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Dear, it’s time for your medicine! chapter 9

Chapter 9: I’m a Maid Fetishist (1)

Originally, Loseweisse didn’t intend to go this far. She disliked Qin Chu, but him choosing the vile Angelica over her ignited her competitive spirit. She had to snatch Qin

Chu back from Angelica, proving herself the most alluring woman in the Celestial Continent!

She shot a smug glance at the ashen, despairing Angelica with hollow, golden eyes.

That pitiful sight filled Loseweisse with sadistic pleasure, more exciting than previously humiliating and abusing Angelica.

As Qin Chu silently watched this woman feign a damsel-in-distress act, carefully trying to disrupt his proposal to Angelica and choose her instead, he felt a sense of vindictive gratification.

In the previous life, he had doted on her like a puppy, only to receive her ambiguous rejection and eventual agony of being torn apart in despair.

Women like Loseweisse clearly needed to be properly disciplined.

However, Qin Chu wasn’t so easily swayed. This lifetime, he would never again let Loseweisse play him like before. He would make this woman endure more humiliation, stripping her of everything.

Suppressing his excitement, Qin Chu eyed Angelica suspiciously, a gaze that made her tremble.

No…please don’t look at me like that.

Her thin shoulders quivered, her expression one of tearless grief.

“Was there really such a thing?” Qin Chu spoke after a few seconds.

Loseweisse quickly nodded. “If you don’t believe me, Hero, you can ask His Holiness…”

Augustus confirmed it. “Indeed, it was during the holy maiden selection with four candidates total. Loseweisse and Angelica were the most outstanding, most likely to be chosen.”

“But unexpectedly, Angelica became corrupted by selfish desires. To secure the position for herself, she willingly fell into depravity, casting an evil curse on the other three candidates – two died immediately. Only Loseweisse was fortunate to discover it in time and narrowly survived.”


Angelica was no fool. Directly cursing the other three but not herself was basically announcing “I did this, come investigate me.”

If Angelica truly wanted to do such a thing, she should have cursed herself and the other two, deflecting all suspicion onto Loseweisse.

Angelica remained silent, not even defending herself – she knew it was useless, no one would believe her.

Now that the hero knew what kind of woman she was, he would likely share everyone else’s disgust and avoidance. After all, who wanted to be close to someone so unclean and vile?

Yet it still stung.

“Hero, Angelica is a sinner, a lowly maid – utterly unworthy of you. It would bring you shame.”
“You should reconsider and choose a woman of appropriate status and position!”
“How about Loseweisse? She is the Church’s holy maiden, of noble standing befitting you. And she is kind – we would feel more at ease with her by your side.” Augustus smiled.

Loseweisse, kind?

Qin Chu had experienced her “kindness.”

All eyes focused here, eager to see who the hero would ultimately choose. Though the outcome was still unclear, the circumstances strongly favored Loseweisse.

After learning Angelica’s true nature, any sane person would never choose her.

Loseweisse puffed out her chest, bright eyes flickering as she gazed at Qin Chu, hands clasped beseechingly – a pitiful sight meant to convey the holy maiden’s deep affection for the hero.

Had Qin Chu not already known Loseweisse’s nature, even he might have been swayed by this consummate actress.

After briefly pondering, Qin Chu’s gaze fell upon Loseweisse.

Here it comes!

Loseweisse’s face flushed, shooting Angelica a sidelong glance. This vile wretch didn’t deserve to contend with her. Despite a few hiccups, the hero ultimately chose her – proving she was still the Celestial Continent’s most alluring woman!

Matters had progressed this far, she could no longer refuse Qin Chu’s proposal. She could first accept becoming his lover, dealing with marriage and intimacy later.


Qin Chu’s voice entered her ear as she blushed shyly. “I’m here…”

“Apologies, but I still prefer her.”

“Yes, I acc-…eh?”

Loseweisse instinctively began accepting before realizing Qin Chu’s words seemed off.

Her bashfully lowered head shot up, freezing.

Qin Chu’s gaze had turned fully to Angelica, somehow grasping her hand again. “Beautiful miss, for the third time, will you marry me?”


The surroundings instantly erupted again into commotion.

The gazes toward Loseweisse couldn’t help carrying a hint of mockery.

“Tsk, getting dumped is just so pathetic.”

“The mighty holy maiden, lower than even a maid.”

“Relying on being the holy maiden to monopolize Lord Jie Luo before, I wanted to get to know him a few times…ah not that, seduce him, but Loseweisse blocked me. Never thought she’d end up like this.”

While men remained oblivious, these noble ladies had seen it all. They clearly understood Loseweisse was already trying to seduce the hero – the holy maiden disregarding even her status and dignity, only to get rejected in the end.

How utterly pitiful.

Loseweisse’s body trembled uncontrollably, another resounding slap to her face as she suffered unprecedented humiliation before so many people.

The pitying, mocking gazes felt like countless blades piercing her, the hushed whispers driving Loseweisse nearly insane with fury.

The resentment fermenting in her heart had never been so virulent, her hatred for Qin Chu unparalleled.

This bastard dared repeatedly shame her despite her utmost abasement.

Vengeance – she would make this man deeply regret his decision today, make him understand the error of his ways.

Meanwhile, Augustus’ expression turned strange – this deviated from his plan to utilize Loseweisse for binding Qin Chu, benefiting the Sacred Church.

Though once a holy maiden candidate, Angelica had been stripped of her status, nearly burned at the stake – surely harboring resentment against the Church, not easily controlled.

Watching his scheme unravel, Augustus couldn’t help interjecting, “Hero, you should recons-”

Wozwoz’s hearty laughter interrupted him. “Since the hero has settled on Angelica, so be it! I approve this marriage. Though I’d rather have you wed my daughter instead, hahaha…”

“Augustus, a forced marriage never lasts. Though Lady Loseweisse is outstanding, we must still respect the hero’s wishes, don’t you agree?”

Though outwardly amicable, Wozwoz, Augustus and Monique schemed incessantly behind the scenes.

Each wished to sway the hero to their faction, but no woman proved more alluring than Loseweisse for securing the previous hero Jelo’s infatuation and elevating the Sacred Church’s prestige.

Now Qin Chu had chosen Angelica over the imperial princesses or nuns of the Earth Mother Church – already a tremendous victory for Wozwoz and Monique.

Neither would give Augustus another chance to sway the hero.

“Though Angelica was once a sinner, I believe the hero can guide her redemption – why should we prevent this?” Monique smiled. “But of course, we must hear Miss Angelica’s wishes…”

Qin Chu smiled at Angelica, awaiting her response.

Her body quivering, Angelica never expected Qin Chu to still choose her after learning the rumors. She didn’t know what emotion filled her, only a warm sensation in her chest – a long-forgotten warmth.

She wanted to use the hero’s aid to escape her cage. But now Angelica hesitated, could such happiness truly be possible?

“I…I…” Her voice trembled. “I’m unworthy of the hero…”

“I don’t mind.”

“I’m a sinner…”

“I don’t care!”

“I’m just a lowly maid…”

“That’s even better, I’m a maid fetishist…”

Hiss… Stunned silence greeted this remark.

Well now, this bold hero unabashedly revealing his fetish before the crowds – befitting of one called hero.

No wonder he chose Angelica. Some ladies pondered whether to have their maids lend them outfits to try seducing him.

Trembling, Angelica’s emerald tresses swayed as tears brimmed in her golden eyes. After a deep breath, she raised her head, face blooming with a blissful smile.

“Thank you for the hero’s favor, but…I’m sorry, I cannot. No, I am unworthy to be your lover. One more outstanding should match you, not me…”

“However, if the hero does not mind, I will gladly remain by your side as your personal maid, serving you for all my life.”

A personal maid?

Didn’t sound too bad.

The important part was “personal” after all.

Wozwoz heartily slapped Qin Chu’s shoulder in congratulations for securing a beauty, other nobles offering blessings.

Only Loseweisse stood silently behind Qin Chu and Angelica, trembling as she struggled to suppress her overwhelming fury, those golden eyes already tinged red.

She should have been the other center of attention at this banquet, but now the honor meant for her had been wholly usurped by that vile wretch Angelica.

Kill him, kill her, kill them both…


Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Dear, it’s time for your medicine!

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Synopsis: "Dear, it's time for your medicine!" The beautiful and pure holy maiden brought the medicine to treat his wounds. On this day, he witnessed betrayal with his own eyes and experienced despair with his soul... From this day on, the brave hero was dead, if there's anything, burn paper offerings!


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not work with dark mode