you, please save this world,” Loseweisse pleaded.

Unlike naively agreeing in his previous life, Qin Chu’s brow furrowed with concern. “I want to help this world, but…I worry about my abilities…”

“No, Hero, please don’t doubt yourself. The divine oracle proclaimed you the Celestial Continent’s destined hero. The fate of millions will change because of you!”

“You seem to really believe the oracle?”

“Of course. To our people, the divine oracle is supreme.” As the words left her lips, Loseweisse suddenly blushed, lowering her head.

After a moment, she timidly raised it, shyly glancing at Qin Chu. “What’s wrong? Did the oracle say more?”

Qin Chu raised an eyebrow inwardly mocking, I’ll just watch you perform. Let’s see what flower you can bloom.

Loseweisse grew increasingly bashful, until finally whispering, “The oracle…also said…the hero will be…my fated lover…”

Covering her face with both hands, her blush even spread to her ears in embarrassment.

Tsk, what an actress! Just how should he get revenge on this woman…?

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode