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I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions 17

Chapter 17: The Price

“What can I offer?” Yukinoshita Saori tightly clenched her small hands as she silently looked at Luo Feng.

Money? If she had money, or if the stocks hadn’t suffered such losses, she would still have some assets.

But would a devil need money?

Wait, was she really going to make a deal with a devil?

Stories, TV shows, and movies about devils were everywhere, but without exception, they all talked about how terrifying the devil’s traps were.

However, all of these had one premise: that the devil could really fulfill people’s wishes, even if he wanted more in return.

For Yukinoshita Saori, her family was the most important. She didn’t want the Yukinoshita family to fall apart in her hands.

In the past few days, she had already tasted the coldness of human relationships and didn’t want to live like this anymore. She wanted to be as glorious as before.

“Soul, lifespan.” Luo Feng shook his head. “Unfortunately, your own soul and lifespan aren’t valuable enough to save your family.”

“That person just now…” Yukinoshita Saori opened her mouth.

The young man from earlier had become a rich second-generation just by offering his soul.

“Your family’s assets are quite different.” Luo Feng showed a delighted smile.

Yukinoshita Saori nodded, temporarily accepting this reason.

“Then… what if I include my daughters?” Yukinoshita Saori probed.

To be honest, she didn’t believe in things like souls before. She also didn’t know how terrifying it was to sell one’s soul to the devil.

However, this didn’t stop her from making promises with her soul because ignorance had caused countless people to fall into the devil’s traps.

Once the soul belonged to the devil, it meant that the soul would never have a next life and its existence would belong to hell.

The lucky souls might become the devil’s subordinates, while the normal ones would be constantly tortured, their suffering refined to become the foundation of hell.

Or they would be like those hellish programmers, living a life of being exploited and overworked day and night, adding bricks and tiles to hell’s happiness.

In hell, 97% were working, serving the 3% who were demons and devils.

And Luo Feng was one of those 3% being served.

“Then I’ll have to see if they’re worth it.” Luo Feng shook his head. “If their souls are full of sin or very pure, then they’ll have high value. If they’re just mediocre souls, their value will be a bit low.”

As he spoke, Luo Feng showed a delighted smile. “So, you should pray that your education has produced good daughters. Don’t try to let others exchange with their souls. You have no right to make those who aren’t blood-related pay with their souls. Even for your daughters, you can only let them willingly offer their soul imprints.”

“I have photos of my daughters…”

“That’s meaningless.” Luo Feng said indifferently. “No matter how beautiful the appearance is, it’s just an appearance. What I want is the soul. Only if the soul is beautiful enough can it be qualified to serve the devil. Only if the soul is evil enough can it eternally sink in hell and become the source of hell’s power.”

“I understand. I’ll have my daughters come visit.” Yukinoshita Saori took a deep breath. “May I ask if this deal can be made at any time?”

“I don’t mind.” Luo Feng spread his hands. “As long as you think your family can hold on, you can come back next year too.”

Yukinoshita Saori pondered.

Based on the current cash flow, plus the fact that everyone was kicking them while they were down, it would be a blessing if they could last a month.

Although the older daughter had been trying to find a way, there were definitely more enemies than friends at this time. Too many people were waiting for them to die so they could divide up the Yukinoshita family.

In such matters, one couldn’t trust friendship.

“If there’s nothing else, just stay here and continue drinking.” Luo Feng stood up. “As I said before, this meal is on me.”

“Thank you…” Yukinoshita Saori responded cautiously.

She wanted her two daughters to come now and let Luo Feng inspect them, but it was so late…

Thinking of this, she decisively took out her phone and started making calls.

“Hello, Haruno(1)? Where are you?”

“Phew… I just got home. He’s not willing to invest…”

“I understand. Come find me now.”

“It’s so late…”

“I have a way. Just come first and we’ll talk.”

“Okay, got it.”

“Hello, Yukino, where are you? Come find me.”

“I’m not in Chiba.”

“What did you go do? When will you be back?”

“Attending Ms. Hiratsuka’s wedding. She married a… I guess you could say a friend of mine.”

“Then while you’re at it, talk to Ms. Hiratsuka about our family’s recent…”

“I already asked. Ms. Hiratsuka is powerless. At most, she can lend me some money in her personal capacity, but it’s not nearly enough to make up for it.”

Beep, beep.

Yukinoshita Saori put down her phone with a gloomy expression. Have your wings hardened?

Luo Feng returned behind the counter and continued watching the news. After a while, he found it boring and started watching anime instead.

Speaking of which, why hasn’t Hunter x Hunter been updated yet? Should he lower the author’s gambling luck and make him run out of money so he’ll come update it himself? And the author of Black Bullet seems to like playing the stock market too, right? Should he tempt him to buy some US stocks?

Luo Feng shook his head. It seemed like even without his influence, they would fall into the trap.

Just then, a message popped up on his computer.

Luo Feng took a glance and immediately started laughing.

The programmers in hell were really useful. He had only stated the requirements, and they had made it so quickly.

He just didn’t know how many programmers had become the foundation of hell because they were too slow or for other reasons.

With this app developed, how many people would receive the devil’s favor and then willingly sell their souls to obtain the benefits they wanted?

I’m really the kindest devil, solving the wishing problems of so many people at once.

Luo Feng opened the app with an emulator and also issued a new command to develop a PC version.

He browsed through it bit by bit. The software was like a normal one, with the name “Seven Deadly Sins,” and the introduction stated that any transaction could be made on it.

As long as humans were willing to make a wish, Luo Feng would propose conditions. If they agreed, they could receive what Luo Feng granted, and then Luo Feng would collect the corresponding payment through the software.

Compared to the previous computer operation, it was a bit simpler and didn’t require Luo Feng to actively seek people out.

Just as Luo Feng was playing with this software, a woman entered through the door.

She had light red eyes and short gray hair dyed red at the ends. She was wearing a small suit and had an impeccable smile on her face.

Luo Feng could tell that her smile was fake, like a mask.

Character from the anime : Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru

Yukinoshita Haruno:

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

I Am a Devil, I Only Understand Transactions

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Author: ,
As long as I don't have morals, morality can't hold me hostage. Do I need a strategy to deal with a lustful body? As long as she has dreams, she can't escape my demonic grasp. Are angels meddling? Then let the angels fall and become succubi. Sorry, I'm not a devil from a light novel, not an embarrassing devil, but a real devil. Luo Feng looked at Ginko Sora, who wanted to reach the pinnacle of shogi, at Yukinoshita, who wanted to change human nature, and at Raphiel, who wanted to protect her friends, revealing a delighted smile.


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not work with dark mode