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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! chapter 7

Chapter 7: Beautiful Miss, Marry Me! (1)

Perhaps after learning the rumors about himself, the hero might think Angelica a heretic and an indecent person, staying away from her.

But at least for now, Angelica’s heart was filled with unprecedented emotion.

In truth, Qin Chu’s script had flaws – based on her attire alone, Angelica could never be the holy maiden, for no holy maiden would dress as a maid.

Yet a torrent of feeling overwhelmed any rational thought in Angelica’s moved and aggrieved state.

This was a pitiful woman. Qin Chu felt some remorse toward Angelica.

In the previous life, knowing her rumored past, Qin Chu had been very distant. This woman, rejected and bullied, suffered mental and physical torment descending into terror before Qin Chu finally killed her himself.

In her last dying moments, Angelica had even warned Qin Chu to beware of Loseweisse.

Sadly, Qin Chu never understood Loseweisse’s true nature then and disregarded Angelica’s warning.

Angelica harbored hatred for Loseweisse and resented the Church condemning her as a heretic without investigation. As a former holy maiden candidate, she also possessed decent abilities.

Considering all factors, she could become an ally against Loseweisse.

Seeing Angelica’s teary demeanor, Qin Chu stepped forward, raising a finger to wipe away her tears. “Please don’t cry. If others see this, they’ll think I’ve bullied you…”

His flustered manner made Angelica chuckle through her tears. The hero was truly kind – if this counted as bullying, what did her past torments amount to?

In their brief acquaintance, Angelica’s regard for Qin Chu had already grown.

But Angelica understood her position and the rumors surrounding her. Quickly composing herself, she stepped back. “Hero, please don’t treat me so gently. The holy maiden would be angered…for in the oracle, she is destined to be your lover…”

Yeah right…Loseweisse is the holy maiden, but there could be multiple heroes. If he couldn’t handle the monsters, there might be third or fourth heroes too – would they all be the holy maiden’s lovers? Not enough to go around.

This so-called oracle was bullshit.

Inwardly scoffing, his face remained smiling. “Is that so? But I don’t like Loseweisse…compared to her, I prefer you, Miss Maid…”

Angelica’s face instantly reddened as her newly steadied emotions roiled again.

Shyly glancing at Qin Chu, she said, “You jest, Hero. I must attend to assisting your changing. So many dignitaries, we can’t keep them waiting too long…”

Right, she absolutely couldn’t be swayed by the hero’s words and entertain unrealistic fantasies about two people from completely different worlds.

Sensing he had said enough, Qin Chu didn’t continue teasing her.

Under Angelica’s service, he changed into a fitted, elaborate tuxedo tail coat.

A previous scene replayed, but Qin Chu’s mentality was completely different now.

The banquet hall was filled with the glow of red lanterns and wine, exquisite pastries and perfectly blended beverages neatly arrayed. This excessive food would surely go to waste if uneaten.

An orchestra played soothing music as Qin Chu feigned earnest affability toward the enthusiastically welcoming nobles and clergy.

The hero’s status was extremely important – everyone wanted good relations with him. If this hero could truly defeat the monsters and bring peace, those close to him would naturally reap greater postwar benefits.

Loseweisse stayed constantly by Qin Chu’s side, eagerly introducing him to the nobles, deliberately fostering an impression of intimacy to elevate her own standing, appearing as the hero’s lover despite having no actual relationship.

Watching their seemingly warm interactions, Qin Chu inwardly sneered, never forgetting their smug, gloating faces when executing him in the previous life.

He would spare none of them.

After three rounds of wine, the burly, beast-like Emperor Wozwoz of the Owell Empire and the elderly yet benevolent-looking Pope Augustus of the Sacred Church in his pristine white robes surrounded Qin Chu alongside the mature, noble Matriarch Monique of the Earth Mother Church, exuding gracious femininity.

Experiencing the previous life, Qin Chu knew exactly what they intended.

“Hero, we hope you’ll make a public declaration to all citizens in the imperial city tomorrow,” Wozwoz smiled. “The monster threat has intensified recently, with heavy casualties on the frontlines. The citizens are living in terror – the hero’s public appearance would greatly bolster morale.”

Qin Chu sipped his red wine. “Your Majesty…I don’t recall agreeing to fight the monsters for you?”


This statement stunned Wozwoz, Augustus, and Monique.

Was that not the hero’s duty?

Otherwise, why had they expended such effort summoning him?

The hero’s own wishes were irrelevant.

As the hero, he was obligated to fight the monsters for them.

“Hero, what do you mean by this?” Wozwoz asked suspiciously.

“I mean, monsters are very dangerous, right? Why should I risk my life fighting them for you? What’s in it for me?” Qin Chu raised an eyebrow.

Ah, he wanted rewards.

The three immediately relaxed – whether money or women, they could provide as long as it didn’t affect their power.

“Hero, you needn’t worry. In the Celestial Continent, you’ll receive the highest treatment – a monthly salary of one hundred thousand mana. If you want anything else, simply ask. The Owell Empire is vast and bountiful, we can fulfill any request.”

Qin Chu suddenly looked sheepish. “Ahem, thank you Your Majesty, but this isn’t about money. I’m not greedy…It’s just…ahem, well…”

“You know, I’m twenty-three this year with no romantic prospects. Facing monsters could mean death at any moment. I can’t die without having a wife, right? We have an old saying – of the three greatest unfilial acts, dying without an heir is the worst. You understand my meaning?”

The implication was obvious – they had to give him a wife!

Wozwoz and Augustus exchanged knowing male smiles. This bold hero desired women more than money, eh?

Understandable, understandable for a man…

Beside them, Matriarch Monique’s fair face reddened slightly as she scoffed lightly.

The entire banquet hall had fallen silent, all attention focused on the hero and these great figures. Qin Chu’s words rang clear.

In this open-minded world, none found his request problematic.

In an instant, all eyes turned toward Loseweisse.

Was the hero about to propose to Loseweisse?

Who else could it be but her? For Loseweisse was so beautiful, elegant, sacred – her gentle demeanor could captivate even women.

The Church’s holy maiden, a prestigious position.

The two had appeared rather intimate earlier, and the oracle even proclaimed Loseweisse as the hero’s destined lover.

They seemed a perfect pair. Some younger ladies couldn’t help feeling envious – marrying the hero would elevate one’s status tremendously. Alas, they had no chance.

Loseweisse froze momentarily before her face reddened intensely.

Yet inwardly, venomous curses swirled.

This bastard Qin Chu dared propose to her now, publicly?

Being openly proposed to by the hero before so many dignitaries would greatly satisfy her vanity.

But what a joke – she would never marry Qin Chu. Her body and heart belonged solely to Lord Jie Luo, never allowing another man’s taint, even if he was the hero.

Was he trying to force her submission through outside pressure and atmosphere?

Wozwoz guffawed heartily, slapping Qin Chu’s shoulder – a beast of a man even attending a banquet in full armor. Though restraining his strength, Qin Chu still winced painfully, grimacing.

Stop it, or I’ll fall apart.

“Hahaha, so the hero is also a man of passion! Excellent, I like it…” Wozwoz beamed. “Very well then, my imperial decree grants you a wife. Beauty abounds here – royal princesses, even my beloved youngest daughter, ladies of noble houses, nuns of the Church. Take your pick, Hero. I doubt any maiden could refuse you…”

A glance revealed his generous, manly character.

Yet his thoughts ran deep.

Deliberately mentioning his youngest daughter’s presence hinted at intentions for Qin Chu to pursue her, firmly binding the hero to the imperial family for stabilizing the monarchy.

Some noble ladies’ eyes instantly brightened hearing this.

Without needing prompting from their fathers, they straightened their postures, accentuating their alluring figures. Some even loosened their collars, exposing tantalizing hints of fair skin to attract the hero’s gaze.

Other nobles inwardly lamented not bringing their daughters, however slim the chance.

As Wozwoz finished speaking, Qin Chu strode directly toward Loseweisse.

Natiya’s brow furrowed slightly, her expression strange.

Angelica sighed wistfully, resigning the hero to be with the holy maiden.

As for Loseweisse, her flushed face only reddened further as she fiddled with the hem of her dress, feigning shyness. She had prepared to express it an honor, but claim her heart was with the people until the monster threat ended, unable to immediately accept the hero’s proposal.

Once the monsters were defeated, she would consider marrying him – buying time to plot the hero’s demise, never allowing her sacred body to be defiled by this filth.

Her bashful, joyful smile wavered as Qin Chu’s footsteps neared. He stood before her, extending his hand.

Loseweisse instinctively reached out, ready to voice her pre-planned response.

But then, Qin Chu suddenly sidestepped, avoiding her hand. Taking a stride forward, he grasped the delicate fingers of the maid Angelica standing behind Loseweisse.

“Beautiful Miss, marry me…”

“Eh…ehh…EHHHH?! How did this happen?”

Angelica froze, unsure how to react.

Loseweisse stiffened, her outstretched hand awkwardly hanging as darkness clouded her expression.

Her body trembled with intense rage and hatred.

This damned bastard…he wasn’t proposing to her?

How dare he!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode